963 resultados para Dynamic behavior
We have investigated the dynamic behavior of cytoskeletal fine structure in the lamellipodium of nerve growth cones using a new type of polarized light microscope (the Pol-Scope). Pol-Scope images display with exquisite resolution and definition birefringent fine structures, such as filaments and membranes, without having to treat the cell with exogenous dyes or fluorescent labels. Furthermore, the measured birefringence of protein fibers in the thin lamellipodial region can be interpreted in terms of the number of filaments in the bundles. We confirmed that birefringent fibers are actin-based using conventional fluorescence-labeling methods. By recording movies of time-lapsed Pol-Scope images, we analyzed the creation and dynamic composition of radial fibers, filopodia, and intrapodia in advancing growth cones. The strictly quantitative information available in time-lapsed Pol-Scope images confirms previously deduced behavior and provides new insight into the architectural dynamics of filamentous actin.
Evolutionary, pattern forming partial differential equations (PDEs) are often derived as limiting descriptions of microscopic, kinetic theory-based models of molecular processes (e.g., reaction and diffusion). The PDE dynamic behavior can be probed through direct simulation (time integration) or, more systematically, through stability/bifurcation calculations; time-stepper-based approaches, like the Recursive Projection Method [Shroff, G. M. & Keller, H. B. (1993) SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 30, 1099–1120] provide an attractive framework for the latter. We demonstrate an adaptation of this approach that allows for a direct, effective (“coarse”) bifurcation analysis of microscopic, kinetic-based models; this is illustrated through a comparative study of the FitzHugh-Nagumo PDE and of a corresponding Lattice–Boltzmann model.
A tetramer of the Mu transposase (MuA) pairs the recombination sites, cleaves the donor DNA, and joins these ends to a target DNA by strand transfer. Juxtaposition of the recombination sites is accomplished by the assembly of a stable synaptic complex of MuA protein and Mu DNA. This initial critical step is facilitated by the transient binding of the N-terminal domain of MuA to an enhancer DNA element within the Mu genome (called the internal activation sequence, IAS). Recently we solved the three-dimensional solution structure of the enhancer-binding domain of Mu phage transposase (residues 1-76, MuA76) and proposed a model for its interaction with the IAS element. Site-directed mutagenesis coupled with an in vitro transposition assay has been used to assess the validity of the model. We have identified five residues on the surface of MuA that are crucial for stable synaptic complex formation but dispensable for subsequent events in transposition. These mutations are located in the loop (wing) structure and recognition helix of the MuA76 domain of the transposase and do not seriously perturb the structure of the domain. Furthermore, in order to understand the dynamic behavior of the MuA76 domain prior to stable synaptic complex formation, we have measured heteronuclear 15N relaxation rates for the unbound MuA76 domain. In the DNA free state the backbone atoms of the helix-turn-helix motif are generally immobilized whereas the residues in the wing are highly flexible on the pico- to nanosecond time scale. Together these studies define the surface of MuA required for enhancement of transposition in vitro and suggest that a flexible loop in the MuA protein required for DNA recognition may become structurally ordered only upon DNA binding.
