927 resultados para Chlorite-thiourea Reaction
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA by polymerase chain reaction in experimentally desiccated tissues
Despite toxoplasmosis being a common infection among human and other warm-blooded animals worldwide, there are no findings about Toxoplasma gondii evolutionary forms in ancient populations. The molecular techniques used for amplification of genetic material have allowed recovery of ancient DNA (aDNA) from parasites contained in mummified tissues. The application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to paleoparasitological toxoplasmosis research becomes a promising option, since it might allow diagnosis, acquisition of paleoepidemiological data, access to toxoplasmosis information related origin, evolution, and distribution among the ancient populations.Furthermore, it makes possible the analysis of parasite aDNA aiming at phylogenetic studies. To standardize and evaluate PCR applicability to toxoplasmosis paleodiagnostic, an experimental mummification protocol was tested using desiccated tissues from mice infected with the ME49 strain cysts, the chronic infection group (CIG), or infected with tachyzoites (RH strain), the acute infection group (AIG). Tissues were subjected to DNA extraction followed by PCR amplification of T. gondii B1 gene. PCR recovered T. gondii DNA in thigh muscle, encephalon, heart, and lung samples. AIG presented PCR positivity in encephalon, lungs, hearts, and livers. Based on this results, we propose this molecular approach for toxoplasmosis research in past populations.
This study aimed at implementing a Nested-polymerase chain reaction (Nested-PCR) for the molecular diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I/II (HTLV-I and HTLV-II) infections in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of infected subjects in Argentina. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay for the detection of regional strains were assessed by comparing them with the molecular assay of reference PCR-hybridization. The Nested-PCR detected 1 MT-2 cell (³ 8 proviral copies)/1x106 non-infected cells showing high sensitivity for provirus detection. While both molecular assays showed high specificity (100%) for HTLV-I and HTLV-II detection, the sensitivity values differed: 100% for Nested-PCR and 67% for PCR-hybridization assay. Moreover, this technique showed less sensitivity for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-II (33%) than for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-I (75%). The high sensitivity and specificity of the Nested-PCR for regional strains and its low costs indicate that this assay could replace the PCR-hybridization assay for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections. It will be interesting to assess the usefulness of this assay as a tool for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections in other developing countries. Other studies that include a greater number of samples should be conducted.
This study compares smear, growth in Lowenstein-Jensen medium, and in-house polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A total of 72 specimens from 72 patients with clinical symptoms of tuberculosis, including 70 sputum and two bronchial aspirate samples, were tested in parallel by smear, culture, and in-house PCR techniques. From these, 48 (66.6%) were negative by the 3 methods, 2 (2.8%) were smear positive and negative by culture and in-house PCR, 11 (15.3%) were both smear and culture negative, and in-house PCR positive, 7 (9.7%) were positive by the 3 methods, 2 (2.8%) were positive by smear and culture, and negative by PCR, 2 (2.8%) were positive by culture and PCR, but smear negative. After the resolution of discrepancies in PCR results, the sensitivity and specificity for in-house PCR technique to M. tuberculosis relative to the culture, were 81.8% and 81.9%, respectively. These results confirm that this method, in-house PCR, may be a sensitive and specific technique for M. tuberculosis detection, occurring in both positive and negative smear and negative cultures.
The specific identification of Lymnaeid snails is based on a comparison of morphological characters of the shell, radula, renal and reproductive organs. However, the identification is complicated by dissection process, intra and interspecific similarity and variability of morphological characters. In the present study, polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques targeted to the first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) rDNA and to the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal gene (16S rDNAmt) were used to differentiate the species Lymnaea columella, L. viatrix, and L. diaphana from some localities of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay as well as to verify whether the molecular results corroborates the classical morphological method.PCR-RFLP analysis of the ITS1, ITS2, and 16S using 12 restriction enzymes revealed characteristic patterns for L. columella and L. diaphana which were concordant with the classical morphology. On the other hand, for L. viatrix populations a number of 1 to 6 profiles were generated while morphology provided the species pattern results.
DNA samples from blood and nasal swabs of 125 healthy household contacts was submitted to amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a Mycobacterium leprae-specific sequence as a target for the detection of subclinical infection with M. leprae.All samples were submitted to hybridization analysis in order to exclude any false positive or negative results. Two positive samples were confirmed from blood out of 119 (1.7%) and two positive samples from nasal secretion out of 120 (1.7%). The analysis of the families with positive individuals showed that 2.5% (n = 3) of the contacts were relatives of multibacilary patients while 0.8% of the cases (n = 1) had a paucibacilary as an index case. All positive contacts were followed up and after one year none of them presented clinical signs of the disease. In spite of the PCR sensitivity to detect the presence of the M. leprae in a subclinical stage, this molecular approach did not seem to be a valuable tool to screen household contacts, since we determined a spurious association of the PCR positivity and further development of leprosy.
