980 resultados para Cold temperature


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Nitrogen doped SnO2 polycrystalline nanostructures were produced from commercial SnO powders in a new system that combines a low-temperature plasma with heating. The method has the potential to improve the initial efficiency and the cycling performance of SnO2 anodes in Li-ion batteries. With this system, the temperature of the SnO to SnO2 conversion was lowered from 430 to 320 °C, up to 5 at% of doped nitrogen was detected and a nano-scale polycrystalline structure was observed in the product. Combining heat and low-pressure plasma is a promising approach for the production and treatment of enhanced energy storage materials.


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 A constitutive model was proposed in this thesis and a promising approach for accurate prediction of forming behaviour of high strength titanium alloy sheet metal forming at room temperature is presented. Outcomes showed a potential solution of cold roll forming of this material for aerospace and automotive structural applications.


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We address the question of whether physiological flexibility in relation to climate is a general feature of the metabolic properties of birds. We tested this hypothesis in hand-raised Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin), long-distance migrants, which normally do not experience great temperature differences between summer and winter. We maintained two groups of birds under cold and warm conditions for 5 months, during which their body mass and food intake were monitored. When relatedness (siblings vs. non-siblings) of the experimental birds was taken into account, body mass in cold-acclimated birds was higher than in warm-acclimated birds. BMR, measured at the end of the 5-month temperature treatment, was also higher in the cold- than the warm-acclimated group. Migrant birds thus seem to be capable of the same metabolic cold-acclimation response as has been reported in resident birds. The data support the hypothesis that physiological flexibility is a basic trait of the metabolic properties of birds.


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The present study examined the validity of tympanic temperature measurements as a predictor of core temperature on the fireground in different environmental conditions. Fiftyone volunteer firefighters participated in the study across four different conditions, the conditions consisted of; 1) passive (i.e., no intervention) cooling in cold ambient temperatures (0-6°C); 2) cooling (through water immersion) in cool ambient temperatures (10-12ºC); 3) cooling (through water immersion) in warm ambient temperatures (21.5°C); and, 4) passive cooling in warm ambient temperatures (22°C). Firefighters wore full structural personal protective clothing while performing common firefighting duties including search and rescue tasks for 20-40 minutes. There was no difference between core and tympanic temperature immediately post-exercise across any condition. However, for all conditions, tympanic temperature dropped significantly faster than core temperature from 0 minutes, and remained significantly lower (p < 0.05) than core temperature from nine to 20 minutes post-training. The results show that there is no consistent difference between core and tympanic temperature during recovery from a simulated firefighting task across a range of different ambient conditions. Agencies should, accordingly, prioritize investigating other practical markers of core temperature as part of a broader heat stress management plan for firefighters.


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This study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of heat (38.8 degreesC) or cold (35.8 degreesC) stress on chicken embryo development and tissues Hsp70 levels, after the 13th day of incubation. Embryo weight (percent egg weight), organ weight (percent embryo weight) and Hsp70 levels (ng Hsp70 mug(-1) total protein) in different tissues (liver, breast muscle, heart, lungs, brain and kidney) were studied at the end of incubation. Cold stress induced a lower embryo weight and lower kidney and lungs weights, whereas heart and liver were lighter in heat-stressed embryos. An interaction between temperature and age was obtained only for Hsp70 levels in kidney and heart. Cold-stressed embryos showed higher Hsp70 levels in the brain, lungs and liver; a decrease in brain and breast muscle Hsp70 levels was seen from the 19th to 20th days in control embryos. Hsp70 levels increased with age in kidneys of control embryos and in heart of heat- and cold-stressed embryos. In conclusion, this study showed that chicken embryo organ weights are affected by incubation temperature, and that Hsp70 expression is tissue dependent (higher levels being seen in the brain) being cold-stress more effective in increasing Hsp70 levels in most studied tissues.


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The expression of the MyoD, myogenin, myostatin and Hsp70 genes was estimated in chicken embryos submitted to mild cold (36 +/- 0.5degreesC) or heat (44 +/- 0.5degreesC) for 1 h. 2. Marked decreases in MyoD, myogenin and myostatin transcript levels were observed in embryos exposed to high temperature, contrasting to the higher expression of the Hsp70 mRNA detected in heat-stressed embryos. 3. The exposure of chicken embryos to low temperature significantly affected only the abundance of myogenin mRNA. 4. These findings suggest that myogenic proliferation and differentiation events are compromised by variations in environmental temperature during avian embryogenesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The relationships among avian uncoupling protein (avUCP) mRNA expression, heat production, and thyroid hormone metabolism were investigated in 7-14-day-old broiler chicks (Gallus gallus) exposed to a low temperature (cold-exposed chicks, CE) or a thermoneutral temperature (TN). After 7 days of exposure, CE chicks exhibited higher heat production (+83%, P < 0.01), avUCP mRNA expression (+20%, P < 0.01), and circulating triiodothyronine (T-3) levels (+104%, P = 0.07) for non-statistically different body weights and feed intake between 3 and 7 days of exposure as compared to TN chicks. Plasma thyroxine (T-4) concentration was clearly decreased in CE chicks (-33%, P = 0.06). The lower hepatic inner-ring deiodination activity (-47%) and the higher renal outer-ring deiodination activity (+75%) measured in CE compared to TN chicks could partly account for their higher plasma T3 concentrations. This study describes for the first time the induction of avUCP mRNA expression by low temperature in chickens, as it has been previously shown in ducklings, and supports the possible involvement of avUCP in avian thermogenesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.


