998 resultados para ELY Centre for Southwest Finland
Introduction Walk-in centers may improve access to healthcare for some patients, due to their convenient location and extensive opening hours, with no need for appointment. Herein we describe and assess a new model of walk-in centre, characterized by care provided by residents and supervision achieved by experienced family doctors. Main aim of the study was to assess patients satisfaction about the care they received from residents and the supervision by family doctors. Secondary aim was to describe walk-in patients demographic characteristics and to identify potential associations with satisfaction. Methods The study was conducted in the walk-in centre of Lausanne. Patients who consulted between in April 2011 were automatically included and received a questionnaire in French. We used a five-point Likert scale, from "not at all satisfied" to "very satisfied", converted from 1 to 5. We focused on the satisfaction regarding residents care and supervision by a family doctor. The former was divided in three categories: "Skills", "Treatment" and "Behaviour". Mean satisfaction was calculated for each category and a multivariable logistic model was applied in order to identify associations among patients demographics. Results Response rate was 47% [184/395], Walk-in patients were more likely to be women, young, with a high education level. Patients were very satisfied with residents care, with median satisfaction between 4.5 and 5, for each category. Over than 90% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" that a family doctor was involved in the consultation. Age showed the major association of satisfaction. Discussion Patients were highly satisfied with care provided by residents and with involvement of a family doctor in the consultation. Older age showed the major association with satisfaction with a positive impact. The high satisfaction reported by walk-in patients supports this new model of walk-in centre.
OBJECTIVE: Research on interhospital transfers provides a basis for describing and quantifying patient flow and its evolution over time, offering an insight into hospital organization and management and hospital overcrowding. The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of patient flow and to examine trends over an eight-year period. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study of interhospital transfers was conducted between 2003 and 2011 based on an analysis of demographic, medical and operational characteristics. Ambulance transfers and transfers requiring physician assistance were analyzed separately. RESULTS: The number of interhospital transfers increased significantly over the study period,from 4,026 in 2003 to 6,481 in 2011 (+60.9%). The number of ambulance transfers increased by almost 300% (616 in 2003 compared to 2,460 in 2011). Most of the transfers (98%) were to hospitals located less than 75 km from the university hospital (median: 24 km, 5-44). In 2011, 24% of all transfers were to psychiatric institutions. 26% of all transfer cases were direct transfers from the emergency department. An increasing number of transfers required physician assistance. 18% of these patients required ventilatory support, whole 9.8% required vasoactive drugs. 11.6% of these transfers were due to hospital overcrowding. Conclusion: The study shows that there has been a significant increase in interhospital transfers. This increase is related to hospital overcrowding and to the network-based systems governing patient care strategies.
Malaria remains globally the most important parasitic disease of man. Data on its deleterious effects during pregnancy have been extensively documented in hyperendemic, holoendemic, and mesoendemic areas from Africa and Asia where Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for almost all infections. However, knowledge about malaria during pregnancy in areas where transmission is unstable and P. vivax is the most prevalent species, such as the Brazilian Amazon, is scarce. Here, we report a preliminary cross sectional descriptive study, carried out at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, a reference centre for diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases in the west-Amazon (Manaus, Brazil). A total of 1699 febrile childbearing age women had positive thick blood smears to Plasmodium species, between January and November 1997: 1401 (82.5%) were positive for P. vivax , 286 (16.8%) for P. falciparum and 12 (0.07%) carried mixed infections. From the malarious patients, 195 were pregnant. The ratio of P. falciparum to P. vivax infections in the group of non-pregnant infected women was 1:5.6 while it was 1:2.3 in that of pregnant infected ones. Similar rates or even proportionally more vivax infections during pregnancy were expected to occur, in function of the contraindication of primaquine with the resulting increased P. vivax relapse rates. Such an observation suggests that the mechanism of resistance/susceptibility to infection and/or malaria pathogenesis in pregnant women may differ according to Plasmodium species and that the extensively described increase in the frequencies of malaria infection during pregnancy may be specifically due to P. falciparum infection.
Treball de fi de carrera en .NET sobre un centre de formació virtual, desenvolupat en la plataforma .NET amb ASP.NET, VB.NET i Windows Phone 7.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest TFC és el desenvolupament d'una aplicació completa i funcional amb un caire professional fent servir la plataforma .NET i emprant la major part de les seves tecnologies més importants (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, formularis Web i Windows).
