858 resultados para Early Diagnosis


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas, laboratoriais e de desfecho de uma série de casos com diagnóstico definido de síndrome antifosfolípide (SAF) pediátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional-retrospectivo de referência pediátrica terciária, que identificou os casos por meio de evento vascular, trombose venosa ou oclusão arterial, determinação de anticorpos anticardiolipina (IgG e IgM) e teste do anticoagulante lúpico. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados cinco casos atendidos nos últimos cinco anos, sendo dois meninos e três meninas. A trombose venosa ocorreu em seios venosos cerebrais (2), fibular (2), poplítea (1), femoral (1), intestinal (1), renal (1), acompanhados por oclusão arterial intestinal (1), de artéria renal (1) e artéria digital (1), esta resultando gangrena periférica como evento recorrente durante anticoagulação com warfarina. Um abortamento espontâneo ocorreu em uma adolescente em vigência de púrpura trombocitopênica, evoluindo com anemia hemolítica (síndrome de Evans) e desfecho fatal por hemorragia. A investigação laboratorial em todos os casos resultou, pelo menos, uma determinação positiva de anticardiolipina IgG e/ou IgM, sendo considerados como SAF primária. Três dos casos estão em seguimento com anticoagulação oral. CONLUSÃO: A trombose venosa cerebral e de extremidades foram os eventos mais freqüentes. A presente série alerta para a investigação e o diagnóstico precoces, com abordagem multidisciplinar para o tratamento.


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O envelhecimento é um processo do desenvolvimento normal, envolvendo alterações neurobiológicas estruturais, funcionais e químicas. Também incidem sobre o organismo fatores ambientais e socioculturais - como qualidade e estilo de vida, dieta, sedentarismo e exercício - intimamente ligados ao envelhecimento sadio ou patológico. Este estudo teórico tem como objetivo ressaltar tópicos relevantes para o envelhecimento sadio e o envelhecimento doentio, fundamentados em resultados recentes da pesquisa em neurociências. Conclui-se que o aumento da idade não significa necessariamente adoecer; com medidas preventivas pode-se manter o idoso em condições saudáveis nos domínios físico e cognitivo, mantendo a autonomia de vida por longo período. Contudo, na presença de disfunções, o diagnóstico e a intervenção precoces podem propiciar uma melhor qualidade de vida ao paciente e sua família.


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Os baiacus ou peixes-bola podem ser venenosos devido à presença em seus tecidos corporais de Tetrodotoxina e/ou Saxitoxina, ambas potentes neurotoxinas. Os autores relatam 27 envenenamentos por ingestão da carne de baiacus. Os pacientes foram atendidos nos Centros de Toxicologia de Santa Catarina e da Bahia de 1984 a 2009. Os acidentes foram classificados em moderados (52%) e graves (33%), havendo dois óbitos. O diagnóstico precoce é fundamental no sentido de garantir suporte ventilatório aos pacientes.


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A síndrome de abstinência alcoólica é um quadro agudo, caracterizado por um conjunto de sinais e sintomas autolimitados, com gravidade variada, secundário à interrupção total ou parcial do consumo de álcool, podendo ser associado a inúmeros problemas clínicos e/ou outros transtornos psiquiátricos. O objetivo deste artigo é rever as principais complicações psiquiátricas secundárias à síndrome de abstinência alcoólica, como convulsões e delirium tremens, bem como algumas outras condições psiquiátricas associadas à dependência de álcool, como as síndromes de Wernicke Korsakoff e de Marchiava Bignami. Pretende-se, com isso, auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce e tratamento adequado, minimizando assim a morbidade e a mortalidade associadas a tais complicações.


