1000 resultados para Différenciation en culture


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Coccidioidomycosis is an emerging fungal disease in Brazil; adequate maintenance and authentication of Coccidioides isolates are essential for research into genetic diversity of the environmental organisms, as well as for understanding the human disease. Seventeen Coccidioides isolates maintained under mineral oil since 1975 in the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (IMTSP) culture collection, Brazil, were evaluated with respect to their viability, morphological characteristics and genetic features in order to authenticate these fungal cultures. Only five isolates were viable after almost 30 years, showing typical morphological characteristics, and sequencing analysis using Coi-F and Coi-R primers revealed 99% identity with Coccidioides genera. These five isolates were then preserved in liquid nitrogen and sterile water, and remained viable after two years of storage under these conditions, maintaining the same features.


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The literature on the thermosensitive properties of strains or species of Leishmania and of other miercorganisms is revised. Cutaneous or mucocutaneous strains that infect animais in the coldest areas of the skin or mucosa in general can not grow in tissue culture at 37°C or higher temperatures and their respiratory metabolism decreases at these temperatures. These facts suggest a thermosensitive event in some important metabolism phase of the organisme. The strains or species that are able to produce visceral leishmaniasis were probably originated from cutaneous strains after genetioally determined physiological adaptation, to warmer temperatures. These strains can not only visceralize in animais and man but will also grow in tissue culture at 36-37°C and the respiratory metabolism will be higher at such temperatures. There are reasons to believe that intermediate strains, i. e., with properties of both groupsí do exist. A thermosensitive physiological event is a more general phenomenon and examples of it can also be found in the fields of virology, bacteriology and mycology. It has practical applications since some of the diseases produced by these agents can be cured by treatments with heat or artificial fever. Experiments along these line were performed on hamsters with a Costa Rican strain of L. braziliensis as an experimental model. Even after intraperitoneal inoculation lesions appear in the nose, ears, paws and tail with a subcutaneous temperature bellow 33°C at 22-24°C. Healing of the lesión is accomplished by increasing room temperature. A good lesión is produced in the rump of the animal if the area is depilated (comercial cream depilatory) previously and the naked skin cooled artificially. Elevated temperature, or the growing back of the hair will tend to diminish or cure the lesion.


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Insulin added to Plasmodium falciparum cultures (0.2 IU/ml) reduced the requirement for human serum from ten to five percent. This represents an obvious advantage by its serum-sparing effect and by reducing the chances of using contaminated serum in cultures. The growth-promoting ability of insulin was observed eitherin culture- adapted P. falciparum or in newly-isolated samples.


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Peripheral blood leukocytes from different animals were isolated from whole blood and maintained in Dulbeco's medium containing homologous serum without antibiotics. After 72 hrs microscopic examination of these cells showed that most animals were infected with Ehrlichia. Observation of thin blood smears from the same animals showed that only two were positive for Ehrlichia. The results of this investigation show that leukocyte culture is superior to the traditional thin blood film method in the detection of Ehrlichia and that asymptomatic carriers are easily detected. The method is inexpensive and does not require specific cell lines although it is necessary to use sterile sera.


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C57Bl/10 male mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni were distributed into mixed, prophylactic and curative groups. A culture of Zymomonas mobilis was orally administered to mice. A 61% protection from the infection was observed in the curative group (p <0.05). Histopathological study of the livers and intestines showed similar results.


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Twenty Coccidioides immitis strains were evaluated. Only 5 of the 20 strains kept under mineral oil maintained their viability while all 5 subcultures preserved in water remained viable and none of the 13 subcultures kept in soil were viable. A 519 bp PCR product from the csa gene confirmed the identity of the strains.


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Aux printemps 1997 et 1998 j’ai accompagné le tournage de deux documentaires du cinéaste João Pedro Rodrigues – « Esta é a minha casa » et « Viagem à Expo » - avec une famille d’émigrants portugais. En faisant une ethnographie multi-située, j’ai voulu comprendre les processus de construction des univers culturels et identitaires des différents membres de la famille. Dans le cadre relationnel spécifique aux tournages, la présence de l’anthropologue a conduit à des actes de production/transformation de culture. Avant la restitution des savoirs (celle qui se fait à la fin de la recherche) nous étions déjà en présence d’un transfert de connaissances. La situation produite par le travail ethnographique est une situation de restitution continue, dans la mesure où les personnes avec lesquelles nous travaillons se transforment en fonction du rapport qu’elles établissent avec nos façons de représenter le monde et nos façons d’y vivre.