Neste trabalho é proposto um modelo mecanobiológico de remodelagem óssea para a estimativa de variações, provocadas por perturbações mecânicas ou biológicas, na matriz de rigidez estrutural da escala macroscópica e na densidade mineral em uma região do osso. Na cooperação entre as áreas da saúde e da engenharia, como nos estudos estruturais de biomecânica no sistema esquelético, as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais devem ser conhecidas, entretanto os ossos possuem uma constituição material altamente complexa, dinâmica e variante entre indivíduos. Sua dinâmica decorre dos ciclos de absorção e deposição de matriz óssea na remodelagem óssea, a qual ocorre para manter a integridade estrutural do esqueleto e adaptá-lo aos estímulos do ambiente, sejam eles biológicos, químicos ou mecânicos. Como a remodelagem óssea pode provocar alterações no material do osso, espera-se que suas propriedades mecânicas também sejam alteradas. Na literatura científica há modelos matemáticos que preveem a variação da matriz de rigidez estrutural a partir do estímulo mecânico, porém somente os modelos mais recentes incluíram explicitamente processos biológicos e químicos da remodelagem óssea. A densidade mineral óssea é um importante parâmetro utilizado no diagnóstico de doenças ósseas na área médica. Desse modo, para a obtenção da variação da rigidez estrutural e da densidade mineral óssea, propõe-se um modelo numérico mecanobiológico composto por cinco submodelos: da dinâmica da população de células ósseas, da resposta das células ao estímulo mecânico, da porosidade óssea, da densidade mineral óssea e, baseado na Lei de Voigt para materiais compósitos, da rigidez estrutural. Os valores das constantes das equações dos submodelos foram obtidos de literatura. Para a solução das equações do modelo, propõe-se uma implementação numérica e computacional escrita em linguagem C. O método de Runge-Kutta-Dorman-Prince, cuja vantagem consiste no uso de um passo de solução variável, é utilizado no modelo para controlar o erro numérico do resultado do sistema de equações diferenciais. Foi realizada uma avaliação comparativa entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo proposto e os da literatura dos modelos de remodelagem óssea recentes. Conclui-se que o modelo e a implementação propostos são capazes de obter variações da matriz de rigidez estrutural macroscópica e da densidade mineral óssea decorrentes da perturbação nos parâmetros mecânicos ou biológicos do processo de remodelagem óssea.
Este trabalho apresenta o controle de posição e orientação de um modelo não linear de Plataforma de Stewart com seis graus de liberdade construído no ambiente de sistemas multicorpos ADAMS® desenvolvido pela Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. O modelo não linear é exportado para o ambiente SIMULINK® desenvolvido pela MathWorks, Inc., onde o controle de posição e orientação é realizado a partir da linearização do modelo e a aplicação de um sistema seguidor com realimentação de estados. Utililiza-se, também o SIMULINK® para implementar a dinâmica de um sistema servoválvula e cilindro hidráulico com um servocontrole de pressão e assim simular o comportamento dinâmico de um simulador de vôo com acionamento hidráulico. A utilização destes pacotes comerciais visa obter uma economia de tempo e esforço na modelagem de sistemas mecânicos complexos e na programação para obtenção da resposta do sistema no tempo, além de facilitar a análise de várias configurações de Plataformas de Stewart
Este trabalho apresenta e compara alguns meios para o estudo do comportamento dinâmico de uma lavadora de roupas de eixo vertical durante o processo de extração de água das roupas, também conhecido como centrifugação. Os três métodos utilizados para estudar o comportamento dinâmico de uma lavadora de roupas de eixo vertical foram: analítico, experimental e simulação através de multicorpos. O interesse nesta etapa é devido ao fato dos problemas de vibração de uma lavadora ocorrerem principalmente durante a centrifugação. A modelagem de uma lavadora de roupas durante a etapa de centrifugação permite a obtenção de seu comportamento dinâmico bem como de suas principais características. Um outro tópico estudado neste trabalho foi o fenômeno de deslocamento da lavadora, um dos principais motivos de reclamação dos usuários de lavadoras de roupa automáticas.
Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.
This paper describes the so-called Kiss Bridge. This structure resembles a kiss, a subtle touch of structures. The beams have been structurally designed to adapt the Japanese art of paper folding called "origami." The material used for constructing the floating beams is white reinforced concrete in the form of folded shells. The two geometrically different parts have distinct structural behaviors. The length of the main pathway of both structures is over 60 m. The pedestrian bridge crosses an artificial rainwater channel with a skew of 45° with respect to the referred channel. The joint between the cantilever structure and the Y-shaped one is located over the middle of the channel. Each stretch has different transversal sections. The pedestrian bridge is made with prestressed self-compacting reinforced concrete of 60 MPa. The foundation is shallow, comprising footings and footing beams made of 25 MPa conventional concrete. The cantilever structure with its foundations is designed as a semi-integral bridge whereas the Y-shaped one is an integral structure. The dynamic behavior of the structure was carefully studied to ensure that the dynamic loads generated by pedestrians do not cause excessive vibrations, especially to the cantilever structure, which could present dynamic interactions with the pedestrians walking. The bridge was recognized, in the 2014 edition of the fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures, for having made a valuable contribution to the image and promotion of concrete structures.
