858 resultados para Cognitive Processes
El interés por el estudio de la problemática del ruido en las escuelas y sus efectos sobre los estudiantes a nivel universitarios, es un tema que no ha sido estudiado debidamente. Desgraciadamente, en el ámbito educativo universitario, no existen regulaciones específicas que permitan determinar parámetros preventivos, ni procedimientos de evaluación de ruido dentro de este tipo de instalaciones educativas. Debido a la importancia de los efectos que el ruido tiene sobre la salud y la calidad de vida de los estudiantes universitarios, y consecuentemente en el rendimiento académico; es de suma importancia desarrollar mecanismos que estudien y planteen soluciones que ayuden a garantizar la mejora de la calidad de vida de la población estudiantil. En este trabajo se ha presentado un extenso trabajo que incluye el estudio de los ambientes sonoros a los que los estudiantes universitarios se ven expuestos día a día y se proponen acciones que ayudan a mejorar la calidad acústica en instalaciones educativas. Así mismo se evidencian los efectos que tiene este contaminante sobre la salud psicológica y por consecuencia en el desarrollo intelectual de los estudiantes. Por un lado, se incluye una propuesta de metodología que ayuda a la correcta caracterización de los ambientes sonoros en los cuales se desarrollan los estudiantes a nivel universitario. Esta se realizó haciendo un completo registro de los niveles sonoros durante sus actividades diarias. Así mismo, una encuesta fue aplicada a estudiantes para conocer la percepción que se tiene sobre las condiciones sonoras en ambientes universitarios. Así mismo, se realizó un estudio de la calidad sonora en instalaciones universitarias, el cual deriva la valoración de la molestia al ruido. Se propone una escala de valoración de molestia al ruido, la cual deriva el diseño de una propuesta con acciones de bajo coste frente al ruido. Por otro lado, se evidencian los trastornos que ocasiona este contaminante sobre la salud psicológica de los estudiantes y que afectan el desarrollo académico de estos. Se realizó primeramente la valoración de la atención y la memoria por medio de test psicométricos estandarizados y otros diseñados para este estudio en particular. Por último, con la finalidad de obtener datos objetivos y confiables que permitieron relacionar la influencia negativa del ruido de fondo sobre procesos cognitivos básicos como la atención y la memoria, se llevó a cabo un estudio de la actividad cerebral. Para llevar a cabo esta evaluación se utilizó como principal herramienta el electroencefalograma (EEG), enfocándose en los cambios producidos con y sin exposición a ruido de fondo, específicamente en las bandas de frecuencia relacionadas con procesos cognitivos básicos como los son la atención y la memoria, en este caso la banda theta (4-7 Hz) y la banda beta (13-30 Hz). ABSTRACT The interest in the study of the problem of noise in schools and its impact on students at university level is a topic that has not been properly studied. Unfortunately, there are no specific regulations for determining preventive parameters or noise assessment procedures in university facilities. Due to the importance of the effects that noise has on health and on the quality of life of university students, and consequently on academic performance; is very important to develop mechanisms to evaluate and design solutions that help ensure an improvement in the quality of life of the student population. This thesis has presented an extensive work, which includes the study of the state of the art on the problem of noise in the sound environments to which university students are exposed every day, and the effects on students mainly on attention aspects. On one hand, a general study of the common noise environments of life of university students was carried out, where a methodological proposal is included and that helps in the correct characterization of the sound environments in which university students grow. This proposal includes the assessment of noise exposure, noise dose and a recording of the characteristic sound levels during their daily activities in and out spaces dedicated to their education. Also, a survey was conducted to know the perception that students have on noise conditions in university environments. Also, a method for evaluation of the noise annoyance is proposed, this is through the correlation of two known methods of evaluation. The first method is based on psychoacoustic parameters that allow the evaluation of the sound quality. These parameters were related, obtaining as a result the parameter known as psychoacoustics annoyance. The second method is based on a questionnaire in conjunction with listening tests in specific sound environments. Derived from the correlation of these two methods, a series of indicators of noise annoyance are proposed, which entails the design of a noise annoyance indicator. Furthermore, the effects of this pollutant on psychological health and therefore in the intellectual development of students has been shown. First, an evaluation of attention and memory using standardized psychometric tests were performed and others designed for this particular study. Because it has been evidenced that the use of these psychometric tests are not very reliable, we sought to obtain another objective and reliable data to show the relationship between the negative influence of background noise on basic cognitive processes such as attention and memory. This was achieved by carrying out a study of the brain activity. To carry out this evaluation the electroencephalogram (EEG) was used as the main tool, focusing on the changes produced with and without exposure to background noise, specifically in the frequency bands related to basic cognitive processes such as attention and are memory. In this case the band theta (4-7 Hz) and beta band (13-30 Hz) were studied. The purpose of this thesis is to establish the bases for future studies that allow go deep in the study of the sound conditions in school environments, and enable the design of strategies and measures against noise and the correct evaluation of the effects of noise on aspects for improving the psychological quality of life and academic performance of students.
