999 resultados para Energia eletrica - Custo social
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
The current socio-economic situation has brought a need to look for alternative ways to get energy that allow reducing the high dependence on fossil fuel sources while deflect from the climate change arising from the result of the use of these energy resources. Renewable sources of energy, low and medium temperature appear as high potential of energy resources, which have a major influence on the way of life of the people to enable decentralized energy production. In Brazil, in particular, have also the need to decentralize the energy grid, currently focused on energy from water source. The current water crisis, exemplifies the urgency of betting on other energy sources, as a way to help in emergency situations such as the current one. Therefore, this study evaluates the possibility of using biomass as a heat source in a Rankine Cycle Organic where instead of water; it uses thermal fluid as working fluid, was compared the urban areas of the city of Guaratinguetá with the urban area of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Thus, it was established two scenarios, so it was possible to establish the cycle to be used
The objective of this paper is to realize the preliminary cogeneration project, to be applied on the output of a float glass furnace, aiming the energetic use of the furnace's by-products in other relevant applications on the site. It was analyzed the main points where the cycle could be installed and also the available technologies to energy recovery. After, it was chosen the installation point and the technology to be projected, evaluated the electric power generated and the cycle efficiency. Finally it was evaluated economical indicators in order to verify the project's economical feasibility
This work approaches the analysis of industrial refrigeration systems applied to a chemical processing industry that, in this case, consists of refrigeration machines, cooling tower system, cold water system and brine system. In this study it is highlighted the function and characteristics of different systems, including the main components, the most important features, their functionality and best practices. The motivation for this work is the fact that refrigeration systems are essential in many industrial processes, presenting a high energy consumption that is related to a significant parcel of production costs. It has aimed to understand the case studied in order to evaluate the energy efficiency of systems and to compare with Carnot efficiency and best available technologies. The assessment aims to identify irregularities, find opportunities and propose solutions that increases the performance of equipment and the overall system efficiency. Therefore, the studies intend to reduce the operation costs and generate gains for the company
The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations
The current socio-economic situation has brought a need to look for alternative ways to get energy that allow reducing the high dependence on fossil fuel sources while deflect from the climate change arising from the result of the use of these energy resources. Renewable sources of energy, low and medium temperature appear as high potential of energy resources, which have a major influence on the way of life of the people to enable decentralized energy production. In Brazil, in particular, have also the need to decentralize the energy grid, currently focused on energy from water source. The current water crisis, exemplifies the urgency of betting on other energy sources, as a way to help in emergency situations such as the current one. Therefore, this study evaluates the possibility of using biomass as a heat source in a Rankine Cycle Organic where instead of water; it uses thermal fluid as working fluid, was compared the urban areas of the city of Guaratinguetá with the urban area of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Thus, it was established two scenarios, so it was possible to establish the cycle to be used
The objective of this paper is to realize the preliminary cogeneration project, to be applied on the output of a float glass furnace, aiming the energetic use of the furnace's by-products in other relevant applications on the site. It was analyzed the main points where the cycle could be installed and also the available technologies to energy recovery. After, it was chosen the installation point and the technology to be projected, evaluated the electric power generated and the cycle efficiency. Finally it was evaluated economical indicators in order to verify the project's economical feasibility
This work approaches the analysis of industrial refrigeration systems applied to a chemical processing industry that, in this case, consists of refrigeration machines, cooling tower system, cold water system and brine system. In this study it is highlighted the function and characteristics of different systems, including the main components, the most important features, their functionality and best practices. The motivation for this work is the fact that refrigeration systems are essential in many industrial processes, presenting a high energy consumption that is related to a significant parcel of production costs. It has aimed to understand the case studied in order to evaluate the energy efficiency of systems and to compare with Carnot efficiency and best available technologies. The assessment aims to identify irregularities, find opportunities and propose solutions that increases the performance of equipment and the overall system efficiency. Therefore, the studies intend to reduce the operation costs and generate gains for the company
The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations
Esta es una continuación del Programa ECIS (Estudio Comparativo de los Impactos Sociales de los Grandes Proyectos de Desarrollo), constituído a partir del 2005 en el Programa de Ecología Humana (PEH). Los ejes convocantes para esta nueva etapa, son, en primer lugar, la compleción del análisis del Proyecto Yacyretá, que en el período anterior concretó la publicación de un volumen. Una segunda vertiente remite a la ideología de los movimientos sociales opuestos a la construcción de represas y a la concepción de desarrollo explícitas o implícitas en sus propuestos y su comparación con otros movimientos ecologistas (Córdoba). Asimismo, nos proponemos realizar estudios de campo de las prácticas agrícolas de los colonos asentados en áreas de la provincia incluidas en el proyecto de "corredor verde", con el objeto de analizar su compatibilidad o no con los modelos de "explotación sustentable" que se vienen manejando, así como analizar otros desarrollos recientes en el agro misionero. Finalmente, se contemplan estudios comparativos sobre desarrollo socioeconómico de minorías en la Patagonia argentina.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
The textile effluents are a complex mixture of many pollutants that contain high organic loads, severe color and toxic compounds. The high concentration of the textile effluent may cause increased chemical demand (COD) and biochemical (BOD) of oxygen, elevated temperature, acidity or alkalinity, causing damage and environmental problems. In addition to representing a serious threat to human health such effluent is also quite toxic to most aquatic organisms. And for this reason, one must meet the concentration limits for emission sources and sewage system. This study aimed to investigate the performance of electrochemical treatment of a textile effluent for the removal of color, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved organic matter by investigating the influence of experimental parameters such as the electrocatalyst materials (Ti/Pt and Ti/Pt-SnSb) and current density in order to compare their efficiency, energy consumption and cost. The dye Novacron Blue CD (NB) was employed in synthetic solution, while the dyes Remazol Yellow 3RS (RY 3RS) Remazol Red RR Gran (RR-RR Gran) and Navy Blue CL-R (NB CL-R) were used to generate simulated textile effluent laboratory. The results showed that the application of electrochemical oxidation process favors the elimination of color effectively independent the electrocatalytic material and current used, as well as treated effluent. However, the influence of electrocatalytic material was crucial to reduction of the organic matter in all cases.