933 resultados para Dodson, Betty
Betty Seligmann
Betty Markus
95 Briefe und Beilagen zwischen Siegfried Kracauer und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Else Staudinger vom American Committee for Refugee Scholars, Writers and Artists New York und Max Horkheimer, 10.07.1945, 24.07.1945; 2 Briefe zwischen Meyer Schapiro und Siegfried Kracauer 19.11.1937, 03.12.1937; 2 Briefe von Leo Löwenthal an Schapiro Meyer, 1940, 1941; 1 Brief und 1 Beilage von Max Horkheimer an A. Schütz, 02.08.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Trude Krautheimer, 30.07.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid New York, 10.06.1940; 2 Briefe ziwschen dem Department of State Washington und Max Horkheimer, 05.04.1939, 1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury Max Horkheimer, 05.11.1938, 07.11.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Margaret Krafft und Max Horkheimer, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Gertrud Kurth-Kieslinger an Max Horkheimer, 02.10.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Kraft und Max Horkheimer, 19.01.1940, 01.03.1940; 1 Brief und 1 Beilage von Friedrich Krause an Max Horkheimer, 05.01.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Karl Krayl und Max Horkheimer, 201.10.1937, 25.11.1937; 11 Briefe zwischen Ernst Krenek und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 1 Brief von S. Krezel an Max Horkheimer, 12.02.1936; 1 Brief von Charles I. Krieger an Max Horkheimer, 01.08.1940; 1 Brief von H. Kronstein an Max Horkheimer, 20.05.1935; 3 Briefe zwischen Germaine Krull und Max Horkheimer, 1934, 06.09.1937, 1937; 3 Briefe zwischen Lawrence S. Kubie Sekretär der American Psychoanalytic Association, New York und Max Horkheimer, 11.05.1938, 1938; 5 Briefe und Beilagen zwsichen Julius Kühl und Max Horkheimer, 18.10.1939-1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Herr Guggenheim, 20.02.1940; 1 Brief von Julius Kühl an die ESKA, 31.03.1945; 4 Briefe zwischen B. Kugelmann und Max Horkheimer, 1934, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Georg Kunzel an Max Horkheimer, 01.08.1930;
20 Briefe zwischen Alfred Haas und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1941; 2 Briefe von Willy Haas an Max Horkheimer, 1938; 3 Briefe zwischen Virginia Haber und Max Horkheimer, 12.09.1945, August 1945; 7 Briefe zwischen Hugo Hahn und Max Horkheimer, 1942-1946; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Charles G. Haines, 23.10.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hall, 02.07.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen H. Duncan Hall und Max Horkheimer, 04.08.1939, 24.07.1939; 2 Briefe zwsichen Herbert Berkerath und Max Horkheimer, 10.10.1939, 09.10.1939; 23 Briefe zwischen Wolfgang Hallgarten und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die American Philosophic Society Philadelphia, 15.04.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury und Max Horkheimer, 29.02.1940, 20.02.1940; 6 Briefe zwischen Nina Almond und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 1 Brief von Ruth E. Hollander an Max Horkheimer, 08.09.1938; 1 Brief von dem Brooklyn College an Wolfgang Hallgarten, 29.04.1938; 4 briefe zwischen dem Brooklyn College und Max Horkheimer, 18.05.1938, 17.05.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Robert Maynard Hutchins und Max Horkheimer, 02.11.1937, 28.10.1937; 2 Briefe zwsichen Hardt und Max Horkheimer, 01.10.1943; 4 Briefe zwischen Gertrude Hardt und Max Horkheimer, 1947-1948; 4 Briefe zwischen den Harper & Brothers New York und Max Horkheimer, 24.10.1950, 1950; 1 Brief von Friedrich Pollock an Margot von Mendelssohn, 13.09.1950; 1 Brief von Hartoch an Max Horkheimer, 09.06.1937; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Harvard College Cambridge Massachusetts und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Felix Hase und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 13.03.1936; 1 Brief von Freda E. Hecht an Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1947; 1 Brief von Ernest S. Hediger an Max Horkheimer, 02.09.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Agnes Heilbut und Max Horkheimer, 18.07.1938,; 7 Briefe zwischen Eduard Heimann und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1939; 1 Brief von Fritz Hein an Max Horkheimer, 14.06.1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Walter Heinemann und Max Horkheimer, 15.02.1945, 12.03.1945; 2 Briefe zwischen Philipp Heller und Max Horkheimer, 16.09.1944, 09.10.1944; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hellmann, 23.03.1939; 4 Briefe zwischen L. E. Hellmann und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 4 Briefe zwischen P. A. Hemerijk und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1937, 03.02.1936; 5 Briefe zwischen Carl G. Hempel und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1941; 1 Lebenslauf von Hans Henning; 1 Brief von Else Henschke an Max Horkheimer, 24.07.1940; 1 Briefe von Isi Hepner an Max Horkheimer, 23.01.1941; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an Isi Hepner, 03.02.1941; 1 Brief von Gertrude E. Herman anMax Horkheimer, 10.12.1949; 1 Brief von Wilhelm G. Hertz an Max Horkheimer, 29.09.