El treball final de carrera està compost de l¿anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una utilitat de Workflow que dóna servei a una web per gestionar les reclamacions i queixes d'una empresa. La part del Workflow s'ha pensat per ser totalment configurable a les particularitats d'un determinat aplicatiu i per donar servei a tantes aplicacions com faci falta simultàniament.L'anàlisi i el disseny s'han basat en la metodologia UML dins el paradigma de l'Orientació a Objectes juntament amb diversos patrons de disseny com pot ser el MVC que ha permès separar completament la lògica de negoci (Workflow) de la presentació (Web). Per les 2 parts: Workflow i web s¿ha fet ús d'una arquitectura distribuïda.
En aquest treball hi ha un doble objectiu, el primer és el de posar a la pràctica els coneixements adquirits durant la carrera i el segon és el d'iniciar-se en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions utilitzant la plataforma tecnològica .NET
This second edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators of health and health systems in 35Â European countries, including the 27 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a list of indicators that has been developed by the European Commission to guide the development and reporting of health statistics. It is complemented by additional indicators on health expenditure and quality of care, building on the OECD expertise in these areas. Contents: Introduction 12 Chapter 1. Health status 15 1.1. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth 1.2. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at age 65 1.3. Mortality from all causes 1.4. Mortality from heart disease and stroke 1.5. Mortality from cancer 1.6. Mortality from transport accidents 1.7. Suicide 1.8. Infant mortality 1.9. Infant health: Low birth weight 1.10. Self-reported health and disability 1.11. Incidence of selected communicable diseases 1.12. HIV/AIDS 1.13. Cancer incidence 1.14. Diabetes prevalence and incidence 1.15. Dementia prevalence 1.16. Asthma and COPD prevalence Chapter 2. Determinants of health 49 2.1. Smoking and alcohol consumption among children 2.2. Overweight and obesity among children 2.3. Fruit and vegetable consumption among children 2.4. Physical activity among children 2.5. Smoking among adults 2.6. Alcohol consumption among adults 2.7. Overweight and obesity among adults 2.8. Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults Chapter 3. Health care resources and activities 67 3.1. Medical doctors 3.2. Consultations with doctors 3.3. Nurses 3.4. Medical technologies: CT scanners and MRI units 3.5. Hospital beds 3.6. Hospital discharges 3.7. Average length of stay in hospitals 3.8. Cardiac procedures (coronary angioplasty) 3.9. Cataract surgeries 3.10. Hip and knee replacement 3.11. Pharmaceutical consumption 3.12. Unmet health care needs Chapter 4. Quality of care 93 Care for chronic conditions 4.1. Avoidable admissions: Respiratory diseases 4.2. Avoidable admissions: Uncontrolled diabetes Acute care 4.3. In-hospital mortality following acute myocardial infarction 4.4. In-hospital mortality following stroke Patient safety 4.5. Procedural or postoperative complications 4.6. Obstetric trauma Cancer care 4.7. Screening, survival and mortality for cervical cancer 4.8. Screening, survival and mortality for breast cancer 4.9. Screening, survival and mortality for colorectal cancer Care for communicable diseases 4.10. Childhood vaccination programmes 4.11. Influenza vaccination for older people Chapter 5. Health expenditure and financing 117 5.1. Coverage for health care 5.2. Health expenditure per capita 5.3. Health expenditure in relation to GDP 5.4. Health expenditure by function. 5.5. Pharmaceutical expenditure 5.6. Financing of health care 5.7. Trade in health services Bibliography 133 Annex A. Additional information on demographic and economic context 143 Most European countries have reduced tobacco consumption via public awareness campaigns, advertising bans and increased taxation. The percentage of adults who smoke daily is below 15% in Sweden and Iceland, from over 30% in 1980. At the other end of the scale, over 30% of adults in Greece smoke daily. Smoking rates continue to be high in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia (Figure 2.5.1). Alcohol consumption has also fallen in many European countries. Curbs on advertising, sales restrictions and taxation have all proven to be effective measures. Traditional wine-producing countries, such as France, Italy and Spain, have seen consumption per capita fall substantially since 1980. Alcohol consumption per adult rose significantly in a number of countries, including Cyprus, Finland and Ireland (Figure 2.6.1).This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Aquest projecte de Gestió d'un centre de formació, és el resultat d'un estudi per solucionar les necessitats del negoci. L'àrea de treball en què s'ha desenvolupat el projecte és l'entorn de la plataforma .NET de Microsoft.
