854 resultados para Depersonalized Attraction
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
In order to understand the development of non-genetically encoded actions during an animal's lifespan, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics and evolution of learning rules producing behavior. Owing to the intrinsic stochastic and frequency-dependent nature of learning dynamics, these rules are often studied in evolutionary biology via agent-based computer simulations. In this paper, we show that stochastic approximation theory can help to qualitatively understand learning dynamics and formulate analytical models for the evolution of learning rules. We consider a population of individuals repeatedly interacting during their lifespan, and where the stage game faced by the individuals fluctuates according to an environmental stochastic process. Individuals adjust their behavioral actions according to learning rules belonging to the class of experience-weighted attraction learning mechanisms, which includes standard reinforcement and Bayesian learning as special cases. We use stochastic approximation theory in order to derive differential equations governing action play probabilities, which turn out to have qualitative features of mutator-selection equations. We then perform agent-based simulations to find the conditions where the deterministic approximation is closest to the original stochastic learning process for standard 2-action 2-player fluctuating games, where interaction between learning rules and preference reversal may occur. Finally, we analyze a simplified model for the evolution of learning in a producer-scrounger game, which shows that the exploration rate can interact in a non-intuitive way with other features of co-evolving learning rules. Overall, our analyses illustrate the usefulness of applying stochastic approximation theory in the study of animal learning.
Lake Icaria is a 660 acre man-made lake in rural Adams County. Lake Icaria is a popular recreational attraction providing ample fishing, boating, and swimming opportunities. Constructed in 1977 for water supply, Lake lcaria continues to provide reliable drinking water to 1,900 households in Adams and Montgomery counties. No stranger to the water quality world, Lake Icaria was the primary lake in the 3Lakes Water Quality Project(1996-2004), an eight year water quality effort which came to be known as one oflowa's first great water quality successes. At time of construction the Lake Icaria watershed was primarily grass. A shift towards maximizing crop production in the 1980's brought about the end of dairy farms and a concern for sediment loss and how that would affect water quality. This change in land use set the stage for the first water quality project at Lake Icaria. Since the conclusion of the 3Lakes Water Quality Project in 2004land use in the watershed has made yet another monumental shift towards crop production. Nearly 2,000 acres ofland that was once in the conservation reserve program is now being planted to a crop. This change in land use has once again brought about serious concerns for the quality of water being provided by Lake Icaria.
We experimentally question the assertion of Prospect Theory that people display risk attraction in choices involving high-probability losses. Indeed, our experimental participants tend to avoid fair risks for large (up to ? 90), high-probability (80%) losses. Our research hinges on a novel experimental method designed to alleviate the house-money bias that pervades experiments with real (not hypothetical) loses.Our results vindicate Daniel Bernoulli?s view that risk aversion is the dominant attitude,But, contrary to the Bernoulli-inspired canonical expected utility theory, we do find frequent risk attraction for small amounts of money at stake.In any event, we attempt neither to test expected utility versus nonexpected utility theories, nor to contribute to the important literature that estimates value and weighting functions. The question that we ask is more basic, namely: do people display risk aversion when facing large losses, or large gains? And, at the risk of oversimplifying, our answer is yes.
Daily precipitation is recorded as the total amount of water collected by a rain-gauge in 24h. Events are modelled as a Poisson process and the 24h precipitation by a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) of excesses. Hazard assessment is complete when estimates of the Poisson rate and the distribution parameters, together with a measure of their uncertainty, are obtained. The shape parameter of the GPD determines the support of the variable: Weibull domain of attraction (DA) corresponds to finite support variables, as should be for natural phenomena. However, Fréchet DA has been reported for daily precipitation, which implies an infinite support and a heavy-tailed distribution. We use the fact that a log-scale is better suited to the type of variable analyzed to overcome this inconsistency, thus showing that using the appropriate natural scale can be extremely important for proper hazard assessment. The approach is illustrated with precipitation data from the Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula affected by severe convective precipitation. The estimation is carried out by using Bayesian techniques
