926 resultados para Class II division 2


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O presente estudo avaliou as dimensões transversais dos arcos dentais mandibulares em indivíduos com diferentes padrões faciais. A amostra foi constituída por telerradiografias em norma lateral direita e modelos em gesso de 33 indivíduos, leucodermas, em ambos os sexos, com idade entre 13 e 25 anos, na fase de dentição permanente. O Padrão Facial foi obtido pela análise facial subjetiva em fotografias frontal e de perfil de 1500 documentações ortodonticas, foi utilizada análise cefalométrica por meio do ângulo ANB para confirmar o padrão esquelético, o qual deveria coincidir com a classificação de maloclusão de Angle. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: Grupo I Padrão I, Classe I de Angle e ANB 2,0 o ±0,5o; Grupo II Padrão II, Classe II divisão 1 de Angle e ANB ≥ 4,0, e Grupo III Padrão III, Classe III de Angle e ANB ≥ - 4,5o. As dimensões transversais do arco foram mensuradas após a digitalização dos modelos em gesso pelo Scanner Dental Wings (3D), a partir dos quais foram estabelecidas as distâncias transversais intercanino, inter 1º PM, inter 2º PM, inter 1º M (cúspide mesial e distal), inter 2º M (cúspide mesial e distal), com o auxílio do software Geomagic Studio® 12. As médias e desvio padrão das dimensões transversais foram obtidas, e, para comparação entre os três grupos foi utilizado a Análise de Variância e teste de Tukey. Em todos os testes estatísticos foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Houve diferença estatística em duas dimensões transversais das 14 avaliadas no arco maxilar na região mesial do segundo molar (p=0,024) e no mandibular na região distal do primeiro molar (p=0,047). Os arcos dentais mandibulares foram semelhantes nos três grupos estudados.


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Neste estudo o objetivo foi determinar a variável dos valores cefalométricos angulares entre linhas intracranianas com relação à linha de referência M, por meio de telerradiografias em norma lateral realizadas com o PF paralelo ao solo, em indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe I, Classe II (divisão 1 e 2) e Classe III de Angle, e estimar os valores obtidos em telerradiografia lateral com a cabeça na posição natural (PNC). A amostra consistiu de 240 telerradiografias em norma lateral direita, sendo 120 de indivíduos do sexo masculino e 120 do feminino, classificadas em três faixas etárias: 12 à 15 anos; 15 anos e um mês à 17 anos e 11 meses; 18 anos à 21 anos e 11 meses; e um grupo controle com 61 telerradiografias em norma lateral direita em PNC sendo 24 indivíduos do sexo masculino e 37 do sexo feminino, na faixa etária entre 12 anos e 5 meses à 21 anos e 5 meses e portadores de oclusão normal natural. Em todas as telerradiografias foram traçadas as linhas intracranianas Sela-Násio (SN), Básio-Násio (BaN), Pório-Orbitário (PoOr) e Linha M, para que estes ângulos tivessem os seus valores estimados em PNC. As variáveis idade e sexo foram correlacionadas com os ângulos, reais e estimados, nos grupos experimentais. Após a análise estatística dos resultados pode-se concluir que: 1) Os valores cefalométricos angulares médios, reais e estimados obtidos nos quatro grupos experimentais foram: Grupo I Reais: M.SN =102,58°; M.BaN = 121,39°; M.PoOr = 94,08°. Estimados: HV.SN = 8,24° (sexo feminino) e 3,44° (sexo masculino); HV.BaN = 24,65°; HV.PoOr = -2,47°. Grupo II Reais: M.SN = 102,59°; M.BaN = 121,29°; M.PoOr = 93,13°. Estimados: HV.SN = 5,86°; HV.BaN = 24,55°; HV.PoOr = -3,43°. Grupo III Reais: M.SN = 104,38°; M.BaN = 122,25°; M.PoOr = 95,99°. Estimados: HV.SN = 7,65°; HV.BaN = 25,51°; HV.PoOr = -0,56°. Grupo IV Reais: M.SN = 104,63°; M.BaN = 123,63°; M.PoOr = 94,80°. Estimados: HV.SN = 10,14° (sexo feminino) e 5,66° (sexo masculino); HV.BaN = 26,88°; HV.PoOr = - 1,75°. 2) Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre os valores angulares cefalométricos com relação à faixa etária; 3) Em relação ao sexo, somente o ângulo HV.SN apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes, nos Grupos I e IV, sendo para o Grupo I: 8,24° para o sexo feminino e 3,44° para o masculino; e Grupo IV: 10,14° para o sexo feminino e 5,66° para o masculino).


