895 resultados para Concurrent Java components


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Typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are considered important bacterial causes of diarrhoea. Considering the repertoire of virulence genes, atypical EPEC (aEPEC) is a heterogeneous group, harbouring genes that are found in other diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes, such as those encoding haemolysins. Haemolysins are cytolytic toxins that lyse host cells disrupting the function of the plasma membrane. In addition, these cytolysins mediate a connection to vascular tissue and/or blood components, such as plasma and cellular fibronectin. Therefore, we investigated the haemolytic activity of 72 aEPEC isolates and determined the correlation of this phenotype with the presence of genes encoding enterohaemolysins (Ehly) and cytolysin A (ClyA). In addition, the correlation between the expression of haemolysins and the ability of these secreted proteins to adhere to extracellular matrix (ECM) components was also assessed in this study. Our findings demonstrate that a subset of aEPEC presents haemolytic activity due to the expression of Ehlys and/or ClyA and that this activity is closely related to the ability of these isolates to bind to ECM components.


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We analyze interviewer related nonresponse differences in face-to-face surveys distinguishing three types of interviewers: those who have previous experience with the same high standard cross-sectional survey ("experienced"), those who were chosen by the survey agency to complete refusal conversions ("seniors"), and usual interviewers. The nonresponse components are obtaining household contact, target person contact, and target person cooperation. In addition we examine if interviewer homogeneity with respect to these components is different across the three interviewer groups. Data come from the European Social Survey (ESS) contact forms from four countries which participated during the three rounds 2002/04/06 and used the same survey agency that in turn used to some extent the same interviewers. To analyze interviewer effects, we use discrete two-level models. We find some evidence of better performance by both senior and experienced interviewers and indications of greater homogeneity for nonresponse components, especially for those that contain room for improvement. Surprisingly, the senior interviewers do not outperform those experienced. We conclude that survey agencies should make more efforts to decrease the comparatively high interviewer turnover.


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CONTEXT: Recent data regarding the consequences of untreated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the expansion of treatment choices for antiretroviral-naive and antiretroviral-experienced patients warrant an update of the International AIDS Society-USA guidelines for the use of antiretroviral therapy in adults with HIV infection. OBJECTIVES: To provide updated recommendations for management of HIV-infected adults, using antiretroviral drugs and laboratory monitoring tools available in the international, developed-world setting. This report provides guidelines for when to initiate antiretroviral therapy, selection of appropriate initial regimens, patient monitoring, when to change therapy, and what regimens to use when changing. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: A panel with expertise in HIV research and clinical care reviewed relevant data published or presented at selected scientific conferences since the last panel report through April 2010. Data were identified through a PubMed search, review of scientific conference abstracts, and requests to antiretroviral drug manufacturers for updated clinical trials and adverse event data. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: New evidence was reviewed by the panel. Recommendations were drafted by section writing committees and reviewed and edited by the entire panel. The quality and strength of the evidence were rated and recommendations were made by full panel consensus. CONCLUSIONS: Patient readiness for treatment should be confirmed before initiation of antiretroviral treatment. Therapy is recommended for asymptomatic patients with a CD4 cell count < or = 500/microL, for all symptomatic patients, and those with specific conditions and comorbidities. Therapy should be considered for asymptomatic patients with CD4 cell count > 500/microL. Components of the initial and subsequent regimens must be individualized, particularly in the context of concurrent conditions. Patients receiving antiretroviral treatment should be monitored regularly; treatment failure should be detected and managed early, with the goal of therapy, even in heavily pretreated patients, being HIV-1 RNA suppression below commercially available assay quantification limits.


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El projecte que es descriu en aquest document consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura de suport per a aplicacions web empresarials basada en tecnologia J2EE. La idea és gestionar totes les funcionalitats de baix nivell per tal que el desenvolupador de l'aplicació web pugui centrar-se quasi exclusivament en implementar els temes funcionals.


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El objetivo principal del proyecto consiste en realizar un estudio sobrel J2EE y Glassfish. Realizar un análisis de sus componentes así como de sus posibles alternativas tanto de aplicaciones como de servidores. Además realizar un estudio completo sobre EJB. Y finalmente, realizar una comparativa entre las diferentes posibilidades de interfaces de presentación que se se pueden utilizar según las diferentes tecnologías existentes. El último objetivo es la realización de un prototipo de una aplicación empresarial utilizando las herramientas explicadas en el proyecto consistente en un administrador de los recursos humanos de la empresa para la gestión interna de los trabajadores.


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Analyzing functional data often leads to finding common factors, for which functional principal component analysis proves to be a useful tool to summarize and characterize the random variation in a function space. The representation in terms of eigenfunctions is optimal in the sense of L-2 approximation. However, the eigenfunctions are not always directed towards an interesting and interpretable direction in the context of functional data and thus could obscure the underlying structure. To overcome such difficulty, an alternative to functional principal component analysis is proposed that produces directed components which may be more informative and easier to interpret. These structural components are similar to principal components, but are adapted to situations in which the domain of the function may be decomposed into disjoint intervals such that there is effectively independence between intervals and positive correlation within intervals. The approach is demonstrated with synthetic examples as well as real data. Properties for special cases are also studied.


