840 resultados para European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Spain
An Investigation into the Iowa Department of Corrections’ Sanctions Against an Inmate
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries. Early detection of CRC leads to decreased CRC mortality. A blood-based CRC screening test is highly desirable due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients compared to currently used fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. Here we describe the discovery and validation of a 29-gene panel in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for the detection of CRC and adenomatous polyps (AP). Blood samples were prospectively collected from a multicenter, case-control clinical study. First, we profiled 93 samples with 667 candidate and 3 reference genes by high throughput real-time PCR (OpenArray system). After analysis, 160 genes were retained and tested again on 51 additional samples. Low expressed and unstable genes were discarded resulting in a final dataset of 144 samples profiled with 140 genes. To define which genes, alone or in combinations had the highest potential to discriminate AP and/or CRC from controls, data were analyzed by a combination of univariate and multivariate methods. A list of 29 potentially discriminant genes was compiled and evaluated for its predictive accuracy by penalized logistic regression and bootstrap. This method discriminated AP >1cm and CRC from controls with a sensitivity of 59% and 75%, respectively, with 91% specificity. The behavior of the 29-gene panel was validated with a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR platform, commonly adopted by clinical laboratories. In this work we identified a 29-gene panel expressed in PBMC that can be used for developing a novel minimally-invasive test for accurate detection of AP and CRC using a standard real-time PCR platform.
In this work we consider the transient stability of coupled motions of a 2 D.O.F. nonlinear oscillator that can represent, for example, the motions of a sea vessel under the action of trains of regular lateral waves. Instability is studied as the escape of the system from a safe potential well. The set of initial conditions in phase space that lead to acceptable motions constitutes its safe basin. We investigate the evolution of these safe basins under variation of parameters such as frequency and amplitude of waves, and an internal tuning parameter. Complex nonlinear phenomena are known to play an important role in determining the loss of safe basins as, say, wave amplitude is increased. We therefore investigate those processes, and attempt to classify them in terms of their speed relative to changes in parameter values. "Mechanism basins" are produced depicting regions of parameter space in which rapid or slow losses of safe basin are observed. We propose that a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms of loss of safe basins can be a valuable tool in assessing stability properties of these systems, and we give a conceptual view of how such information could be used.
ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, also known as ErbB1), ErbB2 (HER2 or NEU), ErbB3 (HER3), and ErbB4 (HER4), transduce signals borne by extracellular ligands into central cellular responses such as proliferation, survival, differentiation, and apoptosis. Mutations in ERBB genes are frequently detected in human malignant diseases of epithelial and neural origin, making ErbB receptors important drug targets. Targeting EGFR and ErbB2 has been successful in eg. lung and breast cancer, respectively, and mutations in these genes can be used to select patients that are responsive to the targeted treatment. Although somatic ERBB4 mutations have been found in many high-incidence cancers such as melanoma, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer and germ-line ERBB4 mutations have been linked to neuronal disorders and cancer, ErbB4 has generally been neglected as a potential drug target. Thus, the consequences of ERBB4 mutations on ErbB4 biology are largely unknown. This thesis aimed to elucidate the functional consequences and assess the clinical significance of somatic and germ-line ERBB4 mutations in the context of cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The results of this study indicated that cancer-associated ERBB4 mutations can promote aberrant ErbB4 function by activating the receptor or inducing qualitative changes in ErbB4 signaling. ERBB4 mutations increased survival or decreased differentiation in vitro, suggesting that ERBB4 mutations can be oncogenic. Importantly, the potentially oncogenic mutations were located in various subdomains in ErbB4, possibly providing explanation for the characteristic scattered pattern of mutations in ERBB4. This study also demonstrated that hereditary variation in ERBB4 gene can have a significant effect on the prognosis of breast cancer. In addition, it was shown that hereditary or de novo germ-line ERBB4 mutations that predispose to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis inhibit ErbB4 activity. Together, these results suggest that ErbB4 should be considered as a novel drug target in cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Fruits are important sources of nutrients in human diet, and Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) is of particular interest due to its high content of antioxidants. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables protect individuals against diseases and cancer, but excessive intake of vitamins may act as pro-oxidant and generate changes in DNA. To evaluate the effect of different in natura (BAN) and frozen (BAF) Barbados Cherry pulp concentrations and synthetic vitamin C in liquid form (VC) on the chromosome level and the cell cycle division, root meristeme cells of Allium cepa L. and bone marrow cells of Wistar rats Rattus norvegicus, were used as test system. In Allium cepa L., BAN, at the highest concentration (0.4 mg.mL-1) and BAF, at the lowest concentration (0.2 mg.mL-1), inhibited cell division, and there was recovery of cell division after the recovery period in water only for BAN. In the Wistar rats, all treatments with Barbados Cherry, either acute or subchronic, were not cytotoxic or mutagenic; only the highest concentration of VC increased significantly the rate of chromosomal abnormalities. The data obtained are important to reinforce the use of Barbados Cherry fruit in the diet.