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Pelo fato das consequências do uso de aparelhos ortopédicos fixos sobre o periodonto ósseo vestibular e lingual ainda serem uma incógnita para o ortodontista clínico e pesquisador, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) as alterações em espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibulares e linguais em primeiros molares superiores e incisivos e caninos inferiores, após a utilização de aparelhagem fixa e dos aparelhos Twin Force (grupo A) e Forsus (grupo B) para o tratamento da maloclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão. Para tanto, obteve-se uma amostra de 22 pacientes jovens adultos, divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o aparelho propulsor da mandíbula. Grupo experimental A: 11 pacientes, 6 masculinos e 5 femininos, com idade média de 15,09 anos na instalação do Twin Force, e 11 pacientes, 7 masculinos e 4 femininos, com idade média de 15,45 anos na instalação do Forsus. O tempo médio de uso do aparelho Twin Force foi de 3,73 meses e do Forsus, 7,09 meses. O grupo A realizou TCFC antes do início do tratamento (T1), antes da instalação do Twin Force (T2), após a remoção do Twin Force (T3); e o grupo B somente antes da instalação do Forsus (T2) e após a remoção do Forsus (T3). Para comparação entre os tempos T2 e T3 foi utilizado o teste t pareado e entre os tempos T1, T2 e T3 foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste post-hoc de Tukey. Para comparação entre os grupos foi utilizado o teste t . Na comparação intergrupos os resultados evidenciaram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as alterações das espessuras das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual; por outro lado, na avaliação intra-grupo, de 48 medidas avaliadas, no grupo A houve reduções estatisticamente significantes nos terços cervical e médio por vestibular, nos dentes anteroinferiores e nos primeiros molares superiores e aumento nos terços cervical e médio, por lingual nos dentes anteriores inferiores, totalizando 25 medidas significantes. Já no grupo B, houve aumento significante da tábua óssea lingual nos dentes anteriores inferiores e redução em vestibular nos molares superiores, totalizando apenas sete medidas significantes, mas com mais medidas significantes de redução óssea vestibular em terços cervical e médio nos primeiros molares superiores, em comparação com o grupo A. Não houve diferença significante entre as medições obtidas com voxel 0,2 mm e 0,4 mm e nem dimorfismo entre os gêneros. As reduções em espessura óssea alveolar, principalmente em terços cervicais e médios vestibulares nos dentes avaliados neste estudo são um alerta ao clínico, para que realize essa abordagem diagnóstica periodontal antes de iniciar o tratamento ortodôntico.


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Vaccines are the greatest single instrument of prophylaxis against infectious diseases, with immeasurable benefits to human wellbeing. The accurate and reliable prediction of peptide-MHC binding is fundamental to the robust identification of T-cell epitopes and thus the successful design of peptide- and protein-based vaccines. The prediction of MHC class II peptide binding has hitherto proved recalcitrant and refractory. Here we illustrate the utility of existing computational tools for in silico prediction of peptides binding to class II MHCs. Most of the methods, tested in the present study, detect more than the half of the true binders in the top 5% of all possible nonamers generated from one protein. This number increases in the top 10% and 15% and then does not change significantly. For the top 15% the identified binders approach 86%. In terms of lab work this means 85% less expenditure on materials, labour and time. We show that while existing caveats are well founded, nonetheless use of computational models of class II binding can still offer viable help to the work of the immunologist and vaccinologist.


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MHC class II proteins bind oligopeptide fragments derived from proteolysis of pathogen antigens, presenting them at the cell surface for recognition by CD4+ T cells. Human MHC class II alleles are grouped into three loci: HLA-DP, HLA-DQ and HLA-DR. In contrast to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ, HLA-DP proteins have not been studied extensively, as they have been viewed as less important in immune responses than DRs and DQs. However, it is now known that HLA-DP alleles are associated with many autoimmune diseases. Quite recently, the X-ray structure of the HLA-DP2 molecule (DPA*0103, DPB1*0201) in complex with a self-peptide derived from the HLA-DR a-chain has been determined. In the present study, we applied a validated molecular docking protocol to a library of 247 modelled peptide-DP2 complexes, seeking to assess the contribution made by each of the 20 naturally occurred amino acids at each of the nine binding core peptide positions and the four flanking residues (two on both sides).


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Class II Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules have an open-ended binding groove which can accommodate peptides of varying lengths. Several studies have demonstrated that peptide flanking residues (PFRs) which lie outside the core binding groove can influence peptide binding and T cell recognition. By using data from the AntiJen database we were able to characterise systematically the influence of PFRs on peptide affinity for MHC class II molecules.


