999 resultados para Companhia de Saneamento do Parana
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a relação entre incidência de doenças causadas por veiculação hídrica e condições de saneamento básico existentes nas áreas Riacho Doce e Pantanal, localizadas no entorno da Bacia Hidrográfica do Tucunduba em Belém/PA. Seu objetivo é analisar a relação entre incidência dessas doenças e condições sanitárias existentes nas áreas selecionadas e problematizar a intersetorialidade entre políticas públicas de saúde e saneamento. Seu percurso metodológico, fundamentado na teoria social crítica, abrangeu a pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo. Na pesquisa bibliográfica foram abordados determinantes das desigualdades no processo de ocupação do espaço urbano e a consequente segregação social revelada pela degradação das condições de moradia no que concerne à negação de acesso a serviços públicos essenciais. Na pesquisa documental foram feitos levantamentos junto a órgãos federais, estaduais e municipais para identificação de marcos regulatórios (planos, leis, resoluções e normativas) referentes às políticas de saúde e saneamento. Dentre esses órgãos destacam-se a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SESMA), a Secretaria Estadual de Saúde (SESPA), o Ministério da Saúde (MS) e o Sistema de Informação de Agravos e Notificação (SINAN). Na pesquisa de campo, de caráter qualitativo, foram realizadas 11 (onze) entrevistas semiestruturadas, sendo 7 (sete) com moradores e 4 (quatro) com técnicos que atuam nas áreas do Riacho Doce e Pantanal. Os resultados apontam que nas áreas mencionadas, marcadas pelas precárias condições de saneamento básico, o combate aos fatores de risco à propagação das doenças causadas por veiculação hídrica só pode ser concretizado mediante o uso da ferramenta da intersetorialidade no processo de gestão pública das políticas de saúde e saneamento.
Desde a ECO-92 houve um crescimento substancial de ações de Educação Ambiental (EA) no Brasil e no mundo, ligadas aos mais diversos segmentos da sociedade, como movimentos sociais, associações de bairros, ONG‟s, escolas, universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas. As ações de EA ganharam visibilidade no setor empresarial, particularmente, na área portuária, objeto de interesse desse trabalho. Essa dissertação objetiva analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, a lógica da inserção da EA no setor empresarial portuário e seus impactos, a partir da análise da Companhia Ambiental Rural(CDP). Os estudos da EA no setor portuário não elucidam as intenções de “ordem econômica” ao adotarem programas ambientais. Partimos do pressuposto de que a EA é um campo de conhecimento de caráter sistêmico. Seguindo a noção de campo de Bourdieu, procuramos mostrar que a lógica da inserção da EA é acumular “capital simbólico” (crédito/reconhecimento) para conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis. Isso permite promover uma boa imagem da empresa e a conquista de selos e certificados. Observou-se que houve a construção do que chamamos de “habitus eco-lógico” reproduzido nas relações de trabalho pela qualificação profissional e gerenciamento ambiental dos negócios da empresa; na apropriação crescente da dimensão intelectual e cognitiva, procurando envolver os trabalhadores mais intensamente pelo disciplinamento, e, consequentemente, obtendo ganho de performance empresarial. Finalmente, conclui-se que a lógica de inserção da EA é a acumulação de “capital simbólico”, para se conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis, assim promovendo uma boa imagem da empresa (aumento do preço das ações, como também de seus parceiros) e a diminuição de investimentos em tecnologias e planejamentos para mitigar o compensar os impactos ambientais. Em síntese, a análise percorre elementos relevantes do processo de reestruturação logística das Companhias Docas no Brasil, em particular no Pará.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction The incidence of canine leptospirosis in Brazil needs to be assessed Methods The same dogs in southern Brazil were sampled over two years to determine the prevalence, incidence and association of canine leptospirosis with various risk factors. Results In 2009, the prevalence was 33 (14.4%) of 228 dogs, with a predominance of serovar Canicola (33.4%). In 2010, 90 dogs were re-evaluated (the remaining dogs were lost to deaths, address changes and donations), and the prevalence was found to be 35 (38.9%) of 90, with the predominant serovar being Icterohaemorrhagiae (51.4%). Moreover, the incidence was 26 of 90 (28.9%), and the disease was statistically associated with age (2009) and street access (2010). Conclusions Our findings revealed instability in the dog population and age to be relevant risk factors for canine leptospirosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Temporary B deficiency can be triggered by liming of acid soils because of increased B adsorption at higher soil pH. Plants respond directly to the activity of B in soil solution and only indirectly to B adsorbed on soil constituents. Because the range between deficient and toxic B concentration is relatively narrow, this poses difficulty in maintaining appropriate B levels in soil solution. Thus, knowledge of the chemical behavior of B in the soil is particularly important. The present study investigated the effect of soil pH on B adsorption in four soils of Parana State, and to correlate these values with the physical and chemical properties of the soils. Surface samples were taken from a Rhodic Hapludox, Arenic Hapludalf, Arenic Hapludult, and one Typic Usthorthent. To evaluate the effect of pH on B adsorption, subsamples soil received the application of increasing rates of calcium carbonate. Boron adsorption was accomplished by shaking 2.0 g soil, for 24 h, with 20 mL of 0.01 mol L-1 NaCl solution containing different concentrations (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, and 4.0 mg B L-1). Sorption was fitted to non-linear form of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Boron adsorption increased as concentration increased. Boron adsorption was dependent on soil pH, increasing as a function of pH in the range between 4.6 and 7.4, although the bonding energy has decreased. Maximum adsorption capacity (MAC) of B was observed in the Arenic Hapludalf (49.8 mg B kg(-1) soil) followed by Arenic Hapludult (22.5 mg kg(-1)), Rhodic Hapludox (17.4 mg kg(-1)), and Typic Usthorthent (7.0 mg kg(-1)). The organic matter content, clay content, and aluminum oxide content (Al2O3) were the soils properties that affecting the B adsorption on Parana soils.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
