867 resultados para Critical analysis


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We are constantly reminded that we live in a 'knowledge society, and indeed that with a 'knowledge economy' a nation's international competiveness is directly linked to its ability to innovate, out-compete and successfully commercialise knowledge. INcreasingly, research within universities is being directed, incetivized and ultimately disciplined towards clear 'economic' priorities. This article offers a critical analysis - employing a broad political economy approach - of the ways in which research within universities and other places of higher learning has become increasingly orientated towards a narrow set of economic goals.


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This article offers an examination of the interplay between politics, ethics, theory and methodology as they impact upon social research, through a critical analysis of the ethnographic study conducted by Peter Foster. It will be argued that his highly contentious claim to have found no manifestations of racism (either direct or indirect) throughout his study of an inner-city, multi-ethnic comprehensive school was, in the last analysis, both misleading and inaccurate. It will be contended that such claims were based upon a research design and methodology which were ultimately determined by his own political orientation and the ethical and theoretical positions which he developed as a consequence.


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Abstract. Background. The amount of research utilizing health information has increased dramatically over the last ten years. Many institutions have extensive biobank holdings collected over a number of years for clinical and teaching purposes, but are uncertain as to the proper circumstances in which to permit research uses of these samples. Research Ethics Boards (REBs) in Canada and elsewhere in the world are grappling with these issues, but lack clear guidance regarding their role in the creation of and access to registries and biobanks. Methods. Chairs of 34 REBS and/or REB Administrators affiliated with Faculties of Medicine in Canadian universities were interviewed. Interviews consisted of structured questions dealing with diabetes-related scenarios, with open-ended responses and probing for rationales. The two scenarios involved the development of a diabetes registry using clinical encounter data across several physicians' practices, and the addition of biological samples to the registry to create a biobank. Results. There was a wide range of responses given for the questions raised in the scenarios, indicating a lack of clarity about the role of REBs in registries and biobanks. With respect to the creation of a registry, a minority of sites felt that consent was not required for the information to be entered into the registry. Whether patient consent was required for information to be entered into the registry and the duration for which the consent would be operative differed across sites. With respect to the creation of a biobank linked to the registry, a majority of sites viewed biobank information as qualitatively different from other types of personal health information. All respondents agreed that patient consent was needed for blood samples to be placed in the biobank but the duration of consent again varied. Conclusion. Participants were more attuned to issues surrounding biobanks as compared to registries and demonstrated a higher level of concern regarding biobanks. As registries and biobanks expand, there is a need for critical analysis of suitable roles for REBs and subsequent guidance on these topics. The authors conclude by recommending REB participation in the creation of registries and biobanks and the eventual drafting of comprehensive legislation.


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This paper aims to provide a critical analysis of the role of support in teenage motherhood. Family, partner and peer support are considered and literature emanating from both the USA and UK is reviewed. In summary the research literature indicates that family support is particularly important to teenage mothers and has been found to have a positive influence on parenting behaviours and practices. However, the mother–daughter relationship is not always a straightforward one and conflict between the two can diminish some of the positive impact. The research on partner support highlights how support from fathers and/or other male partners has been linked with improved financial and psychological outcomes for teenage mothers as well as having a positive influence on parenting behaviours. There is also evidence to suggest that support from partners may become increasingly important to teenage mothers over time and can be a valuable source of socializing participation and positive feedback. While the research available on peer support is much more limited it suggests that the emotional support of peers is perceived as being important by teenage mothers. Current research findings suggest that families, partners and peers tend to provide different, but complementary, forms of support for teenage mothers which, on the whole, appear to contribute to more positive outcomes for this group.


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Tissue micro array (TMA) is based on the idea of applying miniaturization and a high throughput approach to hybridization-based analyses of tissues. It facilitates biomedical research on a large scale in a single experiment; thus representing one of the most commonly used technologies in translational research. A critical analysis of the existing TMA instruments indicates that there are potential constraints in terms of portability, apart from costs and complexity. This paper will present the development of an affordable, configurable, and portable TMA instrument to allow an efficient collection of tissues, especially in instrument-to-tissue scenarios. The purely mechanical instrument requires no energy sources other than the user, is light weight, portable, and simple to use. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004922]


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Literature on the media representation of probation highlights that probation as a ‘brand’ and concept is poorly understood and lacks public visibility. This has implications for its legitimacy and credibility. In this article we explore probation’s visibility in one country, the Republic of Ireland, through a critical analysis of print media representations of probationover a 12-year period (2001 to 2012). While our study finds that the majority of the coverage of probation was either positive or neutral in tone, we note a recent shift towards a more negative tone that we argue is reflective of the changing shape of the penal-probation boundaries. These changes are linked to resourcing of the criminal justice system and have implications for the public perception of probation.