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Antigenic peptide is presented to a T-cell receptor (TCR) through the formation of a stable complex with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Various predictive algorithms have been developed to estimate a peptide's capacity to form a stable complex with a given MHC class II allele, a technique integral to the strategy of vaccine design. These have previously incorporated such computational techniques as quantitative matrices and neural networks. A novel predictive technique is described, which uses molecular modeling of predetermined crystal structures to estimate the stability of an MHC class II-peptide complex. The structures are remodeled, energy minimized, and annealed before the energetic interaction is calculated.


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Motivation: T-cell epitope identification is a critical immunoinformatic problem within vaccine design. To be an epitope, a peptide must bind an MHC protein. Results: Here, we present EpiTOP, the first server predicting MHC class II binding based on proteochemometrics, a QSAR approach for ligands binding to several related proteins. EpiTOP uses a quantitative matrix to predict binding to 12 HLA-DRB1 alleles. It identifies 89% of known epitopes within the top 20% of predicted binders, reducing laboratory labour, materials and time by 80%. EpiTOP is easy to use, gives comprehensive quantitative predictions and will be expanded and updated with new quantitative matrices over time.


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The accurate identification of T-cell epitopes remains a principal goal of bioinformatics within immunology. As the immunogenicity of peptide epitopes is dependent on their binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, the prediction of binding affinity is a prerequisite to the reliable prediction of epitopes. The iterative self-consistent (ISC) partial-least-squares (PLS)-based additive method is a recently developed bioinformatic approach for predicting class II peptide−MHC binding affinity. The ISC−PLS method overcomes many of the conceptual difficulties inherent in the prediction of class II peptide−MHC affinity, such as the binding of a mixed population of peptide lengths due to the open-ended class II binding site. The method has applications in both the accurate prediction of class II epitopes and the manipulation of affinity for heteroclitic and competitor peptides. The method is applied here to six class II mouse alleles (I-Ab, I-Ad, I-Ak, I-As, I-Ed, and I-Ek) and included peptides up to 25 amino acids in length. A series of regression equations highlighting the quantitative contributions of individual amino acids at each peptide position was established. The initial model for each allele exhibited only moderate predictivity. Once the set of selected peptide subsequences had converged, the final models exhibited a satisfactory predictive power. Convergence was reached between the 4th and 17th iterations, and the leave-one-out cross-validation statistical terms - q2, SEP, and NC - ranged between 0.732 and 0.925, 0.418 and 0.816, and 1 and 6, respectively. The non-cross-validated statistical terms r2 and SEE ranged between 0.98 and 0.995 and 0.089 and 0.180, respectively. The peptides used in this study are available from the AntiJen database (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/AntiJen). The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modeling software package. The resulting models, which can be used for accurate T-cell epitope prediction, will be made freely available online (http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred).


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Motivation: The immunogenicity of peptides depends on their ability to bind to MHC molecules. MHC binding affinity prediction methods can save significant amounts of experimental work. The class II MHC binding site is open at both ends, making epitope prediction difficult because of the multiple binding ability of long peptides. Results: An iterative self-consistent partial least squares (PLS)-based additive method was applied to a set of 66 pep- tides no longer than 16 amino acids, binding to DRB1*0401. A regression equation containing the quantitative contributions of the amino acids at each of the nine positions was generated. Its predictability was tested using two external test sets which gave r pred =0.593 and r pred=0.655, respectively. Furthermore, it was benchmarked using 25 known T-cell epitopes restricted by DRB1*0401 and we compared our results with four other online predictive methods. The additive method showed the best result finding 24 of the 25 T-cell epitopes. Availability: Peptides used in the study are available from http://www.jenner.ac.uk/JenPep. The PLS method is available commercially in the SYBYL molecular modelling software package. The final model for affinity prediction of peptides binding to DRB1*0401 molecule is available at http://www.jenner.ac.uk/MHCPred. Models developed for DRB1*0101 and DRB1*0701 also are available in MHC- Pred


