955 resultados para Digital Projects Workshop


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We present a three-component model of a digital investigation which comprises: determination of input-output layers, assignment of read and write operations associated with use of forensic tools, and time-stamping of read and write operations. This builds on work of several authors, culminating in the new model presented here which is generic, scalable and compatible with all functions in the system, and which is guaranteed to produce a high quality of reproducibility.


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This paper addresses some aspects of the digital divide affecting teachers and learners in higher education. These relate to divisions arising from variable rates of technology adoption by teachers, which may be especially problematic when students’ uptake of technology is much more rapid than those who teach them, and also to divisions within the student body which teachers need to accommodate when they plan the design of learning. To address these divisions, we designed a pilot online workshop to prepare a small group of teaching staff at two Australian universities for using wikis in teaching and assessment. Participants were immersed in the experience of collaborating on a project in a wiki as learners, and then asked to reflect on this experience as teachers. We used a participatory action research approach with a view to developing a community of enquiry to investigate this experience for improving future offerings, and informing the participants’ teaching practice. This paper reports on the professional development effort, reflecting on the successes and limitations of the work, and lessons learned in relation to bridging the above aspects of the digital divide. We then comment on the potential for further development in the context of the evolution of learning technology as a research discipline.


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The need for literacy and the English curriculum to attend to digital literacies in the twenty-first century is well established. Although studies in digital literacies have examined the inclusion of computer games in schools, there has not been an extended study of English teachers incorporating computer games into their teaching and learning through action research projects. This paper outlines the structure and progress of a research project exploring the uses of computer games in English classrooms. We argue that much can be learned about the teaching of both print and digital literacies from examining computer games and young people's engagement in online digital culture in the world beyond school.


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In this paper we examine the politics of print and digital archives and their implications for research in the field of historical children's literature. We use the specific example of our comparative, collaborative project 'From Colonial to Modern: Transnational Girlhood in Australian, New Zealand and Canadian Print Cultures, 1840-1940' to contrast the strengths and limitations of print and digital archives of young people's texts from these three nations. In particular, we consider how the failure of some print archives to collect ephemeral or non-canonical colonial texts may be reproduced in current digitising projects. Similarly, we examine how gaps in the newly forged digital "canon" are especially large for colonial children's texts because of the commercial imperatives of many large-scale digitisation projects. While we acknowledge the revolutionary applications of digital repositories for research on historical children's literature, we also argue that these projects may unintentionally marginalise or erase certain kinds of children's texts from scholarly view in the future.


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Students describe the Library as being central to their learning, offering focus and inspiration, enabling access to information and technologies, and collaboration with peers. Deakin University Library’s building redevelopment program has been integral to the Library’s re-imagined value proposition for students learning in the digital age. The introduction of new generation library and learning spaces strengthens the University’s offer to students for a brilliant education where you are and where you want to go through premium cloud and located learning experiences that are personal, engaging and relevant.

The Library’s building projects are distinctive in terms of location and the built environment, as well as the characteristics of the university campus communities. Each progressive project has brought new aspirations and challenges. Through joint research with Deakin University’s School of Architecture and Built Environment, the Library has developed a quality framework for planning and assessing library and learning spaces.

This paper will discuss the research findings to date on the quality framework and the need to continually review and assess indicators of quality in a highly dynamic digital environment. The Library’s experiences in introducing high-end multimedia provide some insights into planning for and delivering enduring value.

The next steps in exploring the question of how library spaces assist students in achieving their learning goals are introduced.


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 Portable electronic devices such as the iPad are increasingly taking a place in contemporary childhood experiences including those of schooling (O'Mara & Laidlaw, 2011). As digital media theorists suggest, such new tools invite both "hope and fear" (Gee and Hayes, 2011, p.4), consistent with literacy innovations across history. In both Canada and Australia, educational stakeholders are looking to touch screen devices as having much promise, particularly within literacy education. This paper presentation examines the possibilities as well as the challenges and imagines the future of such digital tools within literacy education, looking at experiences and perspectives in Canada and Australia.
We take a qualitative ecological mode of inquiry approach to our data collection and analysis, drawing on complexity thinking (Davis & Sumara, 2006) to bring our multiple points of view together as diversely positioned educators. Within our individual sites, each author has collected data as a part of longer-term research projects. In this paper presentation we compare and contrast these data sets, attending to significant intersections and juxtaposing issues of culture and globalization. Within this mode of inquiry we value the particularity of the individual contexts, and locate them alongside one another in a larger bricolage (Johnson, 2010).
We examined observational data, documents and artifacts using Freebody and Luke's (1990) four resources model and the further adaptions of this model (see e.g. Luke & Freebody, 1999) to understand how touch screen devices are being used and positioned as literacy tools. We have engaged in collaborative data analysis, often working 'together' using digital tools ourselves to enable collective conversations. For example, we have used Facetime on iPads and laptops, Skype and email to facilitate collective analyses. We applied iterative and recursive analyses to uncover reoccurring themes both within and across sites and artifacts.
As our paper will elaborate, mobile touch screen devices such as iPads are widely being taken up in educational settings, and regarded as having the possibility to shift teaching and learning in new directions, as "paradigm breakers" (p. 4, Gov't of AB, 2011). As personal, mobile devices, these tools present challenges that require educators to think differently about learning and teaching. Our paper also addresses the opportunities and affordances that iPads might offer to learners, as having the potential for students to engage in playful exploration, and in the role of designers, creators, and producers, rather than as passive recipients.