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Wieland Herzfelde und der National City Bank of New York, 28.11.1939, 30.11.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Karl Hess und Max Horkheimer, 14.08.1935, 25.10.1934; 4 Briefe zwischen Karl Heymann und Max Horkheimer, 1947, 1949; 19 Briefe zwischen Robert Hilb und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Joseph Rosenthal und Max Horkheimer, 12.11.1940, 25.10.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Henry Church und Max Horkheimer, 14.12.1940, 18.12.1940; 1 Brief von Ellen Hilb an Max Horkheimer, 11.03.1938; 1 Brief von Emil Hilb an Max Horkheimer, 15.04.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Yoshitaro Hirano und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 23.01.1936; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Hirsch, 1938; 1 Brief von Arnold Hirsch an Max Horkheimer, 14.07.1949; 4 Briefe zwischen Charles Hirsch und Max Horkheimer, 1937, 1938; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Ernst Hirsch, Oktober 1938; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Julius Hirsch, 24.02.1942;
Purpose. The purpose of the study was to use measures of an HIV positive child's health to examine whether or not there is a difference in their health status according to caretaker and household economic status. ^ Study design. This was a case comparison study between HIV infected children living with parents and those living with grandparents. ^ Study setting. The study was conducted at the Pediatric Infectious Disease Clinic (PIDC) in Mulago, Kampala, Uganda. ^ Participants. 369 HIV-infected children aged seven months to 15 years attending the PIDC between June 13th and August 15th 2007 as well as their caretakers. ^ Method. Patients were recruited during their clinic visits after they had seen the health care providers and waited to receive their medication. Methods used included a survey of all the 369 caregiver participants and abstraction of data from the 369 patient charts. ^ Results. There was no significant association between staging and caretaker status (OR: 0.73 95%CI 0.44–1.21 p=0.09). Children taken care of by grandparents were more likely to have low height for age z-scores and higher weight for height z-scores (OR: 0.32, 95%CI: 0.14–0.74, p = 0.005). There was no difference is social support seeking behavior between parents and grandparents. ^ Conclusion. There was no statistically significant association observed between caretaker status and presenting in advanced stages. This implies that the stage at which HIV-infected children present for care is not determined by the type of caretaker. Caretakers for HIV-infected children need a lot of support beyond medical care. ^
Background. About a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis (TB) with sub-Saharan Africa being the worst hit. Uganda is ranked 16th among the countries with the biggest TB burden. The burden in children however has not been determined. The burden of TB has been worsened by the advent of HIV and TB is the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected individuals. Development of TB disease can be prevented if TB is diagnosed during its latent stage and treated with isoniazid. For over a century, latent TB infection (LTBI) was diagnosed using the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). New interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been approved by FDA for the diagnosis of LTBI and adult studies have shown that IGRAs are superior to the TST but there have been few studies in children especially in areas of high TB and HIV endemicity. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to examine whether the IGRAs had a role in LTBI diagnosis in HIV infected children in Uganda. ^ Methods. Three hundred and eighty one (381) children were recruited at the Baylor College of Medicine-Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda between March and August 2010. All the children were subjected to a TST and T-SPOT ®.TB test which was the IGRA chosen for this study. Sputum examination and chest x-rays were also done to rule out active TB. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the tests. The agreement between the two assays was 95.9% and the kappa statistic was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55–0.85, p-value<0.05) indicating a substantial or good agreement. The TST was associated with older age and higher weight for age z-scores but the T-SPOT®. TB was not. Both tests were associated with history of taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART). ^ Conclusion. Before promoting use of IGRAs in children living in HIV/TB endemic countries, more research needs to be done. ^