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BACKGROUND Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related head and neck cancer has been associated with an improved prognosis in patients treated with radiotherapy (RT) +/- chemotherapy (CT); however, RT combined with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors has not been fully studied in this group of patients. METHODS Immunohistochemical expression of p16 and PCR of HPV16 DNA were retrospectively analyzed in tumor blocks from 108 stage III/IV head and neck cancer patients treated with RT+CT (56) or RT+EGFR inhibitors (52). Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS DNA of HPV16 was found in 12 of 108 tumors (11%) and p16 positivity in 18 tumors (17%), with similar rates in both arms of treatment. After a median follow-up time of 35 months (range 6-135), p16-positive patients treated with RT+EGFR inhibitors showed improved survival compared with those treated with RT+CT (2-year OS 88% vs. 60%, HR 0.18; 95% CI 0.04 to 0.88; p = 0.01; and 2-year DFS 75% vs. 47%, HR 0.17; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.8; p = 0.01). However, no differences were observed in p16-negative patients (2-year OS 56% vs. 53%, HR 0.97; 95% CI 0.55 to 1.7; p = 0.9; and 2-year DFS 43% vs. 45%, HR 0.99; 95% CI 0.57 to 1.7; p = 0.9). CONCLUSIONS This is the first study to show that p16-positive patients may benefit more from RT+EGFR inhibitors than conventional RT+CT. These results are hypothesis-generating and should be confirmed in prospective trials.


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En aquest projecte inicialment es donarà una visió global del J2EE aprofundint especialment en els components que s'acostumen a utilitzar a la capa de presentació, com son els servlets. A més, es descriuran tecnologies i eines de JAVA que semblen no estar relacionades amb aquesta capa, però que es poden aprofitar pel facilitar la feina dels programadors.


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El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad facilitar al desarrollador y usuario en general el diseño de formularios en forma visual, haciendo uso de los componentes frecuentemente utilizados como cajas de texto, etiquetas, áreas de texto, calendarios, casillas de selección, listas desplegables, entre otros para generar código xhtml con JavaServerFaces.Para este fin me he basado en el diseñador de formularios de Joget Workflow, el cual posee una licencia GPLv2, permitiendo modificar su código, está desarrollado bajo Java, dicho diseñador de formulario tiene un entorno web, los cuales son utilizados e interpretados únicamente por su suite, utiliza en la vista páginas JSP y dentro de ellas JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), para el negocio utiliza el framework Spring y para la persistencia Hibernate. Joget persiste en la Base de Datos MySQL y se sugiere alojarse en un servidor Apache Tomcat, pero podría alojarse en cualquiera servidor de aplicaciones web para Java como Jboss Server Applicaction, Glassfish, entre otros.El diseñador de formularios permite la gestión de los formularios como crear, editar y/o eliminar formularios, y generar archivos código XHTML para JSF (Java Server Faces)ayudándolo en gran medida a un desarrollador especialmente de JAVA a visualizar comoquedará su formulario, menor tiempo en la construcción y personalizar su formulario a través de la modificación del código generado.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse Taenia solium metacestode antigens that were derived from the unbound fraction of jacalin affinity chromatography and subsequent tert-octylphenoxy poly (oxyethylene) ethanol Triton X-114 (TX-114) partitioning in the diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis (NCC). Immunoassays were designed to detect T. solium-specific IgG antibodies by ELISA and immunoblot. Serum samples were collected from 132 individuals who were categorised as follows: 40 had NCC, 62 presented Taenia spp or other parasitic diseases and 30 were healthy individuals. The jacalin-unbound (J unbound ) fraction presented higher sensitivity and specificity rates than the jacalin-bound fraction and only this fraction was subjected to subsequent TX-114 partitioning, resulting in detergent (DJ unbound ) and aqueous (AJ unbound ) fractions. The ELISA sensitivity and specificity were 85% and 84.8% for J unbound , 92.5% and 93.5% for DJ unbound and 82.5% and 82.6% for AJ unbound . By immunoblot, the DJ unbound fraction showed 100% sensitivity and specificity and only serum samples from patients with NCC recognised the 50-70 kDa T. solium-specific components. We conclude that the DJ unbound fraction can serve as a useful tool for the differential immunodiagnosis of NCC by immunoblot.


