1000 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome


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Background: UV radiation is the major environmental factor related to development of cutaneous melanoma. Besides sun exposure and the influence of latitude, some host characteristics such as skin phototype and hair and eye color are also risk factors for melanoma. Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes could be good candidates for susceptibility genes, mainly in geographical regions exposed to high solar radiation. Objective: Evaluate the role of host characteristic.; and DNA repair polymorphism in melanoma risk in Brazil. Methods: We carried out a hospital-based case-control study in Brazil to evaluate the contribution of host factors and polymorphisms in DNA repair to melanoma risk. A total of 412 patients (202 with melanoma and 210 controls) were analyzed regarding host characteristics for melanoma risk as well as for 11 polymorphisms in DNA repair genes. Results: We found an association of host characteristics with melanoma development, such as eye and hair color, fair skin, history of pigmented lesions removed, sunburns in childhood and adolescence, and also European ancestry. Regarding DNA repair gene polymorphisms, we found protection for the XPG 1104 His/His genotype (OR 0.32; 95% CI 0.13-0.75), and increased risk for three polymorphisms in the XPC gene (PAT+; IV-6A and 939Gln), which represent a haplotype for XPC. Melanoma risk was higher in individuals carrying the complete XPC haplotype than each individual polymorphism (OR 3.64; 95% CI 1.77-7.48). Conclusions: Our data indicate that the host factors European ancestry and XPC polymorphisms contributed to melanoma risk in a region exposed to high sun radiation. (C) 2011 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Radiation dose calculations in nuclear medicine depend on quantification of activity via planar and/or tomographic imaging methods. However, both methods have inherent limitations, and the accuracy of activity estimates varies with object size, background levels, and other variables. The goal of this study was to evaluate the limitations of quantitative imaging with planar and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) approaches, with a focus on activity quantification for use in calculating absorbed dose estimates for normal organs and tumors. To do this we studied a series of phantoms of varying complexity of geometry, with three radionuclides whose decay schemes varied from simple to complex. Four aqueous concentrations of (99m)Tc, (131)I, and (111)In (74, 185, 370, and 740 kBq mL(-1)) were placed in spheres of four different sizes in a water-filled phantom, with three different levels of activity in the surrounding water. Planar and SPECT images of the phantoms were obtained on a modern SPECT/computed tomography (CT) system. These radionuclides and concentration/background studies were repeated using a cardiac phantom and a modified torso phantom with liver and ""tumor"" regions containing the radionuclide concentrations and with the same varying background levels. Planar quantification was performed using the geometric mean approach, with attenuation correction (AC), and with and without scatter corrections (SC and NSC). SPECT images were reconstructed using attenuation maps (AM) for AC; scatter windows were used to perform SC during image reconstruction. For spherical sources with corrected data, good accuracy was observed (generally within +/- 10% of known values) for the largest sphere (11.5 mL) and for both planar and SPECT methods with (99m)Tc and (131)I, but were poorest and deviated from known values for smaller objects, most notably for (111)In. SPECT quantification was affected by the partial volume effect in smaller objects and generally showed larger errors than the planar results in these cases for all radionuclides. For the cardiac phantom, results were the most accurate of all of the experiments for all radionuclides. Background subtraction was an important factor influencing these results. The contribution of scattered photons was important in quantification with (131)I; if scatter was not accounted for, activity tended to be overestimated using planar quantification methods. For the torso phantom experiments, results show a clear underestimation of activity when compared to previous experiment with spherical sources for all radionuclides. Despite some variations that were observed as the level of background increased, the SPECT results were more consistent across different activity concentrations. Planar or SPECT quantification on state-of-the-art gamma cameras with appropriate quantitative processing can provide accuracies of better than 10% for large objects and modest target-to-background concentrations; however when smaller objects are used, in the presence of higher background, and for nuclides with more complex decay schemes, SPECT quantification methods generally produce better results. Health Phys. 99(5):688-701; 2010


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Gamma and beta radiation emitting radiopharmaceuticals are handled in nuclear medicine services, and in many cases there is only individual monitoring of gamma radiation. In this paper, the results obtained using a wrist dosimeter prototype (CaSO(4):Dy + Teflon pellets) show that the doses for workers occupationally exposed to beta radiation from (153)Sm are not negligible. It is important that this dose is evaluated, and it has to be taken into consideration in the individual monitoring system.


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For the purpose of developing a longitudinal model to predict hand-and-foot syndrome (HFS) dynamics in patients receiving capecitabine, data from two large phase III studies were used. Of 595 patients in the capecitabine arms, 400 patients were randomly selected to build the model, and the other 195 were assigned for model validation. A score for risk of developing HFS was modeled using the proportional odds model, a sigmoidal maximum effect model driven by capecitabine accumulation as estimated through a kinetic-pharmacodynamic model and a Markov process. The lower the calculated creatinine clearance value at inclusion, the higher was the risk of HFS. Model validation was performed by visual and statistical predictive checks. The predictive dynamic model of HFS in patients receiving capecitabine allows the prediction of toxicity risk based on cumulative capecitabine dose and previous HFS grade. This dose-toxicity model will be useful in developing Bayesian individual treatment adaptations and may be of use in the clinic.


