982 resultados para Elastically restrained edges


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Joints are primary sources of weakness in structures. Pin joints are very common and are used where periodic disassembly of components is needed. A circular pin in a circular hole in an infinitely large plate is an abstraction of such a pin joint. A two-dimensional plane-stress analysis of such a configuration is carried out, here, subjected to pin-bearing and/or biaxial-plate loading. The pin is assumed to be rigid compared to the plate material. For pin load the reactive stresses at the edges of the infinite plate tend to zero though their integral over the external boundary equals to the pin load. The pin-hole interface is unbonded and so beyond some load levels the plate separates from the pin and the extent of separation is a non-linear function of load level. The problem is solved by inverse technique where the extent of contact is specified and the causative loads are evaluated directly. In the situations where combined load is acting the separation-contact zone specification generally needs two parameters (angles) to be specified. The present report deals with analysing such a situation in metallic (or isotropic) plates. Numerical results are provided for parametric representation and the methodology is demonstrated.


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Interdependence is a central concept in systems and organizations, yet our methods for measuring it are not well developed. Here, we report on a novel method for transforming digital trace data into networks of events that can be used to visualize and measure interdependence. The edges in the network represent sequential flow and the vertices represent actors, actions and artifacts. We refer to this representation as an affordance network. As with conventional approaches such as process mining, our method uses input from a stream of time-stamped occurrences, but the representation is simpler and more appropriate for exploration and theory building. As digital trace data becomes more widely available, this method may become more useful in information systems research and practice. Like a thermometer, it helps us measure a basic property of a system that would otherwise be difficult to see.


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Experimental cattle are often restrained for repeated blood collection and faecal sampling and may baulk at entering the crush, possibly from learning that crush entry is followed by an unpleasant experience. We asked whether repeated sampling affects temperament. One measure of temperament is flight speed, which is the time, measured electronically, for an animal to cover a set distance on release from a weighing crate (Burrow et al. 1988). 22nd Biennial Conference.


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We study transport across a point contact separating two line junctions in a nu = 5/2 quantum Hall system. We analyze the effect of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between the chiral bosonic edge modes of the half-filled Landau level (assuming a Pfaffian wave function for the half-filled state) and of the two fully filled Landau levels. In the presence of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between all the six edges participating in the line junction, we show that the stable fixed point corresponds to a point contact that is neither fully opaque nor fully transparent. Remarkably, this fixed point represents a situation where the half-filled level is fully transmitting, while the two filled levels are completely backscattered; hence the fixed point Hall conductance is given by G(H) = 1/2e(2)/h. We predict the non-universal temperature power laws by which the system approaches the stable fixed point from the two unstable fixed points corresponding to the fully connected case (G(H) = 5/2e(2)/h) and the fully disconnected case (G(H) = 0).


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Suboptimal restraint use, particularly the incorrect use of restraints, is a significant and widespread problem among child vehicle occupants, and increases the risk of injury. Previous research has identified comfort as a potential factor influencing suboptimal restraint use. Both the real comfort experienced by the child and the parent’s perception of the child’s comfort are reported to influence the optimal use of restraints. Problems with real comfort may lead the child to misuse the restraint in their attempt to achieve better comfort whilst parent-perceived discomfort has been reported as a driver for premature graduation and inappropriate restraint choice. However, this work has largely been qualitative. There has been no research that objectively studies either the association between real and parent-perceived comfort, or any association between comfort and suboptimal restraint use. One barrier to such studies is the absence of validated tools for quantifying real comfort in children. We aimed to develop methods to examine both real and parent-perceived comfort and examine their effects on suboptimal restraint use. We conducted online parent surveys (n=470) to explore what drives parental perceptions of their child’s comfort in restraint systems (study 1) and used data from field observation studies (n=497) to examine parent-perceived comfort and its relationship with observed restraint use (study 2). We developed methods to measure comfort in children in a laboratory setting (n=14) using video analysis to estimate a Discomfort Avoidance Behaviour (DAB) score, pressure mapping and adapted survey tools to differentiate between comfortable and induced discomfort conditions (study 3). The DAB rate was then used to compare an integrated booster with an add-on booster (study 4) Preliminary analysis of our recent online survey of Australian parents (study 1) indicates that 23% of parents report comfort as a consideration when making a decision to change restraints. Logistic regression modelling of data collected during the field observation study (study 2) revealed that parent-perceived discomfort was not significantly associated with premature graduation. Contrary to expectation, children of parents who reported that their child was comfortable were almost twice as likely to have been incorrectly restrained (p<0.01, 95% CI 1.24 - 2.77).In the laboratory study (study 3) we found our adapted survey tools did not provide a reliable measurement of real comfort among children. However our DAB score was able to differentiate between comfortable and induced discomfort conditions and correlated well with pressure mapping. Preliminary results from the laboratory comparison study (study 4) indicate a positive correlation between DAB rate and use errors. In experiments conducted to date, we have seen a significantly higher DAB rate in the integrated booster compared to the add-on booster (p < 0.01). However, this needs to be confirmed in a naturalistic setting and in further experiments that take length of time under observation into account. Our results suggest that while some parents report concern about their child’s comfort, parent-reported comfort levels were not associated with restraint choice. If comfort is important for optimal restraint use, it is likely to be the real comfort of the child rather than that reported by the parent. The method we have developed for studying real comfort can be used in naturalistic studies involving child occupants to further understand this relationship. This work will be of interest to vehicle and child restraint manufacturers interested in improving restraint design for young occupants as well as researchers and other stakeholders interested in reducing the incidence of restraint misuse among children.


