922 resultados para Create websites
Bioqueries: a collaborative environment to create, explore and share SPARQL queries in Life Sciences
Bioqueries provides a collaborative environment to create, explore, execute, clone and share SPARQL queries (including Federated Queries). Federated SPARQL queries can retrieve information from more than one data source.
Beauty and personal care in mass market: A strategic analysis of perfumery and cosmetics at Sonae MC
Directed internship
Bioqueries: a collaborative environment to create, explore and share SPARQL queries in Life Sciences
Bioqueries provides a collaborative environment to create, explore, execute, clone and share SPARQL queries (including Federated Queries). Federated SPARQL queries can retrieve information from more than one data source.
Com o rápido aumento da utilização da internet no mundo, os consumidores utilizam cada vez mais os websites para comparação, compra e venda de produtos. Atualmente os utilizadores da internet deixaram de procurar exclusivamente informação e tornaram-se eles próprios fornecedores de experiências através de comunidades online, que continuam em grande crescimento. Seguindo essa tendência, muitas indústrias escolheram a internet como canal de comunicação preferido e a indústria hoteleira não foge à regra. Assim a presente dissertação resulta numa pesquisa, em que o principal objetivo é entender de que forma os diversos fatores de informação presentes nos comentários online realizados nos websites de comparação de hotéis influenciam a utilização da informação pelo consumidor. Na presente metodologia é utilizado o modelo de Filieri e McLeay (2014), o tipo de inquérito utilizado é um questionário online para analisar quais os fatores que mais influenciam os consumidores a utilizarem a informação disponível nos comentários online. Os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que a precisão da informação, a consistência da informação e o ranking do alojamento influenciam a utilização da informação presente nos comentários online.
Esta investigación evalúa el desempeño de 73 fondos de inversión colectiva (FIC) colombianos enfocados en acciones de 2005 a 2015 -- Para cuantificar el valor generado por estos fondos en comparación con sus respectivos activos de referencia (“benchmarks”), se calcula el alfa de Jensen mediante dos metodologías de regresión: Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO) y Regresión por Cuantiles -- También se analiza si estos fondos muestran evidencia de “market timing” o no, utilizando dos modelos: efecto cuadrático y variable binaria interactiva -- De igual manera, nuestro estudio propone la creación de una empresa privada en Colombia que provea a los inversores de información precisa sobre las características y desempeño histórico de estos fondos de inversión colectiva, como lo hace Morningstar Inc. en Estados Unidos -- Esto permitiría a los inversores seleccionar los fondos con mejores perspectivas y, como es de esperarse, haría este mercado más eficiente y atractivo para nuevos inversores potenciales
Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
The Internet has changed the way in which organizations communicate with their publics, and museums are not an exception. The consolidation of Web 2.0 has not only given museums access to a powerful new tool for disseminating information, but has involved significant changes in the relationship between institutions and their publics, facilitating and enhancing the interaction between them. The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the degree of interactivity implemented in the websites of major international art museums, in order to assess if museums are evolving towards more dialogic systems with relation to their publics. The results indicate that museums still have a low level of interactivity on their websites, both in the tools used to present information and the resources available for interaction with virtual visitors. But it has also observed that museums are progressively implementing interactive and dialogic sources, suggesting a clear trend towards new ways of managing these platforms in order to establish more participatory and collaborative communication systems with virtual users.
This study took place at one of the intercultural universities (IUs) of Mexico that serve primarily indigenous students. The IUs are pioneers in higher education despite their numerous challenges (Bertely, 1998; Dietz, 2008; Pineda & Landorf, 2010; Schmelkes, 2009). To overcome educational inequalities among their students (Ahuja, Berumen, Casillas, Crispín, Delgado et al., 2004; Schmelkes, 2009), the IUs have embraced performance-based assessment (PBA; Casillas & Santini, 2006). PBA allows a shared model of power and control related to learning and evaluation (Anderson, 1998). While conducting a review on PBA strategies of the IUs, the researcher did not find a PBA instrument with valid and reliable estimates. The purpose of this study was to develop a process to create a PBA instrument, an analytic general rubric, with acceptable validity and reliability estimates to assess students’ attainment of competencies in one of the IU’s majors, Intercultural Development Management. The Human Capabilities Approach (HCA) was the theoretical framework and a sequential mixed method (Creswell, 2003; Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009) was the research design. IU participants created a rubric during two focus groups, and seven Spanish-speaking professors in Mexico and the US piloted using students’ research projects. The evidence that demonstrates the attainment of competencies at the IU is a complex set of actual, potential and/or desired performances or achievements, also conceptualized as “functional capabilities” (FCs; Walker, 2008), that can be used to develop a rubric. Results indicate that the rubric’s validity and reliability estimates reached acceptable estimates of 80% agreement, surpassing minimum requirements (Newman, Newman, & Newman, 2011). Implications for practice involve the use of PBA within a formative assessment framework, and dynamic inclusion of constituencies. Recommendations for further research include introducing this study’s instrument-development process to other IUs, conducting parallel mixed design studies exploring the intersection between HCA and assessment, and conducting a case study exploring assessment in intercultural settings. Education articulated through the HCA empowers students (Unterhalter & Brighouse, 2007; Walker, 2008). This study aimed to contribute to the quality of student learning assessment at the IUs by providing a participatory process to develop a PBA instrument.
