359 resultados para Diaspora haïtienne


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Este artículo se propone interrogar las relaciones entre comunidad diaspórica catalana del Cono Sur y prácticas regionales solidarias, enfatizando aquellos proyectos e iniciativas que se articularon a ambos lados de la cordillera es pos de la ayuda hacia los desplazados (primero los desplazados al interior de la península durante la Guerra Civil, luego los desplazados a Francia tras la "retirada" y por último los evacuados desde el país galo hacia América Latina). Asimismo, intenta pensar desde un conjunto de trayectorias individuales y grupales de destierro que tuvieron como destinos a Chile y la Argentina, en qué medida estos países de recepción operaron, para esos sujetos y también para las instituciones (oficiales o societales catalanas) generadoras del auxilio, como un espacio poroso de tránsitos, de relaciones fluidas, de intercambio de información y de proyectos comunes, cimentado en complejas redes familiares, político-partidarias, profesionales e ideológicas, transfronterizas y también transnacionales


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El exilio chileno dio lugar a un fenómeno cultural de grandes proporciones y el confinamiento, con todas sus secuelas, inspiró un florecimiento extraordinario de las letras y las artes de vastas proyecciones, tanto así que despertó y sigue motivando el interés de estudiosos de diversas disciplinas. Entre los miles de chilenos que se repartieron por el mundo, un grupo, cualitativamente relevante, estuvo constituido por escritores, artistas plásticos, artesanos, músicos, gente de teatro y de cine, hombres de ciencia y académicos de las más variadas disciplinas. Grupos teatrales funcionaron en muchos países; y los conjuntos musicales chilenos recorrieron el mundo. Las exposiciones de pintores, fotógrafos, y escultores chilenos eran frecuentes en las más importantes ciudades americanas y europeas, a la vez que en el marco de casi todas las manifestaciones de solidaridad las artesanías, obras de artistas profesionales y ocasionales, eran puestas a la venta; muchos refugiados lograron sobrevivir del producto de este tipo de trabajo.


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Este trabajo se propone analizar el intertexto que une al escritor Edouard Glissant con William Faulkner a través de dos obras: el ensayo Faulkner, Mississipi (1996) y la novela Sartorius (1999). En el primer texto, el autor enfatiza cuestiones presentes en su propia obra novelesca: la genealogía, la relación con el espacio de la plantación, el mestizaje, la (i)legitimidad de derechos con respecto a la posesión de la tierra, la opacidad. En el segundo, traza una línea genealógica de un personaje perteneciente a una etnia africana imaginaria, haciéndolo llegar hasta las plantaciones del sur de los Estados Unidos; paralelamente, presenta la línea genealógica de los Sartoris. En esta dirección, busco mostrar cómo el proyecto literario de Glissant dialoga con la obra de Faulkner, indagando e inventariando las mismas problemáticas con respecto al transplante de poblaciones y su inserción en el espacio de las plantaciones, tanto en el sur de los Estados Unidos como en las islas del Caribe. En las obras de ambos escritores puede percibirse el mismo vértigo trágico que persigue a los personajes, conduciéndolos a la locura, el sufrimiento y la muerte


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Este artículo se propone interrogar las relaciones entre comunidad diaspórica catalana del Cono Sur y prácticas regionales solidarias, enfatizando aquellos proyectos e iniciativas que se articularon a ambos lados de la cordillera es pos de la ayuda hacia los desplazados (primero los desplazados al interior de la península durante la Guerra Civil, luego los desplazados a Francia tras la "retirada" y por último los evacuados desde el país galo hacia América Latina). Asimismo, intenta pensar desde un conjunto de trayectorias individuales y grupales de destierro que tuvieron como destinos a Chile y la Argentina, en qué medida estos países de recepción operaron, para esos sujetos y también para las instituciones (oficiales o societales catalanas) generadoras del auxilio, como un espacio poroso de tránsitos, de relaciones fluidas, de intercambio de información y de proyectos comunes, cimentado en complejas redes familiares, político-partidarias, profesionales e ideológicas, transfronterizas y también transnacionales


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This paper offers a brief analysis of the legal aspects of the ethnic return migration policy of Kazakhstan, a post-Soviet Central Asian state that has been active in seeking ties with its diaspora since independence. This paper examines the definition of oralman (repatriates) and the establishment of a quota on the number of Kazakh immigrants who are eligible for government funds to show how the rationale and preferences in repatriation policy have changed over the years. By focusing on changes in migration-related legislation in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the paper notes that two key goals of Kazakhstan’s migration policy are not necessarily consistent with each other: the promotion of an ethnically based nation-building project by encouraging the "return" of co-ethnics living abroad, and building a workforce that is best suited for the development of the state’s economy.


