624 resultados para Eutrophication.


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Dissertation elaborated for the partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master Degree in Civil Engineering in the Speciality Area of Hydarulics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are widely used on a daily basis. After their usage they reach the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These compounds have different physico-chemical characteristics, which makes them difficult to completely remove in the WWTPs, througth conventional treatments. Currently, there is no legislation regarding PPCPs thresholds in effluent discharge. But, even at vestigial concentrations, these compounds enclose environmental risks due to, e.g., endocrine disruption potential. There is a need of alternative techniques for their removal in WWTPs. The main goal of this work was to assess the use of electrodialytic (ED) process to remove PPCPs from the effluent to be discharged. A two-compartment ED cell was used testing (i) the effluent position in the cell (anode and cathode compartment); (ii) the use of anion (AEM) and cation exchange membrane (CEM); (iii) the treatment period (6, 12 and 24 hours); (iv) effluent recirculation and current steps; (v) the feasibility of sequential treatments. Phosphorus (P) removal from effluent and energetic costs associated to the process were also evaluated. Five PPCPs were studied – caffeine (CAF), bisphenol A (BPA), 17 β-estradiol (E2), ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and oxybenzone (MBPh). The ED process showed to be effective in the removal when effluent is in the anode compartment. Oxidation is suggested to be the main removal process, which was between 88 and 96%, for all the compounds, in 6 hours. Nevertheless, the presence of intermediates and/or by-products was also observed in some cases. Effluent recirculation should have a retention time in the ED cell big enough to promote removal whereas the current steps (effluent in anode compartment) slightly increased removal efficiencies (higher than 80% for all PPCPs). The sequential set of ED treatment (effluent in anode compartment) showed to be effective during both periods with a removal percentage between 80 and 95% and 73 to 88% in the case of AEM and CEM, respectively. Again, the main removal process is strongly suggested to be oxidation in the anode compartment. However, there was an increase of BOD5 and COD, which might be explained by effluent spiking, these parameters limiting the effluent discharge. From these treatments, the use of AEM, enhanced the P removal from effluent to minimize risk of eutrophication. Energetic costs of the best set-up (6 hours) are approximately 0,8€/m3 of wastewater, a value considered low, attending to the prices of other treatment processes.


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Core samples of postglacial sediments and sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake on the Bruce Peninsula, Harts Lake on the Canadian Shield, and two cores from Georgian Bay (core P-l in the western deep part and core P-7 in the eastern shallow part) have been analyzed for pH, grain size distribution, water content, bulk density, loss on ignition at 4500C and 11000 C, major oxides (Si02 ,A1203,!FeO,MgO,CaO, Na20,K20,Ti02 ,MnO and P205) and trace elements (Ba,Zr,Sr,y,S, Zn,Cu,Ni,Ce and Rb). The sediment in Georgian Bay are generally fine grained (fine silt to very fine silty clay) and the grain size decreases from the Canadian Shield (core p-7) towards the Bruce Peninsula (core P-l) along the assumed direction of sediment transport. This trend coincides with a decrease in sorting coefficient and an increase in roundness. Other physical characteristics, such as water content, bulk density and loss on ignition are positively correlated with the composition of sediments and their compaction, as well as with the energy of the depositional environment. Analyses of sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake and Harts Lake indicate the influence of bedrock and surficial deposits in the watershed on pH condition that is also influenced by the organic matter content and probably I ! I man's activities. Organic matter content increases significantly in the surface sediment in these small lakes as a result of either natural eutrophication or anthropogenic organic loading. The extremely high organic matter content in Shepherd Lake sediment indicates rapid natural eutrophication in this closed basin and high biological productivity during postglacial time, probably due to high nutrient levels and shallow depth. The chemical composition of the Canadian Shield bedrock is positively correlated with the chemical characteristics of predominantly inorganic lake sediments that were derived from the Shield rocks by glacial abrasion and by postglacial weathering and erosion of both bedrock and surficial deposits. High correlation coefficients were found between organic matter in lake sediments and major oxides (Si02,AI203,.~FeO, MgO,CaO,K20 and MnO) , as well as some trace elements (Ba,Y, S,Zn,Cu,Ni and Rb). The chemical composition of sediments in Harts Lake and core P-7 in Georgian Bay on the Canadian Shield differs from the chemistry of sediments in Shepherd Lake and core P-l in Georgian Bay on the Bruce Peninsula. The difference between cores P-l and P-7 is indicated by values of Si02 , AI203 ,:LFeo,Mgo,CaO,Ba,Zr,Sr,y and S, and also by the organic matter content. This study indicates that the processes of sediment transport, depositional environment, weathering of the rocks and surficial deposits in the watershed, as well as chemical composition of source rocks all affect the chemical characteristics of lake sediments. The stratigraphic changes and variations in lake sediment chemistry with regard to major oxides, trace elements, and organic matter content are probably related to the history of glacial and postglacial lake stages of the Georgian Bay Region and, therefore, the geochemical data can make a useful contribution to a better understanding of the Late-Quaternary history of the Great Lakes.


