391 resultados para DRAGLINE SILK


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OBJECTIVES: This experiment was performed to evaluate clinically and histologically the effect of mechanical therapy with or without antiseptic therapy on peri-implant mucositis lesions in nine cynomolgus monkeys. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two ITI titanium implants were inserted into each side of the mandibles. After 90 days of plaque control and soft tissue healing, a baseline clinical examination was completed. Peri-implant lesions were induced by placing silk ligatures and allowing plaque to accumulate for 6 weeks. The clinical examination was then repeated, and the monkeys were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: group A, mechanical cleansing only; group B, mechanical cleansing and local irrigation with 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) and application of 0.2% CHX gel; and group C, control, no treatment. The implants in treatment groups A and B were treated and maintained according to the assigned treatment for two additional months. At the end of the maintenance period, a final clinical examination was performed and the animals were sacrificed for biopsies. RESULTS: The mean probing depths (PD) values at mucositis were: 3.5, 3.7, and 3.4 mm, and clinical attachment level (CAL) = 3.8, 4.1, and 3.9 mm for treatment groups A, B and C, respectively. The corresponding values after treatment were: PD = 1.7, 2.1, and 2.5 mm, and CAL=2.6, 2.6, and 3.1 mm. ANOVA of mean changes (Delta) in PD and CAL after treatment showed no statistical difference between the treatment groups. Comparison of the mean changes in PD and CAL after treatment yielded statistical differences between the control and treatment groups P < 0.01. According to the t-test, no statistical difference was found between treatment groups A and B for the PD reduction but there was a significant difference for the CAL change, P < 0.03. Group A had significantly more recession and less CAL gain than group B. Non-parametric tests yielded no significant differences in modified plaque index (mPlI) and gingival index (GI) after treatment between both treatment groups. Frequencies and percent distributions of the mPlI and GI scores changed considerably for both treatment groups when compared with the changes in the control group after treatment. With regard to the histological evaluation, no statistical differences existed between the treatments for any linear measurement. The proportion of inflammation found in the mucosal tissues of the control implants was greater than the one found for both treatment groups, P < 0.01. More importantly, both treatment groups showed a similar low proportion of inflammation after 2 months of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this experiment, and considering the supportive plaque control rendered, it can be concluded that for pockets of 3-4 mm: (1) mechanical therapy alone or combined with CHX results in the clinical resolution of peri-implant mucositis lesions, (2) histologically, both treatments result in minimal inflammation compatible with health, and (3) the mechanical effect alone is sufficient to achieve clinical and histologic resolution of mucositis lesions.


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The water spider Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck) is the only spider that spends its whole life under water. Water spiders keep an air bubble around their body for breathing and build under-water air bells, which they use for shelter and raising offspring, digesting and consuming prey, moulting, depositing eggs and sperm, and copulating. It is unclear whether these bells are an important oxygen reservoir for breathing under water, or whether they serve mainly to create water-free space for feeding and reproduction. In this study, we manipulated the composition of the gas inside the bell of female water spiders to test whether they monitor the quality of this gas, and replenish oxygen if required. We exchanged the entire gas in the bell either with pure O(2), pure CO(2), or with ambient air as control, and monitored behavioural responses. The test spiders surfaced and replenished air more often in the CO(2) treatment than in the O(2) treatment, and they increased bell building behaviour. In addition to active oxygen regulation, they monitored and adjusted the bells by adding silk. These results show that water spiders use the air bell as an oxygen reservoir, and that it functions as an external lung, which renders it essential for living under water permanently. A. aquatica is the only animal that collects, transports, and stores air, and monitors its property for breathing, which is an adaptive response of a terrestrial animal to the colonization of an aquatic habitat. J. Exp. Zool. 307A:549-555, 2007. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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With over 43,000 species, spiders are the largest predacious arthropod group. They have developed key characteristics such as multi-purpose silk types, venoms consisting of hundreds of components, locomotion driven by muscles and hydraulic pressure, a highly evolved key-lock mechanism between the complex genital structures, and many more unique features. After 300 million years of evolutionary refinement, spiders are present in all land habitats and represent one of the most successful groups of terrestrial organisms. Ecophysiology combines functional and evolutionary aspects of morphology, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology with ecology. Cutting-edge science in spiders focuses on the circulatory and respiratory system, locomotion and dispersal abilities, the immune system, endosymbionts and pathogens, chemical communication, gland secretions, venom components, silk structure, structure and perception of colours as well as nutritional requirements. Spiders are valuable indicator species in agroecosystems and for conservation biology. Modern transfer and application technologies research spiders and their products with respect to their value for biomimetics, material sciences, and the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.


