1000 resultados para Economia social e aplicada
Theories on social capital and on social entrepreneurship have mainly highlighted the attitude of social capital to generate enterprises and to foster good relations between third sector organizations and the public sector. This paper considers the social capital in a specific third sector enterprise; here, multi-stakeholder social cooperatives are seen, at the same time, as social capital results, creators and incubators. In the particular enterprises that identify themselves as community social enterprises, social capital, both as organizational and relational capital, is fundamental: SCEs arise from but also produce and disseminate social capital. This paper aims to improve the building of relational social capital and the refining of helpful relations drawn from other arenas, where they were created and from where they are sometimes transferred to other realities, where their role is carried on further (often working in non-profit, horizontally and vertically arranged groups, where they share resources and relations). To represent this perspective, we use a qualitative system dynamic approach in which social capital is measured using proxies. Cooperation of volunteers, customers, community leaders and third sector local organizations is fundamental to establish trust relations between public local authorities and cooperatives. These relations help the latter to maintain long-term contracts with local authorities as providers of social services and enable them to add innovation to their services, by developing experiences and management models and maintaining an interchange with civil servants regarding these matters. The long-term relations and the organizational relations linking SCEs and public organizations help to create and to renovate social capital. Thus, multi-stakeholder cooperatives originated via social capital developed in third sector organizations produce new social capital within the cooperatives themselves and between different cooperatives (entrepreneurial components of the third sector) and the public sector. In their entrepreneurial life, cooperatives have to contrast the "working drift," as a result of which only workers remain as members of the cooperative, while other stakeholders leave the organization. Those who are not workers in the cooperative are (stake)holders with "weak ties," who are nevertheless fundamental in making a worker's cooperative an authentic social multi-stakeholders cooperative. To maintain multi-stakeholder governance and the relations with third sector and civil society, social cooperatives have to reinforce participation and dialogue with civil society through ongoing efforts to include people that provide social proposals. We try to represent these processes in a system dynamic model applied to local cooperatives, measuring the social capital created by the social cooperative through proxies, such as number of volunteers and strong cooperation with public institutions. Using a reverse-engineering approach, we can individuate the determinants of the creation of social capital and thereby give support to governance that creates social capital.
This article discusses the construction of tri-sector partnerships in three projects conducted in Brazil in different fields of intervention of public policy (access to water, basic education and performance of boards of rights of children and adolescents). Collaborative articulations involving the players from three sectors (the State, civil society and the market) are practices that are little studied in the Brazilian and even in the international context, as tri-sector partnerships are rare, despite the proliferation of lines of discourse in support of alliances between governments and civil society or between companies and NGOs in the management of public policy. As a research strategy, this study resorted to cooperative inquiry, a method that involves breaking down the boundaries between the subjects and the objects of the analysis. Besides working toward a better understanding of the challenges of building tri-sector partnerships in the Brazilian context, the article also tries to show the relevance to public policy studies of investigative methods based on the subjects studied, as a means of developing an understanding of the practices, lines of discourse and dilemmas linked to social action in social programs.
This research was based on a study of social enterprises in Brazil, to find out if and how these organizations plan and manage the succession process for their senior positions. The study investigated the subset of the associations dedicated to collectively producing goods and services, because they are formally set up and aimed at speeding up the dynamism of local development. The empirical research consisted of two stages. The first was a survey covering a sample of 378 organizations, to find out which of those had already undergone or were undergoing a succession process. The second interviewed the main manager of 32 organizations, to obtain a description of their succession experience. In this stage, the research aimed to analyze how the Individual, Organization and Environment dimensions interact to configure the succession process, identifying which factors of each of these dimensions can facilitate or limit this process. The following guiding elements were taken as the analytical basis: Individual dimension - leadership roles, skill and styles; Organization dimension - structure, planning, advisory boards, communication (transparency), control and evaluation; and Environment dimension - influence of the stakeholders (community, suppliers, clients, and business partners) on the succession process. The results indicated that succession in the researched associations is in the construction stage: it adapts to the requirements of current circumstances but is evidently in need of improvement in order for more effective planning and shared management of the process to be achieved.
No estudo aqui relatado identificaram-se os fatores que levam à formação do capital social familiar em empresas familiares. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se, como aporte teórico, a teoria do capital social e do capital social familiar. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, do tipo survey, em 120 empreendimentos familiares. Aplicou-se questionário, sob a forma de entrevista, a todos os empresários. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial. Os resultados foram apresentados em dois blocos: primeiro, a caracterização da amostra em relação ao perfil do respondente e ao perfil do empreendimento, bem como a apresentação da frequência de cada uma das assertivas; na segunda parte, foi feita a análise fatorial, após a qual foram identificados sete fatores relacionados com a formação do capital social familiar. São eles: diálogo colaborativo, rede familiar, infraestrutura moral, confiança, normas éticas, ideias próprias e canais de informação externos. O capital social familiar é solidificado por meio do diálogo colaborativo, a partir do qual é possível enraizar, na família e na empresa, as normas éticas, originando o que se chama de infraestrutura moral, quando a família e a empresa estão em sintonia interna e externa. Em um sentido contraditório, a ausência do diálogo colaborativo gera autoritarismo por parte dos dirigentes e membros da família, prevalecendo ideias próprias, as quais foram identificadas como fator contraditório à formação do capital social familiar.