In order to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. Transport modelling literature has been increasingly aware that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users’ social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced; but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely dealt with. The overall objective of the thesis is to develop a stepped methodology that integrate diverse perspectives to evaluate the willingness to change patterns of urban mobility in Madrid, based on four steps: (1st) analysis of causal relationships between both objective and subjective personal variables, and travel behavior to capture pro-car and pro-public transport intentions; (2nd) exploring the potential influence of individual trip characteristics and social influence variables on transport mode choice; (3rd) identifying built environment dimensions on travel behavior; and (4th) exploring the potential influence on transport mode choice of extrinsic characteristics of individual trip using panel data, land use variables using spatial characteristics and social influence variables. The data used for this thesis have been collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) carried out in Madrid. Although the steps above are mainly methodological, the application to the area of Madrid allows deriving important results that can be directly used to forecast travel demand and to evaluate the benefits of specific policies that might be implemented in the area. The results demonstrated, respectively: (1st) transport policy actions are more likely to be effective when pro-car intention has been disrupted first; (2nd) the consideration of “helped” and “voluntary” users as tested here could have a positive and negative impact, respectively, on the use of public transport; (3rd) the importance of density, design, diversity and accessibility underlying dimensions responsible for land use variables; and (4th) there are clearly different types of combinations of social interactions, land use and time frame on travel behavior studies. Finally, with the objective to study the impact of demand measures to change urban mobility behavior, those previous results have been considered in a unique way, a hybrid discrete choice model has been used on a 5th step. Then it can be concluded that urban mobility behavior is not only ruled by the maximum utility criterion, but also by a strong psychological-environment concept, developed without the mediation of cognitive processes during choice, i.e., many people using public transport on their way to work do not do it for utilitarian reasons, but because no other choice is available. Regarding built environment dimensions, the more diversity place of residence, the more difficult the use of public transport or walking.
Estudios recientes promueven la integración de estímulos multisensoriales en activos multimedia con el fin de mejorar la experiencia de usuario mediante la estimulación de nuevos sentidos, más allá de la tradicional experiencia audiovisual. Del mismo modo, varios trabajos proponen la introducción de componentes de interacción capaces de complementar con nuevas características, funcionalidades y/o información la experiencia multimedia. Efectos sensoriales basados en el uso de nuevas técnicas de audio, olores, viento, vibraciones y control de la iluminación, han demostrado tener un impacto favorable en la sensación de Presencia, en el disfrute de la experiencia multimedia y en la calidad, relevancia y realismo de la misma percibidos por el usuario. Asimismo, los servicios basados en dos pantallas y la manipulación directa de (elementos en) la escena de video tienen el potencial de mejorar la comprensión, la concentración y la implicación proactiva del usuario en la experiencia multimedia. El deporte se encuentra entre los géneros con mayor potencial para integrar y explotar éstas soluciones tecnológicas. Trabajos previos han demostrado asimismo la viabilidad técnica de integrar éstas tecnologías con los estándares actualmente adoptados a lo largo de toda la cadena de transmisión de televisión. De este modo, los sistemas multimedia enriquecidos con efectos sensoriales, los servicios interactivos multiplataforma y un mayor control del usuario sobre la escena de vídeo emergen como nuevas formas de llevar la multimedia immersiva e interactiva al mercado de consumo de forma no disruptiva. Sin embargo, existen numerosas interrogantes relativas a los efectos sensoriales y/o soluciones interactivas más adecuadas para complementar un contenido audiovisual determinado o a la mejor manera de de integrar y combinar dichos componentes para mejorar la experiencia de usuario de un segmento de audiencia objetivo. Además, la evidencia científica sobre el impacto de factores humanos en la experiencia de usuario con estas nuevas formas de immersión e interacción en el contexto multimedia es aún insuficiente y en ocasiones, contradictoria. Así, el papel de éstos factores en el potencial de adopción de éstas tecnologías ha sido amplia-mente ignorado. La presente tesis analiza el impacto del audio binaural, efectos sensoriales (de iluminación y olfativos), interacción con objetos 3D integrados en la escena de vídeo e interacción con contenido adicional utilizando una segunda pantalla en la experiencia de usuario con contenidos de deporte. La posible influencia de dichos componentes en las variables dependientes se explora tanto a nivel global (efecto promedio) como en función de las características de los usuarios (efectos heterogéneos). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un experimento con usuarios orientado a explorar la influencia de éstos componentes immersivos e interactivos en dos grandes dimensiones de la experiencia multimedia: calidad y Presencia. La calidad de la experiencia multimedia se analiza en términos de las posibles variaciones asociadas a la calidad global y a la calidad del contenido, la imagen, el audio, los efectos sensoriales, la interacción con objetos 3D y la interacción con la segunda pantalla. El posible impacto en la Presencia considera dos de las dimensiones definidas por el cuestionario ITC-SOPI: Presencia Espacial (Spatial Presence) e Implicación (Engagement). Por último, los individuos son caracterizados teniendo en cuenta los siguientes atributos afectivos, cognitivos y conductuales: preferencias y hábitos en relación con el contenido, grado de conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el sistema, tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente, tendencia a concentrarse en una actividad bloqueando estímulos externos y los cinco grandes rasgos de la personalidad: extroversión, amabilidad, responsabilidad, inestabilidad emocional y apertura a nuevas experiencias. A nivel global, nuestro estudio revela que los participantes prefieren el audio binaural frente al sistema estéreo y que los