486 resultados para Chirurgien (Factums FN)


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Comparative cytogenetic analyses were carried out in six species of Brachycephalidae from southeastern Brazil. Barycholos ternetzi, Eleutherodactylus binotatus, Eleutherodactylus guentheri, Eleutherodactylus juipoca, Eleutherodactylus parvus and Eleutherodactylus sp. have 2n = 22 karyotypes with a marked variation in the morphology of chromosome pairs 8, 10 and 11, which are of telocentric or metacentric types, resulting in FN = 38, 40 and 44. Eleutherodactylus have a single chromosome pair bearing Ag-NOR, i.e. pair 1 in E. binotatus, pair 6 in E. guentheri and E. parvus, and pair 11 in E. juipoca and Eleutherodactylus sp. In contrast, B. ternetzi showed Ag-positive sites in the chromosome pairs 1, 4, 5, 9 and 11, and only one to three labelings per metdphase in each individual. Nevertheless, the main chromosome pair with Ag-NOR in the species seems to be the 11th, like in E. juipoca and Eleutherodactylus sp. The NOR site was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique in E. binotatus and in B. ternetzi, bearing 1p1p and 9p11p11p Ag-NOR pattern, respectively. All the species exhibited predominantly centromeric C-banding pattern, but interstitial bands have also been observed in some cases. In E. binotatus, there is an indication of geographical difference in the distribution of the interstitial C-bands. The fluorochromes GC-specific chromomycin A(3) (CMA(3)) and AT-specific 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), with distamycin A (DA) counterstaining, provided the molecular content of some repetitive regions in the karyotypes of the species. One male of E. binotatus presented an extensive heteromorphism, involving at least five different pairs, probably as a consequence of multiple reciprocal translocations. Such rearrangements might be responsible for the multivalent chain seen in the meiosis of this specimen, as well as in another male, although not exhibiting chromosome heteromorphism. The remaining males and those belonging to the other species have always shown 11 bivalents in diplotene and metaphase I cells. In all male specimens, metaphases II presented 11 chromosomes. Despite the observed discrepancies, the five species of Eleutherodactylus have a great uniformity in the 2n = 22 karyotypes, suggesting an assemblage of species from southeastern and southern Brazil, in contrast to northern and northeastern assemblage which is characterized by higher diploid numbers. Undoubtedly, B. ternetzi could be included in that proposed assemblage, due to its karyotypic similarity with the Eleutherodactylus species, as evidenced in the present study. This fact strongly supports the close relationships of both genera, previously inferred on the basis of several characters shared by their species. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Scaphum nigra has a uniquechromosomecomplement among approximately 100 species studied so far belonging to the subfamily Phaneropterinae. It is formed by 2n ([male]) = 26 and a FN = 29 and derived from the ancestral karyotype of the group 2n ([male]) = 31, FN = 31, by means of two centric fusions and one tandem fusion. The first between the X chromosome and a medium-sized autosome giving rise to a neo-XY sex chromosome mechanism of recent origin, and the second between two acrocentric ones, the bigger and a medium size, that gave rise to a large submetacentric element whose length is very uncommon in the subfamily. This process has created a bimodal karyotype that contrasts with the majority in this group, whose chromosomes usually can be arranged in a decreasing order of size. A third rearrangement incorporating the chromatin of a medium-sized autosome to the bigger one, explains the reduction observed in the number of chromosomes and the enlarged size of the submetacentric elements. These features demonstrate the effectiveness of chromosome number, their morphology and the change of the sex mechanism as useful tools for taxonomy.


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All four species of the genus Dichromatos now cytologically analyzed, including D. montanus and D. comp (Cigliano 2007), studied in the present paper, are 2n = 21([male])/22([female]) (FN = 23/24) with a X1X2Y [male] / X1X1X2X2 [female] sex-determination mechanism. The possibility that this mechanism arose from a single ancestral species from which a rapid process of speciation and dispersion took place is discussed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It has previously been shown that measurement of the critical speed is a non-invasive method of estimating the blood lactate response during exercise. However, its validity in children has yet to be demonstrated. The aims of this study were: (1) to verify if the critical speed determined in accordance with the protocol of Wakayoshi et al. is a non-invasive means of estimating the swimming speed equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1) in children aged 10-12 years; and (2) to establish whether standard of performance has an effect on its determination. Sixteen swimmers were divided into two groups: beginners and trained. They initially completed a protocol for determination of speed equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1). Later, during training sessions, maximum efforts were swum over distances of 50, 100 and 200 m for the calculation of the critical speed. The speeds equivalent to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1) (beginners = 0.82 +/- 0.09 m . s(-1), trained = 1.19 +/- 0.11 m . s(-1); mean +/- s) were significantly faster than the critical speeds (beginners = 0.78 +/- 0.25 m . s(-1), trained = 1.08 +/- 0.04 m . s(-1)) in both groups. There was a high correlation between speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1) and the critical speed for the beginners (r = 0.96, P < 0.001), but not for the trained group (r = 0.60, P > 0.05). The blood lactate concentration corresponding to the critical speed was 2.7 +/- 1.1 and 3.1 +/- 0.4 mmol . l(-1) for the beginners and trained group respectively. The percent difference between speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1) and the critical speed was not significantly different between the two groups. At all distances studied, swimming performance was significantly faster in the trained group. Our results suggest that the critical speed underestimates swimming intensity corresponding to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1) in children aged 10-12 years and that standard of performance does not affect the determination of the critical speed.