RESUMO Para a Sociologia Econômica, as estruturas sociais, no formato de redes interpessoais, influenciam as iniciativas individuais e os resultados econômicos daí derivados. Segundo Granovetter, existem três tipos básicos de estruturas: fortemente acopladas; fortemente desacopladas; fracamente acopladas. Este trabalho situa-se no contexto dessas reflexões, e procura-se, por meio de uma pesquisa amostral realizada com 100 empreendedores, localizados no município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil: identificar as estruturas sociais de origem desses indivíduos, em consonância com a tipologia genérica de Granovetter; avaliar a presença de associações entre essas estruturas e a trajetória dos empreendimentos, em particular, a motivação para empreender e o acesso ao mercado. Termina-se por elaborar uma tipologia de estruturas/redes sociais específicas para a análise do empreendedor, composta por três categorias: familiar, profissional e difusa.
La relación educativa entraña, inevitablemente, el debate entorno de la verticalidad y del ejercicio del poder. De qué modo nos relacionamos y cómo gestionamos la comunicación entre educadores y educandos, así como entre iguales. Esa tensión se ve amplificada en la medida que incorporamos lógicas evaluativas en nuestro quehacer profesional. La siguiente comunicación describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los y las educadores/as sociales. Tanto a nivel escolar como en el universitario hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación a la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como por ejemplo en la definición, en el código ético, y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del/la educador/a social). En esta comunicación pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales. Así pues, utilizaremos una justificación académica y metodológica de la actividad, enlazándola con los documentos profesionalizadores con un fin relacionado directamente con el ejercicio de la profesión.
Social capital is viewed either as a proprietary asset that serves private interests, including those of entrepreneurs, or as a collective asset that supports trust-based transactions saving on transaction costs both in markets and within the boundaries of firms, and benefiting society as a whole. This paper explains the relative specialization between entrepreneurs and market-governed exchanges as a result of the interaction between social capital that lowers transaction costs, and the scale economies of ability in managerial jobs (Lucas 1978). The main hypothesis formulated in the paper is that higher social capital will benefit the hierarchy relatively more than the market as a governance mechanism, and therefore in economies with higher social capital, the equilibrium number of entrepreneurs will be lower and their average span of control larger than in economies with lower social capital. The empirical evidence, with data from the Spanish Autonomous Communities, is consistent with this prediction.
This paper performs an empirical Decomposition of International Inequality in Ecological Footprint in order to quantify to what extent explanatory variables such as a country’s affluence, economic structure, demographic characteristics, climate and technology contributed to international differences in terms of natural resource consumption during the period 1993-2007. We use a Regression-Based Inequality Decomposition approach. As a result, the methodology extends qualitatively the results obtained in standard environmental impact regressions as it comprehends further social dimensions of the Sustainable Development concept, i.e. equity within generations. The results obtained point to prioritizing policies that take into account both future and present generations.
O objetivo deste texto foi realizar um resgate teórico sobre a traje-tória da disciplina de Admi-nistração Aplicada à Enfermagem, na graduação, ao longo da história do ensino da Enfermagem Brasi-leira, relacionando-a ao ensino de Custos. Percebemos, inseridas no ensino dessa disciplina, diversas citações diretas referentes ao tema Custos ou Economia em Saúde, desde o primeiro currículo de Enfermagem de 1890 até as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfer-magem de 2001, além de citações indiretas relacionadas ao geren-ciamento, tomada de decisão, assessorias em projetos de saúde, entre outras, mas sem haver uma continuidade.
