342 resultados para EMPLACEMENT


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Reconstruction of the geologic history of the Yenisey Ridge, which developed as an accretionary collision orogen on the western margin of the Siberian craton is essential to understanding the evolution of mobile belts surrounding older cratons, as well as to resolving the recently much debated problem of whether Siberia was part of the supercontinent Rodinia. Available paleotectonic models suggest that this supercontinent was assembled at the Middle-Late Riphean boundary (1100-900 Ma) as a result of the Grenville orogeny, the first long-lived mountain building event which occurred in geosynclinal areas during the Neogaea. However, the character of crustal evolution at that stage is still speculative due to the lack of reliable and conclusive isotope data. In many current geodynamic models, a common underlying assumption is that the Yenisey Ridge showed very little endogenic activity for 1 Gyr, from the time of Tarak granite emplacement (1900-1840 Ma) to the Middle Neoproterozoic (~750 Ma). On the basis of this assumption, several recent studies suggested the absence of Grenvillian collisional events within the Yenisey Ridge. The results of the SHRIMP II U-Pb analysis of rift-related plagiogranites of the Nemtikha Complex, Yenisey Ridge (1380-1360 Ma) suggest an increase in magmatic activity in the Mesoproterozoic. Interpretation of these results in terms of a supercontinent cycle may help find evidence for possible occurrence of the Grenville orogeny on the western margin of the Siberian craton. With this in mind, we attempted to reconstruct using recent geochronological constraints the evolution of metapelitic rocks from the Teya polymetamorphic complex (TPMC), which is a good example of superimposed zoning of low and medium-pressure facies series. High precision age determinations from rock complexes formed in different geodynamic settings under different thermodynamic conditions and geothermal gradients were used to distinguish several major metamorphic events and unravel their time relations with tectonic and magmatic activity in the region.


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The stable-isotope composition of carbonate minerals is a function of the temperature and isotopic composition of the materials from which they were precipitated or recrystallized. Because carbonates are among the most abundant secondary phases in oceanic volcanic rocks, information derived from their isotopic composition is useful in determining the environment(s) of seafloor alteration. Isotopic analyses of secondary carbonates in basalt recovered from numerous DSDP sites have been reported previously (Anderson and Lawrence, 1976; Brenneke, 1977; Lawrence et al., 1977; Seyfried et al., 1976; among others). These results are consistent with the formation of most secondary carbonates with sea water at low temperatures. The good recovery of basalts during DSDP Leg 58 provided the opportunity to extend the isotopic study of low-temperature alteration and vein formation to the crust of marginal ocean basins. The evidence for complex off-ridge volcanism and intrusive emplacement encountered at Leg 58 sites (Klein et al., 1978) suggested that modes of alteration at these sites might differ from those previously observed and described.


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The peridotite recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 637A, Galicia margin, has suffered extensive low-temperature alteration that includes serpentinization, calcite veining, and calcite replacement. This note presents textural and geochemical data on the serpentine and calcite. Such data indicate that the serpentinization, serpentine veining, and calcite veining of the peridotite occurred in several stages late in the history of the peridotite emplacement, probably after the peridotite was emplaced at crustal levels. It is also apparent that some deformational events (evidenced by faulting and brecciation of both serpentine and calcite veins) continued after the main phase of low-temperature alteration. The geochemistry and petrology, structure, and high-temperature alteration of the peridotite are discussed in separate papers in this volume (Evans and Girardeau, 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.138.1988; Girardeau et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.135.1988; Kimball and Evans, 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.140.1988; Agrinier et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.136.1988).


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During the drilling of Hole 603B on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, an unexpected series of sand-, silt-, and claystone turbidites was encountered from Cores 603B-45 through -76 (1224-1512 m sub-bottom depth). Complete and truncated Bouma sequences were observed, some indicating deposition by debris flows. Sand emplacement culminated with the deposition of a 30-m-thick, unconsolidated sand unit (Cores 603B-48 through -45). The purpose of this preliminary study is to determine the nature of the heavy mineral suites of this sediment in order to make tentative correlations with onshore equivalents. The heavy mineralogy of Lower Cretaceous North American mid-Atlantic coastal plain sediment has been extensively studied. This sediment is classified as the Potomac Group, which has a varied heavy mineral suite in its lower part (Patuxent Formation), and a limited suite in its upper part (Patapsco Formation). The results of this study reveal a similar trend in the heavy mineral suites of sediment in Hole 603B. Hauterivian through lower Barremian sediment has a heavy mineral suite that is dominated by zircon, apatite, and garnet, with minor amounts of staurolite and kyanite. Beginning in the mid-Barremian, a new source of sediment becomes dominant, one which supplies an epidote-rich heavy mineral suite. The results of the textural analyses show that average grain size of the light mineral fraction increases upsection, whereas sorting decreases. The epidote-rich source may have delivered sediment with a slightly coarser mean grain size. This sediment may represent a more direct continental input at times of maximum turbidite activity (mid-Barremian) and during deposition of the upper, unconsolidated sand unit.


