923 resultados para Cervix uteri--Cancer--Diagnosis


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The role of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in disease diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy, and clinical decision making is immense and has attracted tremendous focus in the last decade. We designed and fabricated simple, flat channel microfluidic devices polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS based) functionalized with locked nucleic acid (LNA) modified aptamers (targeting epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and nucleolin expression) for quick and efficient capture of CTCs and cancer cells. With optimized flow rates (10 μl/min), it was revealed that the aptamer modified devices offered reusability for up to six times while retaining optimal capture efficiency (>90%) and specificity. High capture sensitivity (92%) and specificity (100%) was observed in whole blood samples spiked with Caco-2 cells (10-100 cells/ml). Analysis of blood samples obtained from 25 head and neck cancer patients on the EpCAM LNA aptamer functionalized chip revealed that an average count of 5 ± 3 CTCs/ml of blood were captured from 22/25 samples (88%). EpCAM intracellular domain (EpICD) immunohistochemistry on 9 oral squamous cell carcinomas showed the EpICD positivity in the tumor cells, confirming the EpCAM expression in CTCs from head and neck cancers. These microfluidic devices also maintained viability for in vitro culture and characterization. Use of LNA modified aptamers provided added benefits in terms of cost effectiveness due to increased reusability and sustainability of the devices. Our results present a robust, quick, and efficient CTC capture platform with the use of simple PDMS based devices that are easy to fabricate at low cost and have an immense potential in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic planning.


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Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is the second most prevalent cancer among Brazilian women. The high rates of cervical cancer in Brazil justify the implementation of effective strategies to control this, which include actions to promote health, primary prevention, early detection, screening, treatment and palliative care. Despite the existence of the National Programme for Control of the CCU there was no reduction in the incidence and mortality of this disease in Brazil. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) has the potential to facilitate such control and, in this context, one should consider that nurses play a central role. The study aimed to know the general intervention strategies used by nurses FHS of Natal / RN in CCU control, and how specific: analyzing the knowledge of these nurses on the CCU, the actions developed in the ESF for the control of CCU and identify the difficulties faced by them to perform it. This is a descriptive exploratory quantitative developed through a structured interview guide with 106 nurses who have experience in controlling the CCU in FHS teams of Natal / RN. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistic s. The results pointed to actions taken in the FHS to control the CCU, collection of cervical cancer screening, health education activities, nursing consultation, referral of suspected cases for medical monitoring and active women with abnormal test result . The actions that were not mentioned by the nurses included: forming groups of prevention and health promotion; expand coverage of exams and office hours of consultations, establishment of alternatives to end the pent-up demand in the health units, participation in treatment or rehabilitation process users with the CCU; interventions for pain management, alliances and partnerships with schools, in dustry and the use of protocols. This study can be seen that the practice nurses partially shares to the CCU in Natal / RN. The participants of this study, when asked about the CCU, specifically for signs and symptoms of disease and risk factors in general showed important gaps. Difficulties such as lack of materials for collection of Pap smear; inadequate physical space in the Health Units; pent-up demand in the service, delay in arrival of the test results; obstacles in the actions of referral and counter-referral and cultural factors make the CCU control is compromised. It is believed in this research contributed to a reflection on the importance of the role of nurses in the development of the ESF control actions CCU, pointing out the factors that affect these. It is important to involve all nurses who comprise the ESF as knowledgeable of the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and existing tools for the early detection of cervical cancer in the pursuit of quality improvement actions to promote women`s health, contributing in planning future interventions that may reduce mortality from this disease in Natal / RN.


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Breast cancer, despite being one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide is a disease that can be cured if diagnosed early. One of the main techniques used in the detection of breast cancer is the Fine Needle Aspirate FNA (aspiration puncture by thin needle) which, depending on the clinical case, requires the analysis of several medical specialists for the diagnosis development. However, such diagnosis and second opinions have been hampered by geographical dispersion of physicians and/or the difficulty in reconciling time to undertake work together. Within this reality, this PhD thesis uses computational intelligence in medical decision-making support for remote diagnosis. For that purpose, it presents a fuzzy method to assist the diagnosis of breast cancer, able to process and sort data extracted from breast tissue obtained by FNA. This method is integrated into a virtual environment for collaborative remote diagnosis, whose model was developed providing for the incorporation of prerequisite Modules for Pre Diagnosis to support medical decision. On the fuzzy Method Development, the process of knowledge acquisition was carried out by extraction and analysis of numerical data in gold standard data base and by interviews and discussions with medical experts. The method has been tested and validated with real cases and, according to the sensitivity and specificity achieved (correct diagnosis of tumors, malignant and benign respectively), the results obtained were satisfactory, considering the opinions of doctors and the quality standards for diagnosis of breast cancer and comparing them with other studies involving breast cancer diagnosis by FNA.


