986 resultados para Comunicação ultra wide band (UWB)
Hydrogen has been called the fuel of the future, and as it’s non- renewable counterparts become scarce the economic viability of hydrogen gains traction. The potential of hydrogen is marked by its high mass specific energy density and wide applicability as a fuel in fuel cell vehicles and homes. However hydrogen’s volume must be reduced via pressurization or liquefaction in order to make it more transportable and volume efficient. Currently the vast majority of industrially produced hydrogen comes from steam reforming of natural gas. This practice yields low-pressure gas which must then be compressed at considerable cost and uses fossil fuels as a feedstock leaving behind harmful CO and CO2 gases as a by-product. The second method used by industry to produce hydrogen gas is low pressure electrolysis. In comparison the electrolysis of water at low pressure can produce pure hydrogen and oxygen gas with no harmful by-products using only water as a feedstock, but it will still need to be compressed before use. Multiple theoretical works agree that high pressure electrolysis could reduce the energy losses due to product gas compression. However these works openly admit that their projected gains are purely theoretical and ignore the practical limitations and resistances of a real life high pressure system. The goal of this work is to experimentally confirm the proposed thermodynamic gains of ultra-high pressure electrolysis in alkaline solution and characterize the behavior of a real life high pressure system.
This paper presents the layout and results of a compact inkjet-printed filtenna operating at the S-band, ISM and UWB frequencies. The filtenna has a wide passband and, alongside, rejects WiMAX 3.5 GHz, WLAN 5.8 GHz and ITU service 8.2 GHz bands. The filtenna is simulated, printed using silver nanoparticle ink on flexible Kapton substrate and measured. Obtained simulation and measurement results agree well with each other. Measured return loss of the filtenna is more than 10 dB for 1.6–10.85 GHz and triple bandnotch, measuring at an average of 1.87 dB, are present at the unwanted bands. Radiation patterns, as well as the gain and efficiency of the filtenna have also been presented; with the average values being 3.4 dBi and 90 % respectively for the passband and averaging at −1.0 dBi and 22 % respectively for the three rejected bands.
The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.
Le béton conventionnel (BC) a de nombreux problèmes tels que la corrosion de l’acier d'armature et les faibles résistances des constructions en béton. Par conséquent, la plupart des structures fabriquées avec du BC exigent une maintenance fréquent. Le béton fibré à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP) peut être conçu pour éliminer certaines des faiblesses caractéristiques du BC. Le BFUP est défini à travers le monde comme un béton ayant des propriétés mécaniques, de ductilité et de durabilité supérieures. Le BFUP classique comprend entre 800 kg/m³ et 1000 kg/m³ de ciment, de 25 à 35% massique (%m) de fumée de silice (FS), de 0 à 40%m de poudre de quartz (PQ) et 110-140%m de sable de quartz (SQ) (les pourcentages massiques sont basés sur la masse totale en ciment des mélanges). Le BFUP contient des fibres d'acier pour améliorer sa ductilité et sa résistance aux efforts de traction. Les quantités importantes de ciment utilisées pour produire un BFUP affectent non seulement les coûts de production et la consommation de ressources naturelles comme le calcaire, l'argile, le charbon et l'énergie électrique, mais affectent également négativement les dommages sur l'environnement en raison de la production substantielle de gaz à effet de serre dont le gas carbonique (CO[indice inférieur 2]). Par ailleurs, la distribution granulométrique du ciment présente des vides microscopiques qui peuvent être remplis avec des matières plus fines telles que la FS. Par contre, une grande quantité de FS est nécessaire pour combler ces vides uniquement avec de la FS (25 à 30%m du ciment) ce qui engendre des coûts élevés puisqu’il s’agit d’une ressource limitée. Aussi, la FS diminue de manière significative l’ouvrabilité des BFUP en raison de sa surface spécifique Blaine élevée. L’utilisation du PQ et du SQ est également coûteuse et consomme des ressources naturelles importantes. D’ailleurs, les PQ et SQ sont considérés comme des obstacles pour l’utilisation des BFUP à grande échelle dans le marché du béton, car ils ne parviennent pas