978 resultados para Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck
O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a tolerância à dessecação e a influência do tegumento na germinação de sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'. As sementes foram extraídas manualmente e, em seguida, foi determinado o grau de umidade das sementes. Foi retirada uma amostra referente ao tratamento com o maior grau de umidade (48%) a ser estudado, e as demais foram submetidas à secagem em estufa com circulação forçada de ar (32±2ºC), visando à obtenção dos outros tratamentos com diferentes graus de umidade. O teste de germinação foi instalado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, num fatorial 6x2 (grau de umidade x presença ou ausência de tegumento), com quatro repetições de 25 sementes por parcela. Após a obtenção de cada tratamento as sementes foram tratadas com o fungicida Thiabendazole (0,4g.kg-1), semeadas em folhas de papel toalha umedecidas e confeccionados rolos que foram mantidos em câmara de germinação a 25ºC sob luz constante. As avaliações foram realizadas a cada sete dias até o 35º dia, sendo determinadas as porcentagens de germinação na primeira contagem, plntulas anormais, sementes mortas, sementes dormentes e germinação total. Também foram calculados o tempo médio e o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. As sementes toleraram a dessecação até baixos níveis de umidade (16%), e a retirada do tegumento favoreceu o processo germinativo em sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'.
Foram estudados os possíveis efeitos alelopáticos da incorporação da matéria seca da parte aérea de Brachiaria decumbens, ao substrato, nas concentrações de 0, 1,5 e 3,0% (p/p) sobre o crescimento inicial de limão cravo (Citrus limonia Osbeck), em casa-de-vegetação. Foram determinados os parâmetros biométrico s e algumas propriedades físico-químicas da solução do solo. A maior quantidade de matéria seca incorporada causou redução de 44, 42, 57 e 55% das médias da altura, teor de clorofila, área foliar e acúmulo de matéria seca total, respectivamente. O potencial osmótico, pH, condutividade eltrica e os teores de nutrientes da solução do solo foram alterados. Provavelmente, a redução do crescimento observada seja devida a deficiência de N causada por alterações na dinâmica do N-solo em função da incorporação de B. decumbens.
Visando a estudar o efeito do substrato na produção de porta-enxertos de limoeiro-Cravo e tangerineira-Cleópatra em tubetes sob ambiente protegido, conduziu-se este trabalho na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal-UNESP. O estudo foi realizado em ambiente coberto com sombrite preto sem proteção lateral, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5x2, 4 repetições e 20 sementes por parcela. Utilizaram-se os substratos húmus de minhoca oriundo de esterco de curral (H%) e vermiculita média (V%), sendo S1=H0 V100; S2=H25 V75; S3=H50 V50; S4=H75 V25 e S5=H100 V0. Avaliaram-se o número de plntulas emergidas, altura das plantas, diâmetro do caule, massas fresca e seca de raiz e parte aérea. Observaram-se resultados estatisticamente significativos para diâmetro do caule, aos 104 e 118 dias após a semeadura (DAS) entre espécies, com superioridade de Cravo em relação a Cleópatra, porém não aos 132 DAS. Não foi constatada diferença significativa entre os substratos. Quanto à massa fresca de parte aérea, nenhuma diferença estatística ocorreu entre as espécies; porém, quanto aos substratos, S3 mostrou-se superior a S1, não diferindo, entretanto, dos demais. Embora a análise estatística não tenha mostrado diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para os outros parâmetros analisados, S3 destacou-se entre os substratos testados.