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Relationships between surface sediment diatom assemblages and lake trophic status were studied in 50 Canadian Precambrian Shield lakes in the Muskoka-Haliburton and southern Ontario regions. The purpose of this study was to develop mathematical regression models to infer lake trophic status from diatom assemblage data. To achieve this goal, however, additional investigations dealing with the evaluation of lake trophic status and the autecological features of key diatom species were carried out. Because a unifying index and classification for lake trophic status was not available, a new multiple index was developed in this study, by the computation of the physical, chemical and biological data from 85 south Ontario lakes. By using the new trophic parameter, the lake trophic level (TL) was determined: TL = 1.37 In[1 +(TP x Chl-a / SD)], where, TP=total phosphorus, Chl-a=chlorophyll-a and SD=Secchi depth. The boundaries between 7 lake trophic categories (Ultra-oligotrophic lakes: 0-0.24; Oligotrophic lakes: 0.241-1.8; Oligomesotrophic lakes: 1.813.0; Mesotrophic lakes: 3.01-4.20; Mesoeutrophic lakes: 4.21-5.4; Eutrophic lakes: 5.41-10 and Hyper-eutrophic lakes: above 10) were established. The new trophic parameter was more convenient for management of water quality, communication to the public and comparison with other lake trophic status indices than many of the previously published indices because the TL index attempts to Increase understanding of the characteristics of lakes and their comprehensive trophic states. It is more reasonable and clear for a unifying determination of true trophic states of lakes. Diatom specIes autecology analysis was central to this thesis. However, the autecological relationship of diatom species and lake trophic status had not previously been well documented. Based on the investigation of the diatom composition and variety of species abundance in 30 study lakes, the distribution optima of diatom species were determined. These determinations were based on a quantitative method called "weighted average" (Charles 1985). On this basis, the diatom species were classified into five trophic categories (oligotrophic, oligomesotrophic, mesotrophic, mesoeutrophic and eutrophic species groups). The resulting diatom trophic status autecological features were used in the regressIon analysis between diatom assemblages and lake trophic status. When the TL trophic level values of the 30 lakes were regressed against their fi ve corresponding diatom trophic groups, the two mathematical equations for expressing the assumed linear relationship between the diatom assemblages composition were determined by (1) uSIng a single regression technique: Trophic level of lake (TL) = 2.643 - 7.575 log (Index D) (r = 0.88 r2 = 0.77 P = 0.0001; n = 30) Where, Index D = (0% + OM% + M%)/(E% + ME% + M%); 4 (2) uSIng a' multiple regressIon technique: TL=4.285-0.076 0%- 0.055 OM% - 0.026 M% + 0.033 ME% + 0.065 E% (r=0.89, r2=0.792, P=O.OOOl, n=30) There was a significant correlation between measured and diatom inferred trophic levels both by single and multiple regressIon methods (P < 0.0001, n=20), when both models were applied to another 20 test lakes. Their correlation coefficients (r2 ) were also statistically significant (r2 >0.68, n=20). As such, the two transfer function models between diatoms and lake trophic status were validated. The two models obtained as noted above were developed using one group of lakes and then tested using an entirely different group of lakes. This study indicated that diatom assemblages are sensitive to lake trophic status. As indicators of lake trophic status, diatoms are especially useful in situations where no local trophic information is available and in studies of the paleotrophic history of lakes. Diatom autecological information was used to develop a theory assessing water quality and lake trophic status.


