846 resultados para Electronic medical records


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In 1971, Rempt et al. reported peripheral refraction patterns (skiagrams) along the horizontal visual field in 442 people. Later in the same year, Hoogerheide et al. used skiagrams in combination with medical records to relate skiagrams in emmetropes and hyperopes to progression of myopia in young adults. The two articles have spurred interest in peripheral refraction in the past decade. We challenge the understanding that their articles provide evidence that the peripheral refraction pattern along the horizontal visual field is predictive of whether or not a person develops myopia. First, although it has been generally assumed that the skiagrams were measured before the changes in refraction were monitored, Hoogerheide et al. did not state that this was the case. Second, if the skiagrams were obtained at an initial examination and given the likely rates of recruitment and successful completion of training, the study must have taken place during a period of 10 to 15 years; it is much more likely that Hoogerheide et al. measured the skiagrams in a shorter period. Third, despite there being many more emmetropes and hyperopes in the Rempt et al. article than there are in the Hoogerheide et al. article, the number of people in two types of “at risk” skiagrams is greater in the latter; this is consistent with the central refraction status being reported from an earlier time by Hoogerheide et al. than by Rempt et al. In summary, we believe that the skiagrams reported by Hoogerheide et al. were taken at a later examination, after myopia did or did not occur, and that the refraction data from the initial examination were retrieved from the medical archives. Thus, this work does not provide evidence that peripheral refraction pattern is indicative of the likely development of myopia.


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International research on prisoners demonstrates poor health outcomes, including chronic disease, with the overall burden to the community high. Prisoners are predominantly male and young. In Australia, the average incarceration length is 3 years, sufficient to impact long term health, including nutrition. Food in prisons is highly controlled, yet gaps exist in policy. In most Western countries prisons promote healthy foods, often incongruent with prisoner expectations or wants. Few studies have been conducted on dietary intakes during incarceration in relation to food policy. In this study detailed diet histories were collected on 120/945 men (mean age = 32 years), in a high-secure prison. Intakes were verified via individual purchase records, mealtime observations, and audits of food preparation, purchasing and holdings. Physical measurements (including fasting bloods) were taken and medical records reviewed. Results showed the standard food provided consistent with current dietary guidelines, however limited in menu choice. Diet histories revealed self-funded foods contributing 1–63% of energy (mean = 30%), 0–83% sugar (mean = 38%), 1–77% saturated fats (mean = 31%) and 1–59% sodium (mean = 23%). High levels of modification to food provided was found using minimal cooking amenities and inclusion of self-funded foods and/or foods retained from previous meals. Medical records and physical measurements confirmed markers of chronic disease. This study highlights the need to establish clear guidelines on all food available in prisons if chronic disease risk reduction is a goal. This study has also supported evidenced based food and nutrition policy including menu choice, food quality, quantity and safety as well as type and access to self-funded foods.


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We are pleased to present the papers from the Australasian Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM) conference stream held on 20 January 2011 in Perth as a session of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ASCW) 2011. Formerly HIKM was named Health Data and Knowledge Management, however the inclusion of the health informatics term is timely given the current health reform. The submissions to HIKM 2011 demonstrated that Australasian researchers lead with many research and development innovations coming to fruition. Some of these innovations can be seen here, and we believe further recognition will accomplish by continuation to HIKM in the future. The HIKM conference is a review of health informatics related research, development and education opportunities. The conference papers were written to communicate with other researchers and share research findings, capturing each and every aspect of the health informatics field. They are namely: conceptual models and architectures, privacy and quality of health data, health workflow management patient journey analysis, health information retrieval, analysis and visualisation, data integration/linking, systems for integrated or coordinated care, electronic health records (EHRs) and personally controlled electronic health records (PCEHRs), health data ontologies, and standardisation in health data and clinical applications.


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This thesis is the result of an investigation into information privacy management in eHealth. It explores the applicability of accountability measures as a means of protection of eHealth consumer privacy. The thesis presented a new concept of Accountable eHealth Systems for achieving a balance between the information privacy concerns of eHealth consumers and the information access requirements of healthcare professionals and explored the social, technological and implementation aspects involved in such a system.