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The Lost City hydrothermal system at the southern Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) provides a natural laboratory for studying serpentinization processes, the temporal evolution of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems, and alteration conditions during formation and emplacement of an oceanic core complex. Here we present B, O, and Sr isotope data to investigate fluid/rock interaction and mass transfer during detachment faulting and exhumation of lithospheric sequences within the Atlantis Massif. Our data indicate that extensive serpentinization was a seawater-dominated process that occurred predominately at temperatures of 150-250 °C and at high integrated W/R ratios that led to a marked boron enrichment (34-91 ppm). Boron removal from seawater during serpentinization is positively correlated with changes in d11B (11-16 per mil) but shows no correlation with O-isotope composition. Modeling indicates that B concentrations and isotope values of the serpentinites are controlled by transient temperature-pH conditions. In contrast to prior studies, we conclude that low-temperature marine weathering processes are insignificant for boron geochemistry of the Atlantis Massif serpentinites. Talc- and amphibole-rich fault rocks formed within a zone of detachment faulting at temperatures of approximately 270-350 °C and at low W/R ratios. Talc formation in ultramafic domains in the massif was subsequent to an early stage of serpentinization and was controlled by the access of Si-rich fluids derived through seawater-gabbro interactions. Replacement of serpentine by talc resulted in boron loss and significant lowering of d11B values (9-10 per mil), which we model as the product of progressive extraction of boron. Our study provides new constraints on the boron geochemical cycle at oceanic spreading ridges and suggests that serpentinization associated with ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems may have important implications for the behavior of boron in subduction zone settings.


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The analysis of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Site 1090 (ODP Leg 177), located in the central part of the Subantarctic Zone south of South Africa, provided a geochronology of a 330-m-thick sequence spanning the Middle Eocene to Early Pliocene. A sequence of discrete bioevents enables the calibration of the Antarctic Paleogene (AP) Zonation with lower latitude biozonal schemes for the Middle-Late Eocene interval. In spite of the poor recovery of planktic foraminiferal assemblages, a correlation with the lower latitude standard planktic foraminiferal zonations has been attempted for the whole surveyed interval. Identified bioevents have been tentatively calibrated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale following the biochronology of Berggren et al. (1995). Besides planktic foraminiferal bioevents, the disappearance of the benthic foraminifera Nuttallides truempyi has been used to approximate the Middle/Late Eocene boundary. A hiatus of at least 11.7 Myr occurs between V78 and V71 m composite depth extending from the Early Miocene to the latest Miocene-Early Pliocene. Middle Eocene assemblages exhibit a temperate affinity, while the loss of several planktic foraminiferal species by late Middle to early Late Eocene time reflects cooling. During the Late Eocene-Oligocene intense dissolution caused impoverishment of planktic foraminiferal assemblages possibly following the emplacement of cold, corrosive bottom waters. Two warming peaks are, however, observed: the late Middle Eocene is marked by the invasion of the warmer water Acarinina spinuloinflata and Hantkenina alabamensis at 40.5 Ma, while the middle Late Eocene experienced the immigration of some globigerinathekids including Globigerinatheka luterbacheri and Globigerinatheka cf. semiinvoluta at 34.3 Ma. A more continuous record is observed for the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene where planktic foraminiferal assemblages show a distinct affinity with southern mid- to high-latitude faunas.


