980 resultados para College stories, American.
We study lepton pair production in heavy-ion collisions with emphasis on nonstandard contributions to the QED subprocess gamma-gamma --> l+l-. The existence of compositeness of fermions and/or bosons can be tested in this reaction up to the TeV mass scale. We show that for some processes the capabilities of relativistic heavy-ion colliders to disclose new physics surpass the possibilities of e+e- or ppBAR machines. In particular, spin-zero composite particles which couple predominantly to two photons, predicted in composite models, can be studied in a broad range of masses.
Extensive systematizations of theoretical and experimental nuclear densities and of optical potential strengths extracted from heavy-ion elastic scattering data analyses at low and intermediate energies are presented. The energy dependence of the nuclear potential is accounted for within a model based on the nonlocal nature of the interaction. The systematics indicates that the heavy-ion nuclear potential can be described in a simple global way through a double-folding shape, which basically depends only on the density of nucleons of the partners in the collision. The possibility of extracting information about the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the heavy-ion potential is investigated.
We investigate the analytic properties of finite-temperature self-energies of bosons interacting with fermions at one-loop order. A simple boson-fermion model was chosen due to its interesting features of having two distinct couplings of bosons with fermions. This leads to a quite different analytic behavior of the bosons self-energies as the external momentum K-mu=(k(0),k) approaches zero in the two possible limits. It is shown that the plasmon and Debye masses are consistently obtained at the pole of the corrected propagator even when the self-energy is analytic at the origin in the frequency-momentum space.
We show that for the pion-nucleon theory the thermal bubble graph is analytic at the origin of the momentum-frequency space, although the internal propagators in the loop have the same mass. This means that, for this theory, the thermal effective potential is uniquely defined. We then examine how a slight modification of the interaction term results in a theory for which the thermal bubble graph displays the usual nonanalyticity at the origin and the thermal effective potential is not uniquely defined.
We propose a new theoretical approach to study the kinetics of the electron transfer (ET) under the dynamical influence of the complex environments with the first passage times (FPT) of the reaction events. By measuring the mean and high order moments of FPT and their ratios, the full kinetics of ET, especially the dynamical transitions across different temperature zones, is revealed. The potential applications of the current results to single molecule electron transfer are discussed.
Within the framework of scattering integral equations in momentum space, we present numerical results of scattering of three identical bosons at low energies in two dimensions for short-range separable potentials. An analysis of the present numerical results reveals the three-particle scattering observables to be independent of potential shape provided the low-energy two-particle binding energy and scattering length are held fixed throughout the investigation. We think that the present conclusion of model independence will be valid for any potential, local or nonlocal, whose range is much smaller than the size of the two-particle bound state.
By using the long-wavelength approximation, a system of coupled evolution equations for the bulk velocity and the surface perturbations of a Benard-Marangoni system is obtained. It includes nonlinearity, dispersion, and dissipation, and it can be interpreted as a dissipative generalization of the usual Boussinesq system of equations. As a particular case, a strictly dissipative version of the Boussinesq system is obtained.
We consider inertial and accelerated Unruh-DeWitt detectors moving in a background thermal bath and calculate their excitation rate. It is shown that for fast moving detectors such a thermal bath does not affect substantially the excitation probability. Our results are discussed in connection with a possible proposal of testing the Unruh effect in high energy particle accelerators.
Here we address the problem of bosonizing massive fermions without making expansions in the fermion masses in both massive QED(2) and QED(3) with N fermion flavors including also a Thirring coupling. We start from two-point correlators involving the U(1) fermionic current and the gauge field. From the tensor structure of those correlators we prove that the U(1) current must be identically conserved (topological) in the corresponding bosonized theory in both D=2 and D=3 dimensions. We find an effective generating functional in terms of bosonic fields which reproduces these two-point correlators and from that we obtain a map of the Lagrangian density (ψ) over bar (r)(ipartial derivative-m)psi(r) into a bosonic one in both dimensions. This map is nonlocal but it is independent of the electromagnetic and Thirring couplings, at least in the quadratic approximation for the fermionic determinant.
We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional t(2g)-orbital Hubbard model, obtained using the density-matrix renormalization group and Lanczos techniques. Emphasis is given to the case of the electron density n=5 corresponding to five electrons per site, while several other cases for electron densities between n=3 and 6 are also studied. At n=5, our results indicate a first-order transition between a paramagnetic (PM) insulator phase, with power-law slowly decaying correlations, and a fully polarized ferromagnetic (FM) state by tuning the Hund's coupling. The results also suggest a transition from the n=5 PM insulator phase to a metallic regime by changing the electron density, either via hole or electron doping. The behavior of the spin, charge, and orbital correlation functions in the FM and PM states are also described in the text and discussed. The robustness of these two states against varying parameters suggests that they may be of relevance in quasi-one-dimensional Co-oxide materials, or even in higher dimensional cobaltite systems as well.