The mechanistic aspects of the 19-hydroxy1ation and aromatization of androgens were investigated. Fungal, bacterial and mammalian enzymatic activities were studied in this regard . The fungus Pell i cular~ fi1amentosa metabolized androst-4-ene-3 , 17-dione to the corresponding 110<' , 11 f and 14 0( hydroxylated derivatives. No ~19- hydroxylated products were isolated, although this transformation was previously observed for the C21-steroids . The intestinal bacterium Clostridi um paraputrific~ had been reported to aromatize androsten-4-ene-3,17-dione. In the present study, however, only the ring A reduced products , 17(3 - hydroxy-5f -andro8tane- 3-one and 5f-androstane-3,17-dione , were recovered . Human placental microsomes contain substantial aromatase activity and were employed in an effort to elucidate some of the mechanistic details of aromatization. Selectively deuterated steroidal substrates were employed as a probe in order to distinguish b'!tween certain of the mechanisms proposed for aromatization . Retention of deuterium at C4 and C6 was observed. It was concluded that no free intermediates allowing for loss of hydrogen from either of these two positions are implicated in this process . The involvement of a Schiff base enzyme-sup strate complex in aromatization was examined using the substrate 17f - hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3-one- 3_ 1BO. Since no loss of label was ob~erved, the implication of a Schiff base was discounted . Mixed label1ir~ studies were performed in order to determine if hydroxylation at C19 is a rate-determining process in aromatization . Isotope effects of 2 .1 and 1.7 were determined for the conversion of 17f - hydroxyandrost-4-ene-J-one-19,19,19-dJ and -19-dl respectively to estrogens. It was concluded from this that 19-hydroxylation is at l east a partially rate-determinjng process in aromatization. A homoenb~ation mechanism for 19-hydroxylation was not supported by the data obtained in this s tudy. In vitro 1JC NMR monitoring using l7f-hydroxyandrost-4-ene-Jone- 19-l3C was found not to be a successful approach in the study of steroid transformations, owing in part t o their low solubility in the incubation medium.
Improvements have been made on the currently available hydride generator system manufactured by SpectraMetrics Incorporated, because the system was found to be unsatisfactory with respect to the following: 1. the drying agent, anhydrous calcium chloride, 2. the special sample tube, 3. the direction of argon flow through the Buchner funnel when it came to dealing with real sample, that is, with reference only to aqueous extracts of soil samples. Changes that were made on the system included the replacement of anhydrous calcium chloride with anhydrous calcium sulphate and the replacement of the special sample tube with a modified one made from silica. Re-directing the flow of argon through the top of the Buchner funnel appeared to make the system compatible with aqueous extracts of soil samples. The interferences from 1000 ~g/mL of nickel(II) , cobalt(II), iron(III), copper(II) have been eliminated with the aid of 1.4 M hydrochloric acid and 1% (weight/volume) L-cystine. Greater than 90% recovery of 0.3 ~g/mL arsenic signal was achieved in each case. Furthermore, 103% of arsenic signal was accomplished in the presence of 1000 ~g/mL cadmium with 5 M Hel. tVhen each of the interferents was present in solution at 1000 ppm, a recovery of 85% was achieved by using 5 M hydrochloric acid and 3% (weight/volume) L-cystine. Without L-cystine and when 1.4 M hydrochloric acid was used, the recoveries were 0% (Ni), 0% (Co), 88% (Fe), 15% (Cu), 18% (Cd). Similarly, a solution containing 1000 ppm of each interferent gave a zero percent recovery of arsenic. The reduction of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic at a pH less than one has also been investigated and shown to be quantitative if peak areas are measured. The reproducibility determination of a 0.3 Vg/mL standard arsenic solution by hydride generation shows a relative standard deviation of 3.4%. The detection limits with and without Porapak Q have been found to be 0.6 ng/mL and 1.0 ng/mL, respectively.