efectos sensoriales generan un aumento significativo del nivel de Presencia Espacial percibido por los usuarios. Además, las manipulaciones experimentales realizadas permitieron identificar una gran variedad de efectos heterogéneos. Un resultado interesante es que dichos efectos no se encuentran distribuidos de forma equitativa entre las medidas de calidad y Presencia. Nuestros datos revelan un impacto generalizado del audio binaural en la mayoría de las medidas de calidad y Presencia analizadas. En cambio, la influencia de los efectos sensoriales y de la interacción con la segunda pantalla se concentran en las medidas de Presencia y calidad, respectivamente. La magnitud de los efectos heterogéneos identificados está modulada por las siguientes características personales: preferencias en relación con el contenido, frecuencia con la que el usuario suele ver contenido similar, conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el demostrador, sexo, tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente, tendencia a a concentrarse en una actividad bloqueando estímulos externos y niveles de amabilidad, responsabilidad y apertura a nuevas experiencias. Las características personales consideradas en nuestro experimento explicaron la mayor parte de la variación en las variables dependientes, confirmando así el importante (y frecuentemente ignorado) papel de las diferencias individuales en la experiencia multimedia. Entre las características de los usuarios con un impacto más generalizado se encuentran las preferencias en relación con el contenido, el grado de conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el sistema y la tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente. En particular, los primeros dos factores parecen generar un conflicto de atención hacia el contenido versus las características/elementos técnicos del sistema, respectivamente. Asimismo, la experiencia multimedia de los fans del fútbol parece estar modulada por procesos emociona-les, mientras que para los no-fans predominan los procesos cognitivos, en particular aquellos directamente relacionados con la percepción de calidad. Abstract Recent studies encourage the integration of multi-sensorial stimuli into multimedia assets to enhance the user experience by stimulating other senses beyond sight and hearing. Similarly, the introduction of multi-modal interaction components complementing with new features, functionalities and/or information the multimedia experience is promoted. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. Two-screen services and a direct manipulation of (elements in) the video scene have the potential to enhance user comprehension, engagement and proactive involvement of/in the media experience. Sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Previous works have demonstrated the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating these technologies into legacy systems. Thus, sensorially-enhanced media, two-screen services and an increased user control over the displayed scene emerge as means to deliver a new form of immersive and interactive media experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the specific interactive solutions or sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and combine them to enhance the user experience of a target audience segment. Furthermore, scientific evidence on the impact of human factors on the user experience with these new forms of immersive and interactive media is still insufficient and sometimes, contradictory. Thus, the role of these factors on the potential adoption of these technologies has been widely ignored. This thesis analyzes the impact of binaural audio, sensory (light and olfactory) effects, interaction with 3D objects integrated into the video scene and interaction with additional content using a second screen on the sports media experience. The potential influence of these components on the dependent variables is explored both at the overall level (average effect) and as a function of users’ characteristics (heterogeneous effects). To these aims, we conducted an experimental study exploring the influence of these immersive and interactive elements on the quality and Presence dimensions of the media experience. Along the quality dimension, we look for possible variations on the quality scores as-signed to the overall media experience and to the media components content, image, audio, sensory effects, interaction with 3D objects and interaction using the tablet device. The potential impact on Presence is analyzed by looking at two of the four dimensions defined by the ITC-SOPI questionnaire, namely Spatial Presence and Engagement. The users’ characteristics considered encompass the following personal affective, cognitive and behavioral attributes: preferences and habits in relation to the content, knowledge of the involved technologies, tendency to get emotionally involved and tendency to get absorbed in an activity and block out external distractors and the big five personality traits extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience. At the overall level, we found that participants preferred binaural audio than standard stereo audio and that sensory effects increase significantly the level of Spatial Presence. Several heterogeneous effects were also revealed as a result of our experimental manipulations. Interestingly, these effects were not equally distributed across the quality and Presence measures analyzed. Whereas binaural audio was foud to have an influence on the majority of the quality and Presence measures considered, the effects of sensory effects and of interaction with additional content through the tablet device concentrate mainly on the dimensions of Presence and on quality measures, respectively. The magnitude of these effects was modulated by individual’s characteristics, such as: preferences in relation to the content, frequency of viewing similar content, knowledge of involved technologies, gender, tendency to get emotionally involved, tendency to absorption and levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. The personal characteristics collected in our experiment explained most of the variation in the dependent variables, confirming the frequently neglected role of individual differences on the media experience. Preferences in relation to the content, knowledge of involved technologies and tendency to get emotionally involved were among the user variables with the most generalized influence. In particular, the former two features seem to present a conflict in the allocation of attentional resources towards the media content versus the technical features of the system, respectively. Additionally, football fans’ experience seems to be modulated by emotional processes whereas for not fans, cognitive processes (and in particular those related to quality judgment) prevail.
El Daño Cerebral (DC) se refiere a cualquier lesión producida en el cerebro y que afecta a su funcionalidad. Se ha convertido en una de las principales causas de discapacidad neurológica de las sociedades desarrolladas. Hasta la más sencilla de las actividades y acciones que realizamos en nuestro día a día involucran a los procesos cognitivos. Por ello, la alteración de las funciones cognitivas como consecuencia del DC, limita no sólo la calidad de vida del paciente sino también la de las persona de su entorno. La rehabilitación cognitiva trata de aumentar la autonomía y calidad de vida del paciente minimizando o compensando los desórdenes funciones causados por el episodio de DC. La plasticidad cerebral es una propiedad intrínseca al sistema nervioso humano por la que en función a la experiencia se crean nuevos patrones de conectividad. El propósito de la neurorrehabilitación es precisamente modular esta propiedad intrínseca a partir de ejercicios específicos, los cuales podrían derivar en la recuperación parcial o total de las funciones afectadas. La incorporación de la tecnología a las terapias de rehabilitación ha permitido desarrollar nuevas metodologías de trabajo. Esto ha ayudado a hacer frente a las dificultades de la rehabilitación que los procesos tradicionales no logran abarcar. A pesar del gran avance realizado en los Ãoltimos años, todavía existen debilidades en el proceso de rehabilitación; por ejemplo, la trasferencia a la vida real de las habilidades logradas durante la terapia de rehabilitación, así como su generalización a otras actividades cotidianas. Los entornos virtuales pueden reproducir situaciones cotidianas. Permiten simular, de forma controlada, los requisitos conductuales que encontramos en la vida real. En un contexto terapéutico, puede ser utilizado por el neuropsicólogo para corregir en el paciente comportamientos patológicos no deseados, realizar intervenciones terapéuticas sobre Actividades de Vida Diaria que estimulen conductas adaptativas. A pesar de que las tecnologías actuales tienen potencial suficiente para aportar nuevos beneficios al proceso de rehabilitación, existe cierta reticencia a su incorporación a la clínica diaria. A día de hoy, no se ha podido demostrar que su uso aporte una mejorar significativa con respecto a otro tipo de intervención; en otras palabras, no existe evidencia científica de la eficacia del uso de entornos virtuales interactivos en rehabilitación. En este contexto, la presente Tesis Doctoral trata de abordar los aspectos que mantienen a los entornos virtuales interactivos al margen de la rutina clínica diaria. Se estudian las diferentes etapas del proceso de rehabilitación cognitiva relacionado con la integración y uso de estos entornos: diseño de las actividades, su implementación en el entorno virtual, y finalmente la ejecución por el paciente y análisis de los respectivos datos. Por tanto, los bloques en los que queda dividido el trabajo de investigación expuesto en esta memoria son: 1. Diseño de las AVD. La definición y configuración de los elementos que componen la AVD permite al terapeuta diseñar estrategias de intervención terapéutica para actuar sobre el comportamiento del paciente durante la ejecución de la actividad. En esta parte de la tesis se pretende formalizar el diseño de las AVD de tal forma que el terapeuta pueda explotar el potencial tecnológico de los entornos virtuales interactivos abstrayéndose de la complejidad implícita a la tecnología. Para hacer viable este planteamiento se propone una metodología que permita modelar la definición de las AVD, representar el conocimiento implícito en ellas, y asistir al neuropsicólogo durante el proceso de diseño de la intervención clínica. 2. Entorno virtual interactivo. El gran avance tecnológico producido durante los Ãoltimos años permite reproducir AVD interactivas en un contexto de uso clínico. El objetivo perseguido en esta parte de la Tesis es el de extraer las características potenciales de esta solución tecnológica y aplicarla a las necesidades y requisitos de la rehabilitación cognitiva. Se propone el uso de la tecnología de Vídeo Interactivo para el desarrollo de estos entornos virtuales. Para la evaluación de la misma se realiza un estudio experimental dividido en dos fases con la participación de sujetos sanos y pacientes, donde se valora su idoneidad para ser utilizado en terapias de rehabilitación cognitiva. 3. Monitorización de las AVD. El uso de estos entornos virtuales interactivos expone al paciente ante una gran cantidad de estímulos e interacciones. Este hecho requiere de instrumentos de monitorización avanzado que aporten al terapeuta información objetiva sobre el comportamiento del paciente, lo que le podría permitir por ejemplo evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento. En este apartado se propone el uso de métricas basadas en la atención visual y la interacción con el entorno para conocer datos sobre el comportamiento del paciente durante la AVD. Se desarrolla un sistema de monitorización integrado con el entorno virtual que ofrece los instrumentos necesarios para la evaluación de estas métricas para su uso clínico. La metodología propuesta ha permitido diseñar una AVD basada en la definición de intervenciones terapéuticas. Posteriormente esta AVD has sido implementada mediante la tecnología de vídeo interactivo, creando así el prototipo de un entorno virtual para ser utilizado por pacientes con déficit cognitivo. Los resultados del estudio experimental mediante el cual ha sido evaluado demuestran la robustez y usabilidad del sistema, así como su capacidad para intervenir sobre el comportamiento del paciente. El sistema monitorización que ha sido integrado con el entorno virtual aporta datos objetivos sobre el comportamiento del paciente durante la ejecución de la actividad. Los resultados obtenidos permiten contrastar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas en la Tesis Doctoral, aportando soluciones que pueden ayudar a la integración de los entornos virtuales interactivos en la rutina clínica. Esto abre una nueva vía de investigación y desarrollo que podría suponer un gran progreso y mejora en los procesos de neurorrehabilitación cognitiva en daño cerebral. ABSTRACT Brain injury (BI) refers to medical conditions that occur in the brain, altering its function. It becomes one of the main neurological disabilities in the developed society. Cognitive processes determine individual performance in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), thus, the cognitive disorders after BI result in a loss of autonomy and independence, affecting the patient’s quality of life. Cognitive rehabilitation seeks to increase patients’ autonomy and quality of life minimizing or compensating functional disorders showed by BI patients. Brain plasticity is an intrinsic property of the human nervous system whereby its structure is changed depending on experience. Neurorehabilitation pursuits a precise modulation of this intrinsic property, based on specific exercises to induce functional changes, which could result in partial or total recovery of the affected functions. The new methodologies that can be approached by applying technologies to the rehabilitation process, permit to deal with the difficulties which are out of the scope of the traditional rehabilitation. Despite this huge breakthrough, there are still weaknesses in the rehabilitation process, such as the transferring to the real life those skills reached along the therapy, and its generalization to others daily activities. Virtual environments reproduce daily situations. Behavioural requirements which are similar to those we perceive in real life, are simulated in a controlled way. In these virtual environments the therapist is allowed to interact with patients without even being present, inhibiting unsuitable behaviour patterns, stimulating correct answers throughout the simulation and enhancing stimuli with supplementary information when necessary. Despite the benefits which could be brought to the cognitive rehabilitation by applying the potential of the current technologies, there are barriers for widespread use of interactive virtual environments in clinical routine. At present, the evidence that these technologies bring a significant improvement to the cognitive therapies is limited. In other words, there is no evidence about the efficacy of using virtual environments in rehabilitation. In this context, this work aims to address those issues which keep the virtual environments out of the clinical routine. The stages of the cognitive rehabilitation process, which are related with the use and integration of these environments, are analysed: activities design, its implementation in the virtual environment, and the patient’s performance and the data analysis. Hence, the thesis is comprised of the main chapters that are listed below: 1. ADL Design.Definition and configuration of the elements which comprise the ADL allow the therapist to design intervention strategies to influence over the patient behaviour along the activity performance. This chapter aims to formalise the AVD design in order to help neuropsychologists to make use of the interactive virtual environments’ potential but isolating them from the complexity of the technology. With this purpose a new methodology is proposed as an instrument to model the ADL definition, to manage its implied knowledge and to assist the clinician along the design process of the therapeutic intervention. 2. Interactive virtual environment. Continuous advancements make the technology feasible for re-creating rehabilitation therapies based on ADL. The goal of this stage is to analyse the main features of virtual environments in order to apply them according to the cognitive rehabilitation’s requirements. The interactive video is proposed as the technology to develop virtual environments. Experimental study is carried out to assess the suitability of the interactive video to be used by cognitive rehabilitation. 3. ADL monitoring system. This kind of virtual environments bring patients in front lots of stimuli and interactions. Thus, advanced monitoring instruments are needed to provide therapist with objective information about patient’s behaviour. This thesis chapter propose the use of metrics rely on visual patients’ visual attention and their interactions with the environment. A monitoring system has been developed and integrated with the interactive video-based virtual environment, providing neuropsychologist with the instruments to evaluate the clinical force of this metrics. Therapeutic interventions-based ADL has been designed by using the proposed methodology. Interactive video technology has been used to develop the ADL, resulting in a virtual environment prototype to be use by patients who suffer a cognitive deficits. An experimental study has been performed to evaluate the virtual environment, whose overcomes show the usability and solidity of the system, and also its capacity to have influence over patient’s behaviour. The monitoring system, which has been embedded in the virtual environment, provides objective information about patients’ behaviour along their activity performance. Research hypothesis of the Thesis are proven by the obtained results. They could help to incorporate the interactive virtual environments in the clinical routine. This may be a significant step forward to enhance the cognitive neurorehabilitation processes in brain injury.
Esta pesquisa investiga a influência de intervenções lúdicas na diminuição da ansiedade materna com mães de recém-nascidos pré-termo hospitalizados, em um hospital universitário da Grande São Paulo. São estudadas 30 mães que tiveram parto prematuro, com faixa etária entre 16 e 40 anos e escolaridade até 2º grau, por meio de estudo avaliativo-interventivo-evolutivo. Inicia-se por uma entrevista psicológica semidirigida, com o objetivo de traçar o histórico gestacional, seguida de aplicação da Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Irritabilidade IDA, visando identificar o nível de ansiedade materna e do Inventário de Percepção Neonatal IPN-I para verificar a expectativa das mães em relação ao comportamento de choro, alimento e vômito de seus bebês pré-termo. A seguir são efetuadas intervenções grupais lúdicas em 16 encontros, um a cada semana, de 60 minutos, segundo modelo piagetiano, que estimula processos afetivosemocionais e cognitivos. Os dados relativos ao histórico gestacional revelam que 75% das mães encontram-se na segunda gestação e já sofreram aborto ou óbito fetal; têm ida de gestacional média de 31 semanas; peso médio do bebê ao nascer de 1.640g. e tempo de internação médio de 39,93 dias. Na análise do IDA em relação à ansiedade, 75% delas apresentam escore de alta intensidade (11,25), também alto quanto à depressão (10); o escore médio (3,73) da irritabilidade exteriorizada acompanha o da irritabilidade interiorizada (3,23). A correlação entre depressão e ansiedade indica que uma reação emocional segue a outra, não havendo diferença significativa importante entre ambas (p=0,306). O IPN-I comprova que as 30 mães têm expectativas em relação ao próprio filho similares aos bebês em geral, mostrando escores médios de 8,63 e 9,20, respectivamente, confirmados pelo escore 10,0 apontado em 75% da amostra, o que configura uma alta expectativa quanto aos aspectos de sono, alimentação e vômito dos bebês. A análise qualitativa revela que a criação de grupos lúdicos mostra-se favorável, com alta adesão e motivação das mães, favorecendo a diminuição da ansiedade, a adaptação à realidade vivida e a interação mãe-bebê de forma saudável durante a internação. O estudo apresenta a trajetória interventiva de três casos emblemáticos de diferentes níveis de ansiedade, ilustrando esta evolução. Estes dados sugerem que esta modalidade de intervenção caracterize-se como uma medida de prevenção, promoção e preservação da saúde física e psíquica da mãe e do recémnascido prematuro, com repercussões na família e na sociedade.(AU)
Esta pesquisa investiga a influência de intervenções lúdicas na diminuição da ansiedade materna com mães de recém-nascidos pré-termo hospitalizados, em um hospital universitário da Grande São Paulo. São estudadas 30 mães que tiveram parto prematuro, com faixa etária entre 16 e 40 anos e escolaridade até 2º grau, por meio de estudo avaliativo-interventivo-evolutivo. Inicia-se por uma entrevista psicológica semidirigida, com o objetivo de traçar o histórico gestacional, seguida de aplicação da Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Irritabilidade IDA, visando identificar o nível de ansiedade materna e do Inventário de Percepção Neonatal IPN-I para verificar a expectativa das mães em relação ao comportamento de choro, alimento e vômito de seus bebês pré-termo. A seguir são efetuadas intervenções grupais lúdicas em 16 encontros, um a cada semana, de 60 minutos, segundo modelo piagetiano, que estimula processos afetivosemocionais e cognitivos. Os dados relativos ao histórico gestacional revelam que 75% das mães encontram-se na segunda gestação e já sofreram aborto ou óbito fetal; têm ida de gestacional média de 31 semanas; peso médio do bebê ao nascer de 1.640g. e tempo de internação médio de 39,93 dias. Na análise do IDA em relação à ansiedade, 75% delas apresentam escore de alta intensidade (11,25), também alto quanto à depressão (10); o escore médio (3,73) da irritabilidade exteriorizada acompanha o da irritabilidade interiorizada (3,23). A correlação entre depressão e ansiedade indica que uma reação emocional segue a outra, não havendo diferença significativa importante entre ambas (p=0,306). O IPN-I comprova que as 30 mães têm expectativas em relação ao próprio filho similares aos bebês em geral, mostrando escores médios de 8,63 e 9,20, respectivamente, confirmados pelo escore 10,0 apontado em 75% da amostra, o que configura uma alta expectativa quanto aos aspectos de sono, alimentação e vômito dos bebês. A análise qualitativa revela que a criação de grupos lúdicos mostra-se favorável, com alta adesão e motivação das mães, favorecendo a diminuição da ansiedade, a adaptação à realidade vivida e a interação mãe-bebê de forma saudável durante a internação. O estudo apresenta a trajetória interventiva de três casos emblemáticos de diferentes níveis de ansiedade, ilustrando esta evolução. Estes dados sugerem que esta modalidade de intervenção caracterize-se como uma medida de prevenção, promoção e preservação da saúde física e psíquica da mãe e do recémnascido prematuro, com repercussões na família e na sociedade.(AU)
Os papeis de homens e mulheres na sociedade contemporânea têm sido reestruturados, assim como a própria noção das estruturas familiares se renova. Algumas marcas estão atentas a essas mudanças e, no contexto mercadológico, fica evidente que os consumidores são diversos, com novas demandas e expectativas pelo reconhecimento dessa diversidade. Esta dissertação discute a mudança de abordagem na representação da família, demonstrando suas mutações de papeis na publicidade, esta vista como um produto sociocultural. Para tanto foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa subsidiada pela análise de discurso de linha francesa. Primeiramente, o estudo qualitativo se desenvolve a partir de uma abordagem bibliográfica e documental e uma parte empírica de análise de discurso de campanhas publicitárias dos últimos anos, selecionadas a partir de seu foco nas representações familiares contemporâneas, de marcas que as tratem com naturalidade e demonstrem aceitar essas transições, buscando-as através da análise de casos múltiplos de amostras intencionais os avanços quando se trata dos modelos familiares, elementos que se desviam de representação conservadora da família. Demonstrou-se que há uma tendência de algumas marcas reforçarem qual é o público que desejam atingir através de suas construções discursivas que apontam para o reconhecimento das famílias reconstituídas, para a adoção e para a homo e monoparentalidade, ou seja, para a confirmação da existência dos variados tipos de família.
This chapter recounts efforts to dissect the cellular and circuit basis of a memory system in the primate cortex with the goal of extending the insights gained from the study of normal brain organization in animal models to an understanding of human cognition and related memory disorders. Primates and humans have developed an extraordinary capacity to process information “on line,” a capacity that is widely considered to underlay comprehension, thinking, and so-called executive functions. Understanding the interactions between the major cellular constituents of cortical circuits—pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells—is considered a necessary step in unraveling the cellular mechanisms subserving working memory mechanisms and, ultimately, cognitive processes. Evidence from a variety of sources is accumulating to indicate that dopamine has a major role in regulating the excitability of the cortical circuitry upon which the working memory function of prefrontal cortex depends. Here, I describe several direct and indirect intercellular mechanisms for modulating working memory function in prefrontal cortex based on the localization of dopamine receptors on the distal dendrites and spines of pyramidal cells and on interneurons in the prefrontal cortex. Interactions between monoamines and a compromised cortical circuitry may hold the key to understanding the variety of memory disorders associated with aging and disease.
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) provide high-resolution measures of the time course of neuronal activity patterns associated with perceptual and cognitive processes. New techniques for ERP source analysis and comparisons with data from blood-flow neuroimaging studies enable improved localization of cortical activity during visual selective attention. ERP modulations during spatial attention point toward a mechanism of gain control over information flow in extrastriate visual cortical pathways, starting about 80 ms after stimulus onset. Paying attention to nonspatial features such as color, motion, or shape is manifested by qualitatively different ERP patterns in multiple cortical areas that begin with latencies of 100–150 ms. The processing of nonspatial features seems to be contingent upon the prior selection of location, consistent with early selection theories of attention and with the hypothesis that spatial attention is “special.”
Human functional neuroimaging techniques provide a powerful means of linking neural level descriptions of brain function and cognition. The exploration of the functional anatomy underlying human memory comprises a prime example. Three highly reliable findings linking memory-related cognitive processes to brain activity are discussed. First, priming is accompanied by reductions in the amount of neural activation relative to naive or unprimed task performance. These reductions can be shown to be both anatomically and functionally specific and are found for both perceptual and conceptual task components. Second, verbal encoding, allowing subsequent conscious retrieval, is associated with activation of higher order brain regions including areas within the left inferior and dorsal prefrontal cortex. These areas also are activated by working memory and effortful word generation tasks, suggesting that these tasks, often discussed as separable, might rely on interdependent processes. Finally, explicit (intentional) retrieval shares much of the same functional anatomy as the encoding and word generation tasks but is associated with the recruitment of additional brain areas, including the anterior prefrontal cortex (right > left). These findings illustrate how neuroimaging techniques can be used to study memory processes and can both complement and extend data derived through other means. More recently developed methods, such as event-related functional MRI, will continue this progress and may provide additional new directions for research.
One of the most exciting methodological advances for brain research field arises in functional brain imaging, which enables us to localize and characterize neural activity and biochemical events in the living human brain. Recently developed event-related functional MRI makes it possible to visualize the brain activity associated with cognitive processes with the temporal resolution of the hemodynamic response. In addition, the high sensitivity and selectivity of positron-emission tomography allow us to probe the neurochemical processes at the molecular level. Positron-emission tomography also has been applied to investigate the effects of therapeutic drugs as well as the effects of drugs of abuse.
A imagem mental e a memória visual têm sido consideradas como componentes distintos na codificação da informação, e associados a processos diferentes da memória de trabalho. Evidências experimentais mostram, por exemplo, que o desempenho em tarefas de memória baseadas na geração de imagem mentais (imaginação visual) sofre a interferência do ruído visual dinâmico (RVD), mas não se observa o mesmo efeito em tarefas de memória visual baseadas na percepção visual (memória visual). Embora várias evidências mostrem que tarefas de imaginação e de memória visual sejam baseadas em processos cognitivos diferentes, isso não descarta a possibilidade de utilizarem também processos em comum e que alguns resultados experimentais que apontam diferenças entre as duas tarefas resultem de diferenças metodológicas entre os paradigmas utilizados para estuda-las. Nosso objetivo foi equiparar as tarefas de imagem mental visual e memória visual por meio de tarefas de reconhecimento, com o paradigma de dicas retroativas espaciais. Sequências de letras romanas na forma visual (tarefa de memória visual) e acústicas (tarefa de imagem mental visual) foram apresentadas em quatro localizações espaciais diferentes. No primeiro e segundo experimento analisou-se o tempo do curso de recuperação tanto para o processo de imagem quanto para o processo de memória. No terceiro experimento, comparou-se a estrutura das representações dos dois componentes, por meio da apresentação do RVD durante a etapa de geração e recuperação. Nossos resultados mostram que não há diferenças no armazenamento da informação visual durante o período proposto, porém o RVD afeta a eficiência do processo de recuperação, isto é o tempo de resposta, sendo a representação da imagem mental visual mais suscetível ao ruído. No entanto, o processo temporal da recuperação é diferente para os dois componentes, principalmente para imaginação que requer mais tempo para recuperar a informação do que a memória. Os dados corroboram a relevância do paradigma de dicas retroativas que indica que a atenção espacial é requisitada em representações de organização espacial, independente se são visualizadas ou imaginadas.
Este documento es un artículo inédito que ha sido aceptado para su publicación. Como un servicio a sus autores y lectores, Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social proporciona online esta edición preliminar. El manuscrito puede sufrir alteraciones tras la edición y corrección de pruebas, antes de su publicación definitiva. Los posibles cambios no afectarán en ningún caso a la información contenida en esta hoja, ni a lo esencial del contenido del artículo.
Purpose: There are few studies demonstrating the link between neural oscillations in magnetoencephalography (MEG) at rest and cognitive performance. Working memory is one of the most studied cognitive processes and is the ability to manipulate information on items kept in short-term memory. Heister & al. (2013) showed correlation patterns between brain oscillations at rest in MEG and performance in a working memory task (n-back). These authors showed that delta/theta activity in fronto-parietal areas is related to working memory performance. In this study, we use resting state MEG oscillations to validate these correlations with both of verbal (VWM) and spatial (SWM) working memory, and test their specificity in comparison with other cognitive abilities. Methods: We recorded resting state MEG and used clinical neuropsychological tests to assess working memory performance in 18 volunteers (6 males and 12 females). The other neuropsychological tests of the WAIS-IV were used as control tests to assess the specificity of the correlation patterns with working memory. We calculated means of Power Spectrum Density for different frequency bands (delta, 1-4Hz; theta, 4-8Hz; alpha, 8-13Hz; beta, 13-30Hz; gamma1, 30-59Hz; gamma2, 61-90Hz; gamma3, 90-120Hz; large gamma, 30-120Hz) and correlated MEG power normalised for the maximum in each frequency band at the sensor level with working memory performance. We then grouped the sensors showing a significant correlation by using a cluster algorithm. Results: We found positive correlations between both types of working memory performance and clusters in the bilateral posterior and right fronto-temporal regions for the delta band (r2 =0.73), in the fronto-middle line and right temporal regions for the theta band (r2 =0.63) as well as in the parietal regions for the alpha band (r2 =0.78). Verbal working memory and spatial working memory share a common fronto-parietal cluster of sensors but also show specific clusters. These clusters are specific to working memory, as compared to those obtained for other cognitive abilities and right posterior parietal areas, specially in slow frequencies, appear to be specific to working memory process. Conclusions: Slow frequencies (1-13Hz) but more precisely in delta/theta bands (1-8Hz), recorded at rest with magnetoencephalography, predict working memory performance and support the role of a fronto-parietal network in working memory.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05