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Ultramafic rocks occur scattered along a 300 km long NNW-SSE trending belt, parallel to the central Peruvian Andes in the Cordillera Oriental, from Tarma (Junín Dept.) to Huancapallac and Tingo María (Huánuco Dept.). The Tarma occurrences (Tapo and Acobamba) are dealt with here, as the first step of a broader research. The Tapo massif comprises strongly tectonised serpentinites with scarce peridotitic relics, amphibolites and podiform chromitites. It was overthrust on early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks of the Andean basement (Ambo Group), and it shows evidences of a pre-Andean deformational history, not observed in the Ambo Group; the basal thrust plane is folded by the Andean tectonics. The two smaller Acobamba occurrences are also allochtonous and show similar tectonic features. Major and trace element composition of amphibolites point to a tholeiitic basalt (to picrobasalt) protolith, compatible with an ocean-ridge or ocean-island environment. Small podiform chromitite lenses and chromite disseminations also occur; they are strongly deformed, metamorphosed and overprinted by hydrothermal alteration related to deformation, and were the subject of small scale mining. The ores comprise mainly chromite, ferritchromite, spinel, magnetite, ilmenite and scarce sulphides, as well as the secondary minerals stichtite and nimite. Results of this work exclude current interpretations of the Tarma ultramafites as autochtonous igneous intrusives, and point to a new interpretation for their emplacement.


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The tsunami deposits of the valley of Agaete (Pérez-Torrado et al., 2006), north-western Gran Canaria, attributed to the Guimar flank collapse in Tenerife, have been revisited and new data are presented here. Besides the occurrences reported by Pérez-Torrado et al. (2006) a new outcrop was found and named “La Ruina” (at 28º 05’ 47,41” N; 15º 41’ 52,04” W; 71 m asl). The above-mentioned authors suggested the possibility that more than one marine conglomerate deposit could be present in the outcrops of “Llanos de Turmán” and “Berrazales”. At “La Gasolinera” and “La Aldea 1” the conglomerates are formed by a single layer representing one depositional event; at “La Aldea 2”, the conglomerates are composed of two layers directly contacting with each other, but evidence of a time hiatus between them was not found. Although the hypothesis of stacking of two depositional units within the same episode versus deposition of two distinct layers in different time-moments is debatable at the present state of knowledge, the first possibility is favoured. The field evidence at “Llanos de Turman” and “Berrazales” unquestionably shows that terrestrial sediments (colluvia; paleosols) are present and separate two marine conglomerate deposits, indicating that at least two distinct tsunami inundations are needed to explain the stratigraphy. However, at the new “La Ruina” outcrop, besides the two deposits mentioned above, a third and older marine conglomerate was found, clearly separated in time from the ones cited above. The existence of marine conglomerates emplaced in different moments is evidenced by the occurrence of intercalated paleosols, colluvia and other subaerial materials, implying significant time intervals between the emplacement of marine conglomeratic layers. A number of gastropod operculae from the tsunamiites were sent for U-Th dating to try to further constrain the age span of these deposits. The field evidence presented above shows that the emplacement of the deposits is related to, at least, three tsunami events. The lateral correlation between different outcrops is difficult due to variable number of deposits in each outcrop, lateral discontinuity and variability, and to compositional and textural similarity between distinct tsunami sediments. The occurrence of three Pleistocene tsunami deposits in the same area points to a relatively high frequency of tsunamis (generated by landslides, surface rupturing earthquakes, fast entry of voluminous volcanic deposits into the sea or large submarine eruptions). It is possible that this recurrence of tsunami inundations may reflect multiple-phased landslides responsible for the mega-landslide scars prominent in the geomorphology of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. This is a contribution from project “Estabilidad de los edificios volcánicos en Canarias: análisis de los factores geológicos, geomecánicos y paleoclimáticos. Aplicación a los flancos N y S de la isla de Tenerife” financed by MCT, Spain.