Accuracy at identifying or detecting a second-target (T2) is reduced if presented within approximately 500 ms of the first target (TI) - an attentional blink (AB). Affect has previously been shown to influence the magnitude of the AB such that positive affect (PA) is associated with smaller ABs. To account for these findings, Olivers and Nieuwenhuis (2005) proposed an overinvestment hypothesis where P A was said to reduce overinvestment of attentional resources in TI and distractors, leaving more resources for T2. In the present study, P3, CNV, and average activation on distracter-only trials were used to measure attentional investment. The goal was to investigate whether these electrophysiological measures mediated the relationship between self-reported affect and the AB. Results demonstrated that investment of attentional resources was not associated with self-reported affect, or AB magnitude. However, self-report measures of affect, personality and electrophysiological measures of investment did follow some predictions derived from the overinvestment hypothesis.
The primary objective of this research project was to identify prostate cancer (PCa) -specific biomarkers from urine. This was done using a multi-faceted approach that targeted (1) the genome (DNA); (2) the transcriptome (mRNA and miRNA); and (3) the proteome. Toward this end, urine samples were collected from ten healthy individuals, eight men with PCa and twelve men with enlarged, non-cancerous prostates or with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Urine samples were also collected from the same patients (PCa and BPH) as part of a two-year follow-up. Initially urinary nucleic acids and proteins were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively for characteristics either unique or common among the groups. Subsequently macromolecules were pooled within each group and assessed for either protein composition via LC-MS/MS or microRNA (miRNA) expression by microarray. A number of potential candidates including miRNAs were identified as being deregulated in either pooled PCa or BPH with respect to the healthy control group. Candidate biomarkers were then assessed among individual samples to validate their utility in diagnosing PCa and/or differentiating PCa from BPH. A number of potential targets including deregulation of miRNAs 1825 and 484, and mRNAs for Fibronectin and Tumor Protein 53 Inducible Nuclear Protein 2 (TP53INP2) appeared to be indicative of PCa. Furthermore, deregulation of miR-498 appeared to be indicative of BPH. The sensitivities and specificities associated with using deregulation in many of these targets to subsequently predict PCa or BPH were also determined. This research project has identified a number of potential targets, detectable in urine, which merit further investigation towards the accurate identification of PCa and its discrimination from BPH. The significance of this work is amplified by the non-invasive nature of the sample source from which these candidates were derived, urine. Many cancer biomarker discovery studies have tended to focus primarily on blood (plasma or serum) and/or tissue samples. This is one of the first PCa biomarker studies to focus exclusively on urine as a sample source.