This study investigated individual differences in preferences for recruitment websites. Specifically, I expected that personality and ethnic identity would be related to individuals' preferences for corporate websites. A policy-capturing methodology was employed to determine the weight participants place on five website characteristics (i.e. navigability, information relevancy, diversity information, privacy, and contact). Regression and correlational analyses were employed with the five beta weights obtained from individual regression analyses and the other individual differences measures. Results from two samples (student and general population) revealed that, generally, individuals do not differ in the weight they place on different aspects of recruitment websites. However, this study is the first to investigate individual differences in preferences for recruitment websites. Thus, it seems premature to conclude that such differences do not exist. Given its uniqueness, hopefully this study will stimulate research that further elucidates the process by which individuals interpret and evaluate recruitment websites.
The present work aims to allow developers to implement small features on a certain Android application in a fast and easy manner, as well as provide their users to install them ondemand, i.e., they can install the ones they are interested in. These small packages of features are called plugins, and the chosen development language to develop these in was JavaScript. In order to achieve that, an Android framework was developed that enables the host application to install, manage and run these plugins at runtime. This framework was designed to have a very clean and almost readable API, which allowed for better code organization and maintainability. The implementation used the Google’s engine “V8” to interpret the JavaScript code and through a set of JNI calls made that code call certain Android methods previously registered in the runtime. In order to test the framework, it was integrated with the client’s communication application RCS+ using two plugins developed alongside the framework. Although these plugins had only the more common requirements, they were proven to work successfully as intended. Concluding, the framework although successful made it clear that this kind of development through a non-native API has its set of difficulties especially regarding the implementation of complex features.
Det övergripande syftet var att undersöka kommunala riktlinjer för anhöriganställningar tillgängliga på kommunernas hemsidor, dvs regeldokument gällande situationer där en anhörig anställs för att vårda en närstående. Det övergripande syftet har byggts upp utifrån följande tre frågeställningar angående hur kommunerna i Sverige beskriver: 1) vilka situationer som berättigar anhöriganställning, 2) hur det säkerställs att den äldre personen skall få sina behov tillgodosedda samt 3) hur säkerställs den anhöriganställdes rättigheter/välmående? Det saknas lagstöd för anhöriganställningar som rättighet, och det kommunala självstyret avgör om kommunen erbjuder denna omsorgsform. På senare tid har anhöriganställningar begränsats och förbjudits i flera svenska kommuner, och enligt uppgifter är det cirka 55–65 % av Sveriges kommuner som tillåter anhöriganställningar. Det är mestadels kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund som är anhöriganställda numera, och feministisk omsorgsforskning och media lyfter fram anhöriganställningar som en kvinnofälla och som en risk för integration av invandrare. I studien inkluderas riktlinjer från totalt 21 kommuner, vilka analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Elo & Kyngäs (2007). De undersökta riktlinjerna hittades från hemsidorna för Sveriges 121 medelstora och stora kommuner (mer än 20 000 invånare). Resultatet har bearbetats med hjälp av feministisk teori (Hirdman 2012). Resultatet visar att det överlag finns få riktlinjer tillgängliga i Sveriges kommuner och att regelverken skiljer sig åt i de olika kommunerna. I de riktlinjer som finns är ofta innehållet allmänna eller oklara beskrivningar. En slutsats är därför att många kommuner säkerställer sitt eget handlingsutrymme och ett tolkningsföreträde genom otydliga och allmänt hållna regler i sina riktlinjer. Utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv kan dessa tolkningsföreträden skapa orättvisa strukturer och skillnader i förutsättningar och villkor för de äldre och för deras anhörigvårdare avseende anhöriganställningar. Slutligen visar resultatet på att de få detaljerade beskrivningarna prioriterar de äldres rättigheter framför de anhöriganställdas. Säkerställandet av de anhöriganställdas rättigheter beskrivs huvudsakligen att ske genom att kontrollera och styra de anhöriganställda. De anhöriganställda är ofta osynliga i riktlinjerna, betraktas som pseudoanställda och hamnar därför mellan stolarna vad gäller stödbehovet (Sand 2010).