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La qualitat d’un producte elaborat és un factor important, tant pels consumidors, com pels òrgans reguladors que en defineixen normatives cada cop més estrictes. Iniciatives com la del PAT (Process Analytical Technology) en el sector farmacèutic, responen a aquestes necessitats. El PAT afavoreix la implantació de noves tècniques analítiques que facilitin el monitoratge i el control de paràmetres clau in-/on-line durant els processos de producció. En aquest sentit, el NIR-CI (Near Infrarred-Chemical Imaging) podria ser una eina molt útil en la millora de la qualitat de la indústria farmacèutica, ja que aprofita les avantatges del NIR com a tècnica analítica (ràpid, no invasiu, no destructiu) i les aplica a tota la superfície espacial de la mostra. És una tècnica capaç de proporcionar una gran quantitat d’informació, tant espectral com espacial, en una sola imatge. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és avaluar la capacitat de la tècnica NIR-CI, com a eina pel control de paràmetres de qualitat de comprimits farmacèutics. Concretament, s’han analitzat quantitativament la concentració i la distribució dels components (principi actiu i excipients) d’un comprimit farmacèutic amb i sense recobriment. A més, també s’ha determinat el gruix de la pel·lícula de laca de recobriment i la seva distribució a la superfície del comprimit. Per obtenir aquesta informació, es parteix d’imatges NIR-CI hiperespectrals dels comprimits. Per a l’extracció de les dades d’interès s’ha usat l’algoritme PLS en les diferents versions dels softwares Isys 5.0 i Unscrambler 9.8. La versió de l’Isys permet determinar la contribució de cada component pur a cada punt de la imatge, emprant únicament l’espectre del component en estudi. Amb la de l’Unscrambler, en canvi, es construeix un model de calibratge que, a partir d’unes mostres de referència, prediu la distribució del gruix de recobriment sobre la superfície del comprimit.


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L'objectiu del projecte és la realització d'una eina capaç de traduir el pseudocodi al llenguatge de programació Java, utilitzant la programació orientada a objectes. S'obté un programa en Java del qual es podrà comprovar el seu bon funcionament, tot compilant-lo amb qualsevol compilador estàndard de Java com el distribuït per Sun Microsystems. El projecte està basat en teories de llenguatges i creació d'autòmats reconeixedors de gramàtiques, ja que són els fonaments per tal de realitzar un compilador/traductor. En el traductor s'implementa tant l'anàlisi lèxica, com la sintàctica i la semàntica. Les etapes de generació de codi intermedi, optimització i generació de codi final són substituïdes per la generació de codi Java


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It has been demonstrated in earlier studies that patients with a cochlear implant have increased abilities for audio-visual integration because the crude information transmitted by the cochlear implant requires the persistent use of the complementary speech information from the visual channel. The brain network for these abilities needs to be clarified. We used an independent components analysis (ICA) of the activation (H2 (15) O) positron emission tomography data to explore occipito-temporal brain activity in post-lingually deaf patients with unilaterally implanted cochlear implants at several months post-implantation (T1), shortly after implantation (T0) and in normal hearing controls. In between-group analysis, patients at T1 had greater blood flow in the left middle temporal cortex as compared with T0 and normal hearing controls. In within-group analysis, patients at T0 had a task-related ICA component in the visual cortex, and patients at T1 had one task-related ICA component in the left middle temporal cortex and the other in the visual cortex. The time courses of temporal and visual activities during the positron emission tomography examination at T1 were highly correlated, meaning that synchronized integrative activity occurred. The greater involvement of the visual cortex and its close coupling with the temporal cortex at T1 confirm the importance of audio-visual integration in more experienced cochlear implant subjects at the cortical level.


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Introduction: The Charlson index (Charlson, 1987) is a commonly used comorbidity index in outcome studies. Still, the use of different weights makes its calculation cumbersome, while the sum of its components (comorbidities) is easier to compute. In this study, we assessed the effects of 1) the Charlson index adapted for the Swiss population and 2) the sum of its components (number of comorbidities, maximum 15) on a) in-hospital deaths and b) cost of hospitalization. Methods: Anonymous data was obtained from the administrative database of the department of internal medicine of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). All hospitalizations of adult (>=18 years) patients occurring between 2003 and 2011 were included. For each hospitalization, the Charlson index and the number of comorbidities were calculated. Analyses were conducted using Stata. Results: Data from 32,741 hospitalizations occurring between 2003 and 2011 was analyzed. On bivariate analysis, both the Charlson index and the number of comorbidities were significantly and positively associated with in hospital death. Conversely, multivariate adjustment for age, gender and calendar year using Cox regression showed that the association was no longer significant for the number of comorbidities (table). On bivariate analysis, hospitalization costs increased both with Charlson index and with number of comorbidities, but the increase was much steeper for the number of comorbidities (figure). Robust regression after adjusting for age, gender, calendar year and duration of hospital stay showed that the increase in one comorbidity led to an average increase in hospital costs of 321 CHF (95% CI: 272 to 370), while the increase in one score point of the Charlson index led to a decrease in hospital costs of 49 CHF (95% CI: 31 to 67). Conclusion: Charlson index is better than the number of comorbidities in predicting in-hospital death. Conversely, the number of comorbidities significantly increases hospital costs.