990 resultados para Cercadors d’ Internet
En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento del uso de la telefonía móvil e Internet con fines intimidatorios o simplemente para amenazar a los iguales en los centros escolares de nuestro país. Con la voluntad de aportar datos que puedan ayudar a su prevención, se ha realizado un estudio de encuesta en el que se ha obtenido información relativa a las amenazas recibidas a través de los nuevos medios de comunicación, es decir, Internet y la telefonía móvil. Los resultados indican que un 23.3% de los estudiantes de los centros públicos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria de la ciudad de Girona (Cataluña), durante el curso escolar, han recibido vía Internet o telefonía móvil algún mensaje que, por su contenido, ha supuesto una amenaza para su bienestar. Se analizan las consecuencias emocionales y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por parte de estos adolescentes
Actualmente existe un sinfín de aplicaciones turísticas para dispositivos móviles (Android, iPhone, etc). Estas aplicaciones suelen disponer de soporte geográfico y permiten a los usuarios acceder a información de geolocalización, preparar rutas, reservar una habitación de hotel, y un largo etcétera de funcionalidades, lo que las convierte en pequeños sistemas de información geográfica (SIG). Sin embargo, la mayoría de ellas adolecen de las mismas limitaciones: necesitan conexión a internet permanente,especialmente en el cálculo de rutas; y ofrecen las mismas opciones a todos y cada uno de los usuarios, sin tener en cuenta restricciones temporales, ni preferencias, ni situación personal. El proyecto Itiner@, en su fase actual de prototipo, da respuesta estas limitaciones mediante la concreción, implementación y desarrollo de las diversas técnicas apuntadas ya en las V Jornadas de SIG libre: 1) almacena en el móvil la información cartográfica imprescindible para funcionar, extraída de Open Street Maps; 2) dispone de información sobre las preferencias de los usuarios mediante la integración de ontologías y SIG; 3) permite recalcular las rutas directamente en el móvil; y 4) ofrece al usuario una ruta adaptada a sus preferencias, teniendo en cuenta también su situación personal (viaja en pareja, con niños, etc.), el entorno (hora del día, horarios de los visitables, etc.) y los puntos de interés preferidos. Todo ello sin necesidad de conexión a internet. El resultado es una gestión eficiente de las expectativas y una experiencia de usuario mucho más satisfactoria. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son: 1) poner de manifiesto las limitaciones y peculiaridades de los desarrollos SIG en entornos limitados, tanto en conectividad, como en prestaciones, junto con sus posibles soluciones; y 2) la aplicación en sí, que representa un punto de inflexión en el escenario de las aplicaciones turísticas para usuarios no especializados
El projecte ACME va néixer, l’any 1998, amb la finalitat de millorar la docència de les matemàtiques en els estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial i Enginyeries Tècniques de l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona, amb la intenció de buscar la manera de que els alumnes s’impliquessin i participessin més activament en aquesta matèria fent ús de la xarxa com a via de comunicació. El projecte ACME, Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, és una eina d’e-learning que té com a objectiu fer una avaluació continuada dels alumnes a través d’uns dossiers personalitzats de problemes que el professor proposa. El sistema permet fer el seguiment, per part del professor, del progrés del conjunt de la classe, o d’un alumne individual, en una assignatura concreta. Això fa que l’ACME tingui un gran valor pedagògic. Els objectius d’aquest projecte final de carrera són els següents: • Desenvolupar un sistema de gestió d’usuaris convidats que ens permeti acceptar o denegar l’accés a usuaris que prèviament han fet una petició per poder utilitzar l’ACME. • Crear un sistema que faciliti la tasca d’assignar als usuaris els temes i els problemes més adients pel seu perfil. • Desenvolupar tot un seguit de millores i ampliacions amb la intenció d’integrar el nou mòdul dins les interfícies existents: Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat d’usuari amb la opció per gestionar els usuaris convidats. Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat del quadern de problemes amb les opcions adients per tal de gestionar les assignatures dels convidats.