à satisfaire les exigences environnementales. D’ailleurs, un rapport d'Environnement Canada stipule que le quartz provoque des dommages environnementaux immédiats et à long terme en raison de son effet biologique. Le BFUP est généralement vendu sur le marché comme un produit préemballé, ce qui limite les modifications de conception par l'utilisateur. Il est normalement transporté sur de longues distances, contrairement aux composantes des BC. Ceci contribue également à la génération de gaz à effet de serre et conduit à un coût plus élevé du produit final. Par conséquent, il existe le besoin de développer d’autres matériaux disponibles localement ayant des fonctions similaires pour remplacer partiellement ou totalement la fumée de silice, le sable de quartz ou la poudre de quartz, et donc de réduire la teneur en ciment dans BFUP, tout en ayant des propriétés comparables ou meilleures. De grandes quantités de déchets verre ne peuvent pas être recyclées en raison de leur fragilité, de leur couleur, ou des coûts élevés de recyclage. La plupart des déchets de verre vont dans les sites d'enfouissement, ce qui est indésirable puisqu’il s’agit d’un matériau non biodégradable et donc moins respectueux de l'environnement. Au cours des dernières années, des études ont été réalisées afin d’utiliser des déchets de verre comme ajout cimentaire alternatif (ACA) ou comme granulats ultrafins dans le béton, en fonction de la distribution granulométrique et de la composition chimique de ceux-ci. Cette thèse présente un nouveau type de béton écologique à base de déchets de verre à ultra-hautes performances (BEVUP) développé à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Les bétons ont été conçus à l’aide de déchets verre de particules de tailles variées et de l’optimisation granulaire de la des matrices granulaires et cimentaires. Les BEVUP peuvent être conçus avec une quantité réduite de ciment (400 à 800 kg/m³), de FS (50 à 220 kg/m³), de PQ (0 à 400 kg/m³), et de SQ (0-1200 kg/m³), tout en intégrant divers produits de déchets de verre: du sable de verre (SV) (0-1200 kg/m³) ayant un diamètre moyen (d[indice inférieur 50]) de 275 µm, une grande quantité de poudre de verre (PV) (200-700 kg/m³) ayant un d50 de 11 µm, une teneur modérée de poudre de verre fine (PVF) (50-200 kg/m³) avec d[indice inférieur] 50 de 3,8 µm. Le BEVUP contient également des fibres d'acier (pour augmenter la résistance à la traction et améliorer la ductilité), du superplastifiants (10-60 kg/m³) ainsi qu’un rapport eau-liant (E/L) aussi bas que celui de BFUP. Le remplacement du ciment et des particules de FS avec des particules de verre non-absorbantes et lisse améliore la rhéologie des BEVUP. De plus, l’utilisation de la PVF en remplacement de la FS réduit la surface spécifique totale nette d’un mélange de FS et de PVF. Puisque la surface spécifique nette des particules diminue, la quantité d’eau nécessaire pour lubrifier les surfaces des particules est moindre, ce qui permet d’obtenir un affaissement supérieur pour un même E/L. Aussi, l'utilisation de déchets de verre dans le béton abaisse la chaleur cumulative d'hydratation, ce qui contribue à minimiser le retrait de fissuration potentiel. En fonction de la composition des BEVUP et de la température de cure, ce type de béton peut atteindre des résistances à la compression allant de 130 à 230 MPa, des résistances à la flexion supérieures à 20 MPa, des résistances à la traction supérieure à 10 MPa et un module d'élasticité supérieur à 40 GPa. Les performances mécaniques de BEVUP sont améliorées grâce à la réactivité du verre amorphe, à l'optimisation granulométrique et la densification des mélanges. Les produits de déchets de verre dans les BEVUP ont un comportement pouzzolanique et réagissent avec la portlandite générée par l'hydratation du ciment. Cependant, ceci n’est pas le cas avec le sable de quartz ni la poudre de quartz dans le BFUP classique, qui réagissent à la température élevée de 400 °C. L'addition des déchets de verre améliore la densification de l'interface entre les particules. Les particules de déchets de verre ont une grande rigidité, ce qui augmente le module d'élasticité du béton. Le BEVUP a également une très bonne durabilité. Sa porosité capillaire est très faible, et le matériau est extrêmement résistant à la pénétration d’ions chlorure (≈ 8 coulombs). Sa résistance à l'abrasion (indice de pertes volumiques) est inférieure à 1,3. Le BEVUP ne subit pratiquement aucune détérioration aux cycles de gel-dégel, même après 1000 cycles. Après