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Perinatal brain damage is associated not only with hypoxic-ischemic insults but also with intrauterine inflammation. A combination of antenatal inflammation and asphyxia increases the risk of cerebral palsy >70 times. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of intracisternal (i.c.) administration of endotoxin [lipopolysaccharides (LPS)] on subsequent hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats. Seven-day-old Wistar rats were subjected to i.c. application of NaCl or LPS (5 microg/pup). One hour later, the left common carotid artery was exposed through a midline neck incision and ligated with 6-0 surgical silk. After another hour of recovery, the pups were subjected to a hypoxic gas mixture (8% oxygen/92% nitrogen) for 60 min. The animals were randomized to four experimental groups: 1) sham control group, left common carotid artery exposed but not ligated (n = 5); 2) LPS group, subjected to i.c. application of LPS (n = 7); 3) hypoxic-ischemic study group, i.c. injection of NaCl and exposure to hypoxia after ligation of the left carotid artery (n = 17); or 4) hypoxic-ischemic/LPS study group, i.c. injection of LPS and exposure to hypoxia after ligation of the left carotid artery (n = 19). Seven days later, neonatal brains were assessed for neuronal cell damage. In a second set of experiments, rat pups received an i.c. injection of LPS (5 microg/pup) and were evaluated for tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression by immunohistochemistry. Neuronal cell damage could not be observed in the sham control or in the LPS group. In the hypoxic-ischemic/LPS group, neuronal injury in the cerebral cortex was significantly higher than in animals that were subjected to hypoxia/ischemia after i.c. application of NaCl. Injecting LPS intracisternally caused a marked expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the leptomeninges. Applying LPS intracisternally sensitizes the immature rat brain to a subsequent hypoxic-ischemic insult.


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The ecosystem services concept (ES) is becoming a cornerstone of contemporary sustainability thought. Challenges with this concept and its applications are well documented, but have not yet been systematically assessed alongside strengths and external factors that influence uptake. Such an assessment could form the basis for improving ES thinking, further embedding it into environmental decisions and management. The Young Ecosystem Services Specialists (YESS) completed a Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities–Threats (SWOT) analysis of ES through YESS member surveys. Strengths include the approach being interdisciplinary, and a useful communication tool. Weaknesses include an incomplete scientific basis, frameworks being inconsistently applied, and accounting for nature's intrinsic value. Opportunities include alignment with existing policies and established methodologies, and increasing environmental awareness. Threats include resistance to change, and difficulty with interdisciplinary collaboration. Consideration of SWOT themes suggested five strategic areas for developing and implementing ES. The ES concept could improve decision-making related to natural resource use, and interpretation of the complexities of human-nature interactions. It is contradictory – valued as a simple means of communicating the importance of conservation, whilst also considered an oversimplification characterised by ambiguous language. Nonetheless, given sufficient funding and political will, the ES framework could facilitate interdisciplinary research, ensuring decision-making that supports sustainable development.


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Pakistan is geographically situated between China and the Gulf. In order to balance its strategic position against the major security threat of India, Pakistan formed a special and stable strategic alliance with China against common threats since the period of the cold war even though the two countries have neither a political ideology nor political system in common. On the other hand Pakistan established another special relation with Saudi Arabia on the basis of Islamic identity. With its expanding economic capacity, China proposed a project by the name of "new silk road economic corridor" with the intention of expanding and multiplying trade routes with the Middle East and Europe. Within this framework Pakistan is expected to expand the role of an alternative land route that connects the Gulf and China for use if unfavorable emergencies occur in the Malacca route. However, the continuous political uncertainty in Afghanistan after the pullout of US-NATO fighting forces at the end of 2014 and sporadic outbreaks of terrorist acts by Pakistan Taliban in Pakistan have increased China's anxiety regarding Uyghur issues at home. Avoiding military options for the moment, China is trying to find ways to play an active role in the security issues of Afghanistan with help from Pakistan if available. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the Pakistani government formed in the general election of 2008 completed its full term and transferred authority to the newly elected government in 2013, something never observed before in Pakistan's history. Coincidently, in Afghanistan the presidential election was carried out peacefully in 2014 in spite of the Taliban threat. Although it is too early to make any definite conclusion, constitutional processes, in spite of their defects, reflected to some extent wishes for normal life of the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan who were disgusted with weak governance and the prevalence of terrorism.


