1000 resultados para Cidades e vilas - Marília (SP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This study was conducted at University of Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil, aiming to determine the phase of intake transition between exclusively liquid diet (milk) and diet based on milk, grass and/or ration by lambs by δ13C technique. Six Suffolk crossbreeding lambs were distributed in a totally random design (3x2), with two experimental groups and three replications. At the first one, lambs were penned and sucked milk from dams fed with C4 diet. besides, they had access to C3 ration in creep feeding, since their birth. At the second group, lambs were kept on a paddock with Tifton – 85 grass (C4 photosynthetic way) as well as their dams and had access to C3 ration in creep feeding, since their birth. The C3 ration contained soybean meal, ground oat grains, lucerne hay and also mineral salt. The penned lambs’ ration consumption overcame the milk intake at 30-35 days after birth; however, grazing lambs ingested more milk and pasture than ration until 40 days after birth. The δ 13C technique was considered effective on studies of lambs feeding behavior.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The average cities inserted in the areas of the Brazilian Cerrado are restructuring in the rural and urban areas in recent decades as a result of agricultural investments. Representative of this process, we chose Rio Verde due to two processes: to develop socioeconomically depending on agricultural production restructuring Cerrado after 1970 and offer average city features regional centrality and intra-urban contradictions. So we have as the problem situation the fact of Rio Verde be inserted in an agricultural region, where the restructured field creates cooperation with the agricultural industry and the tertiary sector, structuring a regional agribusiness success. However, let us doubts about the effects of the restructuring process in socio-economic and environmental terms, in relation to the field and the city. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to the discussion about the medium- sized Cerrado cities whose functions are linked to agribusiness, and understand the logic and the effects of the restructuring process in rural and urban areas, having Rio Verde – GO as the reference for studying. Regarding the methodological practice research, it is a qualitative research, developed based on three pillars: theoretical, documentary and field. We conclude the thesis stating that the modern field, the result of agricultural production restructuring, fomented an economy specialized in agribusiness, which led to the enrichment of the field, the formation of agro-industrial complex and the formation of an average city, specializing in agribusiness, whose centrality exceeds its micro-region. In terms of effects, we conclude that process agricultural production restructuring, generated positive impacts for the insertion of Savannahs in the national economy, and to the cities inserted in the modern field. On the other hand, country and city inserted in agricultural regions, masked under the agribusiness speech, perverse effects of socioeconomic and environmental order, is an inviting system to invest and exclusionary, when there is nothing to offer. Thus, the problems are choked on site, leaving only the speech of wealth to be disclosed in the national order.
This research objective is to analyze the historical aspects of the city ―Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso‖, located in the micro region Pires do Rio, southeast of Goiás in the period of the First Republic, 1989-1930. To understand a city is to try to understand the individuals who inhabit it, as they are the ones who are responsible for the structures that forms that space. Therefore this thesis brings to the historiography a study of the city of Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso through various mechanisms as oral sources, official documents of the municipality collected in public bodies of the city made available in town halls, municipal public and archive file of the prefecture. These sources have helped us to make the knowledge of the place approached. The Republic has brought to different places of Brazil expectations and/or solutions, of innovations that modernized in order to erase the marks the old colonial system. The cities to be created would be part of the molds republicans and this way, should follow models ready coming, basically, from European countries. However, the city of the Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso is outside of this process moderniser, having been relegated by several years to difficulties of a distant region and without resources. The historiography of Goiás summarizes the period of the arrival of the railroad in the southern region of the State, such as a time of progress in all the sectors of the life of this society. Then, to understand the specificity of Campo Formoso, we approached from the documentary sources exist various elements constitutor city history: its political constitution formed by the most affluent of the city, the strength of the colonels, the role of the Church as a political power. These power relations in the region were decisive for the deviation of the railroad. In this way, also we sought to analyze how the process of urbanization has occurred and which represented for the history of the city Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso the passage of the Railroad Goiás not within its limits. In the meantime we situate the special policies of a city in the interior of Goiás, which is on the edge of a project set up as amodernizer moved by the First Republic.
A recuperação do cine-teatro Gardunha do Fundão : projecto de reintegração funcional e sociocultural
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Considering current technological progresses, they prove to be useful tools to be increasingly exploited in order to meet the population's needs. Generally, in Brazil, the Mobile Emergency Services (SAMU) tend to be limited to the management of incidents, which undermines the efficiency of these bodies. In this context, this final dissertation aims to present the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the SAMU in the cities of Feira de Santana BA and Rio Claro SP, integrating occurrences data related to trauma by cold weapon injuries, injury by gun, and assaults, in the period 2012-2013, as well as census data. The study was developed in stages that included obtaining data related to trauma events linked to urban violence, and statistical Census data (2010), provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Regarding the GIS, the free software Quantum GIS (QGIS) was adopted for processing and spatializing data, assuming the districts as units of study, in the urban area of the cities analyzed. The resulting research products were presented in thematic maps format, which conducted to a comparative analysis of the occurrences related to traumas. The achieved results were satisfactory, and a database in GIS was developed, integrating occurrences data by Cold Weapon Injuries (FAB), Injury by Gun (FAF) and Assaults with census data, allowing the proper use and update of the system. Making a comparative analysis between the two cities, it was possible to establish that Rio Claro presents more occurrences when it comes to FAF, FAB and Aggression recorded at SAMU per 100,000 inhabitants than Feira de Santana. Thus, although Rio Claro's population is about three times smaller than Feira de Santana's, it can be said that Rio Claro is a more violent city, considering the factors analyzed. It is possible to infer that the use of GIS applied to the SAMU in medium-sized cities is feasible, and it has the advantage...
