959 resultados para Differenzial Imaging, Principal Component Analysis, esopianeti, SPHERE, IFS


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O conceito de superfície geomórfica permite uma interligação entre os diferentes ramos da ciência do solo, tais como geologia, geomorfologia e pedologia. Esta associação favorece a compreensão da distribuição espacial dos solos na paisagem, e torna possível compreender o comportamento dos atributos do solo, que estão principalmente relacionadas com a estratigrafia e formas do relevo. Assim, este estudo visa à aplicação da estatística multivariada para categorizar superfícies geomórficas em uma litossequência arenito-basalto, de modo a fornecer uma base para a avaliação do solo em áreas afins. A área de estudo está localizada no município de Pereira Barreto, São Paulo, Brasil. A área escolhida possui 530 hectares, onde foram localizadas e mapeadas três superfícies geomórficas (I, II e III). Na área, 134 amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m e 0,8-1,0 m, foram determinados os conteúdos de areia, silte e argila, pH em CaCl2, conteúdo de MO, P, Ca, Mg, K, Al e H+Al. Com base nos resultados, foram realizadas a análise univariada e multivariada de variância, clusters e principal componente, a fim de comparar as três superfícies geomórficas. A análise estatística univariada dos atributos do solo não foi eficiente na identificação das três superfícies geomórficas. Utilizando-se os atributos físicos e químicos do solo, as técnicas estatísticas multivariada permitiram à separação dos três grupos de corpos naturais do solo que foram equivalentes as três superfícies geomórficas mapeadas. Estes resultados são interessantes, pois demonstram a viabilidade da utilização de classificação numérica das superfícies geomórficas para ajudar no mapeamento de solo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In conformational analysis, the systematic search method completely maps the space but suffers from the combinatorial explosion problem because the number of conformations increases exponentially with the number of free rotation angles. This study introduces a new methodology of conformational analysis that controls the combinatorial explosion. It is based on a dimensional reduction of the system through the use of principal component analysis. The results are exactly the same as those obtained for the complete search but, in this case, the number of conformations increases only quadratically with the number of free rotation angles. The method is applied to a series of three drugs: omeprazole. pantoprazole, lansoprazole-benzimidazoles that suppress gastric-acid secretion by means of H(+), K(+)-ATPase enzyme inhibition. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Inc.


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A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study of 19 quinone compounds with trypanocidal activity was performed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Principal Component Regression (PCR) methods with the use of leave-one-out crossvalidation procedure to build the regression models. The trypanocidal activity of the compounds is related to their first cathodic potential (Ep(c1)). The regression PLS and PCR models built in this study were also used to predict the Ep(c1) of six new quinone compounds. The PLS model was built with three principal components that described 96.50% of the total variance and present Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The results obtained with the PCR model were similar to those obtained with the PLS model. The PCR model was also built with three principal components that described 96.67% of the total variance with Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The most important descriptors for our PLS and PCR models were HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO), Q4 (atomic charge at position 4), MAXDN (maximal electrotopological negative difference), and HYF (hydrophilicity index).


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We studied ontogenetic variation in the shape of the skull among species of Caiman using principal component analysis. Comparison of multivariate allometric coefficients and ontogenetic trends between size and shape reveals that C. sclerops and C. yacare have similar ontogenetic processes, and they are more related to each other than either is to C. latirostris. Allometric relationships of the characters measured are similar in all species studied. The greater differences were in the width measurements, with higher coefficients in shape (second principal component) for C. latirostris, and length measurements with higher coefficients in shape for C. yacare and C. sclerops. The ontogenetic process leading to change in skull shape in the group seems to be plesiomorphic for elongation and derived for broadening. Statistical comparison of the ontogenetic trends with models of allometric heterochrony suggests that C. latirostris has diverged from the other species by a neotenic process, and that C. sclerops is separated from C. yacare by ontogenetic scaling (progenesis).