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Background: The emerging field of microneedle-based minimally invasive patient monitoring and diagnosis is reviewed. Microneedle arrays consist of rows of micron-scale projections attached to a solid support. They have been widely investigated for transdermal drug and vaccine delivery applications since the late 1990s. However, researchers and clinicians have recently realized the great potential of microneedles for extraction of skin interstitial fluid and, less commonly, blood, for enhanced monitoring of patient health.

Methods: We reviewed the journal and patent literature, and summarized the findings and provided technical insights and critical analysis.

Results: We describe the basic concepts in detail and extensively review the work performed to date.

Conclusions: It is our view that microneedles will have an important role to play in clinical management of patients and will ultimately improve therapeutic outcomes for people worldwide.


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This chapter attempts to provide a critical analysis of special needs education within the United Kingdom today. Central to such an analysis is an understanding of the rapidly changing social and political milieu within which special needs education is embedded, including the rapidly changing demographics of schooling, and the devolution of political power into four separate but linked countries - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Following a discussion of such wider social, political and educational issues, the authors thoroughly explore the convergences and divergences in policy and practice across the four devolved administrations. They describe a plethora of contemporary texts within each of the four administrations that speak to the need for special needs education to change in response to 21st century concerns about the problems of access to, and equity in education for all children. Despite this, they explain why they remain circumspect about the potential of such developments to lead to successful inclusive practices and developments on the ground. Their analysis in the last section centres on the issue of teacher education for inclusion and some very innovative UK research and development projects that have been reported to successfully engage teachers with new paradigm thinking and practice in the field of inclusive special needs education.


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This paper is a reexamination of the concept of the geopolitical border through a critical analysis of prevalent conceptualizations of borders, as they are articulated in the fields of geopolitics, political theory and international relations. Suggesting that thinking of borders as the derivative of territorial definitions disregards the dependency of territoriality and sovereign space on the praxes of border making, this paper offers an analytic distinction between normative articulations of borders and the border as a political practice. This distinction enables the identification of partial and incoherent border making processes. Consequently, the creation of borders can be analyzed as an effect of a multiplicity of performative praxes, material, juridical and otherwise discursive, that operate in relation to the management of space and attribute it with geopolitical distinctions. Furthermore, the paper suggests that these praxes, which appear in dispersed sites and in a wide variety of loci, are intrinsically linked to different spatial practices of population management, of governmentality. Thus, I offer a reading of borders as a praxis which manages binary differentiations of matrixes of governmentality, which create schisms in the population as a totality, through the deployment of the evocation of sovereignty as the legitimizing source of this differentiation or for the means necessary for its sustainment.


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This article is written to celebrate the fine contribution and constant optimism of Louk Hulsman to the debate about penal abolition, the rethinking of popular and political discourses on ‘crime’, and the institutionalised responses of the ‘criminal justice system’. Reflecting on his experiences of incarceration and on his critical analysis of the political economic relations of power, Louk Hulsman talked of the defining ‘moment of abolition’ – his reading of Thomas Mathiesen’s ground-breaking text, The Politics of Abolition. Having considered the key elements of Louk Hulsman’s work and its critical challenge to the criminological enterprise, the article explores the apparent political contradiction in campaigning for humane conditions while seeking abolition within the context of an ever-expanding, global prison-industrial complex.


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This paper presents a critical analysis of ultrawideband (UWB) and considers the turbulent journey it has had from the Federal Communications Commission's bandwidth allocation in 2002 to today. It analyzes the standards, the standoffs, and the stalemate in standardization activities and investigates the past and present research and commercial activities in realizing the UWB dream. In this paper, statistical evidence is presented to depict UWB's changing fortunes and is utilized as an indicator of future prominence. This paper reviews some of the opinions and remarks from commentators and analyzes predictions that were made. Finally, it presents possible ways forward to reignite the high-data-rate UWB standardization pursuit.


