938 resultados para Copyright -- Electronic information resources


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Las intranets o portales corporativos, gozan ya de una cierta trayectoria en las organizaciones grandes y medianas1, públicas2 y privadas, industriales y de servicios, y en esta nota queremos plantear algunas reflexiones destinadas a analizar si están contribuyendo a la mejora de la gestión de la información en las entidades donde se hallan implantadas.


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Se presenta un modelo de análisis del comportamiento informacional global de un colectivo de individuos (estudiantes de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) que tienen una percepción positiva sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y que realizan un uso intensivo de las mismas. A partir de una aproximación cualitativa, mediante 24 entrevistas y un posterior análisis del contenido, se identifican cuatro perfiles distintos de gestión de la información personal (reactivo, pasivo, exhaustivo y proactivo) en base a diez variables subyacentes (acceso, gestión y usos de la información, competencias informacionales, perfil cognitivo, actitud, percepción de las TIC, ámbito académico, profesional y de la vida diaria) y se ponen de relieve las diferencias de comportamiento informacional dependiendo del ámbito en el que se encuentren. La identificación de los perfiles es un estadio básico del diseño centrado en los usuarios que facilita la realización de intervenciones específicas para cada tipo de usuario, respetando requerimientos de herramientas y procesos para que puedan desarrollar su comportamiento informacional de forma eficiente y eficaz.


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Accedir a la informació és el procés que s'emporta la major part del temps i deis esforyos per part de qui esta portant a terme una investigació. El coneixement de les fonts d'informació més adequades per a cada projecte i el domini de les técniques per a la consulta d'aquestes fonts, són factors decisius per reeixir en l'elaboració d'un treball d'investigació rigorós i ben construit. Cada vegada més, les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació faciliten l'accés a fonts d'informació que fins ara eren costoses i complicades de consultar. Avui no és cap problema, teóricament, arribar al coneixement d'alló que s'ha publicat recentment en qualsevol lloc sobre qualsevol materia. Les biblioteques universitaries han jugat un paper molt important en aquest punt, ja que han permés en bona mesura l'accés a aquestes fonts per part deis investigadors. Han mantingut el nivell d'adquisicions i han comenyat a oferir tot un nou ventall de serveis aprofitant aquestes noves tecnologies: la distribució via correu electrónic de sumaris de les revistes pré-viament escollides per l'usuari, la distribució en xarxa de bases de dades en CD-ROM, l'elaboració de reculls de recursos d'internet de qualitat, etc


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és oferir una selecció de fonts d'informació bàsiques d'interès per als estudiosos de la literatura catalana, disponibles a Internet. Per a la selecció s'ha tingut en compte, com és natural, la qualitat dels continguts de les obres triades: la seva completesa, el seu rigor, la seva actualització, etc. El criteri d'inclusió de les obres ha estat força restrictiu: per exemple, no s'han recollit pàgines web dedicades a autors o obres individuals ¿que hauria fet la llista inacabable¿ tot i que hi ha fonts d'informació excel·lents en aquest àmbit. La persona que s'interessi per identificar recursos dedicats a un autor en concret trobarà els enllaços pertinents a partir del primer apartat del treball: obres enciclopèdiques i portals.


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Since the second half of the 1990s, knowledge management has taken shape and has been firmly consolidated as a new discipline within the realm of organisations. The principal objective of this work is to determine whether content management systems (CMS) can become the most appropriate technological standard for consolidating this field. The article describes and analyses the major functions (publishing and exploitation) of these new systems. It then examines the field of knowledge management ¿what are the different types of knowledge that we can find within an organisational context¿ and then identifies and analyses the operations critical to managing it appropriately. The article concludes by evaluating the extent to which technological solutions provided by CMS can assist in properly implementing these critical operations.


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Since the second half of the 1990s, knowledge management has taken shape and has been firmly consolidated as a new discipline within the realm of organisations. The principal objective of this work is to determine whether content management systems (CMS) can become the most appropriate technological standard for consolidating this field. The article describes and analyses the major functions (publishing and exploitation) of these new systems. It then examines the field of knowledge management ¿what are the different types of knowledge that we can find within an organisational context¿ and then identifies and analyses the operations critical to managing it appropriately. The article concludes by evaluating the extent to which technological solutions provided by CMS can assist in properly implementing these critical operations.


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Presentació utilitzada en el Seminari amb la Professió del 15 de desembre del 2005.


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The microscopic anatomy of plants. A review of the main treatises on Plant Microscopic Anatomy and their translations published along the XX century is followed by a discussion on various aspects of the structure in plant cells, methodological questions and teminology. Problems related to using dry specimens from herbaria for microscopic studies are considered. As an example, a study has been made on a species named in memory of Prof. Dr. Oriol de Bolòs, Delphinium bolosii (BLANCHÉ and MOLERO, 1983).


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We are a state agency dedicated to serving Iowa students by awarding close to 25,000 scholarships and grants each year. You can learn about federal and state college financial aid programs through Iowa College Aid’s valuable information resources. Visit Iowa College Aid’s website at www.IowaCollegeAid.gov or call the Information Service Center at 877-272-4456 for detailed information regarding our programs and services. You can also find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and view our videos on YouTube to help you before, during and after college.


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[eng] The text begins with a reflection on the scope and content of the concepts "ethics" and "deontology" and continues by addressing the steps and considerations that the professional community must take into account when analysing ethical and moral aspects of their work. Finally, some specific elements are set forth regarding ethics in information management, specifically ethical conflicts that need to be managed in the area of library and information sciences.


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Digital Libraries (DLs) are extremely complex information systems that support the creation, management, distribution, and preservation of complex information resources, while allowing effective and efficient interaction among the several societies that benefit from DL content and services. In this paper, we focus on our experience facing challenges of building, maintaining, and developing the Networked University Digital Library (www.nudl.org), an extension of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (www.ndltd.org). NUDL is a worldwide initiative that addresses making the intellectual property produced in universities more accessible, stimulating international collaboration across all disciplines. We detail technological aspects of our solutions and research activities carried out to provide powerful and enriched services for the communities served by this initiative.


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The comments related to the sustainability of knowledge management (KM) have shown signs that it possibly can be a discourse which determines a quick style, but otherwise have also allowed the building of a better understanding about the limits and weaknesses of the knowlege management. In addition to the criticisms, the conceptual bases of knowledge management have been undermined by a contradictory combination of paradigms; there are also contradictions between the theoretical perspective jubjacent to the knwoledge management and its operationality. As a way of minimizing the possibility that the knowledge management may be turned into an umbrella concept and fail, it is suggested that its approaches embody a more interpretative perspective, taking up the role of an instrument which enables and facilitates the processes and practices in building up knowledge and information, enhancing their focus on the support to the establishment of human competences in order to deal intelligently with the present overcharge of information resources and need for building up information in the organizations.


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Se exponen las fuentes documentales más importantes para el estudio de la ortodoncia, como ciencia de la salud, dejando para un segundo artículo el listado específico de las fuentes bibliográficas propiamente dichas.


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Segunda parte y final de las fuentes bibliográficas más importantes para el estudio de la ortodoncia, como ciencia de la salud. Aquí se relacionan las publicaciones periódicas, específicas y generales, tesis y videos.