The multibody dynamics of a satellite in circular orbit, modeled as a central body with two hinge-connected deployable solar panel arrays, is investigated. Typically, the solar panel arrays are deployed in orbit using preloaded torsional springs at the hinges in a near symmetrical accordion manner, to minimize the shock loads at the hinges. There are five degrees of freedom of the interconnected rigid bodies, composed of coupled attitude motions (pitch, yaw and roll) of the central body plus relative rotations of the solar panel arrays. The dynamical equations of motion of the satellite system are derived using Kane's equations. These are then used to investigate the dynamic behavior of the system during solar panel deployment via the 7-8th-order Runge-Kutta integration algorithms and results are compared with approximate analytical solutions. Chaotic attitude motions of the completely deployed satellite in circular orbit under the influence of the gravity-gradient torques are subsequently investigated analytically using Melnikov's method and confirmed via numerical integration. The Hamiltonian equations in terms of Deprit's variables are used to facilitate the analysis. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
An experimental testing system for the study of the dynamic behavior of fluid-loaded rectangular micromachined silicon plates is designed and presented in this paper. In this experimental system, the base-excitation technique combined with pseudo-random signal and cross-correlation analysis is applied to test fluid-loaded microstructures. Theoretical model is also derived to reveal the mechanism of such an experimental system in the application of testing fluid-loaded microstructures. The dynamic experiments cover a series of testings of various microplates with different boundary conditions and dimensions, both in air and immersed in water. This paper is the first that demonstrates the ability and performances of base excitation in the application of dynamic testing of microstructures that involves a natural fluid environment. Traditional modal analysis approaches are used to evaluate natural frequencies, modal damping and mode shapes from the experimental data. The obtained experimental results are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions. This research experimentally determines the dynamic characteristics of the fluid-loaded silicon microplates, which can contribute to the design of plate-based microsystems. The experimental system and testing approaches presented in this paper can be widely applied to the investigation of the dynamics of microstructures and nanostructures.
We demonstrate a great variability of single-pulse (with only one pulse/wave-packet traveling along the cavity) generation regimes in fiber lasers passively mode-locked by non-linear polarization evolution (NPE) effect. Combining extensive numerical modeling and experimental studies, we identify multiple very distinct lasing regimes with a rich variety of dynamic behavior and a remarkably broad spread of key parameters (by an order of magnitude and more) of the generated pulses. Such a broad range of variability of possible lasing regimes necessitates developing techniques for control/adjustment of such key pulse parameters as duration, radiation spectrum, and the shape of the auto-correlation function. From a practical view point, availability of pulses/wave-packets with such different characteristics from the same laser makes it imperative to develop variability-aware designs with control techniques and methods to select appropriate application-oriented regimes. © 2014 The Authors.
Smart cameras perform on-board image analysis, adapt their algorithms to changes in their environment, and collaborate with other networked cameras to analyze the dynamic behavior of objects. A proposed computational framework adopts the concepts of self-awareness and self-expression to more efficiently manage the complex tradeoffs among performance, flexibility, resources, and reliability. The Web extra at http://youtu.be/NKe31-OKLz4 is a video demonstrating CamSim, a smart camera simulation tool, enables users to test self-adaptive and self-organizing smart-camera techniques without deploying a smart-camera network.