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Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease characterized by the collapse of the extrathoracic airway and has important social implications related to accidents and cardiovascular risk. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the drop in expiratory flow and the volume expired in 0.2 s during the application of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) are associated with the presence and severity of OSA in a population of professional interstate bus drivers who travel medium and long distances.Methods/Design: An observational, analytic study will be carried out involving adult male subjects of an interstate bus company. Those who agree to participate will undergo a detailed patient history, physical examination involving determination of blood pressure, anthropometric data, circumference measurements (hips, waist and neck), tonsils and Mallampati index. Moreover, specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will be administered. Data acquisition will be completely anonymous. Following the medical examination, the participants will perform a spirometry, NEP test and standard overnight polysomnography. The NEP test is performed through the administration of negative pressure at the mouth during expiration. This is a practical test performed while awake and requires little cooperation from the subject. In the absence of expiratory flow limitation, the increase in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and open upper airway caused by NEP results in an increase in expiratory flow.Discussion: Despite the abundance of scientific evidence, OSA is still underdiagnosed in the general population. In addition, diagnostic procedures are expensive, and predictive criteria are still unsatisfactory. Because increased upper airway collapsibility is one of the main determinants of OSA, the response to the application of NEP could be a predictor of this disorder. With the enrollment of this study protocol, the expectation is to encounter predictive NEP values for different degrees of OSA in order to contribute toward an early diagnosis of this condition and reduce its impact and complications among commercial interstate bus drivers.


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The aim of this study was to test the application and value of electrocorticography (ECG) in the early diagnosis and characterization of electrocorticograms changes on experimental fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Our material was composed of two groups of guinea pigs: a) ethanolamine group--42 animals with FHF induced by intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of monoethanolamine oleate; b) control group--10 animals submitted to intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of saline. Electrocorticograms recordings were taken in both groups with the electrodes implanted on the parieto-occipital regions of the skull. The hepatic failure was characterized by clinical manifestations, serum biochemical tests and histopathological findings. In the early hepatic coma the electrocorticograms could not be unequivocally distinguished from normal pattern, and alpha rhythm was recognizable in most animals. With further deterioration of the clinical condition the tracing showed progressive slowness of the normal rhythm, increased voltage and triphasic waves followed by suppression of electrical activity preceding the animal death. The electrocorticography was not suitable for the early diagnosis of hepatic coma, since the ECG alterations became evident only in overt coma. However the method could be useful for the characterization of cerebral disorders and the study of the pathogenesis of fulminant hepatic failure.


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Report of a case of ecthyma gangrenosum with septicemia by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with favorable evolution in a 3-month-old boy. This disease is relatively rare, potentially lethal and the early diagnosis and treatment has an important role in the clinical evolution.


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Transthyretin and retinal-binding protein are sensitive markers of acute protein-calorie malnutrition both for early diagnosis and dietary evaluation. A preliminary study showed that retinal-binding protein is the most sensitive marker of protein-calorie malnutrition in cirrhotic patients, even those with the mild form of the disease (Child A). However, in addition to being affected by protein-calorie malnutrition, the levels of these short half-life-liver-produced proteins are also influenced by other factors of a nutritional (zinc, tryptophan, vitamin A, etc) and non-nutritional (sex, aging, hormones, renal and liver functions and inflammatory activity) nature. These interactions were investigated in 11 adult male patients (49.9 ± 9.2 years of age) with alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade A) and with normal renal function. Both transthyretin and retinol binding protein were reduced below normal levels in 55% of the patients, in close agreement with their plasma levels of retinal. In 67% of the patients (4/6), the reduced levels of transthyretin and retinal-binding protein were caused by altered liver function and in 50% (3/6) they were caused by protein-calorie malnutrition. Thus, the present data, taken as a whole, indicate that reduced transthyretin and retinal-binding protein levels in mild cirrhosis of the liver are mainly due to liver failure and/or vitamin A status rather than representing an isolated protein-calorie malnutrition indicator.