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INTRODUCTION: Melanin production by species of Cryptococcus is widely used to characterize C. neoformans complex in mycology laboratories. This study aims to test the efficacy of methyldopa from pharmaceutical tablet as a substrate for melanin production, to compare the production of melanin using different agar base added with methyldopa, and to compare the melanin produced in those media with that produced in Niger seed agar and sunflower seed agar by C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus. Two isolates of each species, C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus, and one of Candida albicans were used to experimentally detect conditions for melanin production. METHODS: The following media were tested: Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA), brain and heart infusion agar (BHIA), blood agar base (BAB), and minimal medium agar (MMA), all added with methyldopa, and the media Niger seed agar (NSA) and sunflower seed agar (SSA). RESULTS: All isolates grew in most of the culture media after 24h. Strains planted on media BAB and BHIA showed growth only after 48h. All isolates produced melanin in MMA, MHA, SSA, and NSA media. CONCLUSIONS: Methyldopa in the form pharmaceutical tablet can be used as a substrate for melanin production by Cryptococcus species; minimal medium plus methyldopa was more efficient than the BAB, MHA, and BHIA in the melanin production; and NSA and SSA, followed by MMA added with methyldopa, were more efficient than other media studied for melanin production by all strains studied.


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Introduction This study evaluated the efficacy of retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with regard to treatment outcomes and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (ST) profiles. Methods This retrospective cohort study analyzed 144 patients treated at a referral hospital in Brazil. All of them had undergone prior treatment, were smear-positive for TB and received a standardized retreatment regimen. Fisher's 2-tailed exact test and the χ2 test were used; RRs and 95% CIs were calculated using univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression. Results The patients were cured in 84 (58.3%) cases. Failure was associated with relapsed treatment and abandonment (n=34). Culture tests were obtained for 103 (71.5%) cases; 70 (48.6%) had positive results. ST results were available for 67 (46.5%) cases; the prevalence of acquired resistance was 53.7%. There were no significant differences between those who achieved or not therapeutic success (p=0.988), despite being sensitive or resistant to 1 or more drugs. Rifampicin resistance was independently associated with therapeutic failure (OR: 4.4, 95% CI:1.12-17.37, p=0.034). For those cases in which cultures were unavailable, a 2nd model without this information was built. In this, return after abandonment was significantly associated with retreatment failure (OR: 3.59, 95% CI:1.17-11.06, p=0.026). Conclusions In this cohort, the general resistance profile appeared to have no influence on treatment outcome, except in cases of rifampicin resistance. The form of reentry was another independent predictor of failure. The use of bacterial culture identification and ST in TB management must be re-evaluated. The recommendations for different susceptibility profiles must also be improved.


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Introduction: We evaluated the in vitro antimalarial activity of tigecycline as an alternative drug for the treatment of severe malaria. Methods: A chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum reference strain, a chloroquine-resistant reference strain, and three clinical isolates were tested for in vitro susceptibility to tigecycline. A histidine-rich protein in vitro assay was used to evaluate antimalarial activity. Results: The geometric-mean 50% effective concentration (EC50%) of tigecycline was 535.5 nM (confidence interval (CI): 344.3-726.8). No significant correlation was found between the EC50% of tigecycline and that of any other tested antimalarial drug. Conclusions: Tigecycline may represent an alternative drug for the treatment of patients with severe malaria.


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Este estudio pretende valorar la competencia sociocultural, presentando un abanico de actividades para desarrollarla en clase con nuestros alumnos. Asimismo se mostrará cómo un profesor puede y debe ser un mediador en la transmisión y adquisición de contenidos socioculturales. Para ello, en el primer capítulo se da la definición del término cultura, analizando la importancia de su integración en las clases de lengua y presentando la evolución del estudio de contenidos socioculturales en la didáctica de idiomas. Se analizará igualmente la relevancia dada hoy en día a los contenidos socioculturales en los documentos oficiales, el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia, el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes y el Programa de Español del Ministerio de Educación Portugués. A continuación, definimos el concepto de interculturalidad e incidimos en el papel del profesor en la eliminación de estereotipos, prejuicios y malentendidos, en el descubrimiento de uno mismo y en la tolerancia por los demás, resaltando también la importancia de la intraculturalidad en las clases de lengua materna y terminando el capítulo con algunos aspectos socioculturales españoles, indispensables para la formación de un alumno de español. En un segundo capítulo, se presenta el Instituto de Ciências Educativas – institución privada en la que se realizó la Práctica Supervisionada de Español - , y se procede igualmente a la caracterización de los grupos. Finalmente, se presentan algunas de las actividades más significativas para el tema de estudio y su respectiva reflexión.