978 resultados para Disulfide Bond Formation


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The immunoglobulin (Ig) molecule is composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains (H2L2). Transport of this heteromeric complex is dependent on the correct assembly of the component parts, which is controlled, in part, by the association of incompletely assembled Ig heavy chains with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone, BiP. Although other heavy chain-constant domains interact transiently with BiP, in the absence of light chain synthesis, BiP binds stably to the first constant domain (CH1) of the heavy chain, causing it to be retained in the ER. Using a simplified two-domain Ig heavy chain (VH-CH1), we have determined why BiP remains bound to free heavy chains and how light chains facilitate their transport. We found that in the absence of light chain expression, the CH1 domain neither folds nor forms its intradomain disulfide bond and therefore remains a substrate for BiP. In vivo, light chains are required to facilitate both the folding of the CH1 domain and the release of BiP. In contrast, the addition of ATP to isolated BiP–heavy chain complexes in vitro causes the release of BiP and allows the CH1 domain to fold in the absence of light chains. Therefore, light chains are not intrinsically essential for CH1 domain folding, but play a critical role in removing BiP from the CH1 domain, thereby allowing it to fold and Ig assembly to proceed. These data suggest that the assembly of multimeric protein complexes in the ER is not strictly dependent on the proper folding of individual subunits; rather, assembly can drive the complete folding of protein subunits.


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Human sperm centrosome reconstitution and the parental contributions to the zygotic centrosome are examined in mammalian zygotes and after exposure of spermatozoa to Xenopus laevis cell-free extracts. The presence and inheritance of the conserved centrosomal constituents γ-tubulin, centrin, and MPM-2 (which detects phosphorylated epitopes) are traced, as is the sperm microtubule-nucleating capability on reconstituted centrosomes. γ-Tubulin is biparentally inherited in humans (maternal >> than paternal): Western blots detect the presence of paternal γ-tubulin. Recruitment of maternal γ-tubulin to the sperm centrosome occurs after sperm incorporation in vivo or exposure to cell-free extract, especially after sperm “priming” induced by disulfide bond reduction. Centrin is found in the proximal sperm centrosomal region, demonstrates expected calcium sensitivity, but appears absent from the zygotic centrosome after sperm incorporation or exposure to extracts. Sperm centrosome phosphorylation is detected after exposure of primed sperm to egg extracts as well as during the early stages of sperm incorporation after fertilization. Finally, centrosome reconstitution in cell-free extracts permits sperm aster microtubule assembly in vitro. Collectively, these results support a model of a blended zygotic centrosome composed of maternal constituents attracted to an introduced paternal template after insemination.


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Mutations of the glycoprotein rBAT cause cystinuria type I, an autosomal recessive failure of dibasic amino acid transport (b0,+ type) across luminal membranes of intestine and kidney cells. Here we identify the permease-like protein b0,+AT as the catalytic subunit that associates by a disulfide bond with rBAT to form a hetero-oligomeric b0,+ amino acid transporter complex. We demonstrate its b0,+-type amino acid transport kinetics using a heterodimeric fusion construct and show its luminal brush border localization in kidney proximal tubule. These biochemical, transport, and localization characteristics as well as the chromosomal localization on 19q support the notion that the b0,+AT protein is the product of the gene defective in non-type I cystinuria.


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Cytochrome c552 from Hydrogenobacter thermophilus, a thermophilic bacterium, has been converted into a b type cytochrome, after mutagenesis of both heme-binding cysteines to alanine and expression in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. The b type variant is less stable, with the guanidine hydrochloride unfolding midpoint occurring at a concentration 2 M lower than for the wild-type protein. The reduction potential is 75 mV lower than that of the recombinant wild-type protein. The heme can be removed from the b type variant, thus generating an apo protein that has, according to circular dichroism spectroscopy, an α-helical content different from that of the holo b type protein. The latter is readily reformed in vitro by addition of heme to the apo protein. This reforming suggests that previously observed assembly of cytochrome c552, which has the typical class I cytochrome c fold, in the E. coli cytoplasm is a consequence of spontaneous thioether bond formation after binding of heme to a prefolded polypeptide. These observations have implications for the general problem of c type cytochrome biogenesis.