El projecte Microscòpia d'alta resolució aplicada a anàlisis traceològiques, tafonòmiques y zooarqueològiques ha permès donar continuïtat i ampliar la xarxa científica posada en marxa gràcies a dos projectes PBR anteriors entre l’IPHES i quatre centres anglesos: l’Institute of Archaeology del University College of London, el Dept of Prehistory and Europe del British Museum, el Dept of Palaeontology del Natural History Museum, i el Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory de la University of Bradford. El tema tractat ha estat l’avaluació de la resolució i de la possible complementarietat de diferents tècniques avançades de microscòpia per a l’anàlisi de les superfícies d’ossos i eines de pedra prehistòriques: microscòpia òptica, electrònica (SEM i ESEM), microscòpia làser confocal (LSCM) i el sistema Alicona 3D Infinite Imaging. Les diverses accions de mobilitat entre Catalunya i el Regne Unit realitzades han permès satisfactòriament posar en comú els procediments emprats pels diferents especialistes de cada centre. Les proves realitzades sobre materials de jaciments arqueològics clau tant britànics com de l’estat espanyol han permès avaluar els avantatges i limitacions que cada tècnica presentava segons la mostra estudiada (eines de pedra, ossos, dents...) i segons els requeriments específics de l’estudi plantejat. En termes generals, s’ha posat en evidència que les diferents tècniques explorades són força complementàries. És a dir, la gran capacitat d’augments i de resolució d’imatge dels microscopis electrònics es complementa amb unes meravelloses prestacions quant anàlisi de textures, de perfils i de reconstrucció 3D dels altres aparells. La principal conclusió que podem extreure, doncs, és que l’estudi d’aquest tipus d’objectes arqueològics requereix de l’ús combinat de diferents aparells de microscòpia. Tant els treballs realitzats com els contactes entre especialistes establerts al llarg del projecte s’han plasmat ja en treballs concrets, alguns d’ells ja publicats o en fase final de publicació.
El siguiente artículo describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los educadores/as sociales.Tanto a nivel escolar como universitario, hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación con la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como porejemplo en la definición, en el código ético y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del educador/a social). En estas páginas pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores/as en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales.
A Reforma Psiquiátrica traz à tona a inclusão social pelo trabalho na perspectiva da Economia Solidária e envolvimento familiar. Em município do interior paulista foi criado empreendimento solidário de usuários do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivos: identificar a composição e relações das famílias de integrantes desse empreendimento; conhecer as percepções dos familiares sobre a inclusão pelo trabalho dos usuários e a possibilidade de protagonismo da família nesse processo. Foram realizadas entrevistas, utilizando o genograma e ecomapa Modelo Calgary de Avaliação da Família e questões abertas sobre as percepções das famílias, pautadas na análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a maioria das famílias é nuclear, chefiada por mulheres. A maior parte dos usuários não apresenta relação familiar conflituosa e os que relatam apresentar, referem-se aos pais. Reconhecem a importância do trabalho como espaço de criação de sentidos e novas relações e apontam várias formas para o co-envolvimento.
With the two aims of monitoring social change and improving social measurement, the European Social Survey is now closing its third round. This paper shows how the accumulated experience of the two first rounds has been used to validate the questionnaire, better adapt the sampling design to the country characteristics and efficiently commit fieldwork in Spain. For example, the dynamic character of the population nowadays makes necessary to estimated design effects at each round from the data of the previous round. The paper also demonstrates how, starting with a response rate of 52% at first round, a 66% response rate is achieved at the third round thanks to an extensive quality control conducted by the polling agency and the ESS national team and based on a detailed analysis of the non-response cases and the incidences reported by the interviewed in the contact form.
Patients with stage-I (very mild and mild) Alzheimer's disease were asked to participate in a Dictator Game, a type of game in which a subject has to decide how to allocate a certain amount of money between himself and another person. The game enables the experimenter to examine the influence of social norms and social preferences on the decision-making process. When the results of treatments involving Alzheimer's disease patients were compared with those of identical treatments involving patients with mild cognitive impairment or healthy control subjects, with similar ages and social backgrounds, no statistically significant difference was found. This finding suggests that stage-I Alzheimer's disease patients may be as capable of making decisions involving social norms and preferences as other individuals of their age. Whatever brain structures are affected by the disease, they do not appear to influence, at this early stage, the neural basis for cooperation-enhancing social interactions.
166 countries have some kind of public old age pension. What economic forces create and sustain old age Social Security as a public program? Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1999b) document several of the internationally and historically common features of social security programs, and explore "political" theories of Social Security. This paper discusses the "efficiency theories", which view creation of the SS program as a full of partial solution to some market failure. Efficiency explanations of social security include the "SS as welfare for the elderly" the "retirement increases productivity to optimally manage human capital externalities", "optimal retirement insurance", the "prodigal father problem", the "misguided Keynesian", the "optimal longevity insurance", the "government economizing transaction costs", and the "return on human capital investment". We also analyze four "narrative" theories of social security: the "chain letter theory", the "lump of labor theory", the "monopoly capitalism theory", and the "Sub-but-Nearly-Optimal policy response to private pensions theory". The political and efficiency explanations are compared with the international and historical facts and used to derive implications for replacing the typical pay-as-you-go system with a forced savings plan. Most of the explanations suggest that forced savings does not increase welfare, and may decrease it.