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CONTEXTO: As neoplasias de cólon são a terceira forma mais comum de câncer atualmente. Seus tratamentos ainda estão associados a elevado risco de complicações, ressaltando, assim, a necessidade de elaborar novas estratégias de tratamento. A ingestão de probióticos, prebióticos ou a combinação de ambos (simbióticos), representa nova opção terapêutica. Diante da importância do equilíbrio quantitativo e qualitativo da microbiota intestinal para saúde humana e com objetivo de melhor elucidar o papel dos probióticos e prebióticos, o tema citado procura abordar a importância destes como coadjuvantes na prevenção e tratamento de câncer de cólon. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizada pesquisa em bancos de dados científicos (Medline, Lilacs, PubMed, Ovid, Scielo) através de levantamento de artigos científicos, além da busca direta aos periódicos, priorizando-se os mesmos do período de 2003 a 2008. Foram, também, coletadas informações através de sites da internet, como forma de melhor compreender a epidemiologia, conceitos e tratamentos dessa patologia. RESULTADOS: Estudos apontam relação inversa entre o consumo de probióticos e prebióticos e o diagnóstico de câncer de cólon, sendo que alguns dos possíveis mecanismos englobam: aumento da resposta imune, redução da resposta inflamatória, inibição de formação de células tumorais e da conversão de substâncias pré-carcinogênicas em carcinogênicas. CONCLUSÃO: Através da realização desta revisão literária foi possível obter respostas positivas quanto ao uso de probióticos e prebióticos na carcinogênese, colocando seu uso como recomendado de forma adequada.


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Despite recent advances, patients with malignant brain tumors still have a poor prognosis. Glioblastoma (WHO grade 4 astrocytoma), the most malignant brain tumor, represents 50% of all astrocytomas, with a median survival rate of <1 year. It is, therefore, extremely important to search for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for patients with glioblastoma. This study describes the application of superparamagnetic nano-particles of iron oxide, as well as monoclonal antibodies, of immunophenotypic significance, conjoined to quantum dots for the ultrastructural assessment of glioblastoma cells. For this proposal, an immunophenotypic study by flow cytometry was carried out, followed by transmission electron microscopy analysis. The process of tumor cell labeling using nanoparticles can successfully contribute to the identification of tumorigenic cells and consequently for better understanding of glioblastoma genesis and recurrence. In addition, this method may help further studies in tumor imaging, diagnosis, and prognostic markers detection.


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Computer systems are used to support breast cancer diagnosis, with decisions taken from measurements carried out in regions of interest (ROIs). We show that support decisions obtained from square or rectangular ROIs can to include background regions with different behavior of healthy or diseased tissues. In this study, the background regions were identified as Partial Pixels (PP), obtained with a multilevel method of segmentation based on maximum entropy. The behaviors of healthy, diseased and partial tissues were quantified by fractal dimension and multiscale lacunarity, calculated through signatures of textures. The separability of groups was achieved using a polynomial classifier. The polynomials have powerful approximation properties as classifiers to treat characteristics linearly separable or not. This proposed method allowed quantifying the ROIs investigated and demonstrated that different behaviors are obtained, with distinctions of 90% for images obtained in the Cranio-caudal (CC) and Mediolateral Oblique (MLO) views.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência da terapêutica hormonal (TH) prévia sobre alguns indicadores de prognóstico do câncer de mama, em pacientes na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal por meio da aplicação de questionários e levantamento de prontuários. Foram entrevistadas 157 pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de mama na pós-menopausa, registrando-se dados clínicos, antecedentes pessoais e familiares, uso de TH e mamografias. Nos prontuários foram obtidas informações sobre o câncer de mama quanto ao diâmetro do tumor, tipo de cirurgia e estudo imuno-histoquímico. Para a estatística empregou-se ANOVA e teste do chi2. RESULTADOS: 38,2% das pacientes eram ex-usuárias de TH e 61,8% não usuárias. O tempo médio de uso da TH foi de 3,7±3,6 anos. As ex-usuárias eram de menor faixa etária e com menor tempo de menopausa quando comparadas às não usuárias (p<0,05). Constatou-se que 26,8% das pacientes apresentavam antecedentes familiares de câncer de mama, em ambos os grupos. Entre as ex-usuárias de TH, 43,3% foram submetidas a mamografias prévias, ao passo que entre as não usuárias, apenas 11,3% (p<0,001). O diâmetro médio do tumor foi menor entre as ex-usuárias de TH (2,3±1,1 cm), com predomínio de quadrantectomias (60%), quando comparadas as não usuárias (3,3±1,5 cm e 32%, respectivamente) (p<0,001). No estudo imuno-histoquímico, observou-se correlação positiva entre a presença de receptores de estrogênio e progesterona positivos e o uso de TH (p<0,001). Não houve correlação entre TH e c-erbB-2 e p53. CONCLUSÃO: nesta casuística, as mulheres na pós-menopausa que usaram TH prévia ao diagnóstico de câncer de mama apresentaram indicadores de prognóstico mais favoráveis quando comparadas às não usuárias.