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The mechanical behavior and microstructure of minor ampullate gland silk (miS) of two orb-web spinning species, Argiope trifasciata and Nephila inaurata, were extensively characterized, enabling detailed comparison with other silks. The similarities and differences exhibited by miS when compared with the intensively studied major ampullate gland silk (MAS) and silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk offer a genuine opportunity for testing some of the hypotheses proposed to correlate microstructure and tensile properties in silk. In this work, we show that miSs of different species show similar properties, even when fibers spun by spiders that diverged over 100 million years are compared. The tensile properties of miS are comparable to those of MAS when tested in air, significantly in terms of work to fracture, but differ considerably when tested in water. In particular, miS does not show a supercontraction effect and an associated ground state. In this regard, the behavior of miS in water is similar to that of B. mori silk, and it is shown that the initial elastic modulus of both fibers can be explained using a common model. Intriguingly, the microstructural parameters measured in miS are comparable to those of MAS and considerably different from those found in B. mori. This fact suggests that some critical microstructural information is still missing in our description of silks, and our results suggest that the hydrophilicity of the lateral groups or the large scale organization of the sequences might be routes worth exploring.


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True stress-true strain curves of naturally spun viscid line fibers retrieved directly from the spiral of orb-webs built by Argiope trifasciata spiders were measured using a novel methodology. This new procedure combines a method for removing the aqueous coating of the fibers and a technique that allows the accurate measurement of their cross sectional area. Comparison of the tensile behaviour of different samples indicates that naturally spun viscid lines show a large variability, comparable to that of other silks, such as major ampullate gland silk and silkworm silk. Nevertheless, application of a statistical analysis allowed identifying two independent parameters that underlie the variability and characterize the observed range of true stress-true strain curves. Combination of this result with previous mechanical and microstructural data suggested the assignment of these two independent effects to the degree of alignment of the protein chains and to the local relative humidity which, in turn, depends on the composition of the viscous coating and on the external environmental conditions.