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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant trait due to mutations in the fibrillin gene (FBN1). The MFS expressivity is variable, and its diagnosis relies completely on clinical criteria. Atypical cases and Marfan- like (marfanoid) clinical presentations are commonly found. The metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP), a radiological method in which the 19 tubular hand bones are assessed, has been used in the diagnosis of various syndromes. To investigate whether the MCPP was adequate to discriminate between MFS and Marfan-like subjects, we studied 38 patients who were referred to our service because they had an MFS diagnosis, diagnostic hypothesis, or differential diagnosis or had arachnodactyly with dolichostenomelia. Two groups were formed: 1) MFS: 21 patients with a mean age of 18.3 (10.8 S.D.) years and 2) Marfan-like syndromes: 16 patients who did not meet the current criteria, with a mean age of 14.6 (4.6 S.D.) years. The MCPP was performed in each case following the classical technique, and a characteristic mean profile was obtained for group I (MFS), with Z scores ranging from 0.69 to 2.73 (1.80 ± 0.50; mean ± S.D.). In group I, three cases had no correlation with the typical MFS pattern. In group II, three cases had an MFS pattern. The correlation with the mean MCPP of MFS permitted the differential diagnosis of MFS and marfanoid syndromes with 86% sensitivity, 81% specificity, and 86% positive and 81% negative predictive values. The results suggest that MCPP can be used effectively as an auxiliary tool in the nosology of these conditions and, because there is no change in MCPP with age, can be helpful in early diagnosis.


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Purpose: Testicular tumors do not occur frequently. Primary treatment is surgical, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy can play important roles in cases of metastatic disease. Bone scintigraphy is used largely for early detection of skeletal metastases from several tumors, and conventional radiographic studies are less sensitive than the nuclear technique for such a purpose. The aim of this study was to identify the role of bone scintigraphy in cases of testicular tumors, regardless of the grade. Materials and Methods: The authors examined 28 patients (8 to 52 years old) with proved testicular tumors using Tc-99m MDP (750 MBq; 20 mCi) injected intravenously. Whole-body images were obtained 2 hours later, at 500,000 counts per image. Radiographic studies were obtained to investigate abnormal areas noted on scintigraphy. Results: The results of bone scintigraphy were abnormal in seven cases, consisting of variable but diffuse uptake in the iliac bone on the same side as the affected testicle. MDP uptake was substantial in five of these patients (four seminomas, one nonseminoma; only two radiographic studies were abnormal), and the two other patients had moderate uptake of the radiopharmaceutical (two seminomas; radiographic studies were normal). Metastases were confirmed by biopsy in three cases. Discussion: Early metastases from seminomas can occur through the lymphatic drainage toward the iliac lymph node chain. This could explain these findings. The scintigraphic aspects of the affected iliac bones seem characteristic. Conclusions: Early detection of metastases is very important to ensure the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Bone scintigraphy may play an important role in such cases and seems to be more sensitive than conventional radiography. Testicular tumor metastases should be considered when iliac involvement is observed. Paget's disease should be included in a differential diagnosis.


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Introduction: The study of otolaryngologic manifestations in children HIV + can lead to early diagnosis of AIDS, allowing specific treatment, responsible by reduced morbidity and mortality. Objectives: Detect the otolaryngologic manifestations in children with AIDS and alert to the importance of the early diagnosis. Study design: Clinical prospective. Material and method: We evaluated 22 children with AIDS assisted at Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (São Paulo, Brasil). The medical records were reviewed and the children were submitted to otolaryngologic and hearing acuity exams. Results: We evaluated 12 boys and 10 girls, whose ages ranged from 8 months to 12 years. In B and C clinical classification were included 18 children who were using anti-retroviral medicaments. Physical examination mainly indicated cervical lymphadenopathy (18 cases), paleness of the nasal mucous membrane with abundant mucous secretion over the nasal epithelium (15 cases) and retraction of tympanic membranes (seven cases). The main otolaryngologic diagnoses were: rhinosinusitis (16 cases), oral candidiasis (13 cases), inadequate eustachian tube function (seven cases) and recurrent tonsillar infections (six cases). Conductive hearing loss were detected in 4 children. No child presented sensorineural hearing loss. Conclusions: The main otolaryngologic manifestations presented by the children with HIV virus were rhinosinusitis, oral candidiasis, inadequate eustachian tube function and recurrent tonsillar infections. The allergic aspect of the nasal mucous membrane and the cervical lymphadenopathy were frequent signs and could alert the otolaryngologyst to AIDS during the exam.


