940 resultados para Esrom, Denmark (Cistercian monastery)


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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This reconnaissance study was undertaken to determine whether the mass extinctions and faunal successions that mark the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary left a discernible molecular fossil record in the sediments of this period. Lipid signatures of sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary were compared in core and outcrop samples taken from two locations: the U.S. east coast continental margin (western Atlantic Ocean, DSDP Site 605) and Stevns Klint, Denmark. Four calcareous sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary in DSDP Hole 605, Section 605-66-1, revealed changing lipid signatures between above and below that are characterized by a large component of unresolved naphthenic hydrocarbons and a homologous series of n-alkanes ranging from Ci6 to C33. These lipid signatures are attributed to an influx of a terrestrial higher plant component and to bacterial reworking of the sediments under partially anoxic depositional and/or diagenetic conditions. The outcrop samples from Stevns Klint had extremely low concentrations of indigenous lipids. The fish clay at the K/T boundary contained traces of microbial hydrocarbons and fatty acids, whereas the carbonates above and below had only microbial fatty acids and additional terrestrial resin acids. The data from both sites indicate a perturbation in the deposition of lipid compound classes across the K/T boundary.


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This dissertation project aims to establish Scandinavian trombone solo and chamber works as a major contribution to the trombone repertoire. From the late 19th century to modern day, Scandinavian composers have produced a steady output of trombone works of substantial musical quality. Deep-rooted in the traditions of strong military wind bands, Scandinavia has also produced an unusual number of trombone virtuosos, ranging from those holding positions in leading orchestras, and internationally renowned pedagogues, to trombonists enjoying careers as soloists. In this study I propose that it is the symbiotic relationship between strong performers and traditionally nationalist composers that created the fertile environment for the large number of popular trombone solo and chamber repertoire not seen in any other region besides the Paris Conservatory and its infamous test pieces. I also interpret the selected repertoire through the prism of nationalism and influence of folk music, and convey that the allure of the mystic Nordic folk influences enhances the appeal of the Scandinavian trombone repertoire to world-wide audiences and performers. The dissertation project was realized over three solo recitals, each showcasing the music of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark respectively. For each program, I looked to choose a standard work from the trombone solo repertoire, a work written for or by a native virtuoso, and a lesser-known work that warrants the attention of other performers for its musical qualities. The recital of Swedish music presented Mandrake in the Corner by Christian Lindberg, Subadobe by Frederik Högberg, A Christian Song by Jan Sandström, and Concertino for trombone and strings by Lars-Erik Larsson. The recital of Norwegian music presented Concerto for Trombone op. 76 by Egil Hovland, Ordner Seg by Øystein Baadsvik, Elegi by Magne Amdahl, and Concerto in F major by Ole Olsen. The recital of Danish music presented Rapsodia Borealis by Søren Hyldgaard, Madrigal by Bo Gunge, Romance for trombone and piano by Axel Jørgensen, Concerto for trombone by Launy Grøndahl, and Three Swedish Tunes by Mogens Andresen. Through the performance of works from these three countries, the dissertation establishes Scandinavia as a rich source of solo trombone repertoire perpetuated by nationalist composers and virtuosos, as well as providing a brief survey of Scandinavian trombone works of various instrumentation and difficulty levels to be enjoyed by student, professional, and amateur performers and their audience.


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The ICES Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberic waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) met in Copenhagen, Denmark during 13–14 May 2016. There were 22 stocks in its remit distributed from ICES Divisions 3.a–4.a though mostly distributed in Sub Areas 7, 8 and 9. There were 21 participants, some of whom joined the meeting re-motely. The group was tasked with conducting assessments of stock status for 22 stocks using analytical, forecast methods or trends indicators to provide catch forecasts for eight stocks and provide a first draft of the ICES advice for 2016 for fourteen stocks. For the remaining stocks, the group had to update catch information and indices of abundance where needed. Depending on the result of this update, namely if it would change the perception of the stock, the working group drafted new advice. Analytical assessments using age-structured models were conducted for the northern and southern stocks of megrim and the Bay of Biscay sole. The two hake stocks and one southern stock of anglerfish were assessed using models that allow the use of only length-structured data (no age data). A surplus-production model, without age or length structure, was used to assess the second southern stocks of anglerfish. No ana-lytical assessments have been provided for the northern stocks of anglerfish after 2006. This is mostly due to ageing problems and to an increase in discards in recent years, for which there is no reliable data at the stock level. The state of stocks for which no analytical assessment could be performed was inferred from examination of commer-cial LPUE or CPUE data and from survey information. Three nephrops stocks from the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian waters are scheduled for benchmark assessments in October 2016. The WGBIE meeting spent some time review-ing the progress towards the benchmark (see Annex 6) together with longer term benchmarks (2017 and after, see section 1.) for sea bass in the Bay of Biscay, all an-glerfish and hake stocks assessed by the WG. For the northern megrim stock, the sched-ule an inter-benchmark meeting was completed successfully and the group reviewed the outcome and accepted the category 1 update assessment. A recurrent issue significantly constrained the group’s ability to address the terms of reference this year. Despite an ICES data call with a deadline of six weeks before the meeting, data for several stocks were resubmitted during the meeting which lead to increased workloads during the working group, as in that case, the assessments could not be carried out in National Laboratories prior to the meeting as mentioned in the ToRs. This is an important matter of concerns for the group members. Section 1 of the report presents a summary by stock and discusses general issues. Sec-tion 2 provides descriptions of the relevant fishing fleets and surveys used in the as-sessment of the stocks. Sections 3–18 contains the single stock assessments.