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Objectives-This study adopted a concurrent task design and aimed to quantify the efficiency and smoothness of voluntary movement in Tourette's syndrome via the use of a graphics tablet which permits analysis of movement profiles. In particular, the aim was to ascertain whether a concurrent task (digit span) would affect the kinematics of goal directed movements, and whether patients with Tourette's syndrome would exhibit abnormal functional asymmetries compared with their matched controls. Methods-Twelve patients with Tourette's syndrome and their matched controls performed 12 vertical zig zag movements, with both left and right hands (with and without the concurrent task), to large or small targets over long or short extents. Results-With short strokes, controls showed the predicted right hand superiority in movement time more strongly than patients with Tourette's syndrome, who instead showed greater hand symmetry with short strokes. The right hand of controls was less force efficient with long strokes and more force efficient with short strokes, whereas either hand of patients with Tourette's syndrome was equally force efficient, irrespective of stroke length, with an overall performance profile similar to but better than that of the controls' left hand. The concurrent task, however, increased the force efficiency of the right hand in patients with Tourette's syndrome and the left hand in controls. Conclusions-Patients with Tourette's syndrome, compared with controls, were not impaired in the performance of fast, goal directed movements such as aiming at targets; they performed in certain respects better than controls. The findings clearly add to the growing literature on anomalous lateralisation in Tourette's syndrome, which may be explained by the recently reported loss of normal basal ganglia asymmetries in that disorder.


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Orthotopic liver transplantation is the standard of care in patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS), and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) has become an important adjunct procedure while the patient is waiting for a liver. No long-term follow up of TIPS in BCS patients has been published in children. We report successful 10-year follow-up of a child with BCS and iatrogenic TIPS dysfunction caused by oral contraceptive use.


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Specific leaf nitrogen (SLN, g/m(2)) is known to affect radiation use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) in different crops, However, this association and importance have not been well established over a range of different nitrogen regimes for held-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). An experiment was conducted to investigate different combinations and rates of applied nitrogen on SLN, RUE, and growth of sunflower, A fully irrigated crop was sown on an alluvial-prairie soil (Fluventic Haplustoll) and treated with five combinations of applied nitrogen, Greater nitrogen increased biomass, grain number, and yield, but did not affect harvest index energy-corrected for oil (0.4) or canopy extinction coefficient (0.88), Decreases in biomass accumulation under low nitrogen treatments were associated,vith reductions in leaf area index (LAI) and light interception, When SLN and RUE were examined together, both were less in the anthesis to physiological maturity period, but relatively stable between bud visible and anthesis, However, the effects of canopy SLN on RUE were confounded by high SLN in the top of the canopy and the crop maintaining SLN by reducing LAI, Measurements of leaf CO2 assimilation and theoretical analyses of RUE supported that RUE was related to SLN, The major effect of nitrogen on early growth of sunflower was mediated by leaf area and the distribution of SLN in the canopy rather than direct effects of canopy SLN on RUE alone. Greater responses of RUE to SLN are more evident later in growth, and may be related to the demand of nitrogen by the grain.


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The level of incident radiation and the proportion of radiation that is diffuse affects radiation use efficiency (RUE) in crops, However, the degree of this effect, and its importance to growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) have not been established. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of radiation environment on RUE, growth, and yield of sunflower. A fully irrigated crop was sown on an alluvial-prairie soil (Fluventic Haplustoll) and was exposed to three distinct radiation environments. In two treatments, the level of incident radiation was reduced by 14 and 20% by suspending tao different types of polyethylene plastic films well above the crop. In addition to the reductions in incident radiation, the proportion of radiation that was diffuse was increased by about 14% in these treatments. Lower incident radiation and increased proportion of diffuse radiation had no effect on total biomass, phenology, leaf area, and the canopy light extinction coefficient (k = 0.89). However, yield was reduced in shaded treatments due to smaller grain size and lower harvest index. Although crop RUE measured over the entire crop cycle (1.25 g/MJ) did not differ significantly among treatments, there was a trend where RUE compensated for less intercepted incident radiation. Theoretical derivations of the response of RUE to different levels of incident radiation supported this finding. Shaded sunflower crops have the ability to produce biomass similar to unshaded crops by increasing RUE, but have lower harvest indices.


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The aim of this study was to confirm that the radiation doses received by attendants who manually restrain infants during fluoroscopic procedures are low. Doses to the hands and neck of three radiologists and three nurses performing or assisting at all the fluoroscopic procedures in a children's hospital were measured for 1 month using thermoluminescent dosemeters. All fluoroscopy on children at this hospital is performed without an antiscatter grid. Total doses for the neck ranged from 20 to 50 mu Sv per week and for hands from 40 to 210 mu Sv per week. These doses were shared by the three radiologists and the three nurses. Individual doses received per staff member are very small when compared with the doses received by interventional radiology staff. Doses received by staff in this study were of the order of 5% of the limit advised by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) for radiation workers. Nurses received larger doses than radiologists and steps will be taken to reduce this dose further.


