405 resultados para Cyber-amoureux
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
学術機関リポジトリ(Institutional Repository、IR)は主に、学術雑誌、記念論文集、論文集など、他の場所で公開済みの学術的コンテンツを再公開する手段として開発され促進されてきた。本書では、他ではまだ公開していない資料の最初の公開場所にIRを使用する方法について考察し、学術的公開のための発展性のある「第一手段」として、また従来の商業出版社または大学出版局の代わりとなる既存の手段としてIRを利用できる可能性を評価する。Serials Review 2008; 34:27-30. Translation courtesy of Library Liaison Team, National Institute of Informatics, Japan, Cyber Science Infrastructure Development Department, Scholarly and Academic Information Division.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
The time is ripe for a comprehensive mission to explore and document Earth's species. This calls for a campaign to educate and inspire the next generation of professional and citizen species explorers, investments in cyber-infrastructure and collections to meet the unique needs of the producers and consumers of taxonomic information, and the formation and coordination of a multi-institutional, international, transdisciplinary community of researchers, scholars and engineers with the shared objective of creating a comprehensive inventory of species and detailed map of the biosphere. We conclude that an ambitious goal to describe 10 million species in less than 50 years is attainable based on the strength of 250 years of progress, worldwide collections, existing experts, technological innovation and collaborative teamwork. Existing digitization projects are overcoming obstacles of the past, facilitating collaboration and mobilizing literature, data, images and specimens through cyber technologies. Charting the biosphere is enormously complex, yet necessary expertise can be found through partnerships with engineers, information scientists, sociologists, ecologists, climate scientists, conservation biologists, industrial project managers and taxon specialists, from agrostologists to zoophytologists. Benefits to society of the proposed mission would be profound, immediate and enduring, from detection of early responses of flora and fauna to climate change to opening access to evolutionary designs for solutions to countless practical problems. The impacts on the biodiversity, environmental and evolutionary sciences would be transformative, from ecosystem models calibrated in detail to comprehensive understanding of the origin and evolution of life over its 3.8 billion year history. The resultant cyber-enabled taxonomy, or cybertaxonomy, would open access to biodiversity data to developing nations, assure access to reliable data about species, and change how scientists and citizens alike access, use and think about biological diversity information.
Ce travail est une analyse de la représentation du pathétique masculin dans le roman dit sentimental dans la deuxième moitié du dix-huitième siècle en Europe, ou plutôt dans les littératures anglaise, française, allemande et italienne. La thèse soutenue est celle de la dérivation du pathétique romanesque de l’âge des Lumières des pratiques de prédication religieuse du siècle précédent et donc de la valeur normative du roman sentimental à ses débuts : celui-ci aurait relayé le rôle des manuels de conduite des siècles précédents et se serait posé comme un répertoire d’exempla comportementaux adaptés aux différentes situations de la vie. Nous avons suivi les évolutions historiques du genre à travers l’analyse thématique du motif des larmes masculines. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné la complexe proxémique de représentation de l’émotion et la diégèse qui en résulte, qui peut être nuancée, selon une terminologie récente, en pathétique attendrissant, sentimental et spectaculaire. Cela a entraîne la prise en compte de diverses formes artistiques, de la peinture au théâtre. La méthodologie utilisé conjugue l’histoire des idées et l’étude des formes de l’imaginaire, le pathétique appartenant au domaine de la philosophie autant qu’à celui de la représentation artistique : le concept glisse au dix-huitième siècle du champ rhétorique et stylistique à une dimension esthétique et anthropologique. Le travail a donc été divisé en trois grandes parties qui analysent les trois dimensions anthropologiques fondamentales : l’imaginaire religieux et l’héritage des anciens, c’est–à-dire le rapport que l’époque établit avec la tradition culturelle qui la précède ; l’imaginaire amoureux, qui se concentre sur les rapports entre les deux sexes et sur la « féminisation » du héros romanesque sentimental ; l’imaginaire familial, qui aborde les conséquences de ce changement dans la représentation de la masculinité au sein de la représentation de la famille et des rapports intergénérationnels.
Analisi e riprogettazione del processo di ict risk management: un caso applicativo in Telecom Italia
Questo lavoro di tesi muove da tematiche relative alla sicurezza IT e risulta dagli otto mesi di lavoro all’interno della funzione Technical Security di Telecom Italia Information Technology. Il compito primario di questa unità di business è ridurre il rischio informatico dei sistemi di Telecom Italia per mezzo dell’attuazione del processo di ICT Risk Management, che coinvolge l’intera organizzazione ed è stato oggetto di una riprogettazione nel corso del 2012. Per estendere tale processo a tutti i sistemi informatici, nello specifico a quelli caratterizzati da non conformità, all’inizio del 2013 è stato avviato il Programma Strutturato di Sicurezza, un aggregato di quattro progetti dalla durata triennale particolarmente articolato e complesso. La pianificazione di tale Programma ha visto coinvolto, tra gli altri, il team di cui ho fatto parte, che ha collaborato con Telecom Italia assolvendo alcune delle funzioni di supporto tipiche dei Project Management Office (PMO).