Daily precipitation is recorded as the total amount of water collected by a rain-gauge in 24 h. Events are modelled as a Poisson process and the 24 h precipitation by a Generalised Pareto Distribution (GPD) of excesses. Hazard assessment is complete when estimates of the Poisson rate and the distribution parameters, together with a measure of their uncertainty, are obtained. The shape parameter of the GPD determines the support of the variable: Weibull domain of attraction (DA) corresponds to finite support variables as should be for natural phenomena. However, Fréchet DA has been reported for daily precipitation, which implies an infinite support and a heavy-tailed distribution. Bayesian techniques are used to estimate the parameters. The approach is illustrated with precipitation data from the Eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula affected by severe convective precipitation. The estimated GPD is mainly in the Fréchet DA, something incompatible with the common sense assumption of that precipitation is a bounded phenomenon. The bounded character of precipitation is then taken as a priori hypothesis. Consistency of this hypothesis with the data is checked in two cases: using the raw-data (in mm) and using log-transformed data. As expected, a Bayesian model checking clearly rejects the model in the raw-data case. However, log-transformed data seem to be consistent with the model. This fact may be due to the adequacy of the log-scale to represent positive measurements for which differences are better relative than absolute
The objective of this work was to evaluate the field attractiveness of Thyanta perditor synthetic sex pheromone-baited traps, its attractivity to other stink bug species, and the response of T. perditor to a geometric isomer of the sex pheromone. Two-liter transparent plastic bottles traps were baited with rubber septa impregnated with the treatments: 1 mg of methyl-(2E,4Z,6Z)-decatrienoate [(2E,4Z,6Z)-10:COOMe], the male sex pheromone of T. perditor; 1 mg of (2E,4Z,6Z)-10:COOMe protected from sunlight in standard PVC plumbing pipe; 1 mg of its geometric isomer [(2E,4E,6Z)-10:COOMe]; and traps with rubber septa impregnated with hexane (control). The experiment was carried out in field during the soybean reproductive stages. Traps were monitored weekly, and the captures were compared to the population density estimated by the sampling cloth and visual inspection monitoring techniques. Traps baited with the sex pheromone, protected or not, were more effective in capturing T. perditor than traps baited with the isomer or the hexane. Thyanta perditor sex pheromone showed cross-attraction to other stink bug species, such as Euschistus heros, Edessa meditabunda, Piezodorus guildinii and Nezara viridula. Pheromone-baited traps can be used in population monitoring and to identify the relative composition of stink bug guilds.
Les cancers du col utérin et de la vessie prennent tous deux leur origine dans les sites muqueux et peuvent évoluer lentement de lésions superficielles (lésions squameuses intra-épithéliales de bas à haut grade (HSIL) et carcinomes in situ du col utérin (CIS); ou tumeurs non musculo-invasives de la vessie (NMIBC)) à des cancers invasifs plus avancés. L'éthiologie de ces deux cancers est néanmoins très différente. Le cancer du col utérin est, à l'échelle mondiale, le deuxième cancer le plus mortel chez la femme. Ce cancer résulte de l'infection des cellules basales de l'épithélium stratifié du col utérin par le papillomavirus humain à haut risque (HPV). Les vaccins prophylactiques récemment développés contre le HPV (Gardasil® et Cervarix®) sont des moyens de prévention efficaces lorsqu'ils sont administrés chez les jeunes filles qui ne sont pas encore sexuellement actives; cependant ces vaccins ne permettent pas la régression des lésions déjà existantes. Malgré un développement actif, les vaccins thérapeutiques ciblant les oncogènes viraux E6/E7 n'ont montré qu'une faible efficacité clinique jusqu'à présent. Nous avons récemment démontré qu'une immunisation sous-cutanée (s.c.) était capable de faire régresser les petites tumeurs génitales chez 90% des souris, mais chez seulement 20% des souris présentant de plus grandes tumeurs. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une nouvelle stratégie où la vaccination est associée à une application locale (intra-vaginale (IVAG)) d'agonistes de TLR. Celle-ci induit une augmentation des cellules T CD8 totales ainsi que T CD8 spécifiques au vaccin, mais pas des cellules T CD4. L'attraction sélective des cellules T CD8 est permise par leur expression des récepteurs de chemokines CCR5 et CXCR3 ainsi que par les ligants E-selectin. La vaccination, suivie de l'application IVAG de CpG, a conduit, chez 75% des souris, à la régression de grandes tumeurs établies. Le cancer de la vessie est le deuxième cancer urologique le plus fréquente. La plupart des tumeurs sont diagnostiquées comme NMIBC et sont restreintes à la muqueuse de la vessie, avec une forte propension à la récurrence et/ou progression après une résection locale. Afin de développer des vaccins contre les antigènes associés à la tumeur (TAA), il est nécessaire de trouver un moyen d'induire une réponse immunitaire CD8 spécifique dans la vessie. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparé différentes voies d'immunisation, en utilisant un vaccin composé d'adjuvants et de l'oncogène de HPV (E7) comme modèle. Les vaccinations s.c. et IVAG ont toutes deux induit un nombre similaire de cellules T CD8 spécifiques du vaccin dans la vessie, alors que l'immunisation intra-nasale fut inefficace. Les voies s.c. et IVAG ont induit des cellules T CD8 spécifiques du vaccin exprimant principalement aL-, a4- et le ligand d'E-selectin, suggérant que ces intégrines/sélectines sont responsables de la relocalisation des cellules T dans la vessie. Une unique immunisation avec E7 a permis une protection tumorale complète lors d'une étude prophylactique, indépendemment de la voie d'immunisation. Dans une étude thérapeutique, seules les vaccinations s.c. et IVAG ont efficacement conduit, chez environ 50% des souris, à la régression de tumeurs de la vessie établies, alors que l'immunisation intra-nasale n'a eu aucun effet. La régression de la tumeur est correlée avec l'infiltration dans la tumeur des cellules T CD8 spécifiques au vaccin et la diminution des cellules T régulatrices (Tregs). Afin d'augmenter l'efficacité de l'immunisation avec le TAA, nous avons testé une vaccination suivie de l'instillation d'agonistes de TLR3 et TLR9, ou d'un vaccin Salmonella Typhi (Ty21a). Cette stratégie a entraîné une augmentation des cellules T CD8 effectrices spécifiques du vaccin dans la vessie, bien qu'à différentes échelles. Ty21a étant l'immunostimulant le plus efficace, il mérite d'être étudié de manière plus approfondie dans le contexte du NMIBC. - Both cervical and bladder cancer originates in mucosal sites and can slowly progress from superficial lesions (low to high-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions (HSIL) and carcinoma in situ (CIS) in the cervix; or non-muscle invasive tumors in the bladder (NMIBC)), to more advanced invasive cancers. The etiology of these two cancers is however very different. Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide. This cancer results from the infection of the basal cells of the stratified epithelium of the cervix by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). The recent availability of prophylactic vaccines (Gardasil® and Cervarix®) against HPV is an effective strategy to prevent this cancer when administered to young girls before sexual activity; however, these vaccines do not induce regression of established lesions. Despite active development, therapeutic vaccines targeting viral oncogenes E6/E7 had limited clinical efficacy to date. We recently reported that subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization was able to regress small genital tumors in 90% of the mice, but only 20% of mice had regression of larger tumors. Here, we developed a new strategy where vaccination is combined with the local (intravaginal (IVAG)) application of TLR agonists. This new strategy induced an increase of both total and vaccine-specific CD8 T cells in cervix-vagina, but not CD4 T cells. The selective attraction of CD8 T cells is mediated by the expression of CCR5 and CXCR3 chemokine receptors and E-selectin ligands in these cells. Vaccination followed by IVAG application of CpG resulted in tumor regression of large established tumors in 75% of the mice. Bladder cancer is the second most common urological malignancy. Most tumors are diagnosed as NMIBC, and are restricted to the mucosal bladder with a high propensity to recur and/or progress after local resection. Aiming to develop vaccines against tumor associated antigens (TAA) it is necessary to investigate how to target vaccine-specific T-cell immune responses to the bladder. Here we thus compared using an adjuvanted HPV oncogene (E7) vaccine, as a model, different routes of immunization. Both s.c. and IVAG vaccination induced similar number of vaccine-specific CD8 T-cells in the bladder, whereas intranasal (i.n.) immunization was ineffective. S.c. and IVAG routes induced predominantly aL-, a4- and E-selectin ligand-expressing vaccine-specific CD8 T-cells suggesting that these integrin/selectin are responsible for T-cell homing to the bladder. A single E7 immunization conferred full tumor protection in a prophylactic setting, irrespective of the immunization route. In a therapeutic setting, only ivag and s.c. vaccination efficiently regressed established bladder-tumors in ca. 50 % of mice, whereas i.n. immunization had no effect. Tumor regression correlated with vaccine- specific CD8 T cell tumor-infiltration and decrease of regulatory T cells (Tregs). To increase efficacy of TAA immunization, we tested vaccination followed by the local instillation of TLR3 or TLR9 agonist or of a Salmonella Typhi vaccine (Ty21a). This strategy resulted in an increase of vaccine-specific effector CD8 T cells in the bladder, although at different magnitudes. Ty21a being the most efficient, it deserves further investigation in the context of NMIBC. We further tested another strategy to improve therapies of NMIBC. In the murine MB49 bladder tumor model, we replaced the intravesical (ives) BCG therapy by another vaccine strain the Salmonella Ty21a. Ives Ty21a induced bladder tumor regression at least as efficiently as BCG. Ty21a bacteria did not infect nor survive neither in healthy nor in tumor-bearing bladders, suggesting its safety. Moreover, Ty21a induced a transient inflammatory response in healthy bladders, mainly through infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages that rapidly returned to basal levels, confirming its potential safety. The tumor regression was associated to a robust infiltration of immune cells, and secretion of cytokines in urines. Infection of murine tumor cell lines by Ty21a resulted in cell apoptosis. The infection of both murine and human urothelial cell lines induced secretion of in vitro inflammatory cytokines. Ty21a may be an attractive alternative for the ives treatment of NMIBC after transurethral resection and thus deserves more investigation.