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Building on primary research and previous publications (Haydon, 2012; Haydon, 2014; Haydon and Scraton, 2008; McAlister, Scraton and Haydon, 2009; Scraton and Haydon, 2002), this chapter will provide a critical analysis of children’s rights and youth justice in Northern Ireland. More broadly, it will consider recent research concerning the criminalisation of children and young people in the United Kingdom and profound concerns regarding the policing and regulation of children raised in successive concluding observations about the UK Government’s implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, 1995, 2002, 2008). From this generic context, the chapter will map the ‘particular circumstances’ of Northern Ireland - a discrete legal jurisdiction to which powers for justice and policing were devolved only in 2010. Emerging from four decades of conflict and progressing through an uneasy ‘peace’, rights-based institutions and enabling legislation have, in principle, promoted and protected human rights. Yet children and young people living in communities marginalised by poverty and the legacy of conflict continue to experience inconsistent formal regulation by the police and the criminal justice system, while enduring often brutal informal regulation by paramilitaries. The chapter will explore evident tensions between the dynamics of criminalisation and promotion/ protection of children’s rights in a society transitioning from conflict. Further, it will analyse the challenges to securing children’s rights principles and provisions within a hostile political and ideological context, arguing for a critical rights-based agenda that promotes social justice through rights compliance together with policies and practices that address the structural inequalities faced by children and young people.


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The conceptualisation of reflexivity commonly found in social anthropology deploys the term as if it were both a ‘virtuous’ mechanism of self‐reflection and an ethical technique of truth telling, with reflexivity frequently deployed as an moral practice of introspection and avowal. Further, because reflexivity is used as a methodology for constructing the authority of ethnographic accounts, reflexivity in anthropology has come to closely resemble Foucault’s descriptions of confession. By discussing Lynch’s (2000) critical analysis of reflexivity as an ‘academic virtue’, I consider his argument through the lens of my own concept of ‘confessional reflexivity’. While supporting Lynch’s diagnosis of the ‘problem of reflexivity’, I attempt to critique his ethnomethodological cure as essentialist, I conclude that a way forward might be found by blending Foucault’s (1976, 1993) theory of confession with Bourdieu’s (1992) theory of ‘epistemic reflexivity’.


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Este estudo põe em evidência o valor formativo da reflexão pela escrita, estruturada em portfolios reflexivos, desenvolvidos durante a disciplina de Supervisão I, nas quatro turmas/cursos de formação complementar em Supervisão Pedagógica e Formação de Formadores, para o Exercício de Outras Funções, decorrida entre 1999-2004, na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, do Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu. Trata-se de uma investigação de índole qualitativa desenvolvida segundo a metodologia de estudo de caso, na vertente de estudo de casos múltiplos, dada a singularidade de que cada portfolio se reveste. A investigação foi perspectivada após a conclusão do referido curso com base na existência, ao tempo, de pouca investigação realizada no âmbito da utilização de portfolios na Formação Complementar de professores. As questões investigativas foram, por esse motivo, desenhadas a posteriori, o que podemos considerar uma limitação do estudo, ainda que os resultados obtidos confirmem as perspectivas desenvolvimentistas desta estratégia de formação, evidenciadas em investigações realizadas noutros contextos nacionais e internacionais. A adopção do portfolio reflexivo (Sá-Chaves, 2000) numa dupla dimensão – formativa e avaliativa – resultou de uma concepção de formação conducente ao desenvolvimento de professores reflexivos, capazes de exercer funções supervisivas alicerçadas na reflexão, no diálogo, na partilha e na intervenção. Pretendemos com a aplicação de portfolios reflexivos verificar até que ponto a construção de este tipo de narrativa autobiográfica podia contribuir para o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente de professores inseridos na carreira há já alguns/muitos anos, proporcionando-lhes a(s) ferramenta(s) reflexiva(s) necessária(s) a uma intervenção e/ou alteração de práticas mais adequadas às novas funções supervisivas que a legislação recente previa que viessem a exercer. Pudemos confirmar que a redacção do portfolio constituiu uma mais valia para os seus autores no que respeita ao seu desenvolvimento da sua profissionalidade, tendo-se verificado um crescimento evidente nas dimensões de conhecimento profissional, com especial incidência: no autoconhecimento; no conhecimento sobre estratégias reflexivas e supervisivas para o exercício de novas funções; no conhecimento de teorias práticas subjacentes às suas experiências supervisivas (passadas, presentes e futuras); no conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento curricular e sua flexibilização; no conhecimento sobre estratégias de avaliação alternativa e compreensiva; no conhecimento do Outro, no qual se incluem os alunos, os colegas de profissão e os restantes elementos da comunidade educativa; e no conhecimento sobre os contextos. Verificámos igualmente que a compreensão das competências supervisivas dos formandos também evoluiu. As reflexões vertidas neste estudo evidenciam que os formandos consciencializaram a necessidade de possuírem uma competência de intervenção fundamentada na reflexão, exercida sob uma perspectiva dialógica e humanista de supervisão e de adaptabilidade aos contextos profissionais. Acresce que alguns destes formandos manifestaram vontade e maior coragem para assumir essa intervenção, considerada imprescindível para que a escola evolua e se inove, como resposta à imprevisibilidade e à complexidade dos nossos tempos. Tornou-se igualmente evidente que os formandos desenvolveram as competências de integração da prática na teoria ou vice-versa e de autenticação das suas próprias teorias. Os professores são unânimes ao afirmar que a estratégia de portfolio contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da sua competência reflexiva e/ou de análise crítica, a qual, por sua vez, conduziu à auto-consciencialização da sua matriz identitária e à coragem para serem mais autênticos e interventivos/pró-activos. Terem sido capazes de ultrapassar as dificuldades e os receios colocados por uma estratégia que desconheciam, conferiu-lhes maior auto-estima e autonomia. Este aspecto está bem patente nas meta-análises realizadas por cada autor do portfolio, nas quais, aceitam a estratégia inicialmente combatida, reconhecendo-lhe valor formativo e a capacidade de revelação de conhecimento sobre si próprios. Pese embora o curto espaço de tempo em que a experiência de construção dos portfolios decorreu, tanto os formandos como nós consideramos que esta narrativa profissional autobiográfica é uma estratégia promotora de uma auto-supervisão contínua, que fornece e regista pistas de autodireccionamento profissional, sempre passíveis de avaliação e de redireccionamento. Com base nestas constatações consideramos que o portfolio reflexivo pode tornar-se no instrumento mais completo e diacrónico de auto-avaliação de professores, prevista no ECD, na medida em que permite retratar o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal do seu autor e possibilita que este se reveja e redimensione a sua profissionalidade, sempre que acrescenta reflexões novas ou complementa anteriores, como resultado dos conselhos e/ou das discussões com o(s) Outro(s) e o próprio.