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Abstract In the current historiographical production there is a manifest interest for the history of female religiosity. The mystic phenomenon, the everyday life and the temporal dimension of the communities, in terms of familiar and social connection to the outside of cloistered spaces, manifestations of creativity and culture, are increasingly treated issues. This interest is also expressed about the Cistercian Order in Portugal. In the female branch, the monastery of St. Benedict of Cástris, officially Cistercian for more than 700 years, has been the target of an interdisciplinary approach that intents to appreciate the impact of the reflections of the Council of Trent in the musical praxis of the nuns. This community, subject to Alcobaça and controlled through Visitors, registers in its documentation not only the presence of nuns that sang and played various instruments, arising mainly from Évora region, a city with a recognized musical tradition, but also registers various expenses related with the musical practice of the monastery. Resumo Regista-se, na actual produção historiográfica, um interesse manifesto pela história da religiosidade feminina. O fenómeno místico, o viver quotidiano e a dimensão temporal das comunidades, em termos de ligação familiar e social ao exterior dos espaços-clausura, as manifestações de criatividade e cultura, são questões cada vez mais tratadas. Esse interesse manifesta-se também para a Ordem de Cister em Portugal, sendo que, no ramo feminino, o mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, oficialmente cisterciense há mais de 700 anos, vem sendo alvo de uma abordagem multidisciplinar que procura apreciar os reflexos do Concílio de Trento na praxis musical das religiosas. Esta comunidade, sujeita a Alcobaça e por ela controlada através dos Visitadores, regista na sua documentação não só a presença de religiosas cantoras e tangedoras de vários instrumentos, oriundas maioritariamente da região de Évora, cidade com uma tradição musical reconhecida, como diversas despesas relacionadas com a prática musical do mosteiro.


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Abstract This communication reflects the work done in the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Beira Interior (Portugal), and still ongoing, in the framework of the project ORFEUS - The Tridentine Reform and music in the cloistral silence: the Monastery of S. Bento de Cástris (Project FCT EXPL/EPH-PAT/2253/2013) and aims to bring the debate to a contribution to the study of the specificity of the monastery of St. Bento de Cástris in the context of Cistercian architecture, in which the shape and the music are intertwined. In this way, two dissertations have been developed in Architecture (integrated master course of architecture of the University of Beira Interior) within the project ORFEUS, which are divided by the importance and contributions of the Cistercian Architecture in contemporary religious architecture, the morphology of the Cistercian churches and the relationship between architecture and music in the specific case study of the church of the monastery of St. Bento de Cástris. Resumo Esta comunicação reflecte o trabalho desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura da Universidade da Beira Interior, e ainda em curso, no âmbito do Projecto ORFEUS - A Reforma tridentina e a música no silêncio claustral: o mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris (Projecto FCT EXPL/EPH- PAT/2253/2013) e pretende-se com esta comunicação trazer a debate um contributo para o estudo da especificidade do Mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, no contexto da arquitectura cisterciense, no qual a forma e a música se entrelaçam. Neste sentido foram desenvolvidas duas dissertações de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura, no âmbito do Projecto ORFEUS, que se repartem pela importância e contributos da Arquitectura Cisterciense na Arquitectura religiosa contemporânea, a morfologia das igrejas cistercienses e a relação entre a arquitectura e música patente no estudo de caso da igreja do Mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris.