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Introduction: Thoracoscopic anterior instrumented fusion (TASF) is a safe and viable surgical option for corrective stabilisation of progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) [1-2]. However, there is a paucity of literature examining optimum methods of analgesia following this type of surgery. The aim of this study was to identify; if local anaesthetic bolus via an intrapleural catheter provides effective analgesia following thoracoscopic scoliosis correction; what pain levels may be expected; and any adverse effects associated with the use of intermittent intrapleural analgesia at our centre. Methods: A subset of the most recent 80 patients from a large single centre consecutive series of 201 patients (April 2000 to present) who had undergone TASF had their medical records reviewed. 32 patients met the inclusion criteria for the analysis (i.e. pain scores must have been recorded within the hour prior and within two hours following an intrapleural bolus being given). All patients received an intrapleural catheter inserted during surgery, in addition to patient-controlled opiate analgesia and oral analgesia as required. After surgery, patients received a bolus of 0.25% bupivacaine every four hours via the intrapleural catheter. Visual analogue pain scale scores were recorded before and after the bolus of local anaesthetic and the quantity and time of day that any other analgesia was taken, were also recorded. Results and Discussion: 28 female and four male patients (mean age 14.5 ± 1.5 years) had a total of 230 boluses of local anaesthetic administered intrapleurally, directly onto the spine, in the 96 hour period following surgery. Pain scores significantly decreased following the administration of a bolus (p<0.0001), with the mean pain score decreasing from 3.66 to 1.83. The quantity of opiates via patient-controlled analgesia after surgery decreased steadily between successive 24 hours intervals after an initial increase in the second 24 hour period when patients were mobilised. One intrapleural catheter required early removal at 26 hours postop due to leakage; there were no other associated complications with the intermittent intrapleural analgesia method. Post-operative pain following anterior scoliosis correction was decreased significantly with the administration of regular local anaesthetic boluses and can be reduced to ‘mild’ levels by combined analgesia regimes. The intermittent intrapleural analgesia method was not associated with any adverse events or complications in the full cohort of 201 patients.


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Two recent decisions of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in the context of obstetric management have highlighted firstly, the importance of keeping legible, accurate and detailed medical records; and secondly, the challenges faced by those seeking to establish causation, particularly where epidemiological evidence is relied upon...


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This study is the first to employ an epidemiological framework to evaluate the ‘fit-for-purpose’ of ICD-10-AM external cause of injury codes, ambulance and hospital clinical documentation for injury surveillance. Importantly, this thesis develops an evidence-based platform to guide future improvements in routine data collections used to inform the design of effective injury prevention strategies. Quantification of the impact of ambulance clinical records on the overall information quality of Queensland hospital morbidity data collections for injury causal information is a unique and notable contribution of this study.


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Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasing, along with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people* in Australia particularly affected. GDM causes serious complications in pregnancy, birth, and the longer term, for both women and their infants. Women diagnosed with GDM have an eightfold risk of developing T2DM after pregnancy, compared with women who have not had GDM. Indigenous women have an even higher risk, at a younger age, and progress more quickly from GDM to T2DM, compared to non-Indigenous women. If left undetected and untreated, T2DM can lead to heart disease, stroke, renal disease, kidney failure, amputations and blindness. A GDM diagnosis offers a ‘window of opportunity’ for diabetes health interventions and it is vital that acceptable and effective prevention, treatment, and post-pregnancy care are provided. Low rates of post-pregnancy screening for T2DM are reported among non-Aboriginal women in Australia and among Indigenous women in other countries, however data for Aboriginal women are scarce. Breastfeeding, a healthy diet, and exercise can also help to prevent T2DM, and together with T2DM screening are recommended elements of ‘post-pregnancy care’ for women with GDM, This paper describes methods for a data linkage study to investigate rates of post-pregnancy care among women with GDM. Methods/Design: This retrospective cohort includes all women who gave birth at Cairns Base Hospital in Far North Queensland, Australia, from 2004 to 2010, coded as having GDM in the Cairns Base Hospital Clinical Coding system. Data linkage is being conducted with the Queensland Perinatal Data Collection, and three laboratories. Hospital medical records are being reviewed to validate the accuracy of GDM case ascertainment, and gather information on breastfeeding and provision of dietary advice. Multiple logistic regression is being used to compare post-pregnancy care between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women, while adjusting for other factors may impact on post-pregnancy care. Survival analysis is being used to estimate the rates of progression from GDM to T2DM. Discussion: There are challenges to collecting post-pregnancy data for women with GDM. However, research is urgently needed to ensure adequate post-pregnancy care is provided for women with GDM in Australia.