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Esta investigación parte del interés particular por la manifestación arquitectónica, paisajística o urbanística de aquellos muros construidos que se han erigido para limitar, planteando un enfoque del muro en una vertiente conceptual. Se propone la formulación de distintas interpretaciones para un mismo elemento físico, logrando una propuesta arquitectónica de identificación para diferentes casos de estudio que consideramos paradigmáticos en su concepto. La hipótesis plantea la posibilidad de identificar un muro con la autonomía o identidad conceptual que le hace capaz de condicionar o dirigir la conformación de una obra de arquitectura, sirviendo como instrumento arquitectónico para las acciones de articulación, implantación, referenciación o conformación. El desarrollo de la investigación muestra la aptitud de individualizar el muro como elemento excepcional en el cumplimiento de la síntesis de distintas variables de proyecto. Se elaboran cinco conceptos diferentes del elemento en la función que cumple en el espacio que se basan en una definición compuesta de dos propiedades determinantes que se identifican con la categoría de la “justificación conceptual” combinando, además, valores de las categorías “Relación con el lugar”, “Función estética”, “Función de programa” y “Generación”. Se propone la identificación del muro que presenta las cualidades que lo hacen actuar de forma articuladora en el espacio y que, al cumplir esa función, condiciona y determina parte de la obra de arquitectura en que se encuentra. El muro articulador se entiende como un elemento que soluciona formal y espacialmente distintas situaciones de programa; no responde a un esquema formal predeterminado, sino que lo crea, en la unión coherente entre opuestos: ámbitos opuestos, esquemas formales opuestos, etc. Proponemos la identificación del muro que presenta determinadas cualidades que lo hacen actuar de forma implantadora en el espacio y que, al cumplir esa función, condiciona y determina parte de la obra en que se encuentra. Se considera el muro implantador como el punto de partida del proyecto en que se ha utilizado y como el elemento elegido para hacer la síntesis entre las variables del proyecto - sitio, función constructiva y estructural, estableciendo una regla formal y espacial coherente. Proponemos la identificación del muro referenciador, elemento que se destaca en la edificación como entidad elegida para hacer la síntesis entre las distintas variables del proyecto: significado, función estética y sitio. El muro referenciador se percibe como una entidad autónoma, particular al carácter o programa de la obra y al sitio en que se erige. Se considera el muro-recinto como el punto de partida del proyecto en que se ha utilizado, así como un elemento fundamental que se destaca en el conjunto de la obra - sea por su vertiente constructiva o de tratamiento estético – como entidad elegida para hacer la síntesis entre las variables del proyecto: forma y programa. Al utilizar un esquema formal predeterminado, permite generar espacio coherente con las demandas de un programa específico, entendiéndose como un elemento arquitectónico particular a la obra. Proponemos la identificación del muro habitable como el elemento que presenta las cualidades que lo hacen pasible de generar espacio en su interior, siendo un instrumento útil para cumplir con la variable del proyecto del programa. El concepto de muro habitable, como contrapunto a los otros cuatro tipos, se manifiesta como una entidad más elemental que traduce un instrumento de trabajo todavía más manejable que los restantes muros estudiados. De hecho, su utilización es incluso posible en aquellos muros que ya presentan el concepto de muro articulador, implantador, referenciador o muro-recinto. ABSTRACT This research is based on a particular interest in the architectural, landscape or urban manifestations of those walls that have been erected to limit, considering a conceptual approach. It suggests the formulation of diverse interpretations for the same physical element to achieve an architectural proposal of identification for different case studies that we consider paradigmatic in its concept. The hypothesis considers the possibility to identify a wall with the autonomy or conceptual identity that makes it able to influence or direct the form of an architecture work, serving as an instrument for the actions of articulation, emplacement, referencing or conformation. The development of the research shows the ability to individualize the wall as an outstanding element in the synthesis of different variables of architectural design. It elaborates five different concepts of the wall function in space, based on a definition with two determinant properties which combine values of the categories "Relation with the context", "Aesthetic function", "Program function" and "Generation". We propose the identification of the wall that has the qualities that make it act in an articulating way in space, conditioning and determining part of the architectural work. The “articulating wall” is understood as an element that formally and spatially solves different situations of functional program; it does not respond to a previous formal scheme, it creates it instead, through the coherent combination between opposites: opposing fields, opposing formal schemes, etc. We identify as well the wall that has the qualities that make it able to emplace on site, conditioning and determining part of the architecture work. The “wall that emplaces” is considered the starting point of the architectural design and the chosen element to make the synthesis between the architectural design variables - site, constructive function and structural function - establishing a formal and spatial coherent rule. We propose the identification of the “referencing wall”, element that stands out in the building as an entity chosen to make the synthesis between the project variables: meaning, aesthetic function and site. The referencing wall is perceived as an autonomous entity, particular to the character or the functional program and the site on which it sits. We consider the “precinct wall” as the departure point of the architectural design where it is used as well as a fundamental element that stands out in the whole of the architecture work - either by its constructive aspect or esthetic treatment - as the chosen entity to synthetize form and pro-gram. Since it uses a predetermined formal scheme it will allow to generate consistent space with-in the demands of a specific program, being understood as an element particular to the architectural work. As a fifth concept we identify the “inhabitable wall” as the element that has the qualities that make it predisposed to generate space inside its nucleus, being a useful instrument to comply with the variable of program in the architectural design. The concept of inhabitable wall, as a counterpoint to the other four types, manifests itself as a more elemental entity that translates itself as a more manageable working tool. In fact, its use is even possible in those walls that al-ready present the concept of articulating wall, emplacing wall, referencing wall or precinct wall.


