944 resultados para Electric motor industry
Rising fuel prices and environmental concerns are threatening the stability of current electrical grid systems. These factors are pushing the automobile industry towards more effcient, hybrid vehicles. Current trends show petroleum is being edged out in favor of electricity as the main vehicular motive force. The proposed methods create an optimized charging control schedule for all participating Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a distribution grid. The optimization will minimize daily operating costs, reduce system losses, and improve power quality. This requires participation from Vehicle-to-Grid capable vehicles, load forecasting, and Locational Marginal Pricing market predictions. Vehicles equipped with bidirectional chargers further improve the optimization results by lowering peak demand and improving power quality.
Results from epidemiologic studies suggest that persons working in occupations with presumed electric and magnetic field (EMF) exposures are at increased risk of brain cancer. This study utilized data from a completed, population-based, interview case-control study of central nervous system (CNS) tumors and employment in the petrochemical industry to test the hypothesis that employment in EMF-related occupations increases CNS tumor risk. A total of 375 male residents of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Area, age 20 to 79, with primary neuroglial CNS tumors diagnosed during the period 1980-84 were identified. A population-based comparison group of 450 age, race and geographically matched males was selected. Occupational histories and potential risk factor data were collected via personal interviews with study subjects or their next-of-kin.^ Adjusted odds ratios were less than 1.0 for persons ever employed in an electrical occupation (OR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.40-1.09) or whose usual occupation was electrical (OR = 0.76; 95% CI = 0.33-1.73). Relative risk estimates did not increase significantly as time since first employment or duration of employment increased. Examination of CNS tumor risk by high (OR = 0.80), medium (OR = 0.88) and low (OR = 0.45) exposure categories for persons whose usual occupation was electrical did not indicate a dose-response pattern. In addition, the mean age of exposed cases was not significantly younger than that for unexposed cases. Analysis of risk by probability of exposure to EMFs showed non-significant elevations in the adjusted odds ratio for definite exposed workers defined by their usual occupation (OR = 1.78; 95% CI = 0.70-4.51) and ever/never employed status (OR = 1.54; 95% CI = 0.17-4.91).^ These findings suggest that employment in occupations with presumed EMF exposures does not increase CNS tumor risk as was suggested by previous investigations. The results of this study also do not support the EMF-tumor promotion hypothesis. ^
En este proyecto se desarrolla un sistema electrónico para variar la geometría de un motor de un monoplaza que participa en la competición Fórmula SAE. Fórmula SAE es una competición de diseño de monoplazas para estudiantes, organizado por “Society of Automotive Enginners” (SAE). Este concurso busca la innovación tecnológica de la automoción, así como que estudiantes participen en un trabajo real, en el cual el objetivo es obtener resultados competitivos cumpliendo con una serie de requisitos. La variación de la geometría de un motor en un vehículo permite mejorar el rendimiento del monoplaza consiguiendo elevar el par de potencia del motor. Cualquier mejora en del vehículo en un ámbito de competición puede resultar determinante en el desenlace de la misma. El objetivo del proyecto es realizar esta variación mediante el control de la longitud de los tubos de admisión de aire o “runners” del motor de combustión, empleando un motor lineal paso a paso. A partir de la información obtenida por sensores de revoluciones del motor de combustión y la posición del acelerador se debe controlar la distancia de dichos tubos. Integrando este sistema en el bus CAN del vehículo para que comparta la información medida al resto de módulos. Por todo esto se realiza un estudio aclarando los aspectos generales del objetivo del trabajo, para la comprensión del proyecto a realizar, las posibilidades de realización y adquisición de conocimientos para un mejor desarrollo. Se presenta una solución basada en el control del motor lineal paso a paso mediante el microcontrolador PIC32MX795F512-L. Dispositivo del fabricante Microchip con una arquitectura de 32 bits. Este dispone de un módulo CAN integrado y distintos periféricos que se emplean en la medición de los sensores y actuación sobre el motor paso a paso empleando el driver de Texas Instruments DRV8805. Entonces el trabajo se realiza en dos líneas, una parte software de programación del control del sistema, empleando el software de Microchip MPLABX IDE y otra parte hardware de diseño de una PCB y circuitos acondicionadores para la conexión del microcontrolador, con los sensores, driver, motor paso a paso y bus CAN. El software empleado para la realización de la PCB es Orcad9.2/Layout. Para la evaluación de las medidas obtenidas por los sensores y la comprobación del bus CAN se emplea el kit de desarrollo de Microchip, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, que permite ver la información en el bus CAN e introducir tramas al mismo. ABSTRACT. This project develops an electronic system to vary the geometry of a car engine which runs the Formula SAE competition. Formula SAE is a design car competition for students, organized by "Society of Automotive Engineers" (SAE). This competition seeks technological innovation in the automotive industry and brings in students to participate in a real job, in which the objective is to obtain competitive results in compliance with certain requirements. Varying engine’s geometry in a vehicle improves car’s performance raising engine output torque. Any improvement in the vehicle in a competition field can be