996 resultados para Demokratiamuuriliike - Kiina - 1978-1981


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Extensive programmed laboratory tests involving some 400 asphalt emulsion slurry seals (AESS) were conducted. Thirteen aggregates including nine Iowa sources, a quartzite, a synthetic aggregate (Haydite), a limestone stone from Nebraska, and a Chat aggregate from Kansas were tested in combination with four emulsions and two mineral fillers, resulting in a total of 40 material combinations. A number of meetings were held with the Iowa DOT engineers and 12 state highway departments that have had successful slurry seal experiences and records, and several slurry seal contractors and material and equipment suppliers were contacted. Asphalt emulsion slurry seal development, uses, characteristics, tests, and design methods were thoroughly reviewed in conjunction with Iowa's experiences through these meetings and discussions and through a literature search (covering some 140 articles and 12 state highway department specifications). It was found that, while asphalt emulsion slurry seals (when properly designed and constructed) can economically improve the quality and extend the life of existing pavement surface, experiences with them had been mixed due to the many material, slurry, and construction variables that affect their design, construction, and performance. The report discusses those variables identified during the course of the project and makes recommendations concerning design procedures, design criteria, specifications and the means of evaluating them.


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The current study investigated the effect of fly ash class, source and amount on the compressive strength and freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete. Concrete aggregates of varying quality were also included as test variables. The current results and those obtained from previous laboratory and field work indicate that compressive strength can·be affected by fly ash class, source and amount while aggregate quality is shown to have no effect on strength. Freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete is strongly affected by aggregate quality and to a lesser degree by fly ash class, amount and source.


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The main consideration for base construction under the pavement, in the design of Iowa's interstate, was structural capacity. The material was dense graded with the aim of supporting the pavement and distributing the load as it is transferred to the underlying grade. The drainage characteristics of the base was apparently not given adequate consideration. On jointed portland cement concrete pavement, the water that is trapped immediately beneath the pavement causes severe problems. The traffic causes rapid movement of the water resulting in the hydraulic pressures or "pumping" (movement and redeposit of base fine material), further resulting in faulting between individual slabs. The objective of this evaluation is to determine if longitudinal subdrains are effective in preventing or reducing pumping, faulting and related deterioration. Results suggest that, based upon the flow from the outlets observed during periodic checks and evidence of water flow at the outlets, it appears that to date the subdrains are effective in draining the subbase and subgrade. Because of the limited data available at this time, however, the pavement condition and faulting results are inconclusive.


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The Delamtect was introduced to the Iowa Department of Transportation through a 1975 Federal Highway Administration demonstration project. The Delamtect is a small mobile unit for conducting a rapid bridge deck survey to determine the extent of delaminations (subsurface fractures). Comparison of the Delamtect with manual sounding methods and drilled cores has demonstrated its reliability. This research has shown the Delamtect to be a more effective, more economical and safer method of surveying bridge decks than manual sounding methods. The Delamtect can also be used to provide a measure of the bond within membrane systems.


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The purpose of this research project is to determine if (1) epoxy lane markings will last an entire winter season without replacement, (2) epoxy lane marking is an economical alternative to standard paint on high-traffic multi-lane roadways where lane changing is frequent, and (3) there are worthwhile benefits derived from thorough cleaning of the pavement surface before painting. The success of epoxy lane marking depends on the success of the equipment with which it is mixed and applied. The epoxy lane marking material, if properly mixed and placed on a clean surface, has the durability required to withstand a high traffic volume and frequent lane changes for at least one year.


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Portable (roll-out) stop signs are used at school crossings in over 300 cities in Iowa. Their use conforms to the Code of Iowa, although it is not consistent with the provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted for nationwide application. A survey indicated that most users in Iowa believe that portable stop signs provide effective protection at school crossings, and favor their continued use. Other non-uniform signs that fold or rotate to display a STOP message only during certain hours are used at school crossings in over 60 cities in Iowa. Their use does not conform to either the Code of Iowa or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Users of these devices also tend to favor their continued use. A survey of other states indicated that use of temporary devices similar to those used in Iowa is not generally sanctioned. Some unsanctioned use apparently occurs in several states, however. A different type of portable stop sign for school crossings is authorized and widely used in one state. Portable stop signs similar to those used in Iowa are authorized in another state, although their use is quite limited. A few reports in the literature reviewed for this research discussed the use of portable stop signs. The authors of these reports uniformly recommended against the use of portable or temporary traffic control devices. Various reasons for this recommendation were given, although data to support the recommendation were not offered. As part of this research, field surveys were conducted at 54 locations in 33 communities where temporary stop control devices were in use at school crossings. Research personnel observed the obedience to stop control and measured the vehicular delay incurred. Stopped delay averaged 1.89 seconds/entering vehicle. Only 36.6 percent of the vehicles were observed to come to a complete stop at the study locations controlled by temporary stop control devices. However, this level of obedience does not differ from that observed at intersections controlled by permanent stop signs. Accident experience was compiled for 76 intersections in 33 communities in Iowa where temporary stop signs were used and, for comparative purposes, at 76 comparable intersections having other forms of control or operating without stop control. There were no significant differences in accident experience An economic analysis of vehicle operating costs, delay costs, and other costs indicated that temporary stop control generated costs only about 12 percent as great as permanent stop control for a street having a school crossing. Midblock pedestrian-actuated signals were shown to be cost effective in comparison with temporary stop signs under the conditions of use assumed. Such signals could be used effectively at a number of locations where temporary stop signs are being used. The results of this research do not provide a basis for recommending that use of portable stop signs be prohibited. However, erratic patterns of use of these devices and inadequate designs suggest that improved standards for their use are needed. Accordingly, nine recommendations are presented to enhance the efficiency of vehicular flow at school crossings, without causing a decline in the level of pedestrian protection being afforded.