We report a nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for hantavirus using primers selected to match high homology regions of hantavirus genomes detected from the whole blood of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) patients from Brazil, also including the N gene nucleotide sequence of Araraquara virus. Hantavirus genomes were detected in eight out of nine blood samples from the HCPS patients by RT-PCR (88.9% positivity) and in all 9 blood samples (100% positivity) by nested-PCR. The eight amplicons obtained by RT-PCR (P1, P3-P9), including one obtained by nested-PCR (P-2) and not obtained by RT-PCR, were sequenced and showed high homology (94.8% to 99.1%) with the N gene of Araraquara hantavirus. Although the serologic method ELISA is the most appropriate test for HCPS diagnosis, the use of nested RT-PCR for hantavirus in Brazil would contribute to the diagnosis of acute hantavirus disease detecting viral genomes in patient specimens as well as initial genomic characterization of circulating hantaviruses.
La douleur neuropathique est définie comme une douleur causée par une lésion du système nerveux somato-sensoriel. Elle se caractérise par des douleurs exagérées, spontanées, ou déclenchées par des stimuli normalement non douloureux (allodynie) ou douloureux (hyperalgésie). Bien qu'elle concerne 7% de la population, ses mécanismes biologiques ne sont pas encore élucidés. L'étude des variations d'expressions géniques dans les tissus-clés des voies sensorielles (notamment le ganglion spinal et la corne dorsale de la moelle épinière) à différents moments après une lésion nerveuse périphérique permettrait de mettre en évidence de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Elles se détectent de manière sensible par reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT- qPCR). Pour garantir des résultats fiables, des guidelines ont récemment recommandé la validation des gènes de référence utilisés pour la normalisation des données ("Minimum information for publication of quantitative real-time PCR experiments", Bustin et al 2009). Après recherche dans la littérature des gènes de référence fréquemment utilisés dans notre modèle de douleur neuropathique périphérique SNI (spared nerve injury) et dans le tissu nerveux en général, nous avons établi une liste de potentiels bons candidats: Actin beta (Actb), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), ribosomal proteins 18S (18S), L13a (RPL13a) et L29 (RPL29), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (HPRT1) et hydroxymethyl-bilane synthase (HMBS). Nous avons évalué la stabilité d'expression de ces gènes dans le ganglion spinal et dans la corne dorsale à différents moments après la lésion nerveuse (SNI) en calculant des coefficients de variation et utilisant l'algorithme geNorm qui compare les niveaux d'expression entre les différents candidats et détermine la paire de gènes restante la plus stable. Il a aussi été possible de classer les gènes selon leur stabilité et d'identifier le nombre de gènes nécessaires pour une normalisation la plus précise. Les gènes les plus cités comme référence dans le modèle SNI ont été GAPDH, HMBS, Actb, HPRT1 et 18S. Seuls HPRT1 and 18S ont été précédemment validés dans des arrays de RT-qPCR. Dans notre étude, tous les gènes testés dans le ganglion spinal et dans la corne dorsale satisfont au critère de stabilité exprimé par une M-value inférieure à 1. Par contre avec un coefficient de variation (CV) supérieur à 50% dans le ganglion spinal, 18S ne peut être retenu. La paire de gènes la plus stable dans le ganglion spinal est HPRT1 et Actb et dans la corne dorsale il s'agit de RPL29 et RPL13a. L'utilisation de 2 gènes de référence stables suffit pour une normalisation fiable. Nous avons donc classé et validé Actb, RPL29, RPL13a, HMBS, GAPDH, HPRT1 et 18S comme gènes de référence utilisables dans la corne dorsale pour le modèle SNI chez le rat. Dans le ganglion spinal 18S n'a pas rempli nos critères. Nous avons aussi déterminé que la combinaison de deux gènes de référence stables suffit pour une normalisation précise. Les variations d'expression génique de potentiels gènes d'intérêts dans des conditions expérimentales identiques (SNI, tissu et timepoints post SNI) vont pouvoir se mesurer sur la base d'une normalisation fiable. Non seulement il sera possible d'identifier des régulations potentiellement importantes dans la genèse de la douleur neuropathique mais aussi d'observer les différents phénotypes évoluant au cours du temps après lésion nerveuse.
Oral susceptibility and vertical transmission of dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) in an Aedes albopictus sample from Rio de Janeiro was estimated. The infection (36.7%) and transmission (83.3%) rates for Ae. albopictus were higher than those of an Ae. aegypti colony used as control, 32.8 and 60%, respectively. Fourth instar larvae and females descendants of 48.5 and 39.1% of experimentally infected Ae. albopictus showed to harbor the virus. The oral susceptibility and the high capacity to assure vertical transmission exhibited by Ae. albopictus from Brazil reinforce that this species may play a role in the maintenance of the virus in nature and be a threat for dengue control in the country.