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La aparición de varias fotografías del Café Samt & Seide no publicadas hasta 2008 en las que se observaba la luz natural de la exposición; los planos a escala de la nave donde se realizó la exposición textil; y los croquis inéditos de la instalación de la seda localizados durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral por el doctorando en el plano de la Sala de Cristal, han sido las principales aportaciones de la búsqueda documental que ha tenido por objeto el conocimiento espacial e interpretación gráfica del proyecto expositivo realizada durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral para poder profundizar en el alcance de la propuesta protoarquitectónica y, a través de ella, en la obra y pensamiento de Mies van der Rohe. Material, espacio y color son elementos propuestos como capítulos que estructuran la disertación y que son empleados por Mies van der Rohe como factores de una nueva expresión espacial en la exposiciones como ensayos identificados con su idea de arquitectura. En el Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe y Lilly Reich proponen una sensibilidad en el empleo del material y color trasladada al espacio mediante una atmósfera rítmica y en movimiento de superficies abstraídas e iluminadas. La estructura visual de opuestos nace del doble material textil de la exposición desplegándose en un orden espacial y constructivo de elementos independientes iniciado en los apartamentos de la Colonia Weissenhof y Sala de Cristal de Stuttgart 1926-1927, y que será trasladado desde los espacios experimentales de 1927 a las series de mármoles y cristales del Pabellón Alemán 1928-1929. La síntesis intelectual (arte-ciencia-filosofía) guía el proceso de formalización y la técnica en una intención que será trasladada a su arquitectura en el empleo de la tecnología. La creatividad y repercusión de las vanguardias en la instalación muestra la voluntad integradora de la exposición y arquitectura como arte total. Los aspectos interpretativos de las artes plásticas, visuales y musicales se integran como criterios y sensibilidades aplicadas a las estructuras yuxtapuestas material, espacial y de color. Modernidad y tradición tectónica convergen en este espacio construido cuyas superficies cubren un armazón metálico oculto. La construcción mínima textil será incorporada como idea de forma en la futura construcción del pilar metálico, la pared flotante de sus viviendas y pabellones abiertos a la naturaleza, y la gran fachada tecnológica del espacio público de sus agrupaciones en la ciudad. El espacio total del Café Samt & Seide dentro de la gran nave de Berlín anticipa las exposiciones artísticas e industriales realizadas junto a Lilly Reich en el interior de las espaciosas salas de estructura metálica como instalaciones conceptuales de gravedad y luz antecedentes de los pabellones de grandes dimensiones y espacio universal. Arquitectura, construcción y lugar son integrados en la instalación por el principio estructural como propuesta de una idea de arquitectura que es desarrollada en las exposiciones. Oscilador y bastidor son construcciones escaladas dentro de la gran nave iluminada, expresando el conjunto un orden de partes que reflejan un todo integrado en la naturaleza y lo universal. Las múltiples relaciones espaciales, constructivas y conceptuales de la exposición con su arquitectura desvelan al Café Samt & Seide como un exponente y antecedente de su obra e idea a la que definió como una propuesta estructural. La estructura, entendida como un conjunto de valores culturales y medios técnicos, es el concepto con el que Mies van der Rohe identifica la síntesis intelectualtecnológica de su tiempo, constituyendo la finalidad de su expresión material, espacial y de color. ABSTRACT The unpublished pictures of the Café Samt & Seide appeared in 2008 in which the natural light in the exhibition can be seen; the scaled plan of the nave where the textile exhibition was held; and the unpublished sketches of the silk exhibition located by the doctoral candidate while preparing his dissertation have been the main input of the data search aiming at a better understanding of the space and a graphic interpretation of the exhibition project made by the doctoral candidate during the dissertation as a basic requirement to deepen in the scope of this protoarchitectural proposal and, though it, into Mies van der Rohe’s work and thinking. Material, space and colour are the elements put forward as the chapters structuring this dissertation and were used by Mies van der Rohe as factors of a new spatial expression in expositions as tests identified with his idea of architecture. In Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich present material and colour sensitivity transferred to space though a rhythmic and moving atmosphere made up by abstracted and lit surfaces. Such a visual grammar and oppositions unfolds into a space and constructive order of independent elements originated with the apartments of the Weissenhof Colony and Glass Room in Stuttgart 1926-1927, and which were transferred these test spaces 1927 to the series of marble and glass in the German Pavilion 1928-1929. The intellectual and formal will (art-science-philosophy) guides the technical expression, which is transferred to architecture through technology. The creativity and impact of avant-gardes in the installation reflects exhibition and architecture’s will to integrate as a Total Art. The interpretative aspects of plastic, visual and musical arts are part of a sensitivity applied to the overlapped structures of material, space and colour. Tectonic modernity and tradition converge in this space built with surfaces covering a hidden metal framework. The minimal textile construction is integrated as a shape idea in his subsequent construction of the metal pillar, floating wall in his housing and pavilions open to nature, and the great technological façade of the public space of his urban clusters. The total space of the exhibition inside the great nave in Berlin anticipates the artistic and industrial exhibitions done together with Lilly Reich inside the spacious Halls built with exposed metal structures as conceptual installation of gravity and light prior to the big-dimensioned pavilions and universal space. Architecture, construction and place are integrated by the structural principle. Oscillator and framework are scaled constructions integrated inside the great, lit nave, and the whole conveys order of its parts reflecting a whole integrated in nature and the universal. The many conceptual, space and constructive link of the textile exhibition to his European and American architecture add a greater knowledge of the time when Mies van der Rohe stated he gained a “new awareness” 1926, revealing Café Samt & Seide as a valuable example and the experimental precursor of his work and idea defined by himself as a “structural proposal”. The structure, understood as a set of cultural and material values expressed by architecture, is the notion used by Mies van der Rohe to identify the intellectual-technological synthesis as the idea of a time and which is the goal of its material, space and colour expression.


