883 resultados para Delgado Filardo, Luis María.
Habitabilidad básica latinoamericana: estándares de urbanización y edificación popular, de bajo coste y bioclimática. El caso de los asentamientos humanos populares de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, Brasil
El objetivo de este artículo es iniciar un debate en torno al tema de la sustentabilidad urbana, a través del análisis de experiencias del norte y del sur. Experiencias actuales, diversas y diferente s, pero ambas igualmente afectadas por las condiciones impuestas por la economía de mercado. Condiciones que también constituyen las causas estructurales de la actual crisis civilizatoria, donde la crisis urba na ocupa un lugar privilegiado. Un debate que señaliza la necesidad de sumar culturas , experiencias y propuestas incompletas de ambas latitudes, pero sustentadas en la base común de una nueva economía ecológica y solidaria, que nos permita caminar hacia la construcción de un nuevo paradigma de convivencia social . En esta segunda parte, abo rdamos las experiencias del sur, especialmente de Latinoamérica.
New Fault-Resistance Estimation Algorithm for Rotor-Winding Ground-Fault Online Location in Synchronous Machines With Static Excitation
El CEA francés, junto con EDF y la OIEA, recientemente organizaron un benchmark internacional y posterior workshop para evaluar las capacidades de simulación del comportamiento mecánico de estructuras nucleares de hormigón armado sometidas a acciones sísmicas. Principia, que fue el único participante español en el workshop, contribuyó a tres de las cuatro fases del ejercicio, que esencialmente consistía en simular los efectos de terremotos en un modelo a escala de una estructura nuclear típica, y en comparar los resultados con ensayos posteriores en mesa vibrante y con las predicciones de otros participantes. El artículo presenta algunas conclusiones obtenidas en los cálculos pre-ensayo, enriquecidas con observaciones producidas por las simulaciones adicionales llevadas a cabo una vez que se hicieron públicos los resultados de los ensayos.
The French CEA, together with EDF and the IAEA, recently organised an international benchmark to evaluate the ability to model the mechanical behaviour of a typical nuclear reinforced concrete structure subjected to seismic demands. The participants were provided with descriptions of the structure and the testing campaign; they had to propose the numerical model and the material laws for the concrete (stage #1). A mesh of beam and shell elements was generated; for modelling the concrete a damaged plasticity model was used, but a smeared crack model was also investigated. Some of the initial experimental results, with the mock-up remaining in the elastic range, were provided to the participants for calibrating their models (stage #2). Predictions had to be produced in terms of eigen-frequencies and motion time histories. The calculated frequencies reproduced reasonably the experimental ones; the time histories, calculated by modal response analysis, also reproduced adequately the observed amplifications. The participants were then expected to predict the structural response under strong ground motions (stage #3), which increased progressively up to a history recorded during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, followed by an aftershock. These results were produced using an explicit solver and a damaged plasticity model for the concrete, although an implicit solver with a smeared crack model was also investigated. The paper presents the conclusions of the pre-test exercise, as well as some observations from additional simulations conducted after the experimental results were made available.
Academic goals and academic self-attributions are relevant variables in school settings. The objective of this study is to identify whether there are combinations of multiple goals that lead to different motivational profiles and to determine whether there are significant differences between the groups obtained regarding causal attributions of success and failure (ability, effort, or external causes) in Mathematics and Language and Literature, and in overall academic performance. The Goal Achievement Tendencies Questionnaire (AGTQ) and the Sydney Attribution Scale (SAS) were administered to a sample of 2022 students of compulsory secondary education, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years (M = 13.81, SD = 1.35). Cluster analysis identified four motivational profiles: a group of students with a high generalized motivation profile, a group of students with low generalized motivation profile, a group of students with predominance of learning goals and achievement goals, and a final group of students with predominance of social reinforcement goals. Results revealed statistically significant differences between the profiles obtained in academic self-attributions.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Filmed from the original held by: Bibliotheek, Vredespaleis, Den Haag.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Leida por: Genaro López, director (1860-1868, 1876-1879), Maximino García Herráiz, director (1869, 1871), Ascisclo Campano y Alfageme, vicedirector (1870), Ricardo de Urrutia, vicedirector (1872), Francisco Domenech, secretario (1873-1874), Luis María García Batanero, secretario (1880), Manuel Parrilla y García, director (1882), Mauricio I. Subirá, secretario (1887), José María Malaguilla, director (1888), Maximiliano de Régil y Alonso, secretario (1889-1893), Félix Sabariegos y Rilova, director (1894) y Ramón Alvarez, secretario (1895-1899)
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Memoria leida por: Luis María Sobrino, director (1859-1870) y Evaristo Velo Castiñeiras, secretario (1872-1878)