O presente trabalho foi instalado em condições de campo com plntulas de limão `Cravo'(Citrus limonia Osbeck), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições no esquema de parcelas sub-divididas, onde os tratamentos principais foram 5 concentrações de ácido giberélico: T1 = 0, T2 = 25, T3 = 50, T4 = 100 e T5 = 150 ppm, parceladas em quatro pulverizações. Os tratamentos secundários foram as coletas do material, realizadas dos 70 aos 210 dias, em intervalos de 14 dias. Pelos resultados obtidos, o fitorregulador promoveu efeito favorável com relação ao incremento do comprimento do caule, sendo o tratamento de 150 ppm superior aos demais. O diâmetro do caule atingiu maiores dimensões com aplicação de ácido giberélico 50 e 25 ppm.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
China is an important center of origin for the genus Citrus L. of the family Rutaceae and is rich in wild Citrus species. The taxonomy of Citrus has been a subject of controversy for more than a half century. We propose that the metabolite profiles of Chinese native Citrus species can be used for classification and understanding of the taxonomic relationships within the Citrus germplasm. In this study, triplicate gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) metabolite profiles of 20 Citrus species/varieties were acquired, including 10 native varieties originating in China. R-(+)-limonene, alpha-pinene, sabinene and alpha-terpinene were found to be major characteristic components of the essential oils analyzed in this study, and these compounds contributed greatly to the metabolic classification. The three basic species of the subgenus Eucitrus (Swingle's system), i.e., C. reticulata Blanco, C. medica L. and C. grandis Osb., were clearly differentiated based upon their metabolite profiles using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). All the presumed hybrid genotypes, including sweet orange (C. sinensis Osb.), sour orange (C. aurantium L.), lemon (C. limon Burm.f.), rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.), rangpur lime (C. limonia Osb.) and grapefruit (C. paradisi Macf.), were grouped closely together with one of their suggested parent species in the HCA-dendrogram and the PLS-DA score plot. These results clearly demonstrated that the metabolite profiles of Citrus species could be utilized for the taxonomic classification of the genus and are complementary to the existing taxonomic evidence, especially for the identification and differentiation of hybrid species.
Brown spot (caused by Alternaria alternata) is a major disease of citrus in subtropical areas of Australia. A number of chemicals, the strobilurins azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin and methoxycrylate, a plant activator (acibenzolar), copper hydroxide, mancozeb, captan, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil were tested in the field for its control. Over three seasons, trees in a commercial orchard received 16, 14 and 7 fungicide sprays, respectively, commencing at flowering in the first season, and petal fall in the later seasons. In all experiments, the strobilurins used alone, or incorporated with copper and mancozeb, were as effective as, or better than the industry standard of copper and mancozeb alone. The only exception was trifloxystrobin, which when used alone was less effective than the industry standard. Acibenzolar used alone was ineffective. Applying a mixture of azoxystrobin and acibenzolar was found to reduce the incidence of brown spot compared with applying azoxystrobin alone but, in either case, disease levels were not found to be significantly different to the industry standard. Captan, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil were as effective as the industry standard. The incidence and severity of rind damage were significantly lowest in the azoxystrobin, methoxycrylate, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil treatments. Medium and high rates of trifloxystrobin (0.07 g/L, 0 .15 g/L) and pyraclostrobin (0.8 g/L, 1.2 g/L) applied alone were the only treatments found to be IPM-incompatible as shown by the elevated level of scale infection on fruit.
Nematospora (Eremothecium) coryli was isolated from Citrus and identified for the first time in Australia. This insect-transmitted yeast was associated with dry rot in cultivated and native Citrus fruits. Although N. coryli is known as a serious seed pathogen of many tropical and sub-tropical plants, evidence is presented that it has been present and undetected in Queensland for at least ninety years.
Fruit-piercing moths are significant pests of a range of fruit crops throughout much of the world's tropics and subtropics. Feeding damage by the adult moths is most widely reported in varieties of citrus. In the years 2003 and 2004, fruit-piercing moth activity was observed regularly at night in citrus crops in northeast Australia, to determine the level of maturity (based on rind colour) and soundness of fruit attacked. 'Navelina' navel and 'Washington' navel orange, grapefruit and mixed citrus crops were assessed, and fruit was rated and placed into five categories: green, colouring, ripe, overripe and damaged. There were no statistical differences in the percentage of fruit attacked in each category across crops. However, within the individual crops significant proportions of green 'Navelina' fruit (58.7%) and green mixed citrus (57.1%) were attacked in 2004. Among all the crops assessed, 25.1% of moth feeding occurred on overripe or damaged fruit. Crops started to be attacked at least 8 weeks before picking, but in two crops there were large influxes of moths (reaching 27 and 35 moths/100 trees, respectively) immediately before harvest. Moth activity was most intense between late February and late March. Eudocima fullonia (Clerck) represented 79.1% of all moths recorded on fruit, with Eudocima materna (L.), Eudocima salaminia (Cramer) and Serrodes campana (Guen.) the only other species observed capable of inflicting primary damage. Our results suggest that growers should monitor moth activity from 8 weeks before harvest and consider remedial action if moth numbers increase substantially as the crop matures or there is a history of moth problems. The number of fruit pickings could be increased to progressively remove ripe fruit or early harvest of the entire crop contemplated if late influxes of moths are known.