A emergência de novas formas de acesso à internet vem reforçar a necessidade de desenvolvimento de iniciativas de I&D que facilitem a melhor compreensão dos processos de transformação associados à evolução tecnológica e aferir se de tais processos resultam novas consequências sociais ao nível das formas de uso e consumo de uma tecnologia e arranjos sociais associados. Este projecto pretende avaliar o papel e relevância das tecnologias móveis de acesso à internet, a importância da mobilidade e dos dispositivos móveis como instrumentos na promoção do envolvimento social, da interação e da expressão subjectiva. Na sequência da aplicação de metodologias qualitativas numa fase exploratória, através de entrevistas com os principais representantes da indústria das comunicações móveis e dos estudos de mercado, e de metodologias quantitativas com a aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra representativa da sociedade portuguesa, temos como objectivo desenvolvimento de um protótipo para uma aplicação móvel no contexto educativo do ensino superior, ligada ao apoio aos alunos e docentes e incluindo conteúdos escolares, institucionais e de envolvimento social. Esta aplicação vem corresponder às necessidades dos utilizadores de acordo com os resultados obtidos anteriormente. A análise do uso desta plataforma e consequências daí resultantes em termos de participação, usabilidade, actividades e potencial para produção de capital será realizada com base na análise de redes sociais (SNA). Através desta pretendemos observar e estudar as relações e os padrões de relacionamentos entre os utilizadores de internet móvel num contexto educativo.
Classical measures of network connectivity are the number of disjoint paths between a pair of nodes and the size of a minimum cut. For standard graphs, these measures can be computed efficiently using network flow techniques. However, in the Internet on the level of autonomous systems (ASs), referred to as AS-level Internet, routing policies impose restrictions on the paths that traffic can take in the network. These restrictions can be captured by the valley-free path model, which assumes a special directed graph model in which edge types represent relationships between ASs. We consider the adaptation of the classical connectivity measures to the valley-free path model, where it is -hard to compute them. Our first main contribution consists of presenting algorithms for the computation of disjoint paths, and minimum cuts, in the valley-free path model. These algorithms are useful for ASs that want to evaluate different options for selecting upstream providers to improve the robustness of their connection to the Internet. Our second main contribution is an experimental evaluation of our algorithms on four types of directed graph models of the AS-level Internet produced by different inference algorithms. Most importantly, the evaluation shows that our algorithms are able to compute optimal solutions to instances of realistic size of the connectivity problems in the valley-free path model in reasonable time. Furthermore, our experimental results provide information about the characteristics of the directed graph models of the AS-level Internet produced by different inference algorithms. It turns out that (i) we can quantify the difference between the undirected AS-level topology and the directed graph models with respect to fundamental connectivity measures, and (ii) the different inference algorithms yield topologies that are similar with respect to connectivity and are different with respect to the types of paths that exist between pairs of ASs.
Purpose Personalised intervention may have greater potential for reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases and for promoting better health and wellbeing across the life-span than the conventional “one size fits all” approach. However, the characteristics of individuals interested in personalised nutrition (PN) are unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of European adults interested in taking part in an internet-based PN study. Methods Individuals from seven European countries (UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece and Poland) were invited to participate in the study via the Food4Me website (http://www.food4me.org). Two screening questionnaires were used to collect data on socio-demographic, anthropometric and health characteristics as well as dietary intakes. Results A total of 5662 individuals expressed an interest in the study (mean age 40 ± 12.7; range 15-87 years). Of these 64.6% were female and 96.9% were Caucasian. Overall, 12.9% were smokers and 46.8% reported the presence of a clinically diagnosed disease. Furthermore, 46.9% were overweight or obese and 34.9% were sedentary during leisure time. Assessment of dietary intakes showed that 54.3% of individuals reported consuming at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, 45.9% consumed more than 3 servings of wholegrains and 37.2% limited their salt intake to less than 5.75g per day. Conclusions Our data indicate that individuals volunteering to participate in an internet-based PN study are broadly representative of the European adult population, most of whom had adequate nutrient intakes but who could benefit from improved dietary choices and greater physical activity. Future use of internet-based PN approaches is thus relevant to a wide target audience.
