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It is estimated that more than half the U.S. adult population is overweight or obese as classified by a body mass index of 25.0–29.9 or ≥30 kg/m 2, respectively. Since the current treatment approaches for long-term maintenance of weight loss are lacking, the National Institutes of Health state that an effective approach may be to focus on weight gain prevention. There is a limited body of literature describing how adults maintain a stable weight as they age. It is hypothesized that weight stability is the result of a balance between energy consumption and energy expenditure as influenced by diet, lifestyle, behavior, genetics and environment. The purpose of this research was to examine the dietary intake and behaviors, lifestyle habits, and risk factors for weight change that predict weight stability in a cohort of 2101 men and 389 women aged 20 to 8 7 years in the Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study regardless of body weight at baseline. At baseline, participants completed a maximal exercise treadmill test to determine cardiorespiratory fitness, a medical history questionnaire, which included self-reported measures of weight, dietary behaviors, lifestyle habits, and risk factors for weight change, a three-day diet record, and a mail-back version of the medical history questionnaire in 1990 or 1995. All analyses were performed separately for men and women. Results from multivariate regression analyses indicated that the strongest predictor of follow-up weight for men and women was previous weight, accounting for 87.0% and 81.9% of the variance, respectively. Age, length of follow-up and eating habits were also significant predictors of follow-up weight in men, though these variables only explained 3% of the variance. For women, length of follow-up and currently being on a diet were significantly associated with follow-up weight but these variables explained only an additional 2% of the variance. Understanding the factors that influence weight change has tremendous public health importance for developing effective methods to prevent weight gain. Since current weight was the strongest predictor of previous weight, preventing initial weight gain by maintaining a stable weight may be the most effective method to combat the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. ^
This pilot study, conducted in the Houston, TX, area, established a structured dialogue among a university Institutional Review Board, its researchers, and its local community members (i.e. pool of potential research participants) for the purpose of further educating all three parties about genetic research and community concerns related to such research. An IRB-designed educational presentation aimed at assisting potential subjects in making an informed decision to participate in genetic research was provided to four community groups (n=54); this presentation also included a current example of genetic research being conducted in the community as explained by the researcher, and a question-and-answer session designed to assist the IRB and the researcher in understanding the community's concerns about genetic research. Comparisons of pre- and post- presentation community questionnaires indicate that the joint presentation was effective in increasing community knowledge about genetic research, most notably related to the risks and benefits of this research to the individual, as well as the understanding that protections are in place for research participants. While researchers are optimistic about the idea of a collaborative effort with the IRB and the community, the feasibility of such a program and the benefit to the participating researchers remain unclear; additional research is necessary to establish the most effective method of communication for all groups involved, as well as to obtain statistically significant results with regard to race/ethnicity, gender, and education levels of community participants. ^
The unprecedented attacks of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent anthrax-related events thrust our nation's often forgotten public health system into the forefront of public attention. A strong public health system with a well-prepared workforce plays a critical role in preparing for and responding to the threat of bioterrorism and other disasters and emergencies. Technical expertise is critical as is a basic awareness and understanding of core public health competencies especially as they relate to disaster and emergency response is also imperative for a public health agency to function as a vital Emergency Response team member. Ideally this training should begin at the Public Health graduate level so as to provide the baseline core tools to be able to function as a vital team member when they are practicing out in the real world. Online learning is an efficient and effective method for providing public health education to in a flexible format to meet the needs of busy student-professions. This Public Health Disaster Preparedness online course developed during an Emergency Response state program practicum is a practical and proficient approach to accomplish this endeavor. ^
Background. Because our hands are the most common mode of transmission for bacteria causing hospital acquired infections, hand hygiene practices are the most effective method of preventing the spread of these pathogens, limiting the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections and reducing transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms. Yet, compliance rates are below 40% on the average. ^ Objective. This culminating experience project is primarily a literature review on hand hygiene to help determine the barriers to hand hygiene compliance and offer solutions on improving these rates and to build on a hand hygiene evaluation performed during my infection control internship completed at Memorial Hermann Hospital during the fall semester of 2005. ^ Method. A review of peer-reviewed literature using Ovid Medline, Ebsco Medline and PubMed databases using keywords: hand hygiene, hand hygiene