Citrus canker is a disease of citrus and closely related species, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. This disease, previously exotic to Australia, was detected on a single farm [infested premise-1, (IP1). IP is the terminology used in official biosecurity protocols to describe a locality at which an exotic plant pest has been confirmed or is presumed to exist. IP are numbered sequentially as they are detected] in Emerald, Queensland in July 2004. During the following 10 months the disease was subsequently detected on two other farms (IP2 and IP3) within the same area and studies indicated the disease first occurred on IP1 and spread to IP2 and IP3. The oldest, naturally infected plant tissue observed on any of these farms indicated the disease was present on IP1 for several months before detection and established on IP2 and IP3 during the second quarter (i.e. autumn) 2004. Transect studies on some IP1 blocks showed disease incidences ranged between 52 and 100% (trees infected). This contrasted to very low disease incidence, less than 4% of trees within a block, on IP2 and IP3. The mechanisms proposed for disease spread within blocks include weather-assisted dispersal of the bacterium (e.g. wind-driven rain) and movement of contaminated farm equipment, in particular by pivot irrigator towers via mechanical damage in combination with abundant water. Spread between blocks on IP2 was attributed to movement of contaminated farm equipment and/or people. Epidemiology results suggest: (i) successive surveillance rounds increase the likelihood of disease detection; (ii) surveillance sensitivity is affected by tree size; and (iii) individual destruction zones (for the purpose of eradication) could be determined using disease incidence and severity data rather than a predefined set area.
Fruiting hybrids are reported for the first time between the genera Citrus L. and Citropsis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. Conventional hybridization using the recently described species Citrus wakonai P.I.Forst. & M.W.Sm. and Citropsis gabunensis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. resulted in high rates of fruit set and seed formation. Although seed were only half normal size, over 90% germinated without the need for embryo rescue techniques. Plant losses were high during the first few months but after six months, the 327 surviving hybrids were potted on. These grew vigorously on their own roots and 35 of them flowered within two years of sowing. Plants flowered continuously but all were pollen-sterile and ovaries abscised shortly after petal fall. However, at 25 months, two newly flowering hybrids began setting fruit. The development, identification, morphology, breeding efficiency, and future implications of this unique germplasm are described.
本文采用物种生物学的方法分析了绵枣[Scilla sinensis (Lour.) Merr.]多倍体复合体细胞地理、形态、生态适应和发育节律的变异。此外,还对AA细胞型居群进行了等位酶分析和杂交实验。结果如下: 1. 细胞学检查秀自中国境内45个居群,检出AA、AB、BB、AAA、BBB和AABB 6个细胞型。多数居群由1种细胞型组成。AA几乎占据着该复合体在中国的整个分布区。BB仅局限于华中和华东地区。AABB分布于华中和华东地区的北侧、东北地区的东南部及台湾岛。45个居的细胞型组成以细胞地理分布图表示。总结前人与我们的工作,该复合体中已发现12个整倍体细胞型(AA、AB、BB、AAA、ABB、BBB、AAAA、AABB、ABBB、BBBB、AABBB和AAABBB)和各种基于多倍体的非整倍体。其基本细胞型为AA、BB和AABB。AA分布于除日本和大陆上BB分布区中心外该复合体的整个分布区。BB分布中国华东和华中地区、朝鲜的济州岛和日本。AABB分布日本、朝鲜和中国东北地区的东南部及华中、华东地区的东侧。另外,BB居群染色体数量最多,AABB次之,而AA最低。 2. 野外调查和栽培实验表明AA细胞型在中国东部和西部地区间存在形态和生态分化,东部居群形态变异较小,其共同特征是纺锤形鳞茎,红褐色;根茎短柱状;叶多灰绿色,蜡质明显,斜升;花葶较强壮而直立;花紫红色;子房每室1胚珠。西部为AA细胞型的现代变异中心,居群间形态变异大,区别于东部居群的特点是鳞茎纺锤形或近球形,根茎短柱状或盘状,叶鲜绿色,蜡质不明显,平卧地面;花葶1-4枝,直立,多花葶时斜升;花白色或淡红色,子房每室胚珠1 ~ 2枚。AA和BB细胞型是向着适于不同地理区的环境发展,因而具有不同的形态和生物学特性的两个类型。BB鳞茎近球形,黄褐色,根茎不明显,为盘状;叶墨绿色,柔软而平卧地面,是适于阴湿的林下环境的结果。春季萌发较早,约在3月初,其夏季休眠特性刚好可渡过华中地区东部夏季的高温多雨,待秋季温度下降时开花结实。而AA划适应了光照较强而干旱的山坡草地灌丛的类型。其发育节律变异较大,但萌动较BB晚,无夏季休眠。AABB细胞型的形态介于两祖先二倍体之间,没有形成独特的生态适应和发育节律。 3. 对AA细胞型的等位酶分析表明,该种的居群表现出较高的遗传变异(A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, H_o = 0.172 和 H_e = 0.185)。居群间存在较明显的分化(F_(ST) = 0.314)。东西两地区间也存在遗传分化。 4. AA居群间多数组合的F_1都低于对照的花粉育性和结实率。尤其是东部和西部居群间组合的F_1花粉育性和结实率极低,几近不育。如果仅仅考虑该复合体的形态变异,它只能作为一个形态复杂多变的种,Scilla sinensis (Lour) Merr.。可是如此处理就掩盖了其细胞型间清晰的进化关系。为弥补这一缺陷,当研究细胞型间的进化关系时,可采用生物学和概念。AA细胞型为S. sinensis (Lour.) Merr., 可分两亚种:subsp. sinensis 和 subsp. alboviridis (Hand.-Mazz.) K. Y. Ding。BB细胞型为S. thunbergii Miyabe et Kudo。而ABB及含有A和B染色体组的多倍体作为杂交种S. x sino-japonica K.Y.Ding。两个二倍体种形态界限很清楚,但AABB的存在湮灭了两者的间断。