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Basal cell adenoma is a benign epithelial neoplasm with a uniform histologic appearance dominated by basaloid cells. Those cells may be distributed in various arrangements as solid, trabecular, tubular and membranous. Canalicular adenoma is also a benign neoplasm composed by columnar cells arranged in branching and interconnecting cords of single or double cell thick rows. There is some disagreement among investigators about whether canalicular adenoma should be included within the basal cell adenoma histologic spectrum. In the present study we compared the expression of cytokeratins (CK), vimentin and muscle-specific actin, utilizing immunohistochemical technique, in three cases diagnosed as basal cell adenomas predominantly of the solid type, and three cases of canalicular adenomas. The results obtained showed a distinct immunoprofile for both neoplasms. Solid areas of basal cell adenomas did not stain for any of the tested antibodies; only when there was tubular differentiation, those structures expressed CKs 7, 8, 14, and 19 in luminal cells and vimentin in non-luminal cells. On the other hand, canalicular adenomas strongly expressed CKs 7 and 13. The panel of antibodies utilized supports the separation of the two entities. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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OBJECTIVE: To carry out a retrospective study to determine whether human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and immunohistochemical expression of p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) are related to the risk of oral cancer. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty-seven oral biopsies, consisting of 30 oral squamous papillomas (OSPs) and 27 oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) were tested for the presence of HPV 6/11 and 16/18 by in situ hybridization using catalyzed signal amplification and in situ hybridization. p53 And PCNA expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and evaluated quantitatively by image analysis. RESULTS: Nineteen of the 57 oral lesions (33.3%) were positive for HPV. HPV 6/11 was found in 6 of 30 (20%) OSPs and 1 of 27 (3.7%) OSCCs. HPV 16/18 was found in 10 of 27 (37%) OSCCs and 2 of 30 (6.7%) OSPs. Sixteen of the 19 HPV-positive cases (84.2%) were p53 negative; 5 (9%) were HPV 6/11 and 11 (19%) HPV 16/18, with an inverse correlation between the presence of HPV DNA and p53 expression (P=.017, P < .05). PCNA expression appeared in 18 (94.7%) of HPV positive cases, showing that HPV 16/18 was associated with intensity of PCNA expression and with OSCCs (P=.037, P < .05). CONCLUSION: Quantitative evaluation of p53 by image analysis showed an inverse correlation between p53 expression and HPV presence, suggesting protein degradation. Image analysis also demonstrated that PCNA expression was more intense in HPV DNA 16/18 OSCCs. These findings suggest involvement of high-risk HPV types in oral carcinogenesis.


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PURPOSE: To assess the occurrence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. METHODS: A total of 158 breast cancer survivors were included in this cross-sectional study. Eligibility criteria were: women with amenorrhea >12 months and age ≥45 years, treated for breast cancer and no metastasis for at least five years. Clinical history and anthropometric indicator data (body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference, (WC) were collected. Biochemical parameters, including total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides (TG), glucose and C-reactive protein (CRP), were measured. MetS was diagnosed as the presence of at least three of the following diagnostic criteria: WC>88 cm, blood pressure≥130/85 mmHg, triglycerides≥150 mg/dl, HDL <50 mg/dL,and glucose≥100 mg/dL. The Student's t-test and χ 2 test were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The mean age of breast cancer survivors was 63.1±8.6 years, with a mean follow-up of 9.1±4.0 years. MetS was diagnosed in 48.1% (76/158) and the most prevalent diagnostic criterion was abdominal obesity (WC>88 cm), affecting 54.4% (86/158) of the women. The patients without MetS had a longer follow-up compared those with MetS (p<0.05). Regarding the current BMI, PN average, those without MetS were overweight, and those with MetS were obese (p<0.05). Among the latter, comparison of BMI at the time of cancer diagnosis and current BMI (27.8±5.4 versus 33.4±5.4 kg/m2) showed a significant weight gain (p<0.05). Mean CRP values were higher in women with MetS (p<0.05). In the comparison of tumor characteristics and cancer treatments there was no difference between groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Postmenopausal breast cancer survivors had a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome and central obesity.


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Penile carcinoma (PeCa) represents an important public health problem in poor and developing countries. Despite its unpredictable behavior and aggressive treatment, there have only been a few reports regarding its molecular data, especially epigenetic mechanisms. The functional diversity in different cell types is acquired by chromatin modifications, which are established by epigenetic regulatory mechanisms involving DNA methylation, histone acetylation, and miRNAs. Recent evidence indicates that the dysregulation in these processes can result in the development of several diseases, including cancer. Epigenetic alterations, such as the methylation of CpGs islands, may reveal candidates for the development of specific markers for cancer detection, diagnosis and prognosis. There are a few reports on the epigenetic alterations in PeCa, and most of these studies have only focused on alterations in specific genes in a limited number of cases. This review aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge of the epigenetic alterations in PeCa and the promising results in this field. The identification of epigenetically altered genes in PeCa is an important step in understanding the mechanisms involved in this unexplored disease. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)