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Flavin-containing monooxygenase from yeast (yFMO) carries out the O2- and NADPH-dependent oxidation of biological thiols, including oxidizing glutathione to glutathione disulfide. FMO provides a large fraction of the oxidizing necessary for proper folding of disulfide bond-containing proteins; deletion of the enzyme reduces proper folding of endogenous carboxypeptidase Y by about 40%. The enzyme is not essential to cell viability because other enzymes can generate a significant fraction of the oxidizing equivalents required by the cell. However, yFMO is vital to the yeast response to reductive stress. FMO1 deletion mutants grow poorly under reductive stress, and carboxypeptidase Y activity is less than 10% of that in a stressed wild type. The FMO1 gene appears to be under control of an unfolded protein response element and is inducible by factors, such as reductive stress, that elicit the unfolded protein response. Reductive stress can increase yFMO activity at least 6-fold. This increased activity allows the cell to process endogenous disulfide bond-containing proteins and also to allow correct folding of disulfide-bonded proteins expressed from multicopy plasmids. The unfolded protein response is mediated by the Hac1p transcription factor that mediates virtually all of the induction of yFMO triggered by exogenous reducing agents.


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The NMR structures of the recombinant 217-residue polypeptide chain of the mature bovine prion protein, bPrP(23–230), and a C-terminal fragment, bPrP(121–230), include a globular domain extending from residue 125 to residue 227, a short flexible chain end of residues 228–230, and an N-terminal flexibly disordered “tail” comprising 108 residues for the intact protein and 4 residues for bPrP(121–230), respectively. The globular domain contains three α-helices comprising the residues 144–154, 173–194, and 200–226, and a short antiparallel β-sheet comprising the residues 128–131 and 161–164. The best-defined parts of the globular domain are the central portions of the helices 2 and 3, which are linked by the only disulfide bond in bPrP. Significantly increased disorder and mobility is observed for helix 1, the loop 166–172 leading from the β-strand 2 to helix 2, the end of helix 2 and the following loop, and the last turn of helix 3. Although there are characteristic local differences relative to the conformations of the murine and Syrian hamster prion proteins, the bPrP structure is essentially identical to that of the human prion protein. On the other hand, there are differences between bovine and human PrP in the surface distribution of electrostatic charges, which then appears to be the principal structural feature of the “healthy” PrP form that might affect the stringency of the species barrier for transmission of prion diseases between humans and cattle.


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Cloning and sequencing of the upstream region of the gene of the CC chemokine HCC-1 led to the discovery of an adjacent gene coding for a CC chemokine that was named “HCC-2.” The two genes are separated by 12-kbp and reside in a head-to-tail orientation on chromosome 17. At variance with the genes for HCC-1 and other human CC chemokines, which have a three-exon-two-intron structure, the HCC-2 gene consists of four exons and three introns. Expression of HCC-2 and HCC-1 as studied by Northern analysis revealed, in addition to the regular, monocistronic mRNAs, a common, bicistronic transcript. In contrast to HCC-1, which is expressed constitutively in numerous human tissues, HCC-2 is expressed only in the gut and the liver. HCC-2 shares significant sequence homology with CKβ8 and the murine chemokines C10, CCF18/MRP-2, and macrophage inflammatory protein 1γ, which all contain six instead of four conserved cysteines. The two additional cysteines of HCC-2 form a third disulfide bond, which anchors the COOH-terminal domain to the core of the molecule. Highly purified recombinant HCC-2 was tested on neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes and was found to exhibit marked functional similarities to macrophage inflammatory protein 1α. It is a potent chemoattractant and inducer of enzyme release in monocytes and a moderately active attractant for eosinophils. Desensitization studies indicate that HCC-2 acts mainly via CC chemokine receptor CCR1.


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Cellular immunity is mediated by the interaction of an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with a peptide presented within the context of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Alloreactive T cells have αβ TCRs that can recognize both self- and foreign peptide–MHC (pMHC) complexes, implying that the TCR has significant complementarity with different pMHC. To characterize the molecular basis for alloreactive TCR recognition of pMHC, we have produced a soluble, recombinant form of an alloreactive αβ T cell receptor in Drosophila melanogaster cells. This recombinant TCR, 2C, is expressed as a correctly paired αβ heterodimer, with the chains covalently connected via a disulfide bond in the C-terminal region. The native conformation of the 2C TCR was probed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis by using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, as well as syngeneic and allogeneic pMHC ligands. The 2C interaction with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8, H-2Kb-SIYR, and H-2Ld-p2Ca spans a range of affinities from Kd = 10−4 to 10−6M for the syngeneic (H-2Kb) and allogeneic (H-2Kbm3, H-2Ld) ligands. In general, the syngeneic ligands bind with weaker affinities than the allogeneic ligands, consistent with current threshold models of thymic selection and T cell activation. Crystallization of the 2C TCR required proteolytic trimming of the C-terminal residues of the α and β chains. X-ray quality crystals of complexes of 2C with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8 and H-2Kb-SIYR have been grown.


