335 resultados para Codex casanatense
The recensions: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and Codex Neofiti 1, a selection from Targum Yerushalmi.
Vol. 9, pars 2, 1917 has title: Codex iuris canonici.
Appended: The Latin Vulgate version of the Codex Amiatinus and the English versions of Wiclif and Tyndale.
Consists chiefly of a Latin-German and German-Latin glossary, compiled from gloses in the Codex S. Mattie apostoli, an 11th cent. manuscript (R.III.13) in the Seminar-Bibliothek at Treves.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bd. 24. De elegantia Caesaris sive de commentariorum de b. G. et de b. c. differentiis animadversiones / O. Dernoscheck, 1903--Der Zug des Cimbern und Teutonen / A. Helbling, 1898--Unsere Armeesprache im Dienste der Caesar-Übersetzung / M. Hodermann, 1903--Cäsar, der Eroberer Galliens / R. Lange, 1896--Divico oder die von Caesar den Ost-Galliern und Süd-Germanen gegenüber Vertretene Politik, Lfg. I-III / H. von Müllinen, 1898-1901--Die Unterwerfung Galliens durch Cäsar verglichen mit der Bezwingung Frankreichs durch die deutsche Armee im Feldzuge 1870/71 / A. von Oertzen, 1904.
Leaves [45]vo-77ro, written by Boccaccio himself, and here reproduced, contain, apart from miscellaneous matter of minor importance, the following items:
Codex vratislaviensis and Codex lugdunensis on opposite pages numbered in duplicate vi-lxxviii and 6-78.
The first original Russian book on chess; influenced by J.F.W. Koch: Codex der Schachspielkunst.
Contains a transcript of the "Nathr al-laʾālī" from the Leyden manuscript, with variant readings from the Paris codex and from "Proverbia quaedam Alis imperatoris muslemici," edited by Thomas Erpinius (1629), a selection from the London manuscript of the "Ghurar al-ḥikam," arranged in alphabetical order by ʻAbd al-Wāḥid al-Āmidi (11th cent.), and proverbs ascribed to ʻAlī in al-Maidānī's "Majmaʻ al-amthāl," based on the London manuscript and compared with variant readings by Everard Scheidius.
A supplement to the Prodromus of the Codex diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus.
Imprint varies.
"Codex diplomaticus": p. [83]-115.
Theil III and IV have a second title-page which reads "Rheinisch-westphälischer Dipolmatischer Codex. 1830-31."
Mode of access: Internet.