compliance, alcohol based handrub, healthcare-associated infections, hospital-acquired infections, and infection control. ^ Results. A total of eight hand hygiene studies are highlighted. At a children's hospital in Seattle, hand hygiene compliance rates increases from 62% to 81% after five periods of interventions. In Thailand, 26 nurses dramatically increased compliance from 6.3% to 81.2% after just 7 months of training. Automated alcohol based handrub dispensers improved compliance rates in Chicago from 36.3% to 70.1%. Using education and increased distribution of alcohol based handrubs increased hand hygiene rates from 59% to 79% for Ebnother, from 54% to 85% for Hussein and from 32% to 63% for Randle. Spartanburg Regional Medical Center increased their rates from 72.5% to 90.3%. A level III NICU achieved 100% compliance after a month long educational campaign but fell back down to its baseline rate of 89% after 3 months. ^ Discussion. The interventions used to promote hand hygiene in the highlighted studies varied from low tech approaches such as printed materials to advanced electronic gadgets that alerted individuals automatically to perform hand hygiene. All approaches were effective and increased compliance rates. Overcoming hand hygiene barriers, receiving and accepting feedback is the key to maintaining consistently high hand hygiene adherence. ^
This study addresses the responses to a postcard campaign with health messages targeting the parents of children in a sample of low-income elementary schools and assesses the feasibility and areas of possible improvements in such a project. The campaign was implemented in Spring 2009 with 4 th grade students (n=1070) in fifteen economically disadvantaged elementary schools in Travis County, Texas. Postcards were sent home with children, and parents filled out a feedback card that the children returned to school. Response data, in the form of self-administered feedback cards (n=2665) and one-on-one teacher interviews (n=8), were qualitatively analyzed using NVivo 8 software. Postcard reception and points of improvement were then identified from the significant themes that emerged including health, cessation or reduction of unhealthy behaviors, motivation, family, and the comprehension of abstract health concepts. ^ Responses to the postcard campaign were almost completely positive, with less than 1% of responses reporting some sort of dislike, and many parents reported a modification of their behavior. However, possible improvements that could be made to the campaign are: increased focus of the postcards on the parents as the target population, increased information about serving size, greater emphasis on the link between obesity and health, alteration of certain skin tones used in the graphical depiction of people on the cards, and smaller but more frequent incentives to return the feedback cards for the students. The program appears to be an effective method of communicating health messages to the parents of 4th grade children.^
Purpose. To evaluate the use of the Legionella Urine Antigen Test as a cost effective method for diagnosing Legionnaires’ disease in five San Antonio Hospitals from January 2007 to December 2009. ^ Methods. The data reported by five San Antonio hospitals to the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District during a 3-year retrospective study (January 2007 to December 2009) were evaluated for the frequency of non-specific pneumonia infections, the number of Legionella Urine Antigen Tests performed, and the percentage of positive cases of Legionnaires’ disease diagnosed by the Legionella Urine Antigen Test.^ Results. There were a total of 7,087 cases of non-specific pneumonias reported across the five San Antonio hospitals studied from 2007 to 2009. A total of 5,371 Legionella Urine Antigen Tests were performed from January, 2007 to December, 2009 across the five San Antonio hospitals in the study. A total of 38 positive cases of Legionnaires’ disease were identified by the use of Legionella Urinary Antigen Test from 2007-2009.^ Conclusions. In spite of the limitations of this study in obtaining sufficient relevant data to evaluate the cost effectiveness of Legionella Urinary Antigen Test in diagnosing Legionnaires’ disease, the Legionella Urinary Antigen Test is simple, accurate, faster, as results can be obtained within minutes to hours; and convenient because it can be performed in emergency room department to any patient who presents with the clinical signs or symptoms of pneumonia. Over the long run, it remains to be shown if this test may decrease mortality, lower total medical costs by decreasing the number of broad-spectrum antibiotics prescribed, shorten patient wait time/hospital stay, and decrease the need for unnecessary ancillary testing, and improve overall patient outcomes.^
The purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of alternative methods of tracing named contacts of syphilis patients. A total of 236 contacts, identified by patients in two City of Houston Department of Health and Human Services clinics during the period April 1 through July 31, 1987, were studied. After contacts were grouped by sex and age, the proportion brought to examination by each of three methods, and by a combination of methods, was determined for each subgroup.^ The study found that 78.4% of all the 236 named sex contacts reported were located and brought to examination by the various methods of contact tracing and that 21.6% were missed. Of the 185 contacts examined, a combination of methods identified 47.7% of the cases, telephone contact, 28.6%, field contact, 16.9%, and patient referral, 11.8%.^ Of the 236 contacts reported, males made up 56.8% and females 43.2%. Contact tracing was more successful among females, with 81.4% of the 102 named female contacts, as compared to 76.1% of the 134 named male contacts being brought to examination. It is not known whether equal efforts were exerted in the follow-up of both male and female contacts. In both female and male subgroups, a combination of methods brought over 40% of sex contacts to examination. Telephone contact among females yielded 27.7% of the cases and field contact 18.1%, whereas in males, telephone contact identified 29.4% of the cases and field contact 15.7%. Patient referral was the least productive method in both sex groups, locating 12.8% in males as compared to 10.8% in females.^ On an age specific basis, a combination of methods was the most effective method in the 15-39 age group, whereas telephone contact was most effective in the 40-44 age group, and field contact in the 50-54 age group. Of all the methods of contact tracing, patient referral was the least productive in most age groups.^ Future studies of contact tracing should incorporate several important variables which were not examined in this study. ^