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Background: The prognostic significance of spontaneous regression in melanoma, especially thin lesions, has been a controversial issue for the past 20 years, although recent studies suggest that extensive and late regression may be related to worse prognosis. Many data suggest that lymphangiogenesis predicts metastatic spread in melanoma. Methods: We have quantified lymphatic microvascular density (LMVD) in thin (<= 1.0 mm) superficial spreading melanomas comparing regressive and nonregressive melanomas, regressive and nonregressive areas from the same tumor, and early and late histological stages of regression in the same tumor. In addition, we tried to correlate lymphangiogenesis and tumor growth phase. We conducted histological examinations and immunohistochemical analyses using monoclonal antibody D2-40 with subsequent quantification by image analysis of 37 melanomas, 16 regressive and 21 nonregressive (controls). Results: We found higher LMVD in the late stage of regression compared with nonregressive area (internal control) of regressive melanomas. Conclusions: Our study suggest that the late stage of spontaneous regression in thin melanomas may be related to worse prognosis as it showed higher LMVD, and evidence shows that this is related with increased risk of metastatic spread. But this supposition must be confirmed by a longer follow-up for detection of lymph node metastases.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis that is usually acquired early in life by inhalation of conidia which convert in the lungs into yeast forms; these in turn trigger an inflammatory process. This mycosis may appear as an acute/subacute form or a chronic, adult form. Acute/subacute presentations can be observed in children and young adults, with the reticuloendothelial system frequently involved but the lungs are usually spared or present with mild clinical or radiological alterations. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an extensive dysfunction of the lungs alveolar-capillary barrier has occasionally been observed in other endemic mycoses such as coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and blastomycosis. We describe the first patient with acute paracoccidioidomycosis who developed fatal ARDS accompanied by multiple organ injuries. The basis of the rarity of this entity in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, as well as the reasons that may have lead to the development of ARDS in this patient are discussed.


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Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) commonly involves extranodal sites, usually as a manifestation of disseminated disease. In rare cases, MCLs may arise as a primary tumor in the skin. Blastoid mantle cell lymphoma (BV-MCL) is a rare variant and has a more aggressive clinical course. The phenotype of BV-MCL is characterized as CD20(+), CD5(+), cyclin D1(+), CD23(-), and CD10(-). Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization shows a characteristic t(11; 14) fusion pattern. We report a case of a BV-MCL arising in skin as primary cutaneous MCL with the characteristic immunophenotype and translocation.


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Nuclear fluorescence in keratinocytes is an occasional phenomenon, often present in autoimmune diseases, especially in connective-tissue disease (CTD); however, its clinical significance remains unclear. To investigate the profile of patients with positive nuclear staining on direct immunofluorescence (DIF) of skin samples. A retrospective analysis of 28 patient records from our immunodermatology laboratory was performed between May 2003 and June 2006. Inclusion criteria were the presence of autoantibodies (IgG, IgA or IgM) or complement (C3) binding keratinocyte nuclei on DIF. The most prevalent diseases related to the nuclear keratinocyte DIF staining were systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 9), mixed CTD (n = 3), overlap syndrome (n = 3), Sjogren`s syndrome (n = 1), and CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud`s phenomenon, oesophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia) syndrome (n = 1). Serum antinuclear antibody (ANA) was positive in 20 of 28 patients, with titres varying from 1 : 160 to 1 : 1280. Of the 20 patients with positive anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), 17 were positive for anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies, 12 had anti-SSA/Ro, 11 had anti-SSB/La and 8 had anti-ribonucleoprotein. Eight patients were negative for ANA. Positive predictive value of in vivo ANA for systemic CTDs was 75%. The present data suggest that in vivo ANA evaluation is an additional and feasible auxiliary tool for diagnosing CTDs.


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Bazex - Dupre - Christol syndrome is a rare genodermatosis with cancer predisposition, characterized by follicular atrophoderma, multiple milia, congenital hypotrichosis, hypohidrosis and basal cell malformations that include nevoid basal cell carcinomas of early onset. We present two patients with this syndrome, a 1-year-old boy with diffuse scalp and eyebrows alopecia, milia papules on the face, ears, trunk, and limbs. Hypohidrosis was observed on his trunk and head. His 16-year-old mother had identical changes since childhood, with hair fragility, and multiple atrophic ""ice pick"" follicular depressions on the dorsa of her hands. She also had a basal cell carcinoma on her face. Microscopic examination of hairs from the mother revealed abnormalities such as diameter irregularities, broken shafts, trichorrexis nodosa and pili bifurcatti. Pili bifurcatti is an uncommon hair shaft dysplasia that has not before been observed in Bazex - Dupre - Christol syndrome.