AbstractThis study evaluates the effectiveness of two fish passes at two hydropower dams (Canoas I and II) in the Upper Parana basin, which form part of a cascade of three reservoirs. Fish from 12 migratory species (3089 specimens) were captured during their ascending, reproductive migration and were tagged with hydrostatic tags. The recapture data (294 specimens over two consecutive years) showed that there is a strong tendency for the maintenance of ascending migration through reservoirs with fish passes but with differences in migratory activity within the same species. No eggs, larvae or juveniles of these species were found in samples collected over 5 years in the reservoirs above the fish passes. These data suggest that fish passes have contributed to the restoration of the migratory routes of adult fish but that in the absence of suitable spawning or nursery habitats for these species; they probably act as ecological traps and do not contribute to the recruitment of the species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In Southern Brazil, Aegla parana Schmitt, 1942 is characterized by a broad distribution throughout the Iguacu River basin, particularly between the southern state of Parana and the northern state of Santa Catarina, preferentially inhabiting streams with rocky substrates. Although there has been an increase in the number of studies about the population biology of Aeglidae, many aspects about the reproductive biology of A. parana are still unknown. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the size at sexual maturity, reproductive seasonality and recruitment of A. parana from November, 2008 to December, 2009, in a tributary of the Iguacu River located in Uniao da Vitoria, Parana, Brazil. Basic environmental factors were investigated to determine their influence on the reproductive cycle of this species. Gonadal stages were characterized macroscopically, and the presence or absence of embryos in females (ovigerous females) from monthly samples was recorded. The entire sample was composed of 436 males and 211 females. Although the smallest ovigerous female was 16.2 mm, the average size (carapace length, CL) at sexual maturity (CL50%) was calculated at 17.4 mm. The greatest percentage of females with developed (mature, near spawning) gonads stage was observed from January to June, 2009, while ovigerous females were recorded from April to July, 2009, after which the reproductive period ended. Recruitment occurred from October to December, 2009. The presence of ovigerous females was negatively correlated with temperature (Spearman, p < 0.05). Females carrying embryos were generally collected during periods of lower temperatures, whereas recruits entered the population during periods of higher temperatures, when food for them is more abundant in the region studied.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed to identify Eimeria species in young and adult sheep raised under intensive and / or semi-intensive systems of a herd from Umuarama city, Parana State, Brazil using the traditional diagnostic methods and to correlate the infection level/types of infection in the different age/system in this herd. Fecal samples were collected from the rectum of 210 sheep and were subjected to laboratory analysis to differentiate the species. Furthermore, animals were observed to determine the occurrences of the clinical or subclinical forms of eimeriosis. Out of the 210 collected fecal samples, 147 (70%) were positive for Eimeria oocysts, and 101 (47.86%) belonged to young animals that were raised under intensive and / or semi-intensive farming systems. Oocysts from 9 species of Eimeria parasites were identified in the sheep at the following prevalence rates: E. crandallis, 50.0%; E. parva, 21.6%; E. faurei, 8.1%; E. ahsata, 8.1%; E. intricata, 5.4%; E. granulosa, 2.7%; E. ovinoidalis, 2.0%; E. ovina, 1.3%; and E. bakuensis, 0.6%. There were no differences regarding the more frequent Eimeria species among the different ages of animals or between the different farming management systems. Based on these data, E. crandallis was the most prevalent, followed by E. parva and E. faurei species, regardless of the age. Higher parasitism was diagnosed in the young animals that were raised in a confinement regime, and the disease found in the herd was classified as subclinical. Further studies should be conducted in this herd, to verify if the eimeriosis subclinical can cause damage especially in young animals with a high level of infection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Triunfo Member, from Rio Bonito Formation, is a potential reservoir for hydrocarbons and water, and contains coal deposits in the northern state of Paraná. On the eastern edge of the Paraná Basin, the Triunfo Member has two depocenters in Santa Catarina and offlap to the North of Paraná; here in two adjacent areas characterized his final lapout. These areas have a number of wells core/logged with the initials MA and NF, Monte Alegre and Figueira North, which were drilled by the Companhia de Pesquisa e Recursos Minerais (CPRM), in order to research for coal in the Rio Bonito Formation. In this study, three wells in the MA area, and they were MA-4, MA-6 and MA-7 was subjected to vertical facies analysis (1D), from the description of wells and processing of data, so that later it was possible to chronocorrelate thereof, together with MA-5 well, through cycles facies (2D). This is a thesis which has never been developed in these wells mentioned above, it was possible to observe the development of part of the Member Taciba (top) and the Member Triunfo as a whole, can be determined three cycles facies to the latter, as well as their depositional environments. Finally, the chronocorrelate showed that there is a tabular architecture between the wells studied, this occurred because of subsidence uniform