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Crawford Lake is a meromictic lake, which is 24 m deep and has an area of 2.5 ha, and has never been reported to have mixed below 16 m. Lady Evelyn Lake, which became a reservoir when a dam was built in 1916, is dimictic with a maximum depth of about 35 m. 1 My research proved that both native chlorophylls and the ratio of chlorophyll derivatives to total carotenoids were better preserved in the shallower lake (Crawford Lake) because it was meromictic. Thus the anaerobic conditions in Crawford Lake below 16 m (monimolimnion) provide excellent conditions for pigment preservation. Under such conditions, the preservation of both chlorophylls and carotenoids, including oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll, are extremely good compared with those of Lady Evelyn Reservoir, in which anaerobic conditions are rarely encountered at the mud-water interface. During the period from 1500 to 1900 A. D. in Crawford Lake, the accumulation rates of oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll were extremely high, but those of chlorophyll derivatives and total carotenoids were relatively low. This was correlated with the presence of a dense benthic mat of cyanobacteria near the lake's chemocline. Competition for light between the deep dwelling cyanobacteria and overlying phytoplankton in this meromictic lake would have been intensified as the lake became more and more eutrophic (1955-1991 A. D.). During the period from 1955 to 1991 A. D., the accumulation rates of chlorophyll derivatives and total carotenoids in the sediment core from Crawford Lake (0-7.5 cm, 1955-present) increased. During this same period, the accumulation rates of cyanobacterial pigments (Le. oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll) declined as the lake became more eutrophic. Because the major cyanobacteria in Crawford Lake are benthic mat forming Lyngbya and Oscillatoria and not phytoplankton, eutrophication resulted in a decline of the mat forming algal pigments. This is important because in previous palaeolimnological studies the concentrations of oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll have been used as correlates with lake trophic levels. The results of organic carbon a13c analysis on the Crawford Lake sediment core supported the conclusions from the pigment study as noted above. High values of a13c at the depth of 34-48 cm (1500-1760 A. D.) were related to a dense population of benthic Oscillatoria and Lyngbya living on the bottom of the lake during that period. The Oscillatoria and Lyngbya utilized the bicarbonate, which had a high a 13C value. Very low values were found at 0-7 cm in the Crawford sediment core. At this time phytoplankton was the main primary producer, which enriched 12C by photosynthetic assimilation.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a classifi cation scheme for l ake trophic status based on the relative abundance of l ake sediment diatom trophic indicator species. A total of 600 diatom frustules were counted from the surface sediments of e a ch of 30 lakes selected to repr e seni~ a continuum from u.lt ra-oligotrophic t,o fairly eutrophic but not hype r-' eutrophic conditions. Published autecological information was used to determine the trophic indicator status of each of the s pecies. A quotieht was derived by dividing the s um of all the e utrophic indicator species by the sum of all oligotrophic indicai.-:.or species. Oligo'- mesotrophic. mesotrophic and meso-eutrophic species were added to both the numerator and denomina tor. Five categories of diatom i.nferred trophic status were recognized : ultra-oligotrophic - 0'-0.2:3, oligotrophic::: 0.24-0 . 70, mesotrophic :: 0.'71 -0.99, meso-elxtrophic :: 1. 00-1. '78 and eutrophic:: 1.. 79-2. 43. But only three of these (oligotrophic:: 0-0.69, mesotrophic ::: 0 . 70'-1.69 j and eutrophic:: 1.70-2.50) proved usef ul. The present study of the relationship between diatom inferred trophic status and the literature-derived trophic status of SO lake s (which were purposely chosen to represent a broad spectrum of lakes in Canada) indicated that: 1) Based on diatom species (assemblages ) it is possible to segregate the lakes from which. th",)se diatoms were taken into three basic categories : o ligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic lake types. ~~) It was not possible t,o separate meso-eutrophic and o l igo-mesotrophic lakes f rom mesotrophic l akes as the the degree of overlap betwee n the diat,om species in these lake types was extremely high. 3) Ha d mo r e ul tra-oligotroph,ic lakes been sampled it might have been possible to more a ccurately s eparate them f rom oligotrophic Jakes. 4 ) Had. more humic lakes been sampled in this s tudy I f eel it would have been possible to identify a unique diatom a ssemblage which would h a ve chara cterized t his lake type . Re gression analyses were performed using the aforementioned diatom inferred trophic index as a f unction of 1) log Sec chi transparency (r = - 0.70) 2) total phosphorus (r = 0. 77 ) and 3) chlorophyll-a (r = 0.74). Once e ach of these rel ationships had been established , it was possible to infer paleotrophic (downcore) changes in an oligotrophic lake (Barbara Lake) and in a eutrophic lake (Chemung Lake) . Barbara Llake was dominated by oligotrophic s pecies and remained oligotrophic throughout the 200-·year history r epresented by i t s 32 em long sediment core. Chemung Lake is currently dominated. by eutrophic species but went through a mesotrophic st,age which was associated with a rise in the water level of the lake followi n g dam construction in its watershed in the early 1.900 J ::;. This was followed by its reversion to it,s present day eutrophic stage (dominated by eutrophic species) possibly as a r esult of shallowing process which can be attributed to " silting' up" of the reservoir and the invasion of the l ake by Myriophyllum spjcatum (Eurasian milfoil) i n the 1970's . In addition, nutrient .:r':l.ch run"'offwhich resulted from increased human a.ctivities associated with cottage development along its shores has contribut ed to its eutrophication. There is some evidence that the rat,e o :f its prog ressive eutrophication has declined during the last decade. This was correlated with legislation enacted in the 60's and 70's in Ontario which was aimed at reducing nutrient loading from cottages.