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The American Jewish community as a whole still remains very much supportive of Israel's policies. Most American mainstream Jewish organizations and their leaders have hardly criticized Israel's position regarding the occupation, settlements, and the peace process. But over the last ten years or so, different views and opinions have become more visible in the American Jewish community, as represented by J Street, a "pro-Israel and pro-peace" lobby. What has brought about this diversification in the American Jewish community over their attitude toward Israel's policies? Many opinion surveys indicate that younger American Jews have become more critical of Israel's policies with regard to the Palestine question and the peace process. This may be attributed to a shift in identity among young American Jews. Older American Jews tend to see Israel as democratic, progressive and peace-seeking, etc. In addition, they perceive Israel as a safe haven for Jews. But younger Jews draw from memories and impressions scene in recent events, such as the First and Second Intifada, and the military confrontations with Palestinian groups based in Gaza, all of which are perceived as morally and politically more complex than the wars Israel fought between 1948 and 1974. Communities in the Jewish diaspora try to influence the policies of their homeland in order to protect their identity and sets of values. While the American Jewish community is still strongly committed to liberal democratic values, its counterpart in Israel has leaned toward the political right and toward ethno-religious nationalism. The diffusion of identities and sets of values in both communities may bring about further shifts in the relations between the two communities.


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El siglo XX ha sido el siglo de los desplazamientos. Una ingente cantidad de personas fueron forzadas por motivos políticos, o se vieron obligadas por motivos económicos, a abandonar sus territorios de origen, generando un distanciamiento que en la mayoría de los casos resultaría irrecuperable. Las penurias vividas en Europa, las oportunidades que se abrían en países americanos, o la presión ejercida por los regímenes totalitarios, llevaron a un buen número de profesionales, artistas e intelectuales europeos a territorio americano. El presente trabajo se propone indagar sobre una de esas migraciones que se establecieron en Latinoamérica en la primera mitad del siglo XX: la de los arquitectos españoles que se vieron forzados al exilio. Para ello se busca poner en evidencia no sólo sus aportaciones sino también la influencia que ejerció en su obra la cultura de los países de adopción. Venezuela recibió gran parte del contingente de arquitectos españoles desplazados como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil. Tras México fue el país que mayor número acogió. La llegada de dichos exiliados coincidió con el momento en que la sociedad venezolana, de base agrícola y comercial, pasaría a evidenciar el impacto de la revolución petrolera. Así pues, dicha llegada supuso no sólo la dramática pérdida del mundo previo, implícita en todo exilio, sino el arribo a una sociedad en profundo proceso de cambio. En ambos casos se trataba de “mundos que se desvanecen”. Se propone la asunción de la obra de dichos profesionales como una arquitectura desplazada. Un desplazamiento que se produce en dos sentidos: por un lado, se trata de un desplazamiento físico, por otro, la palabra desplazada habla también de la condición secundaria que adquiere la arquitectura ante el drama vital y de supervivencia que afectó a los exiliados. Así pues, a un desplazamiento físico, verificable, se une un desplazamiento en cuanto al nivel de importancia y de atención asignado a la arquitectura. El trabajo comprende una introducción, cuatro capítulos, y un epílogo, a modo de conclusión. A lo largo de dichos capítulos se conjugan el enfoque individual en la obra de uno de estos arquitectos desterrados, Rafael Bergamín, y la visión “coral” de diversas trayectorias vitales que enfrentaron un destino común. Se elige la figura de Bergamín como eje de desarrollo debido a la presencia significativa que tuvo su obra tanto en España como en Venezuela, y por la caracterización de la misma como obra construida en colaboración. La introducción, “Exilios arquitectónicos”, muestra el sustrato estructural, la fundamentación y la metodología empleada, incluyendo “problematizaciones” sobre el exilio arquitectónico. El primer capítulo, “Memoria de partida”, da cuenta de la formación y actuación, durante la preguerra, de los arquitectos españoles que saldrían al exilio. Se introduce un esquema de base generacional y se revela un panorama para nada unívoco. El segundo capítulo, “Guerra y salida al exilio”, aborda la actuación de dichos arquitectos durante la contienda bélica así como la posterior dispersión general del exilio. El tercer capítulo, “Construir desde lo que se desvanece. Arquitectos del exilio español en Venezuela”, propone diversos presupuestos conceptuales en torno al tema del desplazamiento