decisive in the outcome of it. The goal of the project is the variation by controlling the length of the air intake pipe or "runners" in a combustion engine, using a linear motor step. For these, uses the information gathered by speed sensors from the combustion engine and by the throttle position to control the distance of these tubes. This system is integrated in the vehicle CAN bus to share the information with the other modules. For all this is made a study to clarify the general aspects of the project in order to understand the activities developed inside the project, the different options available and also, to acquire knowledge for a better development of the project. The solution is based on linear stepper motor control by the microcontroller PIC32MX795F512-L. Device from manufacturer Microchip with a 32-bit architecture. This module has an integrated CAN various peripherals that are used in measuring the performance of the sensors and drives the stepper motor using Texas Instruments DRV8805 driver. Then the work is done in two lines, first, control programming software system using software MPLABX Microchip IDE and, second, hardware design of a PCB and conditioning circuits for connecting the microcontroller, with sensors, driver stepper motor and CAN bus. The software used to carry out the PCB is Orcad9.2/Layout. For the evaluation of the measurements obtained by the sensors and CAN bus checking is used Microchip development kit, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, that allows you to see the information on the CAN bus and enter new frames in the bus.
Batteries and ultracapacitors for hybrid and electric vehicles must satisfy very demanding working conditions that are not usual in other applications. In this sense, specific tests must be performed in order to draw accurate conclusions about their behaviour. To do so, new advanced test benches are needed. These platforms must allow the study of a wide variety of energy storage systems under conditions similar to the real ones. In this paper, a flexible, low-cost and highly customizable system is presented. This system allows batteries and ultracapacitors to be tested in many and varied ways, effectively emulating the working conditions that they face in an electric vehicle. The platform was specifically designed to study energy storage systems for electric and hybrid vehicles, meaning that it is suitable to test different systems in many different working conditions, including real driving cycles. This flexibility is achieved keeping the cost of the platform low, which makes the proposed test bench a feasible alternative for the industry. As an example of the functionality of the platform, a test consisting of a 17-minute ARTEMIS urban cycle with a NiMH battery pack is presented.
Durante los últimos años, la construcción de grandes yates ha evolucionado hacia conceptos y diseños más complejos dónde se ha priorizado en muchas ocasiones la estética arquitectónica y exigencias de confort de los armadores y operadores dejando en segundo plano aspectos clave de seguridad. Diferentes Organismos Internacionales y las Sociedades de Clasificación han venido adaptando sus requisitos a la problemática específica de este tipo de buques, tratando de compatibilizar tendencias de diseño con exigencias de resistencia, integridad estructural, estanqueidad y seguridad entre otras. En la actualidad, la construcción de grandes yates con esloras incluso por encima de los 100 metros, el aumento del número de pasajeros por encima del límite tradicional de 12, las nuevas tendencias de ahorro energético y protección medioambiental que se están implantando en la industria en general y marítima en particular, plantean una serie de desafíos tanto a los diseñadores como a las Sociedades de Clasificación que deben avanzar en sus reglamentaciones para cubrir estos y otros aspectos. Son precisamente estos aspectos medioambientales, tradicionalmente relegados en la industria de grandes yates los que están ocupando en la actualidad un primer plano en los desarrollos de normativa de diferentes Organismos Internacionales y Nacionales. El impacto que estas nuevas normativas van a tener sobre el diseño de grandes yates a motor centra el desarrollo de esta Tesis. Hasta donde ha podido conocer el doctorando, esta es la primera vez que en una Tesis Doctoral se abordan los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y la construcción de grandes yates a motor, se estudian y analizan las regulaciones internacionales en materia de protección medioambiental y de eficiencia energética aplicables a los yates, se seleccionan y describen un conjunto de tecnologías maduras de carácter medioambiental, susceptibles de ser empleadas en yates y se determina los parámetros y aspectos del diseño a aplicar al proyecto de grandes yates a motor como resultado de la aplicación de estas tecnologías, analizados bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Internacionales. La Tesis comienza con un análisis de la industria de construcción de grandes yates, la flota existente de grandes yates, la cartera actual de pedidos y la evolución esperada del mercado. Aquí se pone de manifiesto que a pesar de la crisis económica global de los últimos años, este mercado goza relativamente de buena salud y las previsiones son favorables, particularmente para el sector en Europa. A continuación se aborda el estado del arte del diseño de yate grande, sus peculiaridades, particularmente estructurales y de armamento, que le diferencian de otros tipos de buques y las tendencias en su diseño. Se pone de manifiesto cómo el proyecto de estos yates ha evolucionado hacia yates de gran tamaño y complejidad técnica, debido a la demanda y necesidades actuales y cómo ha influido en aspectos como la disposición estructural. Seguidamente se describen los principales mecanismos que regulan el diseño y construcción de grandes yates, particularmente el Código de Grandes Yates Comerciales de la Maritime & Coastguard Agency del Reino Unido, y las Reglas y Reglamentos de la Sociedad