The activation-deactivation pseudo-equilibrium coefficient Qt and constant K0 (=Qt x PaT1,t = ([A1]x[Ox])/([T1]x[T])) as well as the factor of activation (PaT1,t) and rate constants of elementary steps reactions that govern the increase of Mn with conversion in controlled cationic ring-opening polymerization of oxetane (Ox) in 1,4-dioxane (1,4-D) and in tetrahydropyran (THP) (i.e. cyclic ethers which have no homopolymerizability (T)) were determined using terminal-model kinetics. We show analytically that the dynamic behavior of the two growing species (A1 and T1) competing for the same resources (Ox and T) follows a Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey interactions. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Ebben a tanulmányban ismertetjük a Nöther-tétel lényegi vonatkozásait, és kitérünk a Lie-szimmetriák értelmezésére abból a célból, hogy közgazdasági folyamatokra is alkalmazzuk a Lagrange-formalizmuson nyugvó elméletet. A Lie-szimmetriák dinamikai rendszerekre történő feltárása és viselkedésük jellemzése a legújabb kutatások eredményei e területen. Például Sen és Tabor (1990), Edward Lorenz (1963), a komplex kaotikus dinamika vizsgálatában jelent®s szerepet betöltő 3D modelljét, Baumann és Freyberger (1992) a két-dimenziós Lotka-Volterra dinamikai rendszert, és végül Almeida és Moreira (1992) a három-hullám interakciós problémáját vizsgálták a megfelelő Lie-szimmetriák segítségével. Mi most empirikus elemzésre egy közgazdasági dinamikai rendszert választottunk, nevezetesen Goodwin (1967) ciklusmodelljét. Ennek vizsgálatát tűztük ki célul a leírandó rendszer Lie-szimmetriáinak meghatározásán keresztül. / === / The dynamic behavior of a physical system can be frequently described very concisely by the least action principle. In the centre of its mathematical presentation is a specic function of coordinates and velocities, i.e., the Lagrangian. If the integral of the Lagrangian is stationary, then the system is moving along an extremal path through the phase space, and vice versa. It can be seen, that each Lie symmetry of a Lagrangian in general corresponds to a conserved quantity, and the conservation principle is explained by a variational symmetry related to a dynamic or geometrical symmetry. Briey, that is the meaning of Noether's theorem. This paper scrutinizes the substantial characteristics of Noether's theorem, interprets the Lie symmetries by PDE system and calculates the generators (symmetry vectors) on R. H. Goodwin's cyclical economic growth model. At first it will be shown that the Goodwin model also has a Lagrangian structure, therefore Noether's theorem can also be applied here. Then it is proved that the cyclical moving in his model derives from its Lie symmetries, i.e., its dynamic symmetry. All these proofs are based on the investigations of the less complicated Lotka Volterra model and those are extended to Goodwin model, since both models are one-to-one maps of each other. The main achievement of this paper is the following: Noether's theorem is also playing a crucial role in the mechanics of Goodwin model. It also means, that its cyclical moving is optimal. Generalizing this result, we can assert, that all dynamic systems' solutions described by first order nonlinear ODE system are optimal by the least action principle, if they have a Lagrangian.
Access control (AC) limits access to the resources of a system only to authorized entities. Given that information systems today are increasingly interconnected, AC is extremely important. The implementation of an AC service is a complicated task. Yet the requirements to an AC service vary a lot. Accordingly, the design of an AC service should be flexible and extensible in order to save development effort and time. Unfortunately, with conventional object-oriented techniques, when an extension has not been anticipated at the design time, the modification incurred by the extension is often invasive. Invasive changes destroy design modularity, further deteriorate design extensibility, and even worse, they reduce product reliability. ^ A concern is crosscutting if it spans multiple object-oriented classes. It was identified that invasive changes were due to the crosscutting nature of most unplanned extensions. To overcome this problem, an aspect-oriented design approach for AC services was proposed, as aspect-oriented techniques could effectively encapsulate crosscutting concerns. The proposed approach was applied to develop an AC framework that supported role-based access control model. In the framework, the core role-based access control mechanism is given in an object-oriented design, while each extension is captured as an aspect. The resulting framework is well-modularized, flexible, and most importantly, supports noninvasive adaptation. ^ In addition, a process to formalize the aspect-oriented design was described. The purpose is to provide high assurance for AC services. Object-Z was used to specify the static structure and Predicate/Transition net was used to model the dynamic behavior. Object-Z was extended to facilitate specification in an aspect-oriented style. The process of formal modeling helps designers to enhance their understanding of the design, hence to detect problems. Furthermore, the specification can be mathematically verified. This provides confidence that the design is correct. It was illustrated through an example that the model was ready for formal analysis. ^