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Lost in history, the ruin of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not recognized separated from its birthplace, i.e. nature, for more than 700 years. Yet, within its silent presence, the monument dominated the name of the region: ‘Paharpur’ (land of hillock), according to its appearance surrounds by its flat land topo¬graphy. Discovered in 1919, the single largest Buddhist Vihara (monas¬tery) of ancient Bengal came into light, pronouncing the flou¬rishing minute of Buddhist architecture, once dominant religious force of the subcontinent. The earliest historical monumental architecture of greater Asia, had long been deriving itself from the Buddhist monastic architecture as early as VI century BC. In line of history, the discovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contributed attesting the sensitivities of a highly sophisticated architectonic typology of Vihara Architecture in the land of ancient Bengal. The recovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not only from its cradle of nature, but also from its remarkable existence imprinted in the reign of Pala dynasty (750 - 1155 AD) announcing the existential foothold of man in his nature. The existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ comprises the factors, responsible in shaping the anchorage of the mo¬nument since the birth of Vihara architecture, as early as 530 BC. These factors not only denote the building technology in response to its environment but also the amalgamation of be¬lief, upon which the dwellers transformed the site as a place announcing their existence on earth. This research paper aims at exploring the existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, in terms of its territorial, functional, structural, social, cultural, religious sym¬bolic hierarchies of human achievement while clarifying the architectonic typology that shaped ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ through evolution process of ‘Vihara Architecture’. This understanding intends to combine the archaeological knowledge with comparative architectural analysis of contem¬porary Viharas of ancient Bengal, to define the singularity of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. In consequence, the glorious past of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ is intended to portray through iden¬tifying the relation of religious and functional rationalism with the connotation of art, architecture and belief moulded within natural forces, as one complete entity; RESUMO: Vihara Arquitetura: Definindo a posição existencial do século VIII Budista mosteiro “Somapura Mahavihara” de Bengala antiga. Perdidas na História, as ruínas de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ foram confundidas com uma montanha durante mais de setecentos anos. Contudo, no seu silêncio presente, o monumento marcou a toponímia da região; ‘Paharpur’ significa ‘a terra do outeiro’, evidenciando a singularidade deste monumento numa região dominada por uma extensa planície. Em 1919, foi descoberto o maior mosteiro budista da antiga região de Bengal, demonstrando a prosperidade da arquitectura budista. Tem¬poralmente, a descoberta de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contribuiu para atestar a evolução e a sofisticação da tipologia arquitectónica denominada ‘Arquitectura Vihara’, existente na antiga região de Bengal. A noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ compreende os factores responsáveis por moldar a ancoragem do monumento ao lugar em que se insere desde o início da arquitectura Vihara, que remonta a 530 a.C. Estes factores evidenciam a tecnologia construtiva empregue para responder ao ambiente envolvente mas também a evolução da religião, factores estes que os monges construtores consideraram ao transformar o lugar e anunciar a sua existência na Terra. Esta investigação tem por objectivo explorar a noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, nas suas dimensões territoriais, funcionais, estruturais, sociais, culturais e nas hierarquias simbólicas das realizações humanas para clarificar a tipologia arquitectónica que deu forma a ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ durante a evolução da arquitectura Vihara. Este entendimento pretende combinar/cruzar o conhecimen¬to arqueológico com estudos arquitectónicos comparativos de Viharas na antiga região de Bengal, com o objectivo de definir a singularidade de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. Neste estudo estudar-se-á também o confronto entre a dimensão religiosa e a artística (divino vs. humano), integrados na arquitectura de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ em perfeita harmonia.


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The Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Rosário is located in the cloister of the São Bento de Cástris monastery and shows off a blue and white tile panel with 6 tiles of height, representing the scenes of the Life of the Virgin in five panels: Adoration of the Shepherds, Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, Annunciation, Visitation and The Marriage of the Virgin. The authorship of this work is unknown and its date has not yet found consensus. The tiles are in poor condition and have been the target of repeated vandalism or attempted theft over time. During the Residência Cisterciense (Cistercian Residence), held in São Bento de Cástris in September 2013, it has been made a survey of the tile panel’s observable damages including graphic and photographic record of its condition.


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In this work, we examine unbalanced computation between an initiator and a responder that leads to resource exhaustion attacks in key exchange protocols. We construct models for two cryp-tographic protocols; one is the well-known Internet protocol named Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, and the other one is the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) which has built-in DoS-resistant mechanisms. To examine such protocols, we develop a formal framework based on Timed Coloured Petri Nets (Timed CPNs) and use a simulation approach provided in CPN Tools to achieve a formal analysis. By adopting the key idea of Meadows' cost-based framework and re¯ning the de¯nition of operational costs during the protocol execution, our simulation provides an accurate cost estimate of protocol execution compar- ing among principals, as well as the percentage of successful connections from legitimate users, under four di®erent strategies of DoS attack.