de Clasificación Lloyd’s Register para la Clasificación de yates; por ser ambas organizaciones las que lideran el Registro y la Clasificación respectivamente de este tipo de buques, objeto del estudio. El doctorando ejerce su actividad profesional como inspector de Lloyd’s Register en una oficina técnica de apoyo y evaluación de diseño, siendo especialista en grandes yates, lo que ha permitido exponer de primera mano el punto de vista de la Sociedad de Clasificación. En el siguiente Capítulo se describen las principales reglamentaciones internacionales de carácter medioambiental que afectan al diseño, construcción y operación de los yates, algunas de las cuales, como es el caso del Convenio Internacional para el Control y la Gestión del Agua de Lastre y Sedimentos de los buques (BWM 2004) aún no ha entrado en vigor a la fecha de terminación de esta Tesis. Seguidamente se realiza una selección de tecnologías desde el punto de vista de protección medioambiental y ahorro energético y su aplicación al diseño y construcción de grandes yates. Algunas de estas tecnologías son maduras y ya habían sido utilizadas con éxito en otros tipos de buques, pero su aplicación a los yates entraña ciertos desafíos que se describen en este Capítulo. A continuación se determinan y analizan los principales parámetros de diseño de los yates grandes a motor como consecuencia de las tecnologías estudiadas y se indican una serie de aspectos de diseño bajo la perspectiva de la Sociedad de Clasificación y de los Organismos Marítimos Internacionales. Finalmente se llega a una serie de conclusiones y se identifican futuras líneas de investigación en relación a las tecnologías descritas en este trabajo. ABSTRACT In recent years, the building of large yachts has evolved into more complex concepts and designs where often prioritized architectural aesthetics and comfort requirements of owners and operators leaving in the background key security aspects. Several international organizations and classification societies have been adapting their requirements to the specific problems of this type of vessel, trying to reconcile demands design trends with resistance, structural integrity, watertightness and safety among others. At present, the building of large yachts with lengths even above 100 meters, the increase in passenger numbers over the traditional limit of 12, new trends of energy saving and environmental protection are being implemented in the marine industry in particular, they pose a number of challenges to both designers and classification societies that should update and improve their regulations to cover these and other aspects. It is precisely these environmental issues, traditionally relegated to the large yacht industry, which are currently occupying center stage in the development of rules of different international and national bodies. The impact that these new standards will have on the design of large motor yachts focuses the development of this thesis. As far as it is known, this is the first time in a doctoral thesis the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large motor yachts are addressed, the international regulations on environmental protection and energy efficiency requirements for yachts are studied and analyzed, a set of mature environmental technologies, capable of being applied to yachts are selected and described, the parameters and design aspects to be applied to large yacht projects as a result of the application of these technologies are determined and analyzed from the perspective of the Classification Society and international organizations. The thesis begins with an analysis of the shipbuilding industry of large yachts, the existing fleet of large yachts, the current backlog and the expected market developments. Here it becomes clear that despite the global economic crisis of recent years, this market enjoys relatively good health and prospects are favorable, particularly for the sector in Europe. Then the state of the art of large yacht design, its peculiarities, particularly structural and outfitting, that differentiate it from other types of ships and trends in design is discussed. It shows how the project of these yachts has evolved to large yachts and technical complexity, due to the demand and needs and how it has influenced the structural arrangement aspects. Then the main mechanisms regulating the design and construction of large yachts, particularly the Large Commercial Yacht Code developed by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK) and the Lloyd’s Register Rules & Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft including yachts are described; the two organizations to be leading the registration and classification respectively of such vessels under study. The doctoral student practices his profession as a senior specialist to Lloyd’s Register in a technical support office, dealing with the design assessment of large yachts, which allowed exposing firsthand view of the Classification Society. In the next chapter describes the main international environmental regulations, affecting the design, construction and operation of yachts, some of which, such as the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM 2004) has not yet entered into force at the date of completion of this thesis. Following is a selection of technologies from the point of view of environmental protection and energy saving and its application to design and construction of large yachts. Some of these technologies are mature and have already been used successfully in other ship types, but their application to yachts entails certain challenges that are described in this chapter. Then identifies and analyzes the main design parameters of large motor yachts as a result of the technologies studied and a number of design aspects are given from the perspective of Classification Society and international maritime organizations. Finally, a number of conclusions are exposed, and future research is identified in relation to the technologies described in this Thesis.