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Advances in Information and Communication Technologies have the potential to improve many facets of modern healthcare service delivery. The implementation of electronic health records systems is a critical part of an eHealth system. Despite the potential gains, there are several obstacles that limit the wider development of electronic health record systems. Among these are the perceived threats to the security and privacy of patients’ health data, and a widely held belief that these cannot be adequately addressed. We hypothesise that the major concerns regarding eHealth security and privacy cannot be overcome through the implementation of technology alone. Human dimensions must be considered when analysing the provision of the three fundamental information security goals: confidentiality, integrity and availability. A sociotechnical analysis to establish the information security and privacy requirements when designing and developing a given eHealth system is important and timely. A framework that accommodates consideration of the legislative requirements and human perspectives in addition to the technological measures is useful in developing a measurable and accountable eHealth system. Successful implementation of this approach would enable the possibilities, practicalities and sustainabilities of proposed eHealth systems to be realised.


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BACKGROUND: Transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) has rapidly evolved as the preferred management strategy for the prevention of recurrent cerebrovascular events in patients with cryptogenic stroke and presumed paradoxical embolus. There is limited outcome data in patients treated with this therapy particularly for the newer devices. METHODS: Data from medical records, catheter, and echocardiography databases on 70 PFO procedures performed was collected prospectively. RESULTS: The cohort consisted of 70 patients (mean age 43.6 years, range 19 to 77 years), of whom 51% were male. The indications for closure were cryptogenic cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or transient ischemic attack (TIA) in 64 (91%) and peripheral emboli in two (2.8%) patients and cryptogenic ST-elevation myocardial infarction in one (1.4%), refractory migraine in one (1.4%), decompression sickness in one (1.4%), and orthodeoxia in one (1.4%) patient, respectively. All patients had demonstrated right-to-left shunting on bubble study. The procedures were guided by intracardiac echocardiography in 53%, transesophageal echocardiography in 39%, and the remainder by transthoracic echo alone. Devices used were the Amplatzer PFO Occluder (AGA Medical) (sizes 18-35 mm) in 49 (70%) and the Premere device (St. Jude Medical) in 21 (30%). In-hospital complications consisted of one significant groin hematoma with skin infection. Echocardiographic follow-up at 6 months revealed that most patients had no or trivial residual shunt (98.6%), while one patient (1.4%) had a mild residual shunt. At a median of 11 months' follow-up (range 1 month to 4.3 years), no patients (0%) experienced further CVA/TIAs or paradoxical embolic events during follow-up. CONCLUSION: PFO causing presumed paradoxical embolism can be closed percutaneously with a low rate of significant residual shunting and very few complications. Recurrent index events are uncommon at medium-term (up to 4 years) follow-up.


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The International Classification of Diseases, Version 10, Australian modification (ICD-10- AM) is commonly used to classify diseases in hospital patients. ICD-10-AM defines malnutrition as “BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 or unintentional weight loss of ≥ 5% with evidence of suboptimal intake resulting in subcutaneous fat loss and/or muscle wasting”. The Australasian Nutrition Care Day Survey (ANCDS) is the most comprehensive survey to evaluate malnutrition prevalence in acute care patients from Australian and New Zealand hospitals1. This study determined if malnourished participants were assigned malnutritionrelated codes as per ICD-10-AM. The ANCDS recruited acute care patients from 56 hospitals. Hospital-based dietitians evaluated participants’ nutritional status using BMI and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). In keeping with the ICD-10-AM definition, malnutrition was defined as BMI <18.5kg/m2, SGA-B (moderately malnourished) or SGA-C (severely malnourished). After three months, in this prospective cohort study, hospitals’ health information/medical records department provided coding results for malnourished participants. Although malnutrition was prevalent in 32% (n= 993) of the cohort (N= 3122), a significantly small number were coded for malnutrition (n= 162, 16%, p<0.001). In 21 hospitals, none of the malnourished participants were coded. This is the largest study to provide a snapshot of malnutrition-coding in Australian and New Zealand hospitals. Findings highlight gaps in malnutrition documentation and/or subsequent coding, which could potentially result in significant loss of casemix-related revenue for hospitals. Dietitians must lead the way in developing structured processes for malnutrition identification, documentation and coding.