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El arrecife artificial de Tabarca se diseñó e instaló principalmente con el objetivo de impedir la pesca de arrastre ilegal sobre las praderas de Posidonia oceanica. Además se diseñó un arrecife alveolar experimental para estudiar sus efectos sobre la ictiofauna litoral y sus posibilidades como lugar de pesca alternativo a la flota artesanal de Tabarca. La ictiofauna asociada al arrecife artificial de Tabarca se estudió mediante censos visuales durante tres años consecutivos entre 1990 y 1992, con una frecuencia estacional. Los resultados muestran una estructura de la comunidad condicionada por el diseño y emplazamiento de los módulos. La dinámica temporal manifiesta una clara diferencia según consideremos el poblamiento total o sólo el residente: el primero refleja una pauta muy fluctuante, poco predecible; el poblamiento residente muestra una tendencia hacia la estructuración, con un aumento progresivo de especies sedentarias predadoras, y un incremento significativo de la biomasa. Estos resultados refuerzan las interpretaciones que dan un papel condicionante al tamaño del arrecife artificial y a su localización.


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The location of the La Galite Archipelago on the Internal/External Zones of the Maghrebian Chain holds strong interest for the reconstruction of the geodynamic evolution of the Mesomediterranean Microplate-Africa Plate Boundary Zone. New stratigraphic and petrographic data on sedimentary successions intruded upon by plutonic rocks enabled a better definition of the palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolutionary model of the area during the early-middle Miocene. The lower Miocene sedimentary units (La Galite Flysch and Numidian-like Flysch) belong to the Mauritanian (internal) and Massylian (external) sub-Domains of the Maghrebian Chain, respectively. These deposits are related to a typical syn-orogenic deposition in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin Domain, successively backthrusted above the internal units. The backthrusting age is post-Burdigalian (probably Langhian-Serravallian) and the compressional phase represents the last stage in the building of the accretionary wedge of the Maghrebian orogen. These flysch units may be co-relatable to the similar well-known formations along the Maghrebian and Betic Chains. The emplacement of potassic peraluminous magmatism, caused local metamorphism in the Late Serravallian-Early Tortonian (14–10 Ma), after the last compressional phase (backthrusting), during an extensional tectonic event. This extensional phase is probably due to the opening of a slab break-off in the deep subduction system. La Galite Archipelago represents a portion of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin tectonically emplaced above the southern margin of the “Mesomediterranean Microplate” which separated the Piemontese-Ligurian Ocean from a southern oceanic branch of the Tethys (i.e. the Maghrebian Flysch Basin). The possible presence of an imbricate thrust system between La Galite Archipelago and northern Tunisia may be useful to exclude the petroleum exploration from the deformed sectors of the offshore area considered.


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Dans ce mémoire, intitulé « Les dépotoirs dans le schème d’établissement iroquoien: exemple du site Mailhot-Curran», je m’attèle à définir les modes de rejets des déchets dans le contexte d’un schème d’établissement sédentaire semi-permanent au Sylvicole supérieur. Les dépotoirs des sites archéologiques ne semblent pas obtenir toute l’attention analytique qui leur est due et l’étude des modes de rejets a longtemps été négligée. Pourtant, les amas de déchets sont récurrents sur les sites du Nord-Est américain et ce depuis le Sylvicole moyen. L’étude approfondie de l’organisation d’un site iroquoien se doit de passer par la compréhension des modes d’élimination des déchets, puisque la gestion des rejets est généralement le reflet de la structure du site et du type de peuplement. Les dépotoirs peuvent fournir des informations précieuses sur les zones d’activité, la fonction du site ou encore la durée d’occupation. Le village de Mailhot-Curran témoigne de plusieurs concentrations d’objets. Je souhaite établir si ces concentrations de vestiges peuvent être qualifiées de dépotoirs et si oui, peut-on en distinguer différents types? D’autre part, je m’intéresse à l’aspect social qui encadre la mise en place de dépotoirs. Bien que les dépotoirs soient des indices associés aux premières traces de sédentarité saisonnière, leur présence est précisément liée au phénomène de sédentarisation annuelle. Il s’agit également de définir le geste culturel, l’assainissement d’un village étant un schéma culturel très répandu. De ce geste de rejet découle forcément le choix d’un emplacement, ainsi que le concept de «flux de déplacement» des déchets. Il s’agit de déterminer le lien entretenu entre les aires d’activités et les aires de dépôts primaires et secondaires. Pour ce faire, il est primordial d’évaluer la densité, l’hétérogénéité et le contenu des dépotoirs. Suite à la définition de l’ensemble de ces concepts appliqués au site Mailhot-Curran, je souhaite, à travers une étude comparative, répondre à la question suivante : Les dépotoirs peuvent-ils refléter une pratique culturelle commune aux villages iroquoiens de la région de Saint-Anicet?