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The Taylor Family Digital Library is the central library opened in 2011 at the University of Calgary dedicated to supporting digital scholarship, creativity, analysis and a supportive learning environment for students. The new building is a technologically advanced converged cultural institution, with mandates to continually evolve in order to meet the needs of students and researchers. The infrastructure to support these mandates required research, collaboration and intense planning, resulting in new construction and technology standards for library renovation and construction projects. This pragmatic article is written for those who will follow in similar footsteps; it provides a roadmap for those embarking on the construction of a new technologically advanced library building.


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Despite many policy interventions, Australia’s ruralareas continue to be at a digital disadvantage. Withthe increasing penetration of information andcommunication technologies (ICT) into all public andprivate realms, there is a need to examine the deeplyrooted digital divide and how it relates to multipledimensions of infrastructure, services and demand inrural communities. This paper reports findings froma workshop with seven rural local governments fromthe State of New South Wales, Australia. The findingssuggest that rural digital exclusion results from amulti-layered divide where elements ofinfrastructure, connectivity and digital engagementare intertwined


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Purpose – This article explores challenges for rural Australian local governments during the transition to high-speed broadband infrastructure. Despite the National Broadband Network’s promised ubiquitous connectivity, significant access discrepancies remain between rural and urban areas.Methodology – Empirical findings are drawn from a full-day workshop on digital connectivity, which included participants from seven rural local governments in New South Wales, Australia. Thematic analysis of the workshop transcript was undertaken in order to extrapolate recurring nuances of rural digital exclusion. Findings – Rural communities face inequitable prospects for digital inclusion, and authorities confront dual issues of accommodating connected and unconnected citizens. Many areas have no or poor broadband access, and different digital engagement expectations are held by citizens and local governments. Citizens seek interactive opportunities, but rural authorities often lack the necessary resources to offer advanced participatory practices. Research limitations/implications – While this research draws from a small sample of government officials, their insights are nonetheless heuristically valuable in identifying connectivity issues faced in rural Australia. These issues can guide further research into other regions as well as civic experiences of digital inclusion. Practical/social implications – There is a need to reconceive Australia’s current policy approach to broadband. Greater rural digital inclusion may be achieved by focusing on connectivity as a public interest goal, targeting infrastructure developments to suit local contexts, and implementing participatory digital government practices. Originality/value – The actions suggested would help ensure equity of digital inclusion across Australian municipal areas. Without such changes, there is a risk of rural citizens facing further marginalisation through digital exclusion.


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Este Ponto de Vista resume as conclusões de um Workshop conjunto, organizado pelos três Programas da FAPESP na Área Ambiental - BIOTA (O Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade) - BIOEN (Pesquisa em Bioenergia) - Mudanças Climáticas, para discutir a contribuição da comunidade científica para a RIO+20, a Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. O grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros reunidos pela FAPESP no início de março de 2012 levantou as seguintes preocupações: a) o número reduzido de oportunidades para a comunidade científica interagir com Conferências como a RIO+20; b) as graves deficiências do ZeroDraft, documento produzido pela Divisão das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável para a RIO +20; c) o fato do foco de pesquisa dos três Programas de Pesquisa Ambiental da FAPESP - biodiversidade, bioenergia e mudanças climáticas - não estarem na pauta das discussões da RIO+20; d) que pouca ênfase é dada aos oceanos na Agenda da Conferência; e) em relação aos mecanismos de mercado associados com a transição para uma economia mais verde, a necessidade de enfatizar a redução de subsídios perversos e a promoção de incentivos econômicos para atividades ou processos de mitigação e/ou seqüestro de carbono; f) a necessidade de estimular o desenvolvimento e a consolidação da pesquisa na área de avaliação e valoração de serviços ambientais, no Brasil. Os participantes do Workshop reconheceram a necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as convenções, tratados e acordos internacionais assinados e ratificados pelo Brasil, bem como as instituições internacionais, programas e iniciativas que promovem a participação da comunidade científica no debate de políticas ambientais globais. Finalmente, do ponto de vista dos três programas da FAPESP dois pontos foram destacados: a) que é imperativo aprofundar o conhecimento científico em cada uma das três áreas focais - biodiversidade, bioenergia e mudanças climáticas - porque é necessário aumentar a massa crítica de pesquisadores e do conhecimento para participar das discussões internacionais nessas áreas estratégicas; b) também é imperativo apoiar e promover projetos de pesquisa que integrem as áreas focais dos três programas, estimulando a constituição de equipes inter e transdisciplinares. Esta é uma tendência mundial na área das mudanças ambientais globais, e os participantes dos três programas sentem que podem dar uma contribuição significativa para o avanço do conhecimento, para o debate internacional e para a efetiva solução dos problemas.


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We report a pilot study with the Flower Workshop, a new modality of psychosocial rehabilitation group activity. Cognitive performance in schizophrenia and other mental conditions can be impaired depending on the tasks to be executed and their respective social context. The vulnerability of these individuals can be reduced by means of cognitive and socio-affective facilitation. We conducted a pilot study to introduce the Flower Workshop in a public Mental Health Service in the city of Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo-Brasil) with 12 participants during 18 months (2002-2003). With cognitive and socio-affective facilitation, participants were able to construct vases and make flower arrangements successfully.


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A Digital Factory is a concept which improves the collaboration among product development processes. Despite the benefits brought by this concept, failures may occur in its implementation. This paper aims to present the Critical Success Factors in the implementation of a Digital Factory project in a Brazilian company. These factors were identified by an exploratory survey on the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning and Product Lifecycle Management among other systems. Following this identification, the factors were prioritized using the Delphi Method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process; this evaluation was carried out by professionals from enterprises which implement Digital Factory projects, in Brazil and abroad. Nine factors were identified. The five main priorities were: Continuous Support and Commitment from Top Management; Comprehensive Business Reengineering; Skilled and Experienced Partners; Participation and Commitment of Users; and Appropriate Role of the Project Manager.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC