986 resultados para Coffea arabica L.


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Diante das adversidades climticas ocorridas nos ltimos anos, bem como a intensificao das podas em lavouras novas, foi avaliada a capacidade de recuperao vegetativa e reprodutiva aps a poda do tipo esqueletamento em 24 cultivares comerciais de C. arabica, em lavoura com quatro anos e meio de idade. Aos 24 meses aps a realizao da poda, foram avaliadas as caractersticas agronmicas: produtividade, percentagem de gros chochos, classificao por peneira alta dos gros, percentual de gros do tipo moca e vigor vegetativo das plantas. Os dados de produtividade foram avaliados por meio da anlise de deviance, em fatorial duplo 24x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais e dois tipos de conduo (submetidas ou no poda). Utilizando-se a mdia dos trs anos, as demais caractersticas agronmicas, citadas acima, foram avaliadas em fatorial triplo 24x2x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais, dois tipos de conduo (com ou sem poda) e dois anos de avaliao (safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014). Em todas as caractersticas estudadas, no houve sobreposio dos intervalos de confiana, indicando que as cultivares tiveram desempenho diferentes entre si. As cultivares estudadas apresentam capacidade de recuperao aps a poda tipo esqueletamento em fase jovem, com destaque para a Catigu MG3, Topzio MG1190 e Sabi 398, que apresentaram produtividades altas aliadas a um elevado vigor vegetativo, baixo percentual de frutos chochos e alto percentual de peneira alta dos gros no primeiro binio aps a poda.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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center dot Background and Aims Drought is a major environmental constraint affecting growth and production of Coffea canephora. Selection of C. canephora clones has been largely empirical as little is known about how clones respond physiologically to drought. Using clones previously shown to differ in drought tolerance, this study aimed to identify the extent of variation of water use and the mechanisms responsible, particularly those associated morphological traits.center dot Methods Clones (14 and 120, drought-tolerant; 46 and 109A, drought-sensitive, based on their abilities to yield under drought) were grown in 120-L pots until they were 12-months old, when an irrigation and a drought treatment were applied; plants were droughted until the pressure potential (Psi(x)) before dawn (pre-dawn) reached -3.0 MPa. Throughout the drought period, Psi(x) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) were measured. At the end of the experiment, carbon isotope ratio and parameters from pressure-volume curves were estimated. Morphological traits were also assessed.center dot Key Results and Conclusions With irrigation, plant hydraulic conductance (K-L), midday Psi(x) and total biomass were all greater in clones 109A and 120 than in the other clones. Root mass to leaf area ratio was larger in clone 109A than in the others, whereas rooting depth was greater in drought-tolerant than in drought-sensitive clones. Predawn Psi(x) of -3.0 MPa was reached fastest by 109A, followed progressively by clones 46, 120 and 14. Decreases in g(s) with declining Psi(x), or increasing evaporative demand, were similar for clones 14, 46, and 120, but lower in 109A. Carbon isotope ratio increased under drought; however, it was lower in 109A than in other clones. For all clones, Psi(x), g(s) and KL recovered rapidly following re-watering. Differences in root depth, KL and stomatal control of water use, but not osmotic or elastic adjustments, largely explained the differences in relative tolerance to drought stress of clones 14 and 120 compared with clones 46 and 109A.


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Flavonoid compounds were analyzed in ripe fruit pulp of ten species of Coffea, including two cultivars of C. arabica and two of C. canephora. Three coefficients of similarity: Simple-Matching, Jaccard and Ochiai and three different clustering methods, Single Linkage, Complete Linkage and Unweighted Pair Group, Using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA), were used to analyze the data.Jaccard and Ochiai's coefficients of association showed a more coherent result, when compared with taxonomic and hybridization studies. Inclusion of Psilanthopsis kapakata in the genus Coffea, as C. kapakata, is justified by the similarity of this species with other studied species, and clusters clearly approximate the species C. arabica and C. eugenioides. The latter is one of the possible parents of the allotetraploid species C. arabica, C. congensis is the only species whose position remains ambiguous, probably due to the fact that the plants of this species that were introduced into the Campinas collections, were hybrids and not typical of C. congensis.


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Thirteen species of Coffea were studied for five enzymes systems, including alpha and beta esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, malate dehydrogenase and acid dehydrogenase. Three coefficients of similarity: Simple Matching, Jaccard and Ochiai and three different clustering methods: Single Linkage, Complete Linkage and Unweighted Pair Group, using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) were used to analyse the data.The phylogenetic relationships among the twelve diploid species and between them and the tetraploid species C. arabica showed that similarity among species of the same subsection is not always greater than among species of different subsections. In addition, although there are several similarity groups in common, established by isoenzymatic polymorphism, morphological characteristics, chemical data, crossability and geographic distribution, there is no common trend among the phylogenetic relationships as indicated by all these different evaluating procedures.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lukmn's fables have special half-title: Fabulae Locmani sapientis.


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Coffea sp. is cultivated in large areas, using both conventional and organic management. However, information about the sustainability of these two management systems is still deficient. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical properties of soil cultivated with Conilon coffee (C. canephora) under organic and conventional management. Two areas cultivated with Conilon coffee (under organic and conventional management) and a fragment of Atlantic forest, used as a reference, were selected for the experiment. Soil granulometry, hydraulic conductivity, water retention curve, resistance to penetration, porosity, optimal hydric interval, and other physical characteristics were measured at depths of 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm. The data was submitted to multivariate and descriptive statistical analyses. Higher similarity was observed between the soil cultivated with Conilon coffee under organic management and the Atlantic forest soil. Soil resistance to penetration at 10, 30, 100, 500 and 1500 kPa, macro porosity, density and total porosity were the main physical properties that differentiated both management systems studied. The non-use of agricultural machinery and the addition of organic matter may be the main reasons for higher soil sustainability observed under organic management when compared with the conventional system.


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A micropropagao de cafeeiros tem sido utilizada com propsitos experimentais e, em menor escala, com propsitos comerciais h algumas dcadas. O tempo e os insumos utilizados encarecem mudas clonadas in vitro. O manejo das vitroplantas aps a aclimatizao pode amplificar os clones e contribuir para adequar o custo de produo escala comercial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar correlaes entre caractersticas morfolgicas de brotaes induzidas em vitroplantas de cafeeiro, doses de cido triiodobenzico utilizadas para a induo e o nmero de ns das vitroplantas no momento da induo, aos trs meses de aclimatizao. As vitroplantas de cafeeiros Siriema clone 3 e de Catuca 567, cultivares produtivas resistentes ferrugem, foram geradas por embriognese somtica, seguindo o protocolo utilizado pelo Laboratrio de Cultura de Tecidos da SAPC/Fundao Procaf, Varginha/MG. Passados trs meses da transferncia para casa de vegetao, sob cerca de 90% de umidade, as itroplantas foram decapitadas e aspergidas com solues hidro-alcolicas de TIBA a 200, 400 e 600 mg.L-1 ou apenas apenas decapitadas.