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A difusão das tecnologias da informação e comunicação fomenta mudanças qualitativas nas práticas pedagógicas, proporcionando a criação de comunidades de aprendizagem entre aprendentes de diferentes pontos do mundo. Tendo como referência a pedagogia crítica para a emancipação (Freire, 1997; Giroux, 1997), este estudo analisou de que forma aprendentes de diferentes proveniências linguístico-culturais desenvolvem a sua consciência cultural crítica (Byram, 1997), quando colocados em situação de trabalho colaborativo on-line, formando uma comunidade de aprendizagem, através do recurso a uma plataforma especialmente concebida para o efeito, a 2ndschool.eu, na qual foram levados a desenvolver um trabalho de natureza interdisciplinar. Pretendíamos que esta plataforma fomentasse questionamentos por parte dos seus membros. Como tal, integrámos diferentes instrumentos de comunicação eletrónica (chat, fóruns e e-mail), através dos quais se promoveu a interação entre os participantes no projeto, alunos e professores (de diversas áreas disciplinares) do Ensino Secundário belga, búlgaro, grego, polaco, português e sueco, com vista à realização de uma tarefa comum: a edição de um trabalho de projeto de análise crítica de reportagens, artigos de opinião e fotos de jornais acerca de tópicos da atualidade nacional e/ou internacional. Tivemos em conta uma metodologia de investigação mais orientada para o estudo de caso e análise do discurso. Para tal, recorremos a dois tipos de instrumentos de recolha de dados: as impressões das discussões estabelecidas através de chat, fóruns, blogs e wikis e os resultados de três questionários sobre o perfil sociolinguístico e cultural dos participantes, a avaliação da plataforma virtual e o inventário de estratégias mais eficazes na negociação de saberes estabelecida. Concluímos que os alunos (re)constroem saberes, pois revelam representações que têm acerca de situações-problema, refletem acerca das mesmas e, posteriormente, disseminam ativamente pontos de vista críticos através de ferramentas Web 2.0, como forma de as resolver. Enquanto verdadeiros pronetários, foram capazes de recorrer a estratégias de comunicação que fomentam a busca de entendimento com o Outro, num caminho oscilante entre o concordar e o discordar, entre o ajudar e o solicitar ajuda, entre o opinar e o escutar, entre o avaliar e o ser avaliado e entre o corrigir e o ser corrigido. Identificámos como principais limitações do nosso estudo a dificuldade de análise das práticas interdisciplinares dos interlocutores internacionais, a desmotivação de alguns aprendentes nas tarefas e ainda o reduzido recurso ao videochat, pelo desconforto no seu uso. Por isso, consideramos que futuras investigações deverão debruçar-se nestas questões.