une évaluation des BEVUP en laboratoire, une mise à l'échelle a été réalisée avec un malaxeur de béton industriel et une validation en chantier avec de la construction de deux passerelles. Les propriétés mécaniques supérieures des BEVUP a permis de concevoir les passerelles avec des sections réduites d’environ de 60% par rapport aux sections faites de BC. Le BEVUP offre plusieurs avantages économiques et environnementaux. Il réduit le coût de production et l’empreinte carbone des structures construites de béton fibré à ultra-hautes performances (BFUP) classique, en utilisant des matériaux disponibles localement. Il réduit les émissions de CO[indice inférieur 2] associées à la production de clinkers de ciment (50% de remplacement du ciment) et utilise efficacement les ressources naturelles. De plus, la production de BEVUP permet de réduire les quantités de déchets de verre stockés ou mis en décharge qui causent des problèmes environnementaux et pourrait permettre de sauver des millions de dollars qui pourraient être dépensés dans le traitement de ces déchets. Enfin, il offre une solution alternative aux entreprises de construction dans la production de BFUP à moindre coût.
The last couple of decades have been the stage for the introduction of new telecommunication networks. It is expected that in the future all types of vehicles, such as cars, buses and trucks have the ability to intercommunicate and form a vehicular network. Vehicular networks display particularities when compared to other networks due to their continuous node mobility and their wide geographical dispersion, leading to a permanent network fragmentation. Therefore, the main challenges that this type of network entails relate to the intermittent connectivity and the long and variable delay in information delivery. To address the problems related to the intermittent connectivity, a new concept was introduced – Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). This architecture is built on a Store-Carry-and-Forward (SCF) mechanism in order to assure the delivery of information when there is no end-to-end path defined. Vehicular networks support a multiplicity of services, including the transportation of non-urgent information. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the use of a DTN for the dissemination of non-urgent information is able to surpass the aforementioned challenges. The work developed focused on the use of DTNs for the dissemination of non-urgent information. This information is originated in the network service provider and should be available on mobile network terminals during a limited period of time. In order to do so, four different strategies were deployed: Random, Least Number of Hops First (LNHF), Local Rarest Bundle First (LRBF) e Local Rarest Generation First (LRGF). All of these strategies have a common goal: to disseminate content into the network in the shortest period of time and minimizing network congestion. This work also contemplates the analysis and implementation of techniques that reduce network congestion. The design, implementation and validation of the proposed strategies was divided into three stages. The first stage focused on creating a Matlab emulator for the fast implementation and strategy validation. This stage resulted in the four strategies that were afterwards implemented in the DTNs software Helix – developed in a partnership between Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes (IT) and Veniam R , which are responsible for the largest operating vehicular network worldwide that is located in Oporto city. The strategies were later evaluated on an emulator that was built for the largescale testing of DTN. Both emulators account for vehicular mobility based on information previously collected from the real platform. Finally, the strategy that presented the best overall performance was tested on a real platform – in a lab environment – for concept and operability demonstration. It is possible to conclude that two of the implemented strategies (LRBF and LRGF) can be deployed in the real network and guarantee a significant delivery rate. The LRBF strategy has the best performance in terms of delivery. However, it needs to add a significant overhead to the network in order to work. In the future, tests of scalability should be conducted in a real environment in order to confirm the emulator results. The real implementation of the strategies should be accompanied by the introduction of new types of services for content distribution.
Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattice have become a versatile testing ground to study diverse quantum many-body Hamiltonians. A single-band Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian was first proposed to describe these systems in 1998 and its associated quantum phase-transition was subsequently observed in 2002. Over the years, there has been a rapid progress in experimental realizations of more complex lattice geometries, leading to more exotic BH Hamiltonians with contributions from excited bands, and modified tunneling and interaction energies. There has also been interesting theoretical insights and experimental studies on “un- conventional” Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices and predictions of rich orbital physics in higher bands. In this thesis, I present our results on several multi- band BH models and emergent quantum phenomena. In particular, I study optical lattices with two local minima per unit cell and show that the low energy states of a multi-band BH Hamiltonian with only pairwise interactions is equivalent to an effec- tive single-band Hamiltonian with strong three-body interactions. I also propose a second method to create three-body interactions in ultracold gases of bosonic atoms in a optical lattice. In this case, this is achieved by a careful cancellation of two contributions in the pair-wise interaction between the atoms, one proportional to the zero-energy scattering length and a second proportional to the effective range. I subsequently study the physics of Bose-Einstein condensation in the second band of a double-well 2D lattice and show that the collision aided decay rate of the con- densate to the ground band is smaller than the tunneling rate between neighboring unit cells. Finally, I propose a numerical method using the discrete variable repre- sentation for constructing real-valued Wannier functions localized in a unit cell for optical lattices. The developed numerical method is general and can be applied to a wide array of optical lattice geometries in one, two or three dimensions.
The Web 2.0 has resulted in a shift as to how users consume and interact with the information, and has introduced a wide range of new textual genres, such as reviews or microblogs, through which users communicate, exchange, and share opinions. The exploitation of all this user-generated content is of great value both for users and companies, in order to assist them in their decision-making processes. Given this context, the analysis and development of automatic methods that can help manage online information in a quicker manner are needed. Therefore, this article proposes and evaluates a novel concept-level approach for ultra-concise opinion abstractive summarization. Our approach is characterized by the integration of syntactic sentence simplification, sentence regeneration and internal concept representation into the summarization process, thus being able to generate abstractive summaries, which is one the most challenging issues for this task. In order to be able to analyze different settings for our approach, the use of the sentence regeneration module was made optional, leading to two different versions of the system (one with sentence regeneration and one without). For testing them, a corpus of 400 English texts, gathered from reviews and tweets belonging to two different domains, was used. Although both versions were shown to be reliable methods for generating this type of summaries, the results obtained indicate that the version without sentence regeneration yielded to better results, improving the results of a number of state-of-the-art systems by 9%, whereas the version with sentence regeneration proved to be more robust to noisy data.
We show that a wide-angle converging wave may be transformed into a shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. For that purpose, we followed a strategy that is particularly conceived for the acceleration of nonparaxial laser beams, in contrast to the well-known method by Siviloglou et al (2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 213901). The concept of optical near-field shaping is applied to the design of non-flat ultra-narrow diffractive optical elements. The engineered curvilinear caustic can be set up by the beam emerging from a dynamic assembly of elementary gratings, the latter enabling to modify the effective refractive index of the metamaterial as it is arranged in controlled orientations. This light shaping process, besides being of theoretical interest, is expected to open up a wide range of broadband application possibilities.