Fourteen new lignans, tiegusanins A-N (1-14), together with 13 known compounds were isolated from the aerial parts of Schisandra propinqua var. sinensis. The structures and absolute configurations of 1-13 were established using a combination of spectrosco
P>A sampling system for capturing sturgeon eggs using a D-shaped bottom anchored drift net was used to capture early life stages (ELS) of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, and monitor annual spawning success at Yichang on the Yangtze River, 1996-2004, before and just after the Three Gorges Dam began operation. Captured were 96 875 ELS (early life stages: eggs, yolk-sac larvae = eleuthero embryos, and larvae); most were eggs and only 2477 were yolk-sac larvae. Most ELS were captured in the main river channel and inside the bend at the Yichang spawning reach. Yolk-sac larvae were captured for a maximum of 3 days after hatching began, indicating quick dispersal downstream. The back-calculated day of egg fertilization over the eight years indicated a maximum spawning window of 23 days (20 October-10 November). Spawning in all years was restricted temporally, occurred mostly at night and during one or two spawning periods, each lasting several days. The brief temporal spawning window may reduce egg predation by opportunistic predators by flooding the river bottom with millions of eggs. During 1996-2002, the percentage of fertilized eggs in an annual 20-egg sample was between 63.5 to 94.1%; however, in 2003 the percentage fertilized was only 23.8%. This sudden decline may be related to the altered environmental conditions at Yichang caused by operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Further studies are needed to monitor spawning and changes in egg fertilization in this threatened population.
IgM, IgD and IgY and their expression pattern in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis
Three Ig isotypes, IgM, IgD, and IgA, were previously known in reptiles. Here, in this report we describe IgM, IgD and a novel immunoglobulin heavy-chain isotype upsilon (IgY) in Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). The IgM and IgY constant domains are characteristically similar to their counterparts described in other vertebrates. The expression of IgM and IgD were detected at mRNA level early during embryonic development, and their expression increased during further development. However, the IgY expression was not detected in larval turtles until 90 days after hatching-out. The increase in the transcription of these three Ig molecules was analyzed by using real-time PCR in spleen, kidney and blood following the injection of inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila. The primary increase in the expression of these three Igs was observed I week after the first injection, although not statistically significant, and the second injection 2 weeks after the first injection provoked a significant increase in the expression of these Igs, revealing a pattern of primary and secondary antibody response in the turtle. The present study represents the first report on reptile IgY and the pattern of IgM, IgD and IgY transcription in reptiles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.