A cell of the bacterium Escherichia coli was tethered covalently to a glass coverslip by a single flagellum, and its rotation was stopped by using optical tweezers. The tweezers acted directly on the cell body or indirectly, via a trapped polystyrene bead. The torque generated by the flagellar motor was determined by measuring the displacement of the laser beam on a quadrant photodiode. The coverslip was mounted on a computer-controlled piezo-electric stage that moved the tether point in a circle around the center of the trap so that the speed of rotation of the motor could be varied. The motor generated ≈4500 pN nm of torque at all angles, regardless of whether it was stalled, allowed to rotate very slowly forwards, or driven very slowly backwards. This argues against models of motor function in which rotation is tightly coupled to proton transit and back-transport of protons is severely limited.
Choline is an important metabolite in all cells due to the major contribution of phosphatidylcholine to the production of membranes, but it takes on an added role in cholinergic neurons where it participates in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. We have cloned a suppressor for a yeast choline transport mutation from a Torpedo electric lobe yeast expression library by functional complementation. The full-length clone encodes a protein with 10 putative transmembrane domains, two of which contain transporter-like motifs, and whose expression increased high-affinity choline uptake in mutant yeast. The gene was called CTL1 for its choline transporter-like properties. The homologous rat gene, rCTL1, was isolated and found to be highly expressed as a 3.5-kb transcript in the spinal cord and brain and as a 5-kb transcript in the colon. In situ hybridization showed strong expression of rCTL1 in motor neurons and oligodendrocytes and to a lesser extent in various neuronal populations throughout the rat brain. High levels of rCTL1 were also identified in the mucosal cell layer of the colon. Although the sequence of the CTL1 gene shows clear homology with a single gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, several homologous genes are found in mammals (CTL2–4). These results establish a new family of genes for transporter-like proteins in eukaryotes and suggest that one of its members, CTL1, is involved in supplying choline to certain cell types, including a specific subset of cholinergic neurons.
Unidade microcontroladora para gerenciamento eletrônico de um motor de combustão interna ciclo Otto.
Nas últimas décadas, a indústria automobilística mundial vem investindo no desenvolvimento tecnológico dos motores, com o objetivo de alcançar melhor eficiência energética e atender às legislações que limitam a quantidade de resíduos tóxicos nos gases de exaustão e menor consumo de combustível. Isso resultou na implantação dos sistemas de gerenciamento eletrônico do motor, que possibilitam funcionalidades para se controlar diversas variáveis do motor, aumentando consideravelmente o rendimento do motor. Este trabalho tem como objetivos explorar a dinâmica de um motor de combustão interna ciclo Otto, os sinais elétricos associados, e os componentes de seu gerenciamento eletrônico. A partir dessas informações, o trabalho apresenta o processo de analise dos sinais elétricos e as estratégias de controle utilizadas em um sistema de gerenciamento real. Assim, são desenvolvidos o hardware e o firmware de uma unidade microcontroladora para gerenciamento eletrônico do motor. O hardware foi elaborado com uma concepção centralizada, ou seja, foi usado apenas um microcontrolador de 32-bit para gerenciar todas as funções. O firmware de controle foi desenvolvido de forma modular baseado em modelos de malha fechada. O modelo matemático do motor foi identificado utilizando técnicas de controle em um veículo real, e a avalidação do modelo foi obtida através de testes em um dinamômetro inercial.
The paper describes the structure of electricity consumption of electric submersible pumps. Analyzed the loss of all elements of the pumping unit: the motor, the cable line,transformer, control stations and pump. Discusses how to optimize power consumption of oil production.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Minority report of labor member": p. 61-67.
Item 429-T-11
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.