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El término Biomimética se ha hecho común en los medios científicos, se refiere al trabajo de diversos científicos (ingenieros, químicos, físicos, biólogos, etc.) que tratan de copiar los procesos biológicos y aplicarlos en distintas áreas tecnológicas y científicas. En este campo científico, uno de los productos naturales que llama más la atención es la telaraña. Numerosos científicos en todo el mundo tratan de copiar las propiedades de la seda que produce la araña, y lo más interesante es que hasta intentan reproducir el método que usan las arañas para fabricar la seda De la bibliografía consultada, se desprende la importancia de la seda en la vida de las arañas, pues toda actividad que realizan tiene que ver de alguna manera con este elemento. Uno de estos elementos es la tela de araña orbicular, que representa el objeto principal para la supervivencia de la araña y su especie. Las investigaciones realizadas en esta línea nos proporcionan información sobre sus magníficas propiedades mecánicas como de resistencia, elasticidad y tenacidad del hilo de seguridad (seda MA) segregada por una araña de la especie Argiope Argentata. El enfoque de la presente tesis se realiza desde una perspectiva analítica-experimental, tomando a la tela de araña como una clase especial de sistemas pretensados, llamados Tensegrity Structures. Se desarrolla un modelo conceptual que describe en forma aproximada el comportamiento dinámico de una estructura hecha de seda MA. Haciendo uso de las técnicas experimentales de vibraciones libres se realizan los ensayos experimentales. La evaluación de los resultados analíticos y experimentales reflejan claramente que la función principal de la tela de araña es la de convertir energía cinética en energía de deformación y primordialmente en energía de disipación, el cual se efectúa gracias a las propiedades viscoelásticas de la seda. La araña en forma instintiva recurre a la ayuda del aire (como elemento disipador) para el buen funcionamiento de la tela de araña al momento de la captura de las presas, disipándose el 99% de la energía total en los tres primeros ciclos de oscilación de la tela de araña luego del impacto de la presa. ABSTRACT The term Biomimetic has become a very common word in the scientific world to describe the reproduction of the biological processes and its application in the different technogycal and scientific areas. One of the most notably natural product of this field is the Spiderweb. In the present days, many scientists of the world are active working in the reproduction of the proprieties of the Spiderweb. Most interesting even more, is the attempt to reproduce the process of the production of the Spiderweb by the spider. Most of the bibliography references deals whit the importance of the Spiderweb silk in the life of the spiders and the orbicular Spiderweb represents the spider survival and of the species. The research conducted in this field provide information about the excellent mechanical proprieties such us strength, elasticity and tenacity of the safety fiber (silk MA Drag-line) segregated by a spider of the Argiope Argentata species. The present work is oriented to an analytical and experimental study considering the Spiderweb as a special class of pre-stressed systems called Tensegrity (tensional integrity) structures. A conceptual model maked up by a cord und a point mass has been developed. This model approximates the dynamics performance of the structure made of the silk MA. The evaluation of the analytical and experimental results clear described that the main function of the Spiderweb is the transformation of the kinetic energy in deformation energy, and mainly in dissipation energy thank to the viscoelastic proprieties of the Spiderweb. With the help of the Spiderweb, the spider instinctively resorts to the help of the surroundings air as a dissipation element. This permits to dissipative the 99% of the total energy during the three first oscillations cycles of the web after the impact of the victim.


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Acknowledgements This work was supported by the UK Energy Research Centre Phase 2, under its Energy and Environment theme Grant Number NE/J005924/1 and NE/G007748/1. Open Access funded by Natural Environment Research Council


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Mussel byssal threads contain unusual block copolymer-like proteins that combine collagen with flanking domains that resemble silk-fibroin (preCol-D) or elastin (preCol-P). These are distributed in complementary gradients along the length of the threads and as precursors in the mussel foot. We discuss a 76-kDa precursor, preCol-NG, from a cDNA library of the foot where it has no gradient but rather is distributed evenly along the distal to proximal axis. A pepsin-resistant fragment of preCol-NG has been confirmed in byssal threads. Like preCol-D and -P, this protein has a central collagenous domain, flanking domains, an acidic patch, and histidine-rich termini. The flanking domains of preCol-NG resemble the glycine-rich proteins of plant cell walls with tandem XGlyn repeats where X denotes alanine, leucine, or asparagine but not proline. Similarity with the (glycine–alanine) repeats and poly(alanine) runs of arthropod silks also exists. Based on available evidence, a model of preCol axial assembly is proposed in which preCol-NG functions as a mediator between preCol-D/-P molecules. This is consistent with the observed progression of mechanical properties in byssal threads.


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Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) catalyzes the interconversion of glucose (Glc)-1- and Glc-6-phosphate in the synthesis and consumption of sucrose. We isolated two maize (Zea mays L.) cDNAs that encode PGM with 98.5% identity in their deduced amino acid sequence. Southern-blot analysis with genomic DNA from lines with different Pgm1 and Pgm2 genotypes suggested that the cDNAs encode the two known cytosolic PGM isozymes, PGM1 and PGM2. The cytosolic PGMs of maize are distinct from a plastidic PGM of spinach (Spinacia oleracea). The deduced amino acid sequences of the cytosolic PGMs contain the conserved phosphate-transfer catalytic center and the metal-ion-binding site of known prokaryotic and eukaryotic PGMs. PGM mRNA was detectable by RNA-blot analysis in all tissues and organs examined except silk. A reduction in PGM mRNA accumulation was detected in roots deprived of O2 for 24 h, along with reduced synthesis of a PGM identified as a 67-kD phosphoprotein on two-dimensional gels. Therefore, PGM is not one of the so-called “anaerobic polypeptides.” Nevertheless, the specific activity of PGM was not significantly affected in roots deprived of O2 for 24 h. We propose that PGM is a stable protein and that existing levels are sufficient to maintain the flux of Glc-1-phosphate into glycolysis under O2 deprivation.