This paper contains a study of the synchronization by homogeneous nonlinear driving of systems that are symmetric in phase space. The main consequence of this symmetry is the ability of the response to synchronize in more than just one way to the driving systems. These different forms of synchronization are to be understood as generalized synchronization states in which the motions of drive and response are in complete correlation, but the phase space distance between them does not converge to zero. In this case the synchronization phenomenon becomes enriched because there is multistability. As a consequence, there appear multiple basins of attraction and special responses to external noise. It is shown, by means of a computer simulation of various nonlinear systems, that: (i) the decay to the generalized synchronization states is exponential, (ii) the basins of attraction are symmetric, usually complicated, frequently fractal, and robust under the changes in the parameters, and (iii) the effect of external noise is to weaken the synchronization, and in some cases to produce jumps between the various synchronization states available
Mice deficient in CCR7 signals show severe defects in lymphoid tissue architecture and immune response. These defects are due to impaired attraction of CCR7+ DC and CCR7+ T cells into the T zones of secondary lymphoid organs and altered DC maturation. It is currently unclear which CCR7 ligand mediates these processes in vivo as CCL19 and CCL21 show an overlapping expression pattern and blocking experiments have given contradictory results. In this study, we addressed this question using CCL19-deficient mice expressing various levels of CCL21. Complete deficiency of CCL19 and CCL21 but not CCL19 alone was found to be associated with abnormal frequencies and localization of DC in naïve LN. Similarly, CCL19 was not required for DC migration from the skin, full DC maturation and efficient T-cell priming. Our findings suggest that CCL21 is the critical CCR7 ligand regulating DC homeostasis and function in vivo with CCL19 being redundant for these processes.
Combinatorial optimization involves finding an optimal solution in a finite set of options; many everyday life problems are of this kind. However, the number of options grows exponentially with the size of the problem, such that an exhaustive search for the best solution is practically infeasible beyond a certain problem size. When efficient algorithms are not available, a practical approach to obtain an approximate solution to the problem at hand, is to start with an educated guess and gradually refine it until we have a good-enough solution. Roughly speaking, this is how local search heuristics work. These stochastic algorithms navigate the problem search space by iteratively turning the current solution into new candidate solutions, guiding the search towards better solutions. The search performance, therefore, depends on structural aspects of the search space, which in turn depend on the move operator being used to modify solutions. A common way to characterize the search space of a problem is through the study of its fitness landscape, a mathematical object comprising the space of all possible solutions, their value with respect to the optimization objective, and a relationship of neighborhood defined by the move operator. The landscape metaphor is used to explain the search dynamics as a sort of potential function. The concept is indeed similar to that of potential energy surfaces in physical chemistry. Borrowing ideas from that field, we propose to extend to combinatorial landscapes the notion of the inherent network formed by energy minima in energy landscapes. In our case, energy minima are the local optima of the combinatorial problem, and we explore several definitions for the network edges. At first, we perform an exhaustive sampling of local optima basins of attraction, and define weighted transitions between basins by accounting for all the possible ways of crossing the basins frontier via one random move. Then, we reduce the computational burden by only counting the chances of escaping a given basin via random kick moves that start at the local optimum. Finally, we approximate network edges from the search trajectory of simple search heuristics, mining the frequency and inter-arrival time with which the heuristic visits local optima. Through these methodologies, we build a weighted directed graph that provides a synthetic view of the whole landscape, and that we can characterize using the tools of complex networks science. We argue that the network characterization can advance our understanding of the structural and dynamical properties of hard combinatorial landscapes. We apply our approach to prototypical problems such as the Quadratic Assignment Problem, the NK model of rugged landscapes, and the Permutation Flow-shop Scheduling Problem. We show that some network metrics can differentiate problem classes, correlate with problem non-linearity, and predict problem hardness as measured from the performances of trajectory-based local search heuristics.
The flourishing number of publications on the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) in forensicscience denotes the enthusiasm and the attraction generated by this technology. IRMS has demonstratedits potential to distinguish chemically identical compounds coming from different sources. Despite thenumerous applications of IRMS to a wide range of forensic materials, its implementation in a forensicframework is less straightforward than it appears. In addition, each laboratory has developed its ownstrategy of analysis on calibration, sequence design, standards utilisation and data treatment without aclear consensus.Through the experience acquired from research undertaken in different forensic fields, we propose amethodological framework of the whole process using IRMS methods. We emphasize the importance ofconsidering isotopic results as part of a whole approach, when applying this technology to a particularforensic issue. The process is divided into six different steps, which should be considered for a thoughtfuland relevant application. The dissection of this process into fundamental steps, further detailed, enablesa better understanding of the essential, though not exhaustive, factors that have to be considered in orderto obtain results of quality and sufficiently robust to proceed to retrospective analyses or interlaboratorycomparisons.