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The contents of some nutrients in 35 Brazilian green and roasted coffee samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn), flame atomic emission photometry (Na and K) and Kjeldahl (N) after preparing the samples by wet digestion procedures using i) a digester heating block and ii) a conventional microwave oven system with pressure and temperature control. The accuracy of the procedures was checked using three standard reference materials (National Institute of Standards and Technology, SRM 1573a Tomato Leaves, SRM 1547 Peach Leaves, SRM 1570a Trace Elements in Spinach). Analysis of data after application of t-test showed that results obtained by microwave-assisted digestion were more accurate than those obtained by block digester at 95% confidence level. Additionally to better accuracy, other favorable characteristics found were lower analytical blanks, lower reagent consumption, and shorter digestion time. Exploratory analysis of results using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) showed that Na, K, Ca, Cu, Mg, and Fe were the principal elements to discriminate between green and roasted coffee samples. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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When searching for prospective novel peptides, it is difficult to determine the biological activity of a peptide based only on its sequence. The trial and error approach is generally laborious, expensive and time consuming due to the large number of different experimental setups required to cover a reasonable number of biological assays. To simulate a virtual model for Hymenoptera insects, 166 peptides were selected from the venoms and hemolymphs of wasps, bees and ants and applied to a mathematical model of multivariate analysis, with nine different chemometric components: GRAVY, aliphaticity index, number of disulfide bonds, total residues, net charge, pI value, Boman index, percentage of alpha helix, and flexibility prediction. Principal component analysis (PCA) with non-linear iterative projections by alternating least-squares (NIPALS) algorithm was performed, without including any information about the biological activity of the peptides. This analysis permitted the grouping of peptides in a way that strongly correlated to the biological function of the peptides. Six different groupings were observed, which seemed to correspond to the following groups: chemotactic peptides, mastoparans, tachykinins, kinins, antibiotic peptides, and a group of long peptides with one or two disulfide bonds and with biological activities that are not yet clearly defined. The partial overlap between the mastoparans group and the chemotactic peptides, tachykinins, kinins and antibiotic peptides in the PCA score plot may be used to explain the frequent reports in the literature about the multifunctionality of some of these peptides. The mathematical model used in the present investigation can be used to predict the biological activities of novel peptides in this system, and it may also be easily applied to other biological systems. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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This paper presents a novel time domain approach for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems based on Electromechanical Impedance (EMI) principle and Principal Component Coefficients (PCC), also known as loadings. Differently of typical applications of EMI applied to SHM, which are based on computing the Frequency Response Function (FRF), in this work the procedure is based on the EMI principle but all analysis is conducted directly in time-domain. For this, the PCC are computed from the time response of PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) transducers bonded to the monitored structure, which act as actuator and sensor at the same time. The procedure is carried out exciting the PZT transducers using a wide band chirp signal and getting their time responses. The PCC are obtained in both healthy and damaged conditions and used to compute statistics indexes. Tests were carried out on an aircraft aluminum plate and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method making it an excellent approach for SHM applications. Finally, the results using EMI signals in both frequency and time responses are obtained and compared. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics 2014.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper establishes the spawning habitat of the Brazilian sardine Sardinella brasiliensis and investigates the spatial variability of egg density and its relation with oceanographic conditions in the shelf of the south-east Brazil Bight (SBB). The spawning habitats of S. brasiliensis have been defined in terms of spatial models of egg density, temperature-salinity plots, quotient (Q) analysis and remote sensing data. Quotient curves (Q(C)) were constructed using the geographic distribution of egg density, temperature and salinity from samples collected during nine survey cruises between 1976 and 1993. The interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variability was determined using principal component analysis on the SST anomalies (SSTA) estimated from remote sensing data over the period between 1985 and 2007. The spatial pattern of egg occurrences in the SBB indicated that the largest concentration occurred between Paranagua and Sao Sebastiao. Spawning habitat expanded and contracted during the years, fluctuating around Paranagua. In January 1978 and January 1993, eggs were found nearly everywhere along the inner shelf of the SBB, while in January 1988 and 1991 spawning had contracted to their southernmost position. The SSTA maps for the spawning periods showed that in the case of habitat expansion (1993 only) anomalies over the SBB were zero or slightly negative, whereas for the contraction period anomalies were all positive. Sardinella brasiliensis is capable of exploring suitable spawning sites provided by the entrainment of the colder and less-saline South Atlantic Central Water onto the shelf by means of both coastal wind-driven (to the north-east of the SBB) and meander-induced (to the south-west of the SBB) upwelling.


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The present study aimed to comparatively verify the relation between the hermit crabs and the shells they use in two populations of Loxopagurus loxochelis. Samples were collected monthly from July 2002 to June 2003, at Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba Bay, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The animals sampled had their sex identified, were weighed and measured; their shells were identified, measured and weighed, and their internal volume determined. To relate the hermit crab's characteristics and the shells' variables, principal component analysis (PCA) and a regression tree were used. According to the PCA analysis, the three gastropod shells most frequently used by L. loxochelis varied in size. The regression tree successfully explained the relationship between the hermit crab's characteristics and the internal volume of the inhabited shell. It can be inferred that the relationship between the morphometry of an individual hermit crab and its shell is not straightforward and it is impossible to explain only on the basis of direct correlations between the body's and the shell's attributes. Several factors (such as the morphometry and the availability of the shell, environmental conditions and inter- and intraspecific competition) interact and seem to be taken into consideration by the hermit crabs when they choose a shell, resulting in the diversified pattern of shell occupancy shown here and elsewhere.


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As the available public cerebral gene expression image data increasingly grows, the demand for automated methods to analyze such large amount of data also increases. An important study that can be carried out on these data is related to the spatial relationship between gene expressions. Similar spatial density distribution of expression between genes may indicate they are functionally correlated, thus the identification of these similarities is useful in suggesting directions of investigation to discover gene interactions and their correlated functions. In this paper, we describe the use of a high-throughput methodology based on Voronoi diagrams to automatically analyze and search for possible local spatial density relationships between gene expression images. We tested this method using mouse brain section images from the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas public database. This methodology provided measurements able to characterize the similarity of the density distribution between gene expressions and allowed the visualization of the results through networks and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These visualizations are useful to analyze the similarity level between gene expression patterns, as well as to compare connection patterns between region networks. Some genes were found to have the same type of function and to be near each other in the PCA visualizations. These results suggest cerebral density correlations between gene expressions that could be further explored. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Concentrations of 39 organic compounds were determined in three fractions (head, heart and tail) obtained from the pot still distillation of fermented sugarcane juice. The results were evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test, principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). According to PCA and HCA, the experimental data lead to the formation of three clusters. The head fractions give rise to a more defined group. The heart and tail fractions showed some overlap consistent with its acid composition. The predictive ability of calibration and validation of the model generated by LDA for the three fractions classification were 90.5 and 100%, respectively. This model recognized as the heart twelve of the thirteen commercial cachacas (92.3%) with good sensory characteristics, thus showing potential for guiding the process of cuts.