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Distributions of lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in litter of a compacted earth floor broiler house in southeastern Queensland, Australia, were studied over two flocks. Larvae were the predominant stage recorded. Significantly low densities occurred in open locations and under drinker cups where chickens had complete access, whereas high densities were found under feed pans and along house edges where chicken access was restricted. For each flock, lesser mealworm numbers increased at all locations over the first 14 d, especially under feed pans and along house edges, peaking at 26 d and then declining over the final 28 d. A life stage profile per flock was devised that consisted of the following: beetles emerge from the earth floor at the beginning of each flock, and females lay eggs, producing larvae that peak in numbers at 3 wk; after a further 3 to 4 wk, larvae leave litter to pupate in the earth floor, and beetles then emerge by the end of the flock time. Removing old litter from the brooder section at the end of a flock did not greatly reduce mealworm numbers over the subsequent flock, but it seemed to prevent numbers increasing, while an increase in numbers in the grow-out section was recorded after reusing litter. Areas under feed pans and along house edges accounted for 5% of the total house area, but approximately half the estimated total number of lesser mealworms in the broiler house occurred in these locations. The results of this study will be used to determine optimal deployment of site-specific treatments for lesser mealworm control.


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The original pasture ecosystems of southern inland Queensland ranged from treeless grasslands on cracking clays through grassy woodlands of varying density on a great range of soil types to those competing at the dynamic edges of forests and scrubs. Fire, both wild and aboriginal-managed, was a major factor, along with rainfall extremes, in shaping the pastures and tree:grass balance. Seedling recruitment was driven by rainfall extremes, availability of germinable seed and growing space, with seed availability and space being linked to the timing and intensity of recent fires and rain. The impact of insects, diseases, severe wind and hailstorms on recruitment should not be underestimated. The more fertile soils had denser grass growth, greater fire frequency and thinner tree cover than infertile soils, except where trees were so dense that grass growth was almost eliminated. The pastures were dominated by perennial tussock grasses of mid-height but included a wide array of minor herbaceous species whose abundance was linked to soil type and recent seasonal conditions. Many were strongly perennial with Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Cyperaceae and Goodeniaceae most common in an environment, which can experience effective rainfall at any time of year. The former grassland communities that are now productive farming lands are not easily returned to their original composition. However, conservation of remnant examples of original pasture types is very achievable provided tree density is controlled, prescribed burning and grazing are used and rigorous control of invasive, exotic species is undertaken. This should be done with a clear understanding that significant short-and medium-term fluctuations in botanical composition are normal.


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X-ra!. K-absorption spectra of niobium in niobium dichalcogenides. namely NbS, and NbSe, and their first-row transition-metal intercalates Mi P 3N bSz (M = Cr. Mn. Fe. Co. Ni) and Ml#,NbSe2 (M = Fe. CO). have been measured together with those in niobium metal. The spectra of these materials are \er? similar to one another. They reflect the transitions to the partially filled niobium d band with some p character. A bariety of x-ray absorption nearedge structures (XASES) associated with the K edges of intercalated atoms are also presented and discussed.


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A new higher order shear deformation theory of laminated composite plates is developed. The basic displacement variables in this theory are two partial normal displacements and two in-plane displacement parameters. The governing equations are presented in the form of four simultaneous partial differential equations. The shear deformation theories of Bhimareddy and Stevens, and of Reddy are special cases of this formulation. In their models, transverse shear strains will become zero at points in the plate where displacements are constrained to be zero such as those on fixed edges. This limitation has been overcome in the present formulation.


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This paper describes an algorithm to compute the union, intersection and difference of two polygons using a scan-grid approach. Basically, in this method, the screen is divided into cells and the algorithm is applied to each cell in turn. The output from all the cells is integrated to yield a representation of the output polygon. In most cells, no computation is required and thus the algorithm is a fast one. The algorithm has been implemented for polygons but can be extended to polyhedra as well. The algorithm is shown to take O(N) time in the average case where N is the total number of edges of the two input polygons.


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Chemical shifts in the K-absorption edges, AE, of a series of chromium, nickel, and molybdenum compounds have been investigated. The AE values in a given series vary in the same direction as the metal-core-level binding energies obtained from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The AI3 values are related to the effective atomic charge of the metal by a parabolic relation. In the case of molybdenum compounds, the chemical shifts of the K, emission lines vary in the same manner as M.


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An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that there are no bichromatic cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number k such that there is an acyclic edge coloring using k colors and is denoted by a'(G). It was conjectured by Alon, Sudakov, and Zaks that for any simple and finite graph G, a'(G) <= Delta+2, where Delta=Delta(G) denotes the maximum degree of G. We prove the conjecture for connected graphs with Delta(G)<= 4, with the additional restriction that m <= 2n-1, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges in G. Note that for any graph G, m <= 2n, when Delta(G)<= 4. It follows that for any graph G if Delta(G)<= 4, then a'(G) <= 7.


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The human visual system has adapted to function in different lighting environments and responds to contrast instead of the amount of light as such. On the one hand, this ensures constancy of perception, for example, white paper looks white both in bright sunlight and in dim moonlight, because contrast is invariant to changes in overall light level. On the other hand, the brightness of the surfaces has to be reconstructed from the contrast signal because no signal from surfaces as such is conveyed to the visual cortex. In the visual cortex, the visual image is decomposed to local features by spatial filters that are selective for spatial frequency, orientation, and phase. Currently it is not known, however, how these features are subsequently integrated to form objects and object surfaces. In this thesis the integration mechanisms of achromatic surfaces were studied by psychophysically measuring the spatial frequency and orientation tuning of brightness perception. In addition, the effect of textures on the spread of brightness and the effect of phase of the inducing stimulus on brightness were measured. The novel findings of the thesis are that (1) a narrow spatial frequency band, independent of stimulus size and complexity, mediates brightness information (2) figure-ground brightness illusions are narrowly tuned for orientation (3) texture borders, without any luminance difference, are able to block the spread of brightness, and (4) edges and even- and odd-symmetric Gabors have a similar antagonistic effect on brightness. The narrow spatial frequency tuning suggests that only a subpopulation of neurons in V1 is involved in brightness perception. The independence of stimulus size and complexity indicates that the narrow tuning reflects hard-wired processing in the visual system. Further, it seems that figure-ground segregation and mechanisms integrating contrast polarities are closely related to the low level mechanisms of brightness perception. In conclusion, the results of the thesis suggest that a subpopulation of neurons in visual cortex selectively integrates information from different contrast polarities to reconstruct surface brightness.


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In Bolitho v Banksia Securities Limited (No 4) [2014] VSC 582 the Supreme Court of Victoria concluded that the proper administration of justice, including the appearance of justice, required that the lawyers representing the plaintiff in the group proceeding should be restrained from continuing to act for the plaintiff. This Victorian case illustrates how courts are likely to respond when lawyers attempt to circumvent the prohibition on contingency fees through litigation funding in which they have a financial interest.


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When recapturing satellite collared wild dogs that had been trapped one month previous in padded foothold traps, we noticed varying degrees of pitting on the pads of their trapped paw. Veterinary advice, based on images taken of the injuries, suggests that the necrosis was caused by vascular compromise. Five of six dingoes we recaptured had varying degrees of necrosis restricted only to the trapped foot and ranging from single 5 mm holes to 25% sections of the toe pads missing or deformed, including loss of nails. The traps used were rubber-padded, two–coiled, Victor Soft Catch #3 traps. The springs are not standard Victor springs but were Beefer springs; these modifications slightly increase trap speed and the jaw pressure on the trapped foot. Despite this modification the spring pressure is still relatively mild in comparison to conventional long spring or four-coiled wild dog traps. The five wild dogs developing necrosis were trapped in November 2006 at 5-6 months of age. Traps were checked each morning so the dogs were unlikely to have been restrained in the trap for more than 12 hours. All dogs exhibited a small degree of paw damage at capture which presented itself as a swollen paw and compression at the capture point. In contrast, eight wild dogs, 7-8 month-old, were captured two months later in February. Upon their release, on advice from a veterinarian, we massaged the trapped foot to get blood flow back in to the foot and applied a bruise treatment (Heparinoid 8.33 mg/ml) to assist restoring blood flow. These animals were subsequently recaptured several months later and showed no signs of necrosis. While post-capture foot injuries are unlikely to be an issue in conventional control programs where the animal is immediately destroyed, caution needs to be used when releasing accidentally captured domestic dogs or research animals captured in rubber-padded traps. We have demonstrated that 7-8 month old dogs can be trapped and released without any evidence of subsequent necrosis following minimal veterinary treatment. We suspect that the rubber padding on traps may increase the tourniquet effect by wrapping around the paw and recommend the evaluation of offset laminated steel jaw traps as an alternative. Offset laminated steel jaw traps have been shown to be relatively humane producing as few foot injuries as rubber-jawed traps.