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Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest FN = 60. The remaining species have a variable number of uni-armed telocentric or subtelo-centric chromosomes: H. cruzi, H. elianeae, and H. rubicundula with three pairs (FN = 54), H. berthalutzae, H. elegans, H. microps, and H. nana with four pairs (FN = 52), and H. nahdereri and H. sanborni with five pairs (FN = 50). The uni-armed elements are among pairs 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, and 15, which also appeared with metacentric or submetacentric morphology. The remaining chromosome pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,10, 12, and 13 were never found to be telocentric or subtelocentric. AgNOR patterns are species-specific, the majority of the species exhibiting a single pair with AgNORs, with the exception of H. elegans and H. nana with more than one chromosome pair bearing this cytological marker. C banding was obtained in H. berthalutzae, H. cruzi, H. elegans, H. elianeae, H. microps, H. minuta, H. nahdereri, and H. nana, which showed positively stained centromeric heterochromatin. Our analysis confirms the great karyotypic diversity in the species of Hyla with 2n = 30, with no species sharing identical karyotypes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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TEMA: o controle do tamanho da abertura velofaríngea é uma variável importante na caracterização do perfil acústico da fala hipernasal. OBJETIVO: investigar os aspectos espectrais das frequências de F1, F2, F3, formante nasal(FN) e anti-formante, em Hertz, para as vogais [a] e [ã] na presença de aberturas feitas no bulbo de réplicas da prótese de palato de uma paciente com insuficiência velofaríngea. MÉTODO: gravações de produções de quatro palavras (pato/mato e panto/manto) inseridas em frase veículo foram obtidas em cinco condições de funcionamento velofaríngeo: prótese sem aberturas (condição controle: CC), prótese com abertura de 10mm² no bulbo (condição experimental - CE10), com abertura de 20mm² (condição experimental - CE20), com abertura de 30mm² (condição experimental - CE30), e sem prótese (condição experimental aberta - CEA). Cinco fonoaudiólogos julgaram a nasalidade de fala ao vivo, durante a leitura de um texto oral. As gravações foram usadas para análise espectral. RESULTADOS: valores de F1 foram significativamente mais altos para [a] que para [ã] em todas as condições. Valores de F2 para [a] em CE20 e CE30 foram significantemente mais baixos que nas outras condições, aproximando-se dos valores para [ã]. Valores de F3 não foram significativamente diferentes nas diferentes condições. Houve relação entre os achados de FN e anti-formantes e a percepção de nasalidade para as condições CE10 e CE20. CONCLUSÃO: foram observadas mudanças significativas nos valores espectrais estudados de acordo com alterações no tamanho da abertura velofaríngea.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Fitzhugh-Nagumo (fn) mathematical model characterizes the action potential of the membrane. The dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model have been extensively studied both with a view to their biological implications and as a test bed for numerical methods, which can be applied to more complex models. This paper deals with the dynamics in the (FH) model. Here, the dynamics are analyzed, qualitatively, through the stability diagrams to the action potential of the membrane. Furthermore, we also analyze quantitatively the problem through the evaluation of Floquet multipliers. Finally, the nonlinear periodic problem is controlled, based on the Chebyshev polynomial expansion, the Picard iterative method and on Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation).


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The chromosome constitution of five males and three females of the Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) coming mainly from the region of Corumba-MS, was studied. The diploid number of the species was reconfirmed as 68 chromosomes with Fundamental Number (FN) = 74. The X chromosome was the largest and the Y the smallest in the genome. Constitutive heterochromatin demonstrated by C banding was present in the centromeric region of all chromosomes, except in pair number two, which had none, and in chromosome X which had a stained region in the telomere on the long arm, Chromosomes pairs 3 and 4 bore Ag-NORs. The banding patterns differed from those of previous reports for this species. This may be due to subspecific differences.


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The chromosomic constitution of the Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) was studied in 18 males and 18 females, mainly from the Tiete river basin in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The species diploid number was determined to be 66 chromosomes and the fundamental number (FN), 74. The X and the Y were the largest and the smallest chromosome, respectively. Large amounts of the constitutive heterochromatin marked by the C band were located in the centromeric region of all the acrocentric chromosomes. The first chromosome pair was not marked and the second and third pairs showed weak centromeric markings. The X chromosome showed two strong telomeric markings while the Y was C band negative. Chromosomes four and five were the NOR carriers. Polymorphism for this band was observed in pair four. The results of this study are in agreement with other reports in the literature, in spite of the different origin of the animals.


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The location of chromosomal telomeric repeats (TTAGGG)(n) was investigated in two species of the Molossidae family, Eumops glaucinus and Eumops perotis. The diploid chromosome number (2n) is 40 in E. glaucinus and 48 in E. perotis and the fundamental numbers (FN) are 64 and 58, respectively. It has been suggested that the E. glaucinus karyotype has evolved from the E. perotis karyotype through Robertsonian fusion events. In the present study, the telomeric sequences were detected at the termini of chromosomes in both species. In addition, E. glaucinus also displayed telomeric repeats in centromeric and pericentromeric regions in almost all biarmed chromosomes. Conversely, in E. perotis pericentromeric signals were only observed in two biarmed chromosomes. In both E. glaucinus and E. perotis, such telomeric sequences were observed as part of the heterochromatin. The interstitial sites of telomeric sequences suggest that they are remnants of telomeres of ancestral chromosomes that participated in the fusion event.