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Peptide bond formation by the ribosome requires 23S rRNA and its interaction with the 3′-CCA end of tRNA. To investigate the possible evolutionary development of the peptidyl transfer reaction, we tried to obtain peptide bond formation without the ribosome or rRNA simply by using a piece of tRNA—an aminoacyl-minihelix—mixed with sequence-specific oligonucleotides that contained puromycin. Peptide bond formation was detected by gel electrophoresis, TLC analysis, and mass spectrometry. Peptide synthesis depended on sequence complementarity between the 3′-CCA sequence of the minihelix and the puromycin-bearing oligonucleotide. However, proximity of the reacting species was not by itself sufficient for peptide bond formation. In addition, imidazole as a catalyst was required. Its role may be similar to the recently proposed mechanism, wherein A2451 of 23S rRNA works as a general base. Thus, peptide bond formation can be achieved with a simple, minimized system that captures the essence of an interaction seen in the ribosome.


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Induction of phase 2 enzymes and elevations of glutathione are major and sufficient strategies for protecting mammals and their cells against the toxic and carcinogenic effects of electrophiles and reactive forms of oxygen. Inducers belong to nine chemical classes and have few common properties except for their ability to modify sulfhydryl groups by oxidation, reduction, or alkylation. Much evidence suggests that the cellular “sensor” molecule that recognizes the inducers and signals the enhanced transcription of phase 2 genes does so by virtue of unique and highly reactive sulfhydryl functions that recognize and covalently react with the inducers. Benzylidene-alkanones and -cycloalkanones are Michael reaction acceptors whose inducer potency is profoundly increased by the presence of ortho- (but not other) hydroxyl substituent(s) on the aromatic ring(s). This enhancement correlates with more rapid reactivity of the ortho-hydroxylated derivatives with model sulfhydryl compounds. Proton NMR spectroscopy provides no evidence for increased electrophilicity of the β-vinyl carbons (the presumed site of nucleophilic attack) on the hydroxylated inducers. Surprisingly, these ortho-hydroxyl groups display a propensity for extensive intermolecular hydrogen bond formation, which may raise the reactivity and facilitate addition of mercaptans, thereby raising inducer potencies.


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Experiments were performed to confirm that the aldimine bond formation is a spontaneous reaction, because attempts to find an enzyme catalyzing the last decisive step in betaxanthin biosynthesis, the aldimine formation, failed. Feeding different amino acids to betalain-forming hairy root cultures of yellow beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris “Golden Beet”) showed that all amino acids (S- and R-forms) led to the corresponding betaxanthins. We observed neither an amino acid specificity nor a stereoselectivity in this process. In addition, increasing the endogenous phenylalanine (Phe) level by feeding the Phe ammonia-lyase inhibitor 2-aminoindan 2-phosphonic acid yielded the Phe-derived betaxanthin. Feeding amino acids or 2-aminoindan 2-phosphonic acid to hypocotyls of fodder beet (B. vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris “Altamo”) plants led to the same results. Furthermore, feeding cyclo-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-alanine (cyclo-Dopa) to these hypocotyls resulted in betanidin formation, indicating that the decisive step in betacyanin formation proceeds spontaneously. Finally, feeding betalamic acid to broad bean (Vicia faba L.) seedlings, which are known to accumulate high levels of Dopa but do not synthesize betaxanthins, resulted in the formation of dopaxanthin. These results indicate that the condensation of betalamic acid with amino acids (possibly including cyclo-Dopa or amines) in planta is a spontaneous, not an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.