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The distribution of aquatic microfossils and pollen in the long core from Lake Simcoe (LS07PC5) shows synchronous response since deglaciation, highlighting the potential of little-known non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) as paleolimnological indicators. Upcore variations in NPP, thecamoebians and pollen reflect hydrological and climatic variations: onset of the Main Lake Algonquin, the draining of Lake Algonquin, the early Holocene drought, the midto late Holocene climate shifts including mid-Holocene drought and the Little Ice Age, and human settlement. The distribution of microfossils in the short cores (CB1 and SB1) shows the level of eutrophication decreasing gradually from Cook’s Bay to the Atherley Narrows outflow due to differences in the extent of anthropogenic impact and cumulative retention of phosphorous within sediments. Changes in assemblages and concentration of NPP within the cores reflect the history of settlement within Lake Simcoe basin, recording temporal differences in eutrophication.


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Sluice Pond is a small (18 ha) and deep (Zmax 20.0 m) partially meromictic, pond in Lynn, Massachusetts that contains a diverse dinocyst record since the early Holocene. High dinocyst concentrations, including morphotypes not previously described, as well as the preservation of several specimens of cellulosic thecae are attributed to low dissolved oxygen (DO) in the basin. The fossil protozoan record supports the interpretation- thecamoebians were unable to colonize the basin until the middle Holocene and only became abundant when the drought-induced lowstand oxygenated the bottom waters. Protozoans tolerant of low DO became abundant through the late Holocene as water levels rose and cultural eutrophication produced a sharp increase in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) beginning in the 17th century. Recent sediments contain a dominance of Peridinium willei, indicating cultural eutrophication and the planktonic ciliate Codonella cratera and the thecamoebian Cucurbitella tricuspis in the deep basin. Above the chemocline however, a diverse difflugiid thecamoebian assemblage is present.


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Les sédiments sont des sites importants d’élimination d’azote (N) puisqu’ils possèdent des gradients d’oxydoréduction leur conférant les conditions idéales pour les réactions microbiennes de transformation de N. L’eutrophisation des régions côtières peut altérer ces gradients, par des changements dans la concentration d’oxygène (O2) de l’eau interstitielle, et modifier l’importance relative des processus transformant le N. Afin de mieux comprendre comment l’O2 pourrait influencer les transformations de N, nous avons mesuré les flux diffusifs de diazote (N2), nitrate (NO3-), oxygène et ammonium (NH4+) dans les sédiments de l’Estuaire Maritime du St-Laurent (EMSL), et nous avons estimé les taux de dénitrification. L’importance du couple nitrification-dénitrification en fonction d’un gradient de concentrations d’O2 dans la zone d’hypoxie de l’EMSL fut aussi évaluée. La concentration des gaz dissous fut mesurée en utilisant une nouvelle approche développée dans cette étude. Les flux diffusifs de N2, O2, NO3- et NH4+ variaient de 5.5 à 8.8, de -37.1 à -84.8, de -4.0 à -5.8 et de 0.6 à 0.8 μmol N m-2 h-1 respectivement. Les concentrations de N2 et NO3- dans l’eau porale et les flux de NO3- et de N2 des sédiments, suggèrent que la diffusion de NO3- provenant de l’eau à la surface des sédiments ne peut pas expliquer par elle-même la production de N2 observée. En utilisant une approche stoichiométrique, les taux de nitrification potentielle estimés comptent pour 0.01 à 52% du flux total de NO3 nécessaire pour aboutir aux flux de N2 observés et diminuent avec l’augmentation de l’hypoxie.