This article provides a legal and economic analysis of private copying levies in the EU, against the background of the Copyright Directive (2001/29), a number of recent rulings by the European Court of Justice and the recommendations presented by mediator Vitorino earlier this year. It concludes that notwithstanding these rulings and recommendations, there remains a lack of concordance on the relevance of contractual stipulations and digital rights management technologies (DRM) for setting levies, and the concept of harm. While Mr Vitorino and AG Sharpston (in the Opinion preceding VG Wort v. Kyocera) use different lines of reasoning to argue that levies raised on authorised copies would lead to double payment, the Court of Justice’s decision in VG Wort v. Kyocera seems to conclude that such copies should nonetheless be levied. If levies are to provide fair compensation for harm resulting from acts of private copying, economic analysis suggests one should distinguish between various kinds of private copies and take account of the extent to which the value said copies have for consumers can be priced into the purchase. Given the availability of DRM (including technical protection measures), the possibility of such indirect appropriation leads to the conclusion that the harm from most kinds of private copies is de minimis and gives no cause for levies. The user value of copies from unauthorised sources (e.g. from torrent networks or cyber lockers), on the other hand, cannot be appropriated indirectly by rightholders. It is, however, an open question in references for preliminary rulings pending at the Court of Justice whether these copies are included in the scope of the private copying exception or limitation and can thus be levied for. If they are not, as currently happens in several EU Member States, legal and economic analysis leads to the conclusion that the scope of private copying acts giving rise to harm susceptible of justifying levies is gradually diminishing.
Der Bundesrat unterzeichnete ein Abkommen über den Austausch von Polizeidaten mit den USA. – Das Bundesgericht hiess die Beschwerde von Google Streetview teilweise gut. – Der Bundesrat stellte die Strategie zum Schutz der Schweiz vor Cyber-Risiken vor. – Das Bundesgericht hiess den Deal in Causa Tinner gut. – In Bern haben 10‘000 Jugendliche gegen die Trägheit des Berner Nachtlebens demonstriert. – Das Parlament beschloss die Wiedereinführung der verdeckten Ermittlungen. – Cannabiskonsum wird künftig mit einer Busse von 100 Franken bestraft. – Das Parlament verabschiedete ein Bundesgesetz betreffend die Unverjährbarkeit pornographischer Straftaten an Kinder. – Der Bundesrat präsentierte einen Gegenvorschlag zur Volksinitiative „Pädophile sollen nicht mehr mit Kindern arbeiten dürfen“. – Die SVP lancierte eine Volksinitiative zur Durchsetzung der Ausschaffung krimineller Ausländer. – Die Konferenz der kantonalen Justiz- und Polizeidirektoren verabschiedete eine Verschärfung des Hooligan-Konkordats. – Das Parlament beschloss ein Bundesgesetz über die Massnahmen gegen Zwangsheiraten.
The paper showcases the field- and lab-documentation system developed for Kinneret Regional Project, an international archaeological expedition to the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) under the auspices of the University of Bern, the University of Helsinki, Leiden University and Wofford College. The core of the data management system is a fully relational, server-based database framework, which also includes time-based and static GIS services, stratigraphic analysis tools and fully indexed document/digital image archives. Data collection in the field is based on mobile, hand-held devices equipped with a custom-tailored stand-alone application. Comprehensive three-dimensional documentation of all finds and findings is achieved by means of total stations and/or high-precision GPS devices. All archaeological information retrieved in the field – including tachymetric data – is synched with the core system on the fly and thus immediately available for further processing in the field lab (within the local network) or for post-excavation analysis at remote institutions (via the WWW). Besides a short demonstration of the main functionalities, the paper also presents some of the key technologies used and illustrates usability aspects of the system’s individual components.
El artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el significado del trabajo en red para las comunidades académicas. La actuación en red se presenta como una alternativa para el fortalecimiento de los campos de conocimiento ante la emergencia de la cultura digital y los embates de otros modos de producción de saberes que compiten con los propósitos de los colectivos universitarios. El trabajo en red al desarrollarse en entornos digitales cuenta con sistemas de soporte como nunca los hubo antes, pero los desafíos son muchos, tanto para quienes deban aprender a habitar estos entornos y utilizar sus herramientas, como para quienes deban desarrollar tecnologías que faciliten la comunicación con la disposición de herramientas dialógicas en el núcleo de los ecosistemas de conocimiento. Se ofrece una compilación de estrategias dialógicas y herramientas útiles para el trabajo colaborativo en grupos académicos, así como una aproximación al concepto de competencia cibercultural, como una capacidad que atraviesa la gestión de la información y del conocimiento desde una perspectiva comunicativa.