The primary aim of this dissertation research is to provide epidemiological data on HIV risk-related behaviors among undocumented Central American immigrant women living in Houston, Texas. Between February and May 2010, we used respondent driven sampling (RDS) to recruit 230 Guatemalan, Honduran, and El Salvadoran women, ages 18 to 50 years, living in Houston without a valid United States visa or residency papers. RDS is a probability-based sampling method that utilizes social networks to access members of hidden populations that lack a sampling frame. Participants completed an interview regarding their demographics, access to and utilization of healthcare services, HIV testing, and sexual behaviors. Data from this study were used 1) to describe the prevalence of sexual HIV risk-related behaviors among undocumented Central American immigrant women, comparing those who recently immigrated to the U.S. (within the past five years) to those with more established residency (of over five years); 2) to describe the prevalence of lifetime HIV testing and evaluate its associated factors in this target population; and 3) to describe the effectiveness of RDS to access members of this target population. ^ As described in Paper 1, there was a generally low prevalence of individual HIV risk-related behaviors (i.e., multiple, concurrent, convenience, and casual sexual partnerships) among the undocumented Central American immigrant women in this study. However, there was evidence of HIV risk due to unprotected sex with male partners who have concurrent sexual partnerships. We identified recent immigrants as the subpopulation at greatest risk, as they were significantly more likely than established immigrants to have multiple and/or concurrent sexual partners. As described in Paper 2, the lifetime prevalence of HIV testing was almost 70%. After adjusting for age, number of years living in the U.S., income security, and resource barriers, lifetime HIV testing was significantly associated with being from Honduras, having more than a sixth grade education, having a regular healthcare provider, and having knowledge of available healthcare resources. Finally, as described in Paper 3, RDS was an effective method for obtaining a diverse sample of Central American immigrant women in Houston. ^ This project is the first to use RDS to conduct an HIV behavioral survey among undocumented Central American immigrant women. Our results will inform the design of future research studies and the implementation of HIV prevention activities among undocumented Central American immigrants in the U.S.^
Objectives. To assess the reach and effectiveness of mobile dental vans as a delivery method by providing access to underserved populations. ^ Methods. A literature review was conducted to identify mobile delivery methods whose aims are to address the increasing oral health disparity concern. Forty articles met the inclusion criteria. Of the 40 articles, only 7 analyzed the reach and coverage of the mobile dental clinics. Data was compiled from the literature to compare and assess the different mobile dental care delivery methods. ^ Results. There is a correlation between transportation barriers and lack of access to healthcare. Mobile dentistry helps to delivery dental care to vulnerable populations. ^ Conclusion. Mobile dental clinics are an effective method in improving access to care in underserved populations, as well as increasing overall oral health in these individuals.^
Geological storage of CO2 is nowadays internationally considered as the most effective method for greenhouse gas emission mitigation, in order to minimize its effects on the global climatology. One of the main options is to store the CO2 in deep saline aquifers at more than 800 m depth, because it achieves its supercritical state. Among the most important aspects concerning the performance assessment of a deep CO2 geological repository is the evaluation of the CO2 leakage rate from the chosen storage geological formation. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to increase the knowledge on the interaction among CO2, storage and sealing formations, as well as on the flow paths for CO2 and the physico-mechanical resistance of the sealing formation. Furthermore, the quantification of the CO2 leakage rate is essential to evaluate its effects on the environment. One way to achieve this objective is to study of CO2 leakage on natural analogue systems, because they can provide useful information about the natural performance of the CO2, which can be applied to an artificial CO2 geological storage. This work is focused on the retention capacity of the cap-rock by measuring the diffuse soil CO2 flux in a site selected based on: i) the presence of a natural and deep CO2 accumulation; ii) its structural geological characteristics; and iii) the nature of the cap-rocks. This site is located in the so-called Mazarrón-Gañuelas Tertiary Basin, in the Guadalentin Valley, province of Murcia (Spain) Therefore the main objective of this investigation has been to detect the possible leakages of CO2 from a deep saline aquifer to the surface in order to understand the capability of this area as a natural analogue for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). The results obtained allow to conclude that the geological sealing formation of the basin seems to be appropriate to avoid CO2 leakages from the storage formation.