Los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA) son las patologías psicológicas que más se han incrementado en los últimos años. Uno de los factores que determina la elevada prevalencia de TCA en nuestra sociedad es el gran desconocimiento sobre alimentación. Este desconocimiento puede deberse a la consulta de recursos online sin validez científica. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la calidad científica y el posicionamiento de los sitios web en español con información sobre nutrición, TCA y obesidad. Material y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de páginas web en el navegador Google Chrome con las palabras clave: dieta, anorexia, bulimia, nutrición y obesidad, seleccionándose los 20 primeros resultados de cada búsqueda según los índices de posicionamiento ofrecidos por SEOquake (Page Rank, Alexa Rank y SEMrush Rank). Las variables de análisis fueron: información relacionada con dietas y hábitos alimentarios, información sobre alimentación saludable, información sobre TCA y sus criterios diagnósticos e información de carácter formativo acerca de temas profesionales de salud general. Sólo el 50% de las web encontradas cumplían los criterios de inclusión en el estudio. La mayoría no seguían las pautas establecidas por e-Europa sobre calidad. La mediana de Page Rank fue de 2, excepto en aquellas asociadas a instituciones sanitarias de prestigio. Dada la escasez de webs sanitarias con rigor científico, es imprescindible la revisión de las existentes y la creación de nuevos espacios on-line cuya supervisión sea realizada por profesionales especialistas en salud y nutrición.
How does an archaeological museum understand its function in a digital environment? Consumer expectations are rapidly shifting, from what used to be a passive relationship with exhibition contents, towards a different one, in which interaction, individuality and proactivity define the visitor experience. This consumer paradigm is much studied in fast moving markets, where it provokes immediately measurable impacts. In other fields, such as tourism and regional development, the very heterogeneous nature of the product to be branded makes it near to impossible for only one player to engage successfully. This systemic feature implies that museums, acting as major stakeholders, often anchor a regional brand around which SME tend to cluster, and thus assume responsibilities in constructing marketable identities. As such, the archaeological element becomes a very useful trademark. On the other hand, it also emerges erratically on the Internet, in personal blogs, commercial websites, and social networks. This forces museums to enter as a mediator, authenticating contents and providing credibility. What might be called the digital pull factor poses specific challenges to museum management: what is to be promoted, and how, in order to create and maintain a coherent presence in social media? The underlying issue this paper tries to address is how museums perceive their current and future role in digital communication.
Background: Physician-rating websites have become a popular tool to create more transparency about the quality of health care providers. So far, it remains unknown whether online-based rating websites have the potential to contribute to a better standard of care. Objective: Our goal was to examine which health care providers use online rating websites and for what purposes, and whether health care providers use online patient ratings to improve patient care. Methods: We conducted an online-based cross-sectional study by surveying 2360 physicians and other health care providers (September 2015). In addition to descriptive statistics, we performed multilevel logistic regression models to ascertain the effects of providers' demographics as well as report card-related variables on the likelihood that providers implement measures to improve patient care. Results: Overall, more than half of the responding providers surveyed (54.66%, 1290/2360) used online ratings to derive measures to improve patient care (implemented measures: mean 3.06, SD 2.29). Ophthalmologists (68%, 40/59) and gynecologists (65.4%, 123/188) were most likely to implement any measures. The most widely implemented quality measures were related to communication with patients (28.77%, 679/2360), the appointment scheduling process (23.60%, 557/2360), and office workflow (21.23%, 501/2360). Scaled-survey results had a greater impact on deriving measures than narrative comments. Multilevel logistic regression models revealed medical specialty, the frequency of report card use, and the appraisal of the trustworthiness of scaled-survey ratings to be significantly associated predictors for implementing measures to improve patient care because of online ratings. Conclusions: Our results suggest that online ratings displayed on physician-rating websites have an impact on patient care. Despite the limitations of our study and unintended consequences of physician-rating websites, they still may have the potential to improve patient care.