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The fuel cell is an emerging cogeneration technology that has been applied successfully in Japan, the USA and some countries in the European Union. This system performs direct conversion of the chemical energy of the oxidation of hydrogen from fuel with atmospheric oxygen into direct current electricity and waste heat via an electrochemical process relying on the use of different electrolytes (phosphoric acid, molten carbonate and solid oxide, depending on operating temperature). This technology permits the recovery of waste heat, available from 200 degreesC up to 1000 degreesC depending on the electrolyte technology, which can be used in the production of steam, hot or cold water, or hot or cold air, depending on the associated recuperation equipment. In this paper, an energy, exergy and economic analysis of a fuel cell cogeneration system (FCCS) is presented. The FCCS is applied in a segment of the tertiary sector to show that it is a feasible alternative for rational decentralized energy production under Brazilian conditions. The technoeconomic analysis shows a global efficiency or fuel utilization efficiency of 86%. Analysis shows that the exergy losses in the fuel cell unit and the absorption refrigeration system are significant. Furthermore, the payback period estimated is about 3 and 5 years for investments in fuel cells of 1000 and 1500 US$/kW, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In amphibians solar basking far from water sources is relatively uncommon since the highly permeable amphibian skin does not represent a significant barrier to the accompanying risk of losing water by evaporation. A South American frog, Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Bokermann 1956), however, spends a significant amount of the day exposed to full sun and relatively high temperatures. The means by which this frog copes with potentially high rates of evaporative water loss and high body temperatures are unknown. Thus, in this study, skin colour changes, body surface temperature, and evaporative water loss rates were examined under a mixture of field and laboratory conditions to ascertain whether changes in skin reflectivity play an important role in this animal's thermal and hydric balance. Field data demonstrated a tight correlation between the lightness of skin colour and frog temperature, with lighter frogs being captured possessing higher body temperatures. Laboratory experiments supported this relationship, revealing that frogs kept in the dark or at lower temperatures (20 degrees C) had darker skin colours, whereas frogs kept in the light or higher temperatures (30 degrees C) had skin colours of a lighter hue. Light exhibited a stronger influence on skin colour than temperature alone, suggesting that colour change is triggered by the increase in incident solar energy and in anticipation of changes in body temperature. This conclusion is corroborated by the observation that cold, darkly coloured frogs placed in the sun rapidly became lighter in colour during the initial warming up period (over the first 5 min), after which they warmed up more slowly and underwent a further, albeit slower, lightening of skin colour. Surprisingly, despite its natural disposition to bask in the sun, this species does not possess a 'waterproof' skin, since its rates of evaporative water loss were not dissimilar from many hylid species that live in arboreal or semi-aquatic environments. The natural history of B. alvarengai is largely unknown and, therefore, it is likely that the herein reported colour change and basking behaviour represent a complex interaction between thermoregulation and water balance with other ecologically relevant functions, such as crypsis.


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Oxygen consumption rate was measured continuously in young tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae exposed to 4 d at 25 degrees C followed by 7-10 d at 17 degrees C in constant dark at five different times of the year. Under these conditions, circadian rhythms in the rate of oxygen consumption persisted for anywhere from 1 d to the entire 2 wk in different individuals in all seasons except the winter. We also saw a progressive decline in standard oxygen consumption rate (at highly variable rates in different individuals) to a very low rate that was seasonally independent (ranging from 19.1 +/- 6.2 to 27.7 +/- 0.2 mL kg(-1) h(-1) across seasons). Although this degree of reduction appeared to take longer to invoke when starting from higher metabolic rates, tegu lizards reduced their metabolism to the low rates seen in winter dormancy at all times of the year when given sufficient time in the cold and dark. In the spring and summer, tegus reduced their standard metabolic rate (SMR) by 80%-90% over the experimental run, but only roughly 20%-30% of the total fall was due to the reduction in temperature; 70%-80% of the total fall occurred at constant temperature. By autumn, when the starting SMR on the first night at 25 degrees C was already reduced by 59%-81% (early and late autumn, respectively) from peak summer values, virtually all of the fall (63%-83%) in metabolism was due to the reduction in temperature. This suggests that the temperature-independent reduction of metabolism was already in place by autumn before the tegus had entered winter dormancy.