In e-health intervention studies, there are concerns about the reliability of internet-based, self-reported (SR) data and about the potential for identity fraud. This study introduced and tested a novel procedure for assessing the validity of internet-based, SR identity and validated anthropometric and demographic data via measurements performed face-to-face in a validation study (VS). Participants (n = 140) from seven European countries, participating in the Food4Me intervention study which aimed to test the efficacy of personalised nutrition approaches delivered via the internet, were invited to take part in the VS. Participants visited a research centre in each country within 2 weeks of providing SR data via the internet. Participants received detailed instructions on how to perform each measurement. Individual’s identity was checked visually and by repeated collection and analysis of buccal cell DNA for 33 genetic variants. Validation of identity using genomic information showed perfect concordance between SR and VS. Similar results were found for demographic data (age and sex verification). We observed strong intra-class correlation coefficients between SR and VS for anthropometric data (height 0.990, weight 0.994 and BMI 0.983). However, internet-based SR weight was under-reported (Δ −0.70 kg [−3.6 to 2.1], p < 0.0001) and, therefore, BMI was lower for SR data (Δ −0.29 kg m−2 [−1.5 to 1.0], p < 0.0001). BMI classification was correct in 93 % of cases. We demonstrate the utility of genotype information for detection of possible identity fraud in e-health studies and confirm the reliability of internet-based, SR anthropometric and demographic data collected in the Food4Me study.
An efficient and robust method to measure vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) and 25-hydroxy vitamin D2 in dried blood spots (DBS) has been developed and applied in the pan-European multi-centre, internet-based, personalised nutrition intervention study Food4Me. The method includes calibration with blood containing endogenous 25(OH)D3, spotted as DBS and corrected for haematocrit content. The methodology was validated following international standards. The performance characteristics did not reach those of the current gold standard liquid chromatography-MS/MS in plasma for all parameters, but were found to be very suitable for status-level determination under field conditions. DBS sample quality was very high, and 3778 measurements of 25(OH)D3 were obtained from 1465 participants. The study centre and the season within the study centre were very good predictors of 25(OH)D3 levels (P<0·001 for each case). Seasonal effects were modelled by fitting a sine function with a minimum 25(OH)D3 level on 20 January and a maximum on 21 July. The seasonal amplitude varied from centre to centre. The largest difference between winter and summer levels was found in Germany and the smallest in Poland. The model was cross-validated to determine the consistency of the predictions and the performance of the DBS method. The Pearson's correlation between the measured values and the predicted values was r 0·65, and the sd of their differences was 21·2 nmol/l. This includes the analytical variation and the biological variation within subjects. Overall, DBS obtained by unsupervised sampling of the participants at home was a viable methodology for obtaining vitamin D status information in a large nutritional study.
This article presents an experimental scalable message driven IoT and its security architecture based on Decentralized Information Flow Control. The system uses a gateway that exports SoA (REST) interfaces to the internet simplifying external applications whereas uses DIFC and asynchronous messaging within the home environment.
Företaget GUTAB använder idag en frågeanalysmodul som är utvecklat i Visual Basic for Applications i Microsoft Excel. GUTAB fann det intressant att veta om modulen kunde konverteras till webbläsaren Internet Explorer samt vilken teknologi som var lämplig för detta. GUTAB var även intresserade av att veta vilken teknologi som kunde användas för att skapa grafiska manipulerbara objekt.En skrivbordsundersökning genomfördes som omfattade teknologierna ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, ActiveX samt Java applets. Skrivbordsundersökningen utgjordes av två delar där den första delen redogjorde för de två klientbaserade teknologierna ActiveX och Java applets med vilka grafiska manipulerbara objekt kunde realiseras. GUTAB ansåg att ActiveX program var mest lämpliga för detta ändamål.Baserat på skrivbordsundersökningens andra del bestämde GUTAB att ASP och ASP.NET skulle användas för att testa teknologiernas kapacitet att konvertera programlogik samt grafiska objekt från VBA-applikationen i en webbapplikation då dessa två teknologier ansågs som mest lämpliga för en konvertering.Testet som genomfördes visade att det var fullt möjligt att konvertera utvald funktionalitet med båda teknologierna. Dock kunde inte grafiska objekt skapas i asp varför befintliga objekt användes för det ändamålet. Många fördelar identifierades med ASP.NET varför GUTAB beslutade att ASP.net var den mest lämpliga teknologin att använda vid en eventuell konvertering.