Background. Previous studies suggest an association between timing of introduction of solid food and increased risk of obesity in pre-school aged children, but no study included a representative sample of US children. We sought to examine whether there was any association between the timing of solid food introduction and overweight/obesity in pre-school aged children. Design/methods. Cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sample (N=2050) of US children aged 2 to 5 years with information on infant feeding practices and measured weight and height from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2008. The main outcome measure was BMI for age and sex ≥ 85th percentile. The main exposure was timing of solid food introduction at < 4, 4–5, or ≥ 6 months of age. Binomial logistic regression was used in the analysis controlling for child's sex, birth weight and breastfeeding status as well as maternal age at birth, smoking status and socio-demographic variables. Results. Two thousand and fifty children were included in the sample; 51% male and 49% female; 57.1% Non-Hispanic White, 21.9% Hispanic, 14.0% Non-Hispanic Black, and 7% other race/ethnicity. Twenty-two percent of the children were overweight or obese. Sixty-nine percent were breastfed or fed breast milk at birth and 36% continued breastfeeding for ≥ six months. Solid foods were introduced before 4 months of age for 11.2% of the children; 30.3% received solid foods between 4 to 5 months; with 58.6% receiving solid foods at 6 months or later. Timing of solid food introduction was not associated with weight status (OR= 1.36, 95% CI [0.83–2.24]). Formula-fed infants and infants breastfed for < 4 months had increased odds of overweight and obesity (OR=1.54, 95% CI [1.05–2.27] and OR= 1.60, 95% CI [1.05–2.44], respectively) when compared to infants breastfed for ≥ 6 months. Conclusion. Timing of solid food introduction was not associated with weight status in a national sample of US children ages 2 to 5 years. More focus should be placed on promoting breastfeeding and healthy infant feeding practices as strategies to prevent obesity in children. ^
This paper presents an example of assessing treatment integrity as part of an experimental study of home-based, intensive family preservation services (IFPS). Participants were 103 IFPS workers and 24 state public child welfare agency workers (FC). The structured, self-report questionnaire included questions about specific components of the services, as well as the characteristics of the family and the workers themselves. Findings suggest that IFPS workers delivered services according to the treatment model guidelines. The procedure yielded a good estimate of whether the structural components of treatment were delivered according to the model as delineated in the treatment manual. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to assessing treatment integrity.
We analyze sedimentary charcoal records to show that the changes in fire regime over the past 21,000 yrs are predictable from changes in regional climates. Analyses of paleo- fire data show that fire increases monotonically with changes in temperature and peaks at intermediate moisture levels, and that temperature is quantitatively the most important driver of changes in biomass burning over the past 21,000 yrs. Given that a similar relationship between climate drivers and fire emerges from analyses of the interannual variability in biomass burning shown by remote-sensing observations of month-by-month burnt area between 1996 and 2008, our results signal a serious cause for concern in the face of continuing global warming.
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Marion Dufresne cruise OISO_14
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Marion Dufresne cruise OISO_15
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Marion Dufresne cruise OISO_11
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Marion Dufresne cruise OISO_13
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Marion Dufresne cruise OISO_09