American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is an endemic disease in Northern Argentina. We applied the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by a hybridization labelled probe to 21 paraffin embedded human skin biopsies, already analyzed histologically, from leishmaniasis endemic areas in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. We used primers previously designed to detect a Leishmania-specific 120-base-pair fragment of kinetoplast DNA minicircle, other two primer pairs that amplify kDNA minicircles belonging to the L. braziliensis and L. mexicana complexes respectively, and specific oligonucleotide primers to detect L. (V.) braziliensis which amplify the sequence of the ribosomal protein L-14 of this species. The PCR-hybridization showed a sensitivity of 90.5% when compared to the histopathology test which was 61.9%. Five of the total samples analyzed were positive for the L. braziliensis complex whilst none was positive for the L. mexicana complex. The specific primers for L. (V.) braziliensis detected the parasite in four samples. These results are consistent with those reported for close endemic areas and demonstrate that the causative agent of human leishmaniasis in the analyzed cases was L. (V.) braziliensis. PCR should be used as a diagnostic tool for tegumentary leishmaniasis, especially in the mucosal form, and as a valuable technique for the identification of the Leishmania species that causes the disease in certain areas.
We describe a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a nested-PCR for diagnosis of Piry, Carajás, Cocal, and Alagoas vesiculoviruses from Brazil. The RNA extracts of viral and clinical samples were submitted to a RT-PCR using Vesiculovirus G primers that amplify part of the glycoprotein gene. The RT-PCR produced amplicons of expected size, 290 base pair, for the four studied viruses. The RT-PCR showed a high sensitivity being 151.3 times (2.18 log) more sensitive for the detection of Piry virus than the classical procedure for virus detection in tissue culture based on the viral cytophatic effect. Amplicons had nucleotides sequenced and were aligned in order to select internal primers for a nested-PCR to confirm the origin of Piry, Carajás, Cocal, and Alagoas Vesiculovirus. Ten blood and tarsal pad epithelial samples of infected Guinea-pigs had Vesiculovirus genome amplified by RT-nested-PCR.
Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) cases have been increasing in the state of São Paulo but no genomic information about local rickettsia isolated from humans has been well documented. We recovered spotted-fever group rickettsiae from a sample of patient blood cultured in Vero cells using the shell vial technique. Rickettsial DNA fragments (gltA, ompA, and, ompB genes) were detected, and analysis of the ompB gene base sequences showed identity with the Rickettsia rickettsii ompB sequence available in the GenBank.
Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) marajoara is a proven primary vector of malaria parasites in Northeast Brazil, and An. deaneorum is a suspected vector in Western Brazil. Both are members of the morphologically similar Albitarsis Complex, which also includes An. albitarsis and an undescribed species, An. albitarsis "B". These four species were recognized and can be identified using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, but various other methodologies also point to multiple species under the name An. albitarsis. We describe here a technique for identification of these species employing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (rDNA ITS2) sequence. Since this method is based on known sequence it is simpler than the sometimes problematical RAPD-PCR. Primers were tested on samples previously identified using RAPD markers with complete correlation.
Simple double repetitive element polymerase chain reaction (MaDRE-PCR) and Pvu II-IS1245 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) typing methods were used to type 41 Mycobacterium avium isolates obtained from 14 Aids inpatients and 10 environment and animals specimens identified among 53 mycobacteria isolated from 237 food, chicken, and pig. All environmental and animals strains showed orphan patterns by both methods. By MaDRE-PCR four patients, with multiple isolates, showed different patterns, suggesting polyclonal infection that was confirmed by RFLP in two of them. This first evaluation of MaDRE-PCR on Brazilian M. avium strains demonstrated that the method seems to be useful as simple and less expensive typing method for screening genetic diversity in M. avium strains on selected epidemiological studies, although with limitation on analysis identical patterns except for one band.
The detection of dengue virus serotypes from Aedes aegypti in Manaus, state of Amazonas was carried out using the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique. Fourteen pools out 82 (17.1%) were positive for DENV3, providing a minimal infection rate of 2.1% of all analyzed infected female specimens of three different areas of the city.
In this study were analyzed 526 sera; the patients aged from two days to 65 years old presenting exanthema, which was the most frequent symptom observed, besides fever, adenomegaly, and arthralgia. These sera were negative by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IgM-ELISA) for either rubella (495), toxoplasma (41), cytomegalovirus (12), measles (40), dengue (56), and they were submitted to nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for B19 DNA and commercial IgM-ELISA for B19. In 39 abortion cases, IgM or DNA were not detected, therefore they were not took into account for analysis. Specific DNA and IgM were detected respectively in 71 (14.5%) and IgM in 62 (12.7%) sera from 487 sera analyzed. IgM and DNA were simultaneously detected in 43 (8.8%), while agreement among the results by PCR and IgM-ELISA was observed in 440 (90.4%). The sera were collected from January 1999 to December 2000, most of them in 1999 (325), during winter and spring. The major number of clinical cases was observed in the age group from one to ten years old. IgM or DNA were detected in 23 from 51 municipal districts of the state of Rio de Janeiro, where the samples were collected.