Accuracy at reporting a second-target (T2) is reduced if it is presented within approximately 500 ms of the first target (T1) – an attentional blink (AB). Early models explained the AB in terms of attentional limitations creating a processing bottleneck such that T2 processing would be impaired while T1 processing was ongoing. Theoretical models of the AB have more recently been expanded to include the role of cognitive control. In this dissertation I propose that cognitive control, defined as the optimization of information processing in order to achieve goals, is maladapted to the dual-task conditions of the AB task in that cognitive control optimizes the T1 goal, due to its temporal proximity, at the cost of T2. I start with the concept that the role of cognitive control is to serve goals, and that how goals are conceived of and the degree of motivation associated with those goals will determine whether cognitive control will create the condition that cause the AB. This leads to the hypothesis that electrophysiological measures of cognitive control and the degree of attentional investment resulting from cognitive control modulate the AB and explain individual differences in the AB. In a series of four studies feedback-related N2 amplitude, (reflecting individual differences in the strength of cognitive control), and event-related and resting alpha frequency oscillatory activity (reflecting degree of attentional investment), are used to explain both intra- and inter-individual variability in performance on the AB task. Results supported the hypothesis that stronger cognitive control and greater attentional investment are associated with larger AB magnitudes. Attentional investment, as measured by alpha frequency oscillations, and cognitive control, as measured by the feedback-related N2, did not relate to each other as hypothesized. It is proposed that instead of a measure of attentional investment alone, alpha frequency oscillatory activity actually reflects control over information processing over time, in other words the timing of attention. With this conceptualization, various aspects of cognitive control, either related to the management of goals (feedback-related N2) or the management of attention over time to meet goals, explain variability in the AB.
The purpose of this study was to identify elite triathlon coaches’ beliefs and practices as they pertain to motivating world-class triathletes. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four elite triathlon coaches operating out of three different training groups. Furthermore, the athletes within these groups completed questionnaires assessing their motivational profiles, basic psychological needs, and perceived autonomy support. The interviews were analyzed deductively according to the Motivational Model of the Coach-Athlete Relationship (Mageau & Vallerland, 2003). The data revealed that coaches predominantly used an autonomy-supportive coaching style while also providing structure and involvement. The coaches emphasized an individualized approach for each athlete to best meet their needs. Athletes’ responses to the questionnaires provide support for the coaches’ philosophies and perceived behaviours. The findings of this study provide valuable direction for elite and developing coaches looking to enhance their communication skills in order to optimize athlete needs and motivation.
Neural models of the processing of illusory contour (ICs) diverge from one another in terms of their emphasis on bottom-up versus top-down constituents. The current study uses a dichoptic fusion paradigm to block top-down awareness of ICs in order to examine possible bottom-up effects. Group results indicate that the N170 ERP component is particularly sensitive to ICs at central occipital sites when top-down awareness of the stimulus is permitted. Furthermore, single-subject statistics reveal that the IC N170 ERP effect is highly variable across individuals in terms of timing and topographical spread. The results suggest that the ubiquitous N170 effect to ICs found in the literature depends, at least in part, on participants’ awareness of the stimulus. Therefore a strong bottom-up model of IC processing at the time of the N170 is unlikely.
This thesis is essentially concerned with a study of the recovery of pungency-free colour matter from capsicum spice of Indian origin. A spice oleoresin may be defined as the total soluble extract of the spice in a specific solvent and embraces all the active components that contribute to aroma, taste and related sensory factors associated with the spice, together with varying amounts of pigments, plant waxes, resins and fixed oils. Whereas, in general, oleoresins are coveted for their flavour qualities, in some cases, the pigments present therein play a vital role in food technology Of these, capsicum oleoresin is the most outstanding, since it contributes both colour and flavour principles.
Supra molecular architectures of coordination complexes of liydrazones through non covalent interactions have been explored. Molecular self—assernbly driven by weak interactions such as hydrogen— bonding, K '”T[, C-1-I‘ "TE, van der Waals interactions, and so forth are currently of tremendous research interest in the fields of molecule based materials. The directional properties of the hydrogembonding interaction associate discrete molecules into aggregate structures that are sufficiently stable to be considered as independent chemical species. Chemistry can borrow nature’s strategy to utilize hydrogen-bonding as Well as other noncovalent interactions as found in secondary and tertiary structures of proteins such as the double helix folding of DNA, hydrophobic selflorganization of phospholipids in cell membrane etc. In supramolecular chemistry hydrogen bonding plays an important role in forming a variety of architectures. Thus, the wise modulation and tuning of the complementary sites responsible for hydrogen—bond formation have led to its application in supramolecular electronics, host-guest chemistry, self-assembly of molecular capsules, nanotubes etc. The work presented in this thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes derived from some substituted aroylhydrazones. The thesis is divided into seven chapters.