Paulatinamente o mundo se transforma e as maneiras de se comunicar com ele também. Os avanços tecnológicos, principalmente na área da comunicação, têm implicado no surgimento de novas técnicas e novas estratégias para a educação e para o ensino da Geografia. Contudo, buscamos avaliar em nossa pesquisa a maneira pela qual nos inserir como geógrafos no ciberespaço, atuando de forma a produzir conteúdo geográfico na grande rede da WAN[1], e ainda utilizando-se dessa ferramenta, participar do processo de construção e colaboração das TIC’S, voltadas para a educação e difundi-las através da grande rede. Desta maneira propondo meios alternativos que contribuam para a formação a docência e seja alicerce da formação básica. Nesta perspectiva, avaliamos o local e as condições das quais partimos, em uma pesquisa de caráter inicial, ocasionando implicações positivas referentes ao alcance de escalas maiores, alianças comunitárias que fortaleçam os espaços de resistência e refletem a práxis geográfica. Neste sentido, a pesquisa é fomentada pelo Laboratório Áudio Visual Cinema Paraíso e permeará rasamente buscando linear o contexto em que nos inserimos.
The innovation in several industrial sectors has been recently characterized by the need for reducing the operative temperature either for economic or environmental related aspects. Promising technological solutions require the acquisition of fundamental-based knowledge to produce safe and robust systems. In this sense, reactive systems often represent the bottleneck. For these reasons, this work was focused on the integration of chemical (i.e., detailed kinetic mechanism) and physical (i.e., computational fluid dynamics) models. A theoretical-based kinetic mechanism mimicking the behaviour of oxygenated fuels and their intermediates under oxidative conditions in a wide range of temperature and pressure was developed. Its validity was tested against experimental data collected in this work by using the heat flux burner, as well as measurements retrieved from the current literature. Besides, estimations deriving from existing models considered as the benchmark in the combustion field were compared with the newly generated mechanism. The latter was found to be the most accurate for the investigated conditions and fuels. Most influential species and reactions on the combustion of butyl acetate were identified. The corresponding thermodynamic parameter and rate coefficients were quantified through ab initio calculations. A reduced detailed kinetic mechanism was produced and implemented in an open-source computational fluid dynamics model to characterize pool fires caused by the accidental release of aviation fuel and liquefied natural gas, at first. Eventually, partial oxidation processes involving light alkenes were optimized following the quick, fair, and smoot (QFS) paradigm. The proposed procedure represents a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach for the construction and validation of accurate models, allowing for the characterization of developing industrial sectors and techniques.
Data la pervasività dell’elettronica nella vita moderna, sempre più interesse è stato posto nelle applicazioni di localizzazione. In ambienti indoor e outdoor, dove sono richieste precisioni dell’ordine delle decine di centimetri, i classici servizi GNSS non sono applicabili. Una tecnologia promettente è quella a banda ultra-larga (UWB), affermata recentemente sul mercato. Un’alternativa potrebbe essere l’utilizzo di sensori ottici con marker di riferimento, però la presenza di fumo e idrometeore presenti nell’ambiente potrebbero andare ad oscurare i marker, rendendo impossibile la localizzazione. Lo scopo della tesi è volto a studiare un sistema di localizzazione UWB, progettato dall’Università di Bologna, ora sviluppato e commercializzato, in un’applicazione robotica. In particolare, l’idea è quella di porre il sistema di localizzazione sopra un elemento mobile, per esempio nella parte terminale di un braccio meccanico, al fine di localizzare un oggetto dotato di nodo UWB, ricavando dinamicamente la posizione relativa tra il braccio e l’oggetto. La tesi si concentra inizialmente a livello teorico sulle caratteristiche delle principali tecnologie coinvolte, in particolare i sistemi UWB e il filtraggio Bayesiano, per poi trattare i limiti teorici della localizzazione, nei concetti di Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) e geometric dilution of precision (GDOP). Da questi, si motiva l’utilizzo della tecnica two-way ranging (TWR) come principio di raccolta delle misure per la localizzazione, per poi ricavare le curve teoriche dell’errore di localizzazione, tenendo conto dei limiti geometrici imposti, utilizzate come riferimento per l’analisi dell’errore ottenuto con il sistema reale. La tecnologia viene testata in tre campagne di misura. Nelle prime due si osserva la presenza di un piano metallico parallelo alla direzione di propagazione, per esaminare gli effetti delle riflessioni sulla localizzazione, mentre nella terza campagna si considera la presenza di acqua dolce.