The catering section, at present, offers the following: The Resource Centre accommodates classes in Healthy Eating. In the near future we hope to offer Cookery Classes in Healthy Eating, and low income meals: teaching adults and children the importance of a healthy-balanced diet which is within a low income budget; showing them how to cook these meals; supervising groups while they cook a selection of dishes which incorporate the low cost, balanced diet Initiative Type Community Food Centres Meals on Wheels Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 10
Purpose:To determine the surgical outcomes of patients undergoing repeat deep sclerectomies with collagen implant (DSCI) at a tertiary referral centre. Methods:The medical notes of 208 patients undergoing multiple DSCI were reviewed. Those undergoing repeat DSCI were identified and post operative data for each DSCI were analysed. Group A: the first DSCI; group B: second DSCI; group C: third DSCI. Results:Mean age was 66.8 ±13.0 years. At 12 months, percentage of mean IOP reduction in groups were 18%, 24% and 17% respectively. Mean interval to starting glaucoma medications, re-operation, mitomycin injection and goniopuncture all decreased as the number of operations increased. There was a significant reduction in complete success rates between groups A and B and groups B and C. Few minor complications were observed in all 3 groups. Conclusions:Despite the possibility of bleb independent outflow pathways in patients undergoing non-penetrating surgery, there are significantly reduced success rates in eyes undergoing repeat DSCI. This has important implications for the choice of subsequent operations in patients who have failed non-penetrating filtration surgery.
L'objectiu del TFC és que quedi definit un mètode per a aconseguir el desenvolupament d'un web (per a un centre de secundària) fàcil d'usar, de tal manera que seguint aquest mètode es puguin portar a terme les fases que es considerin necessàries per a arribar al disseny d'algunes de les interfícies del web i que aquestes interfícies siguin fàcils d'usar.
Aquest treball fa una incursió en els Gestors de Continguts del mercat especialitzats en entorns educatius i es divideix en dues parts: En la primera es fa una comparativa entre els gestors de continguts Moodle, Atutor i Aula Wiki a través de la seva Avaluació Heurística basada en els principis de Jakob Nielsen.En la segona part, a partir del gestor de continguts que ha obtingut millor puntuació en la Avaluació Heurística, es realitza un Test d'Usuaris amb professors d'ensenyament secundari de diverses Àrees.
The diagnosis of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in small towns is sometimes made without the species identification of the Leishmania, even in areas without previous epidemiological surveys. Here we report the isolation of a Leishmania strain from a patient of Rincão, state of São Paulo, that was identified by isoenzyme characterization as L. (Viannia) braziliensis. Sand fly collections were made in the area where the patient live in order to investigate the likely vector species.
Introduction We launched an investigator-initiated study(ISRCTN31181395) to evaluate the potential benefit of pharmacokinetic-guided dosage individualization of imatinib for leukaemia patients followed in public and private sectors. Following approval by the research ethics committee (REC) of the coordinating centre, recruitment throughout Switzerland necessitated to submit the protocol to 11 cantonal RECs.Materials and Methods We analysed requirements and evaluation procedures of the 12 RECs with associated costs.Results 1-18 copies of the dossier, in total 4300 printed pages, were required (printing/posting costs: ~300 CHF) to meet initial requirements. Meeting frequencies of RECs ranged between 2 weeks and 2 months, time from submission to first feedback took 2-75 days. Study approval was obtained from a chairman, a subor the full committee, the evaluation work being invoiced by 0-1000 CHF (median: 750 CHF, total: 9200 CHF). While 5 RECs gave immediate approval, the other 6 rose in total 38 queries before study release, mainly related to wording in the patient information, leading to 7 different final versions approved. Submission tasks employed an investigator half-time over about 6 months.Conclusion While the necessity of clinical research evaluation by independent RECs is undisputed, there is a need of further harmonization and cooperation in evaluation procedures. Current administrative burden is indeed complex, time-consuming and costly. A harmonized electronic application form, preferably compatible with other regulatory bodies and European countries, could increase transparency, improve communication, and encourage academic multi-centre clinical research in Switzerland.