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The Brazilian population, presents genes for abnormal hemoglobins with variable frequencies, which are influenced by the founding racial groups. Thus, the detection of carriers of the genetic alterations is important for public health, since they represent sources of new beterozygotes and possible homozygotes. The control of the hemoglobin pathologies has been possible by means of genetic counseling and early diagnosis. The clinical follow-up of the homozygotes and the orientation of the beterozygotes and especially the couples at risk represent a more effective mode of acting to avoid the birth of children who are carriers of a genetic disease, that is frequently lethal. For these reasons this work had as its objectives: to evaluate the importance of testing in pregnant women for the detection of hemoglobin pathologies with the purpose of investigating the prevalence, attaining prevention, a familial study and awareness; for the positive cases such as couples at risk, orient as to appropriate medical attendance; and to evaluate the response to the program. Of the total of 696 pregnant women analysed, 10.7% revealed hemoglobin pathologies with the following rates: alpha Thalassemia 6.75%; Hb AS 2.01%; beta minor Thalassemia 1.29%; Hb AC 0.28%; Hb AJ 0.14%; Hb AS/Alpha Thalassemia 0.14% and P.H.H.F. 0.14%. The high rates of hemoglobin pathologies encountered in the population of pregnant women studied shows the necessity of the implantation of tests for these abnormalities in the pre-natal routine, since in this period the mothers are more apt to be preoccupied with their own health and that of their babies and, however earlier diagnosed the alterations in the hemoglobins, better and more adequate will be the orientations given the couple.


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Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) became a critical health issue with the emergence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the 1980s. Four clinical-epidemiological forms of KS have been described: classical KS, endemic KS,iatrogenic KS, and AIDS-associated KS. In 1994, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus type 8 was identified by Chang and colleagues, and has been detected worldwide at frequencies ranging from 80 to 100%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency of KSHV infection in KS lesions from HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in Brazil, as well as to review the current knowledge about KS transmission and detection. For these purposes, DNA from 51 cases of KS was assessed by PCR: 20 (39.2%) cases of classical KS, 29 (56.9%) of AIDS-associated KS and 2 (3.9%) of iatrogenic KS. Most patients were males (7.5:1, M/F), and mean age was 47.9 years (SD = ± 18.7 years). As expected, HIV-positive KS patients were younger than patients with classical KS. On the other hand, patients with AIDS-associated KS have early lesions (patch and plaque) compared to classical KS patients (predominantly nodular lesions). This is assumed to be the result of the early diagnose of KS in the HIV-positive setting. KSHV infection was detected by PCR in almost all cases (48/51; 94.1%), irrespectively of the clinical-epidemiological form of KS. These results show that KSHV is associated with all forms of KS in Brazilian patients, a fact that supports the role of this virus in KS pathogenesis. © 2006 Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.


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Gingivitis is the first manifestation of periodontal disease, and is characterized by painless and slow evolution. Early diagnosis and intervention must be done to avoid the possibility of precocious periodontitis during the childhood or teenage years. The enzymatic BANA test (N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-naphthylamide) was used to evaluate subgingival samples from 54 children between 6 and 9 years of age. Plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) were assessed according to the criteria recommended by Löe (1967). Subgingival plaque was collected from the region that featured the greatest periodontal alteration, represented by a higher gingival index. Resulting data were grouped individually according to visible and non-visible plaque and bleeding and non-bleeding gingiva. Results showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the presence of visible plaque and the positivity of the BANA test, nor was there a statistically significant correlation between the presence of bleeding and the positivity of the BANA test in subgingival samples obtained from children. This study concluded that the BANA test is not an ideal diagnostic test to be applied to children.