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Human rhinoviruses, the most important etiologic agents of the common cold, are messenger-active single-stranded monocistronic RNA viruses that have evolved a highly complex cascade of proteolytic processing events to control viral gene expression and replication. Most maturation cleavages within the precursor polyprotein are mediated by rhinovirus 3C protease (or its immediate precursor, 3CD), a cysteine protease with a trypsin-like polypeptide fold. High-resolution crystal structures of the enzyme from three viral serotypes have been used for the design and elaboration of 3C protease inhibitors representing different structural and chemical classes. Inhibitors having α,β-unsaturated carbonyl groups combined with peptidyl-binding elements specific for 3C protease undergo a Michael reaction mediated by nucleophilic addition of the enzyme’s catalytic Cys-147, resulting in covalent-bond formation and irreversible inactivation of the viral protease. Direct inhibition of 3C proteolytic activity in virally infected cells treated with these compounds can be inferred from dose-dependent accumulations of viral precursor polyproteins as determined by SDS/PAGE analysis of radiolabeled proteins. Cocrystal-structure-assisted optimization of 3C-protease-directed Michael acceptors has yielded molecules having extremely rapid in vitro inactivation of the viral protease, potent antiviral activity against multiple rhinovirus serotypes and low cellular toxicity. Recently, one compound in this series, AG7088, has entered clinical trials.


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Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified about 180,000 times compared with the starting soluble-protein extract from developing elm (Ulmus glabra) seeds. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified fraction showed a single protein band with a mobility that corresponded to 15 kD, from which activity could be recovered. When analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the enzyme had a deduced mass of 13,900 D. A 53-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence was determined and aligned with other sequences, giving 62% identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of some rice (Oryza sativa) expressed sequence tag clones. The purified enzyme had an alkaline pH optimum and required Ca2+ for activity. It was unusually stable with regard to heat, acidity, and organic solvents but was sensitive to disulfide bond-reducing agents. The enzyme is a true PLA2, neither hydrolyzing the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine nor having any activity toward lysophosphatidylcholine or diacylglycerol. The biochemical data and amino acid sequence alignments indicate that the enzyme is related to the well-characterized family of animal secretory PLA2s and, to our knowledge, is the first plant enzyme of this type to be described.


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The pores of voltage-gated ion channels are lined by protein loops that determine selectivity and conductance. The relative orientations of these "P" loops remain uncertain, as do the distances between them. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we introduced pairs of cysteines into the P loops of micro1 rat skeletal muscle sodium channels and sought functional evidence of proximity between the substituted residues. Only cysteinyl residues that are in close proximity can form disulfide bonds or metal-chelating sites. The mutant Y401C (domain I) spontaneously formed a disulfide bond when paired with E758C in the P loop of domain II; the same residue, when coupled with G1530C in domain IV, created a high-affinity binding site for Cd2+ ions. The results provide the first specific constraints for intramolecular dimensions of the sodium channel pore.


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A number of alternatively spliced epsilon transcripts have been detected in IgE-producing B cells, in addition to the mRNAs encoding the classical membrane and secreted IgE heavy (H) chains. In a recent study, we examined the protein products of three of these alternatively spliced isoforms and found that they are intracellularly retained and degraded because of their inability to assemble into complete IgE molecules. We have now similarly examined a more recently described epsilon mRNA species that is generated by splicing between a donor splice site immediately upstream of the stop codon in the H-chain constant region exon 4 (CH4) and an acceptor site located in the 3' part of the second membrane exon. We show that this isoform is efficiently secreted by both plasma cells and B lymphocytes and therefore represents a second secreted IgE isoform (epsilon S2). The epsilon S2 H chain is only six amino acids longer than the classical secreted Ig H chain (epsilon S1) and contains a C-terminal cysteine, which is a characteristic sequence feature of mu and alpha H chains. However, unlike IgM and IgA, the epsilon S2 C-terminal cysteine (Cys-554) does not induce polymerization of H2L2 molecules (where L is light chain), but rather creates a disulfide bond between the two H chains that increases the rate of association into covalently bound H2L2 monomers. This C-terminal cysteine also does not function as an intracellular retention element because the epsilon S2 isoform was secreted in amounts equal to that of the epsilon S1, both in B lymphocytes and in plasma cells. The epsilon S2 H chains secreted by B lymphocytes differed from the epsilon S1 H chains in the extent of glycosylation. Interestingly, a difference in glycosylation between B-lymphocytes and plasma cells was also noted for both isoforms. The presence of the Cys-554 also allowed the identification of a distinctive asymmetric pathway of IgE assembly, common to both types of epsilon H chains.