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Cellular peptide vaccines contain T-cell epitopes. The main prerequisite for a peptide to act as a T-cell epitope is that it binds to a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein. Peptide MHC binder identification is an extremely costly experimental challenge since human MHCs, named human leukocyte antigen, are highly polymorphic and polygenic. Here we present EpiDOCK, the first structure-based server for MHC class II binding prediction. EpiDOCK predicts binding to the 23 most frequent human, MHC class II proteins. It identifies 90% of true binders and 76% of true non-binders, with an overall accuracy of 83%. EpiDOCK is freely accessible at http://epidock.ddg-pharmfac. net. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Proteins of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) bind self and nonself peptide antigens or epitopes within the cell and present them at the cell surface for recognition by T cells. All T-cell epitopes are MHC binders but not all MCH binders are T-cell epitopes. The MHC class II proteins are extremely polymorphic. Polymorphic residues cluster in the peptide-binding region and largely determine the MHC's peptide selectivity. The peptide binding site on MHC class II proteins consist of five binding pockets. Using molecular docking, we have modelled the interactions between peptide and MHC class II proteins from locus DRB1. A combinatorial peptide library was generated by mutation of residues at peptide positions which correspond to binding pockets (so called anchor positions). The binding affinities were assessed using different scoring functions. The normalized scoring functions for each amino acid at each anchor position were used to construct quantitative matrices (QM) for MHC class II binding prediction. Models were validated by external test sets comprising 4540 known binders. Eighty percent of the known binders are identified in the best predicted 15% of all overlapping peptides, originating from one protein. © 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Funding Silvia S. Monteiro and Marisa Ferreira were supported by a Ph.D. grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BD/38735/2007 and SFRH/BD/30240/2006, respectively). Alfredo López was supported by a postdoctoral grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BPD/82407/2011). Catarina Eira is supported by CESAM (UID/AMB/50017), from FCT/MEC through national funds and FEDER (PT2020, Compete 2020). The work related with strandings and tissue collection in Portugal was partially supported by the SafeSea Project EEAGrants PT 0039 (supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism), by the Project MarPro–Life09 NAT/PT/000038 (funded by the European Union–Program Life+) and by the project CetSenti FCT RECI/AAG-GLO/0470/2012; FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027472 (Funded by the Program COMPETE and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia).


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Aims: 1. To investigate the reliability and readability of information on the Internet on adult orthodontics. 2. To evaluate the profile and treatment of adults by specialist orthodontists in the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Materials and methods: 1. An Internet search was conducted in May 2015 using three search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing), with two search terms (“adult orthodontics” and “adult braces”). The first 50 websites from each engine were screened and exclusion criteria applied. Included websites were then assessed for reliability using the JAMA benchmarks, the DISCERN and LIDA tools and the presence of the HON seal. Readability was assessed using the FRES. 2. A pilot-tested questionnaire about adult orthodontics was distributed to 122 eligible specialist orthodontists in the ROI. Questions addressed general and treatment information about adult orthodontic patients, methods of information provision and respondent demographics. Results: 1. Thirteen websites met the inclusion criteria. Three websites contained all JAMA benchmarks and one displayed the HON Seal. The mean overall score for DISCERN was 3.9/5 and the mean total LIDA score was 115/120. The average FRES score was 63.1. 2. The questionnaire yielded a response rate of 83%. The typical demographic profile of adult orthodontic patients was professional females between 25-35 years. The most common incisor relationship and skeletal base was Class II, division 1 (51%) and Class II (61%) respectively. Aesthetic upper brackets and metal lower brackets were the most frequently used appliances. Only 30% of orthodontists advise their adult patients to find extra information on the Internet. Conclusions: 1. The reliability and readability of information on the Internet on adult orthodontics is of moderate quality. 2. The provision of adult orthodontic treatment is common among specialist orthodontists in the Republic of Ireland.


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Aims 1 To identify the 3D soft tissue volumetric and linear landmark changes following treatment with the Twin-Block Appliance TBA. 2 To estimate the TBA treatment outcome on the soft tissue facial profile volumetric and linear landmark changes from the Postured Wax Bite (PWB). 3 To identify if there is any association between certain soft tissue landmark variables and successful treatment outcome of the TBA as measured by the reduction in overjet. 4 To assess the effects of TBA treatment on facial expressions. Materials and Methods Forty-seven Caucasian subjects with Class II division 1 were recruited. 3D images captured of each subject, pre-treatment (T1), with the PWB (T2) and at the end of treatment (T3). Soft tissue volumetric and linear changes as well as the correlation between facial parameters and successful treatment were calculated. Results The mean soft tissue volumetric change from T1 to T3 was 22.24 ± 16.73 cm³. Soft tissue profile linear changes from T1-T3 for lower facial landmarks were 4-5 mm. From T1-T3, the mean soft tissue volumetric change of the total sample was 60% of the change produced by the PWB (T1 to T2). Correlations were weak for all 3D facial parameters and successful overjet reduction. Facial expression changes were only significant for the lower landmarks. Conclusions 1 TBA treatment, in growing subjects, increased the lower facial soft tissue volume and caused forward movement of the lower soft tissue facial profile landmarks.2 The PWB can be used to estimate the treatment outcome of the TBA on soft tissue profile changes.3 No association was found between soft tissue landmark variables and successful overjet reduction.4 TBA treatment had no effect on the upper facial landmarks for each facial expression but it changed the lower facial expressions significantly except for maximal smile in males.