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Les rivières reçoivent de l'azote de leurs bassins versants et elles constituent les derniers sites de transformations des nutriments avant leur livraison aux zones côtières. Les transformations de l’azote inorganique dissous en azote gazeux sont très variables et peuvent avoir un impact à la fois sur l’eutrophisation des côtes et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’échelle globale. Avec l’augmentation de la charge en azote d’origine anthropique vers les écosystèmes aquatiques, les modèles d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre prédisent une augmentation des émissions d’oxyde nitreux (N2O) dans les rivières. Les mesures directes de N2O dans le Lac Saint-Pierre (LSP), un élargissement du Fleuve Saint-Laurent (SLR) indiquent que bien qu’étant une source nette de N2O vers l'atmosphère, les flux de N2O dans LSP sont faibles comparés à ceux des autres grandes rivières et fleuves du monde. Les émissions varient saisonnièrement et inter-annuellement à cause des changements hydrologiques. Les ratios d’émissions N2O: N2 sont également influencés par l’hydrologie et de faibles ratios sont observés dans des conditions de débit d'eau plus élevée et de charge en N élevé. Dans une analyse effectuée sur plusieurs grandes rivières, la charge hydraulique des systèmes semble moduler la relation entre les flux de N2O annuels et les concentrations de nitrate dans les rivières. Dans SLR, des tapis de cyanobactéries colonisant les zones à faible concentration de nitrate sont une source nette d’azote grâce à leur capacité de fixer l’azote atmosphérique (N2). Étant donné que la fixation a lieu pendant le jour alors que les concentrations d'oxygène dans la colonne d'eau sont sursaturées, nous supposons que la fixation de l’azote est effectuée dans des micro-zones d’anoxie et/ou possiblement par des diazotrophes hétérotrophes. La fixation de N dans les tapis explique le remplacement de près de 33 % de la perte de N par dénitrification dans tout l'écosystème au cours de la période d'étude. Dans la portion du fleuve Hudson soumis à la marée, la dénitrification et la production de N2 est très variable selon le type de végétation. La dénitrification est associée à la dynamique en oxygène dissous particulière à chaque espèce durant la marée descendante. La production de N2 est extrêmement élevée dans les zones occupées par les plantes envahissantes à feuilles flottantes (Trapa natans) mais elle est négligeable dans la végétation indigène submergée. Une estimation de la production de N2 dans les lits de Trapa durant l’été, suggère que ces lits représentent une zone très active d’élimination de l’azote. En effet, les grands lits de Trapa ne représentent que 2,7% de la superficie totale de la portion de fleuve étudiée, mais ils éliminent entre 70 et 100% de l'azote total retenu dans cette section pendant les mois d'été et contribuent à près de 25% de l’élimination annuelle d’azote.


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Nous avons étudié l’application de plusieurs mesures d’isotopes stables afin de caractériser les processus du cycle de l’azote et les sources d’azote dans les lacs tempérés à diverses échelles spatiales et temporelles. Les résultats d’une étude à travers 65 lacs sur un gradient trophique ont démontré que le ratio d’isotopes stables d’azote (δ15N) des sédiments de surface est un indicateur de l’importance relative des sources d’azote anthropique, mais que ce ratio peut être altéré par la diagenèse. La mesure du δ15N des sédiments demeure néanmoins un outil permettant de déterminer à long terme le changement des charges en azote anthropique aux écosystèmes lacustres et les causes de l’eutrophisation de ces systèmes. Nos résultats d’une étude sur la variation saisonnière de plusieurs isotopes stables dans trois lacs peu profonds situés sur un gradient trophique et ayant différents régimes de stratification ont démontré que cette approche est prometteuse dans les lacs mésotrophes et stratifiés. Dans ces systèmes, le δ15N de la matière organique particulaire (MOP) aurait le potentiel de déterminer les sources d’azote assimilées par le phytoplancton. Cependant les mesures d’isotopes stables du carbone (δ13C) et du ratio C:N indiquent que les apports de matières organiques du bassin versant peuvent altérer les relations observées. Nous avons également constaté une déviation de la relation 1:1 entre les isotopes stables d’azote et d’oxygène (δ18O) du nitrate (NO3-) indiquant son assimilation et sa nitrification simultanée. Cette application est particulièrement prometteuse puisque la nitrification est méconnue dans les lacs et peut exacerber les effets de l’eutrophisation.