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This construction report describes a project investigating macadam base construction of roads. The objectives of this project were to: 1. identify a cost effective asphalt emulsion bound macadam typical cross section; 2. obtain useful data comparing seven typical cross sections; 3. determine the effectiveness of engineering fabric placed under macadam roadbeds; and 4. evaluate the use of emulsions in surface seal coats.


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The objective of this research project was to identify a method of reducing the adverse effect of transverse cracking and to improve the performance of asphalt pavement. The research involved three variations from the contractor's planned operation. Briefly, they were: (1) use of another asphalt cement; (2) saw and seal transverse joints; and (3) increased asphalt cement content. The following conclusions were reached: (1) an improved sealant or sealing procedure is needed if transverse joints are to be used in asphalt pavements; (2) the penetration-viscosity number (PVN) is an effective measure of the temperature susceptibility of asphalt cements; (3) the use of a high temperature susceptible asphalt cement produced severe transverse cracking; (4) the use of asphalt cements with low temperature susceptibility will reduce the frequency of transverse cracking; and (5) an increased asphalt cement content in the asphalt treated base will reduce the frequency of transverse cracking.


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The use of a high range water reducer in bridge floors was initiated by an Iowa Highway Research Board project (HR-192) in 1977 for two basic reasons. One was to determine the feasibility of using a high range water reducer (HRWR) in bridge floor concrete using conventional concrete proportioning, transporting and finishing equipment. The second was to determine the performance and protective qualities against chloride intrusion of a dense concrete bridge floor by de-icing agents used on Iowa's highways during winter months. This project was basically intended to overcome some problems that developed in the original research project. The problems alluded to are the time limits from batching to finishing; use of a different type of finishing machine; need for supplemental vibration on the surface of the concrete during the screeding operation and difficulty of texturing. The use of a double oscillating screed finishing machine worked well and supplemental vibration on one of the screeds was not needed. The limit of 45 minutes from batching the concrete to placement on the deck was verified. This is a maximum when the HRWR is introduced at the batch plant. The problem of texturing was not solved completely but is similar to our problems on the dense "Iowa System" overlay used on bridge deck repair projects. This project reinforced some earlier doubts about using truck transit mixers for mixing and transporting concrete containing HRWR when introduced at the batch plant.


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The primary objectives of this research project were: 1. Determine and recommend solutions for problems relating to shipping, storing and batching of fly ash. 2. Establish a procedure for batching, mixing and placing uniform concrete with specified air content and consistency. 3. Demonstrate that concrete of comparable quality can be produced.


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Kirjoittaja on toiminut Helsingin yliopiston poliittisen historian dosenttina vuodesta 1978 ja Palménin kanslerikauden lopulla yliopiston tiedotuspäällikkönä 1981-1984.


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Construction of the interstate highway system began in 1956. This U.S. network of highway consists of more than 41,000 miles with 790 miles in Iowa. There have been many benefits of the controlled access roadway, but probably the most significant is the improved safety for the motorist. In Iowa, we have always endeavored to utilize quality locally available materials in our construction using the most economical or cost effective methods. Obviously when the effort is to build a cost effective system, there will be some portions of the network that will not perform as well as expected. In the design of our interstate, the main consideration for base construction under the pavement was structural capacity. The material was dense graded with the aim of supporting the pavement and distributing the load as it is transferred to the underlying grade. The drainage characteristic of the base was apparently not given adequate consideration. On jointed portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement, the water that is trapped immediately beneath the pavement causes severe problems. The traffic causes rapid movement of the water resulting in the hydraulic pressures or "pumping" (movement and redeposit of base fine material) resulting in faulting between individual slabs. Recognizing the need for maintaining this large national highway network, the Federal Highway Administration has initiated a funding program for resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation (3R). Many miles of the system are more than 20 years old and in need of major maintenance. This new 3R Program necessitated a complete inventory of the Iowa interstate system to establish priorities and to identify those sections in need of immediate remedial treatments.