Esa tesis presenta un breve histórico sobre el sistema bancario brasileño, buscando entender las lógicas espaciales en tres ciudades paulistas - Marília, Ribeirão Preto y São Carlos - asociando el abordaje, sobretodo, al contexto de las ciudades intermedias, que es el caso de las las ciudades estudiadas en esta investigación. Realizamos este análisis a través del trabajo con algunas hipótesis sobre lógicas espaciales, refuerzo de la centralidad urbana y nuevas tendencias, con el fin de comprender posibles prácticas espaciales resultantes de reestruturacción urbana y de la ciudad, tomando en consideración que la fuerte presencia de distintas agencias, junto a los espacios comerciales de las ciudades, confirma la importancia comercial que estas ciudades tienen, revelando relaciones entre su ubicación y las posibilidades de atraer usuarios. Por lo tanto, el estudio de las lógicas espaciales ejecutadas por los grandes grupos que operan el sistema bancario ha tenido papel importante en la articulación entre reestruturación urbana y de las ciudades
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Esa tesis presenta un breve histórico sobre el sistema bancario brasileño, buscando entender las lógicas espaciales en tres ciudades paulistas - Marília, Ribeirão Preto y São Carlos - asociando el abordaje, sobretodo, al contexto de las ciudades intermedias, que es el caso de las las ciudades estudiadas en esta investigación. Realizamos este análisis a través del trabajo con algunas hipótesis sobre lógicas espaciales, refuerzo de la centralidad urbana y nuevas tendencias, con el fin de comprender posibles prácticas espaciales resultantes de reestruturacción urbana y de la ciudad, tomando en consideración que la fuerte presencia de distintas agencias, junto a los espacios comerciales de las ciudades, confirma la importancia comercial que estas ciudades tienen, revelando relaciones entre su ubicación y las posibilidades de atraer usuarios. Por lo tanto, el estudio de las lógicas espaciales ejecutadas por los grandes grupos que operan el sistema bancario ha tenido papel importante en la articulación entre reestruturación urbana y de las ciudades
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor colocam-se como importante subsídio à participação competitiva dos diferentes segmentos nas cadeias agroalimentares e para a própria organização da mesma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de identificar o perfil dos consumidores de frutas em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 404 consumidores em pontos de venda previamente selecionados nas cidades de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaboticabal, Ilha Solteira e Tupã. Os resultados sobre o perfil do consumidor de frutas nas cidades pesquisadas sinalizam uma preocupação com as características do produto (saudáveis e saborosos), com o preço e com facilidades de acesso na compra. Os resultados apontam também para a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre a importância da informação relacionada aos aspectos mais valorizados (características do produto e preço) na estrutura de consumo.
O segundo satélite da Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira (SCD2/MECB) foi colocado em órbita em 23 de Outubro de 1998 e carrega a bordo um experimento de células solares. Célula solar de silício é um dispositivo semicondutor, que pode medir a intensidade da radiação visível e parte da radiação infravermelha (400-1100 nm). O experimento permite medir simultaneamente a insolação direta e parte da radiação solar que é refletida pela Terra para o espaço. Os dados do experimento célula solar são transmitidos em tempo real pela telemetria do satélite e recebidos pela estação terrestre em Cuiabá, MT-Brasil (16°S; 56°W). Este fato limita a cobertura espacial para um círculo sobre a América do Sul. O albedo planetário é obtido dentro desta cobertura e seus valores podem ser agrupados em períodos temporais (anual, sazonal ou mensal), ou podem ser estudados para várias localizações (latitude e longitude) durante a vida do satélite. O coeficiente de transmissão atmosférica ou índice de claridade (Kt), medido em estações meteorológicas na superfície da Terra, junto com o valor medido simultaneamente do albedo planetário, permite calcular o coeficiente de absorção atmosférica (Ka). O método desenvolvido neste trabalho para avaliar Ka considera que o albedo planetário é composto por duas partes: uma refletividade local e uma refletividade não local. Considerando este novo conceito, é definida uma taxa de absorção atmosférica (denominada Ra) que é a razão entre Ka e a potência de irradiância solar líquida, que não atravessou a atmosfera (100%-Kt). A taxa de absorção atmosférica assim definida é independente da cobertura de nuvens. O histograma de freqüência de Ra mostra os valores de 0,86±0,07 e 0,88±0,09 sobre as cidades de Botucatu-SP e do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, durante os anos de 1999 até 2006, respectivamente.
Estudos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor colocam-se como importante subsídio à participação competitiva dos diferentes segmentos nas cadeias agroalimentares e para a própria organização da mesma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de identificar o perfil dos consumidores de frutas em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 404 consumidores em pontos de venda previamente selecionados nas cidades de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaboticabal, Ilha Solteira e Tupã. Os resultados sobre o perfil do consumidor de frutas nas cidades pesquisadas sinalizam uma preocupação com as características do produto (saudáveis e saborosos), com o preço e com facilidades de acesso na compra. Os resultados apontam também para a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre a importância da informação relacionada aos aspectos mais valorizados (características do produto e preço) na estrutura de consumo.
The process of internalization of development occurred in the state of Sao Paulo resulted in accelerated growth of intermediate cities leading to a pattern of development with sprawl, segregation and suburbanization. In this process stands the Administrative Region of Campinas, the hinterland region of higher growth and accumulating a larger number of medium-sized cities. Such questions imply the need for appropriate urban policies to confront these challenges, under risk to jeopardize the quality of life and environment of these cities. The implementation of the Estatuto da Cidade brings new perspectives for urban management in medium-sized cities. This study aims to evaluate the deployment of instruments of urban management in medium-sized cities in São Paulo, with emphasis on Administrative Region of Campinas, based on the Profile of Brazilian Municipalities 2008 conducted by IBGE. The results point to a worrying situation, as it did not see a correlation between the deployment of these instruments and the size, growth and income in the mid-sized cities.