Geological storage of CO2 is nowadays internationally considered as the most effective method for greenhouse gas emission mitigation, in order to minimize its effects on the global climatology. One of the main options is to store CO2 in deep saline aquifers at more than 800m depth, because it reaches its supercritical state. Study of the CO2 natural accumulations as natural analogues of an artificial CO2 storage is very useful in order to understand the CO2 long term behaviour and thus to predict its possible impact on the surficial environment and life. Therefore the main objective of this work is to detect the affection of the CO2 leakages from a deep saline aquifer on the shallow aquifers, all of them located in the Gañuelas-Mazarrón Tertiary basin (Province of Murcia, Spain). This CO2 storage and leakage natural system can be analogous to an artificial CO2 storage with leakage phenomena. In order to reach these objectives, groundwaters from different aquifers in the site have been sampled and analysed for major elements, free and dissolved gases and stable isotopes, particularly ∂ 13 C and 3 He/ 4 He. The results obtained allow to conclude that this natural system is an interesting example of natural analogue for an artificial CO2 storage affected by leakage processes because the shallow fresh aquifers in the site are polluted by CO2 from the deep saline aquifer as a consequence of an intensive over-exploitation of these freshwater aquifers
A number of thrombectomy devices using a variety of methods have now been developed to facilitate clot removal. We present research involving one such experimental device recently developed in the UK, called a ‘GP’ Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has the potential to bring about the extraction of a thrombus. Although the device is at a relatively early stage of development, the results look encouraging. In this work, we present an analysis and modeling of the GPTAD by means of the bond graph technique; it seems to be a highly effective method of simulating the device under a variety of conditions. Such modeling is useful in optimizing the GPTAD and predicting the result of clot extraction. The aim of this simulation model is to obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to verify that both the pressure and the time required to complete the clot extraction are realistic for use in clinical situations, and are consistent with any experimentally obtained data. We therefore consider aspects of rheology and mechanics in our modeling.
Tabled evaluation has been proved an effective method to improve several aspeets of goal-oriented query evaluation, including termination and complexity. Several "native" implementations of tabled evaluation have been developed which offer good performance, but many of them need significant changes to the underlying Prolog implementation. More portable approaches, generally using program transformation, have been proposed but they often result in lower efficieney. We explore some techniques aimed at combining the best of these worlds, i.e., developing a portable and extensible implementation, with minimal modifications at the abstract machine level, and with reasonably good performance. Our preliminary results indícate promising results.
Este proyecto trata sobre el interés que ofrece la biocalcificación en cuanto a la mejora de las propiedades mecánicas de materiales de construcción. En concreto este proyecto se desarrolla con arenas de Ottawa con intención de extrapolar resultados y de continuar con ensayos en distintos materiales. Se realizan ensayos de caracterización del material en primer lugar para conocer sus propiedades básicas y posteriormente se preparan los cultivos bacteriológicos que ayuden a biocalcificar el medio de estudio. Tras las correspondientes investigaciones y pruebas respecto al método más efectivo, cantidad de inyecciones, duración… usando también conocimientos químicos para la preparación de los reactivos, se procede a la repetición de los ensayos para ver la variación en las propiedades y poder sacar conclusiones útiles en la mejora visible de éstas. ABSTRACT This project discuss the interest of biocalcification offered by regarding the improvement of the mechanical properties of construction materials. Specifically this project is developed with Ottawa sands intending to extrapolate findings and to continue testing different materials. Firstly, characterization tests are performed to find out its basic material properties and after that, bacterial cultures are prepared to help studying how to biocalcify the sample. After the needed investigations and tests looking for the most effective method, accurate number of injections, desired duration ... also using chemical knowledge for the preparation of the reagents; we proceed to retest the samples to see the variation in properties and be able to get useful conclusions of a visible improvement of these properties.
Along the recent years, several moving object detection strategies by non-parametric background-foreground modeling have been proposed. To combine both models and to obtain the probability of a pixel to belong to the foreground, these strategies make use of Bayesian classifiers. However, these classifiers do not allow to take advantage of additional prior information at different pixels. So, we propose a novel and efficient alternative Bayesian classifier that is suitable for this kind of strategies and that allows the use of whatever prior information. Additionally, we present an effective method to dynamically estimate prior probability from the result of a particle filter-based tracking strategy.