en la arquitectura, revisando la adscripción disciplinar y profesional de los arquitectos españoles exiliados en Venezuela. El cuarto capítulo, “El regreso”, versa sobre el recorrido final de estos arquitectos. Como marco general, se revisa su itinerario de regreso o, en muchos casos, la imposibilidad de retorno. Por último, se dispone la fuente de los diversos documentos de archivos y repositorios, así como el aparato bibliográfico y referencial, empleados en la investigación. Tres anexos se adjuntan al corpus del trabajo. El primero presenta documentos inéditos, hallados durante el pertinente proceso de investigación; el segundo, dibujos de Bergamín, básicamente de las primeras décadas del siglo XX: caricaturas, anuncios y trabajos de la Escuela; el tercero, un esbozo biográfico de los arquitectos del exilio español. ABSTRACT The 20th Century has been the century of displacements. An enormous number of people were forced to leave their homelands for political or economic reasons, which generated a gap that in most of the cases would be unrecoverable. The hardships that people had to endure in Europe, the opportunities that emerged in American countries, or the pressure exerted by totalitarian regimes drove a good number of European professionals, artists and intellectuals to American territory. This research study is intended to investigate one of those migrations that settled in Latin America during the first half of the 20th century: the one of the Spanish architects that were forced into exile. To achieve this, an attempt was made to expose not only their contributions but also the influence that the culture of the countries which welcomed them exerted in their work. Venezuela received a large portion of Spanish architects who were displaced as a consequence of the Civil War. After Mexico, it was the country that sheltered the greatest number of persons. The arrival of these exiled Spanish architects coincided with the moment in which the Venezuelan society – based on agriculture and commerce – would witness the impact of the revolution of the oil industry. Thus, their arrival supposed not only experiencing the dramatic loss of their previous world – implicit in the notion of the exile – but also settling in a society going through a profound change process. In both cases it was about “two worlds that were vanishing.” The assumption of these architects’ work is regarded as a displaced architecture. A displacement that takes place in two ways: on one hand, there was a physical displacement, and on the other hand, the word displaced also talks about the second place that architecture is given when confronted with the urgent drama of survival that affected the exiled community. Hence, a physical, verifiable displacement is combined with a displacement that has to do with the importance and the attention given to architecture. This research study encompasses an introduction, four chapters, and an epilogue as a conclusion. Throughout the chapters, the individual approach to the work of one of these exiled architects, Rafael Bergamín, runs in parallel to an overall view of various other architects’ career paths that faced a common destiny. The work of the architect Bergamín was chosen as the center of this research study due to the significant presence that his work had in Spain as well as in Venezuela, and because its main characteristic was that it was built in collaboration with other architects. The introduction, “Architectural exiles”, shows the structural contextualization, the explanatory thesis statement and the methodology used, including “problematizations” about the architectural exile. The first chapter, “Memory of departure”, contains the academic background and performance during the pre-war time of the Spanish architects that would go into exile. An outline based on different generations and revealing an unambiguous perspective is introduced. The second chapter, “War and departure into exile”, tackles the performance of the Spanish architects during the war, as well as the following general diaspora into exile. The third chapter, “Building from what vanishes. Architects of the Spanish exile in Venezuela”, proposes various conceptual assumptions concerning the topic of displacement in architecture according to the doctrine and professional affiliations of the Spanish architects exiled in Venezuela. The fourth chapter, “The return”, deals with the end of these architects’ careers. As a general framework, their itineraries to return, or in many cases, the impossibility of returning, are reviewed. Finally, the sources to the various documents of files and repositories, as well as the bibliographical references consulted for the research, are provided. Three annexes have been attached to this research study. The first annex contains unpublished documents found during the research process; the second includes Bergamín’s drawings, basically from the first decades of the 20th century, such as, caricatures, advertisements and assignments done when he was a university student; and the third annex presents a biographical outline of the architects of the Spanish exile.