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L’effet du développement résidentiel des bassins versants sur l’habitat et la distribution des macrophytes dans le littoral de six lacs des Laurentides a été évalué à l’aide de carottes de sédiments et de quadrats. Le développement augmente la proportion de milieux déboisés ce qui réduit l’apport en débris de bois et augmente l’érosion et les apports de nutriments dans les sédiments du littoral. Les sédiments sont plus fins, plus denses et contiennent moins de matière organique. Ces changements favorisent les macrophytes en augmentant leur couverture dans les lacs développés. La présence d’espèces submergées de macrophytes est également favorisée au détriment des espèces à feuilles flottantes, plus caractéristiques des lacs moins développés. Même si la biomasse des macrophytes est limitée dans certains lacs, celle-ci augmente dans les lacs développés et montre des signes d’un effet tampon sur les apports de nutriments. Des quantités équivalentes à des valeurs entre 35 et 230% des apports annuels de phosphore et entre 79 et 659% des apports d’azote par les résidents ont été accumulées dans les tissus des macrophytes des lacs dont le bassin versant est très déboisé. Les sédiments s’enrichissent à la sénescence des macrophytes et contiennent alors plus de nutriments que la colonne d’eau et ce, pour tous les lacs. Une présence accrue d’espèces submergées et plus de nutriments dans les tissus des macrophytes des lacs développés, jumelés à l’absence de prolifération de phytoplancton malgré un plus grand apport de nutriments, laisse penser que les lacs des Laurentides sont en état d’eutrophisation précoce.


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Nous avons cherché des relations empiriques entre l’abondance des macrophytes submergés et le développement résidentiel du bassin versant, les propriétés du lac et la présence de milieux humides dans 34 lacs de la région des Laurentides et de Lanaudière sélectionnés à travers un gradient de développement résidentiel. Les macrophytes submergés ont été échantillonnés par méthode d’échosondage à l’intérieur de la zone littorale. L’abondance moyenne des macrophytes a ensuite été estimée à l’intérieur de quatre zones de croissance optiquement définies (profondeur maximale = 75 %, 100 %, 125 % et 150 % de la profondeur de Secchi) ainsi qu’à l’intérieur de toute la zone littorale. L’occupation humaine a été considérée selon trois échelles spatiales : celle présente 1- dans un rayon de 100 mètres autour du lac, 2- dans la fraction du bassin versant qui draine directement vers le lac et 3- dans le bassin versant en entier. Nous avons aussi testé, lac par lac, l’effet de la pente locale sur l’abondance des macrophytes. Nous avons observé des corrélations positives et significatives entre l’abondance des macrophytes submergés et l’occupation humaine de l’aire de drainage direct (r > 0.51). Toutefois, il n’y a pas de relation entre l’abondance des macrophytes submergés et l’occupation humaine de la bande de 100 mètres entourant le lac et du bassin versant entier. Les analyses de régression multiple suggèrent que l’abondance des macrophytes submergés est faiblement corrélée avec l’aire du lac (+) et avec la présence de milieux humides dans le bassin versant entier (-). Localement, l’abondance des macrophytes est reliée à la pente et à la profondeur qui expliquent 21% de la variance. Les profondeurs de colonisation maximale et optimale des macrophytes submergés sont corrélées positivement au temps de résidence et à la profondeur de Secchi et négativement à l’occupation humaine et à l’importance des milieux humides.


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Aquatic ecosystem in the south west coast of India is noted for its diversity of habitats. Very often these environments turn bluegreen when the bloom of bluegreen algae (cyanobacteria) appear consequent to eutrophication. This phenomenon occursin these habitats one after the other or simultaneously. This conspicuousness make one curious enough to know more about these nature’s gift bestowed upon mankind. While persuing the literature on the magnificent flora) it is understood that it may provide food fertilizer, chemicals and bioactive substances. These bioactive substances are likely to be involved in regulating natural populations and are potentially useful as biochemical tools and as herbicidal or biocontrol agents. The role of cyanobacteria in the aquatic food chain and contribution in abatement of heavy metals from the natural environment are well documented. Considering the manifold utilization of the flora and their significance in the food chain, the present investigation has been undertaken