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The Itremo region in Central Madagascar comprises a deformed metasedimentary sequence (Itremo Group) that has undergone greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism. During a first phase of deformation (D1) Itremo Group sediments were deformed into a fold-and-thrust belt and transported toward the E to NE on top of migmatitic gneisses rocks of Anatananarivo block. A second phase of deformation (D2) affected both the fold-and-thrust belt and structurally underlying units, and formed large-scale N-S trending folds with steeply dipping axial planes. A Late Neoproterozoic Th–U–Pb XRF monazite age (565±17 Ma) dates the emplacement of a granite that truncates first-phase structures in the Itremo Group, and indicates that the fold-and-thrust belt formed prior to ≈565 Ma. Th–U–Pb electron microprobe dating was applied to elongated monazites that lie within the first-phase foliation of Itremo Group metapelites. The detrital cores of zoned monazites reveal two distinct age populations at ∼2000 and 1700 Ma, the latter age giving a maximum depositional age for the Itremo Group. Statistical analysis of ages determined from the rims of zoned monazites and from unzoned monazites indicates three Late Proterozoic–Early Paleozoic monazite growth events at about 565–540, 500 and 430 Ma. The oldest age population is contemporaneous within error, with the intrusion of the dated granite. The two younger age populations are found both in the Th–U–Pb and Ar–Ar data; together with the perturbation of the Rb–Sr system we interpret both ages as due to alteration related to fluid circulation events, possibly connected to the emplacement of pegmatite fields in Central Madagascar. Syn-D1 tectonic growth of contact metamorphism minerals such as andalusite has been observed locally in metapelites along the margin of Middle Neoproterozoic (≈800 Ma) granites, suggesting that D1 in the Itremo Group is contemporaneous with the intrusion of granites at ≈800 Ma. The N-S trending D2 folds are associated with ≈E-W shortening during the final assembly of Gondwana in Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian times.


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Dans ce mémoire, intitulé « Les dépotoirs dans le schème d’établissement iroquoien: exemple du site Mailhot-Curran», je m’attèle à définir les modes de rejets des déchets dans le contexte d’un schème d’établissement sédentaire semi-permanent au Sylvicole supérieur. Les dépotoirs des sites archéologiques ne semblent pas obtenir toute l’attention analytique qui leur est due et l’étude des modes de rejets a longtemps été négligée. Pourtant, les amas de déchets sont récurrents sur les sites du Nord-Est américain et ce depuis le Sylvicole moyen. L’étude approfondie de l’organisation d’un site iroquoien se doit de passer par la compréhension des modes d’élimination des déchets, puisque la gestion des rejets est généralement le reflet de la structure du site et du type de peuplement. Les dépotoirs peuvent fournir des informations précieuses sur les zones d’activité, la fonction du site ou encore la durée d’occupation. Le village de Mailhot-Curran témoigne de plusieurs concentrations d’objets. Je souhaite établir si ces concentrations de vestiges peuvent être qualifiées de dépotoirs et si oui, peut-on en distinguer différents types? D’autre part, je m’intéresse à l’aspect social qui encadre la mise en place de dépotoirs. Bien que les dépotoirs soient des indices associés aux premières traces de sédentarité saisonnière, leur présence est précisément liée au phénomène de sédentarisation annuelle. Il s’agit également de définir le geste culturel, l’assainissement d’un village étant un schéma culturel très répandu. De ce geste de rejet découle forcément le choix d’un emplacement, ainsi que le concept de «flux de déplacement» des déchets. Il s’agit de déterminer le lien entretenu entre les aires d’activités et les aires de dépôts primaires et secondaires. Pour ce faire, il est primordial d’évaluer la densité, l’hétérogénéité et le contenu des dépotoirs. Suite à la définition de l’ensemble de ces concepts appliqués au site Mailhot-Curran, je souhaite, à travers une étude comparative, répondre à la question suivante : Les dépotoirs peuvent-ils refléter une pratique culturelle commune aux villages iroquoiens de la région de Saint-Anicet?