In this thesis, the focus is on utilizing metasurfaces to improve radiation characteristics of planar structures. The study encompasses various aspects of metasurface applications, including enhancing antenna radiation characteristics and manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves, such as polarization conversion and anomalous reflection. The thesis introduces the design of a single-port antenna with dual-mode operation, integrating metasurfaces. This antenna serves as the front-end for a next-generation tag, functioning as a position sensor with identification and energy harvesting capabilities. It operates in the lower European Ultra-Wideband (UWB) frequency range for communication/localization and the UHF band for wireless energy reception. The design aims for a low-profile stack-up that remains unaffected by background materials. Researchers worldwide are drawn to metasurfaces due to their EM wave manipulation capabilities. The thesis also demonstrates how a High-Impedance Surface (HIS) can enhance the antenna's versatility through metasurface application, including conformal design using 3D-printing technology, ensuring adaptability for various deformation and tracking/powering scenarios. Additionally, the thesis explores two distinct metasurface applications. One involves designing an angularly stable super-wideband Circular Polarization Converter (CPC) operating from 11 to 35GHz with an impressive relative impedance bandwidth of 104.3%. The CPC shows a stable response even at oblique incidences up to 40 degrees, with a Peak Cross-Polarization Ratio (PCR) exceeding 62% across the entire band. The second application focuses on an Intelligent Reflective Surface (IRS) capable of redirecting incoming waves in unconventional directions. Tunability is achieved through an artificially developed ferroelectric material (HfZrO) and distributed capacitive elements (IDC) to fine-tune impedance and phase responses at the meta-atom level. The IRS demonstrates anomalous reflection for normal incident waves. These innovative applications of metasurfaces offer promising advancements in antenna design, EM wave manipulation, and versatile wireless communication systems.
Two single crystalline surfaces of Au vicinal to the (111) plane were modified with Pt and studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) in ultra-high vacuum environment. The vicinal surfaces studied are Au(332) and Au(887) and different Pt coverage (θPt) were deposited on each surface. From STM images we determine that Pt deposits on both surfaces as nanoislands with heights ranging from 1 ML to 3 ML depending on θPt. On both surfaces the early growth of Pt ad-islands occurs at the lower part of the step edge, with Pt ad-atoms being incorporated into the steps in some cases. XPS results indicate that partial alloying of Pt occurs at the interface at room temperature and at all coverage, as suggested by the negative chemical shift of Pt 4f core line, indicating an upward shift of the d-band center of the alloyed Pt. Also, the existence of a segregated Pt phase especially at higher coverage is detected by XPS. Sample annealing indicates that the temperature rise promotes a further incorporation of Pt atoms into the Au substrate as supported by STM and XPS results. Additionally, the catalytic activity of different PtAu systems reported in the literature for some electrochemical reactions is discussed considering our findings.
One of the problems found in mechanical harvest of sugar cane is the lack of synchronism between the harvest machine and the infield wagon, causing crop losses as well as operational capacity. The objective of the present research was to design a system capable of helping to synchronize the sugar cane harvest machine with the wagon. The communication between tractor and harvest machine is wireless. Two ultrasound sensors coupled to the elevator and a microprocessor manage such information, generating a correct synchronization among the machines. The system was tested in laboratory and on field performing its function adequately, maintaining the two machines in synchronization, indicating and alerting the operators their relative positions. The developed system reduced the sugar cane lost in 60 kg ha-1 comparing to the harvest with the system turned off.
The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.