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Nesta dissertação nos propomos a fazer uma leitura da narrativa de Atos dos Apóstolos 6,1-8,3, considerando-a nos moldes de uma antiga tradição de martírio. Os Helenistas entram em conflito com os Hebreus, Estevão entra em atrito com os judeus da diáspora que se reúnem nas sinagogas, e é levado perante o Sinédrio e executado. O motivo de sua execução é a crítica à Lei e ao Templo. Depois de ter uma experiência de êxtase visionário ele é violentamente assassinado. Lucas, todavia, descreve Estevão como herói vitorioso. A realidade de conflitos, oposição, perseguição e martírio não se constitui em derrota, mas em fortalecimento da fé. A morte de Estevão é interpretada dentro desta tradição. A compreensão do caso de Estevão e dos Helenistas é fundamental para entender a continuação do movimento dos seguidores de Jesus e o início do desenvolvimento da Cristologia após o evento pascal.(AU)


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This conceptual study explores ethnic identity development theory in order to argue that ethnic identity development education is a means of developing broad senses of community in the African Diaspora that expand beyond a tribal, local, familial level. This study suggests that the broadening of community understanding would contribute to establishing social sustainability on regional, national and international levels within the Pan African community. Establishing such social sustainability would have direct effects on the areas of economic and environmental sustainability. One of the goals of this project is to offer suggestions for ethnically relevant education that can develop social sustainability in several places throughout the Diaspora, such as in Nigeria where ethnic conflicts are a contemporary concern.


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This project analyzes contemporary black diasporic writing in Canada, arguing that Dionne Brand, Austin Clarke and Tessa McWatt evince a unique form of double-consciousness in their writings. Their work transforms African-American double-consciousness by locating it simultaneously within both the black diaspora and the practice of Canadian multiculturalism. The objective of this project is to offer a critical framework for situating these writers within the legacy of both Black Atlantic and Canadian cultural production. These writers do not aim to resolve their double-consciousness but rather dwell within that contradictory doubleness and hyphenation, forcing nation and diaspora to contend with one another in a discomfiting and unsettling dialogue. These authors employ the absences of the black diaspora to imagine new forms of black cultural production, multicultural citizenship and national identity. Their works produce a grammar of diasporic double-consciousness that locates the absented origins of diaspora within Canada. Brand’s depiction of temporality and Clarke’s tracing of movement explore the continuities between nation and diaspora while re-membering neglected aspects of the history of black Canada, such as the life and death of Albert Johnson. McWatt extends this blackening of nation by depicting coalitions between diasporic, indigenous, raced and sexed subjects. These authors transform hegemonic Canadian narratives of nation by dwelling in the hyphen, while their evocation of memory, absence, trauma, and desire gives blackness new meaning and legitimacy.


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In this thesis, I offer an exploration of what it means to be Palestinian, and constructions of identity, belonging and community, through drawing on the experiences of younger generations of Palestinians who have not lived in Palestine. This project seeks to investigate how understanding of our own individual, familial and community’s history plays in shaping our own understandings of identity, place, belonging and indigeneity, as a younger generation of Palestinians now living and studying in the diaspora. In particular, this project examined how the process of remembering and sharing memories in community act as a form of resistance to 68 years of settler colonial violence and erasure of Palestinian land and peoples, asking what our responsibilities this therefore entails from each and every one of us.


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Mobile players in men's football are highly skilled professionals who move to a country other than the one where they grew up and started their careers. They are commonly described as migrants or expatriate players. Due to a much less advanced stage of professionalism and production of the game in women's football mobility projects are different. At describing the cases of Brazil, Equatorial Guinea, Mexico, Colombia and Portugal, the aim of this paper is to conceptualise an umbrella category for mobile players that can include current realities in the women's game, namely the transnational player who has gained and displays transnational football experience in different countries and socio-culturally contexts. Furthermore, analyses allow introducing two new subcategories besides the “expatriate”, namely diaspora players and new citizens.


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The new constitution will come into force in Hungary on 1 January 20121. Its adoption is part of the state reform which the Fidesz party led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been implementing since it won the election in April 2010. Fidesz, along with the Christian Democrats which support it, has a qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes in parliament and may introduce solutions to facilitate its rule without support from other groupings and it is taking advantage of this opportunity. One example of this has been the amendment of the constitution ten times followed by a speedy adoption of a new constitution. The next step will be passing dozens of constitutional laws which regulate essential areas of the functioning of the state over the next few months. Both the way and the scope in which the changes have been made have raised controversies both at home and abroad. The regulations reinforce the position of the ruling camp on the Hungarian political scene, assisting it in passing the test of the next elections. Slovakia, which has criticised the practice of granting Hungarian citizenship to ethnic Hungarians living in other countries, is opposing the promise of also granting them electoral rights. The constitutional reinforcement of the state’s ‘responsibility’ for the diaspora linked with the collective concept of national minority rights fostered by Hungary has already led to tensions in the region.


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Kyo do kanko : To kyo Nichinichi Shinbunsha (To kyo ).