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Background: Dementia and delirium appear to be common among older patients admitted to acute hospitals, although there are few Australian data regarding these important conditions. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and incidence of dementia and delirium among older patients admitted to acute hospitals in Queensland and to profile these patients. Method: Prospective observational cohort study (n = 493) of patients aged 70 years and older admitted to general medical, general surgical and orthopaedic wards of four acute hospitals in Queensland between 2008 and 2010. Trained research nurses completed comprehensive geriatric assessments and obtained detailed information about each patient’s physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning using the interRAI Acute Care and other standardised instruments. Nurses also visited patients daily to identify incident delirium. Two physicians independently reviewed patients’ medical records and assessments to establish the diagnosis of dementia and/or delirium. Results: Overall, 29.4% of patients (n = 145) were considered to have cognitive impairment, including 102 (20.7% of the total) who were considered to have dementia. This rate increased to 47.4% in the oldest patients (aged 90 years). The overall prevalence of delirium at admission was 9.7% (23.5% in patients with dementia), and the rate of incident delirium was 7.6% (14.7% in patients with dementia). Conclusion: The prevalence of dementia and delirium among older patients admitted to acute hospitals is high and is likely to increase with population aging. It is suggested that hospital design, staffing and processes should be attuned better to meet these patients’ needs.


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Objective To compare the diagnostic accuracy of the interRAI Acute Care (AC) Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS2) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), against independent clinical diagnosis for detecting dementia in older hospitalized patients. Design, Setting, and Participants The study was part of a prospective observational cohort study of patients aged ≥70 years admitted to four acute hospitals in Queensland, Australia, between 2008 and 2010. Recruitment was consecutive and patients expected to remain in hospital for ≥48 hours were eligible to participate. Data for 462 patients were available for this study. Measurements Trained research nurses completed comprehensive geriatric assessments and administered the interRAI AC and MMSE to patients. Two physicians independently reviewed patients’ medical records and assessments to establish the diagnosis of dementia. Indicators of diagnostic accuracy included sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios and areas under receiver (AUC) operating characteristic curves. Results 85 patients (18.4%) were considered to have dementia according to independent clinical diagnosis. The sensitivity of the CPS2 [0.68 (95%CI: 0.58–0.77)] was not statistically different to the MMSE [0.75 (0.64–0.83)] in predicting physician diagnosed dementia. The AUCs for the 2 instruments were also not statistically different: CPS2 AUC = 0.83 (95%CI: 0.78–0.89) and MMSE AUC = 0.87 (95%CI: 0.83–0.91), while the CPS2 demonstrated higher specificity [0.92 95%CI: 0.89–0.95)] than the MMSE [0.82 (0.77–0.85)]. Agreement between the CPS2 and clinical diagnosis was substantial (87.4%; κ=0.61). Conclusion The CPS2 appears to be a reliable screening tool for assessing cognitive impairment in acutely unwell older hospitalized patients. These findings add to the growing body of evidence supporting the utility of the interRAI AC, within which the CPS2 is embedded. The interRAI AC offers the advantage of being able to accurately screen for both dementia and delirium without the need to use additional assessments, thus increasing assessment efficiency.


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Aim Few Australian studies have examined the impact of dementia on hospital outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the relative contribution of dementia to adverse outcomes in older hospital patients. Method Prospective observational cohort study (n = 493) of patients aged ≥70 years admitted to four acute hospitals in Queensland. Trained research nurses completed comprehensive geriatric assessments using standardised instruments and collected data regarding adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of dementia was established by independent physician review of patients' medical records and assessments. Results Patients with dementia (n = 102, 20.7%) were significantly older (P = 0.01), had poorer functional ability (P < 0.01), and were more likely to have delirium at admission (P < 0.01) than patients without dementia. Dementia (odds ratio = 4.8, P < 0.001) increased the risk of developing delirium during the hospital stay. Conclusion Older patients with dementia are more impaired and vulnerable than patients without dementia and are at greater risk of adverse outcomes when hospitalised.


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With the implementation of the Personally Controlled eHealth Records system (PCEHR) in Australia, shared Electronic Health Records (EHR) are now a reality. However, the characteristic implicit in the PCEHR that puts the consumer (i.e. patient) in control of managing his or her health information within the PCEHR prevents healthcare professionals (HCPs) from utilising it as a one-stop-shop for information at point of care decision making as they cannot trust that a complete record of the consumer's health history is available to them through it. As a result, whilst reaching a major milestone in Australia's eHealth journey, the PCEHR does not reap the full benefits that such a shared EHR system can offer.