691 resultados para Catulo, Cayo Valerio


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Clinical effectiveness of group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT) versus fluoxetine in obsessive-compulsive disorder outpatients that could present additional psychiatric comorbidities was assessed. Patients (18-65 years; baseline Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive-Scale [Y-BOCS] scores >= 16; potentially presenting additional psychiatric comorbidities) were sequentially allocated for treatment with GCBT (n = 70) or fluoxetine (n = 88). Mean Y-BOCS scores decreased by 23.13% in the GCBT and 21.54% in the SSRI groups (p = 0.875). Patients presented a mean of 2.7 psychiatric comorbidities. and 81.4% showed at least one additional disorder. A reduction of at least 35% in baseline Y-BOCS scores and CGI ratings of 1 (much better) or 2 (better) was achieved by 33.3% of GCBT patients and 27.7% in the SSRI group (p = 0.463). The Y-BOCS reduction was significantly lower in patients with one or more psychiatric comorbidities (21.15%, and 18.73%, respectively) than in those with pure OCD (34.62%; p = 0.034). Being male, having comorbidity of Major Depression, Social Phobia, or Dysthymia predicted a worse response to both treatments. Response rates to both treatments were similar and lower than reported in the literature, probably due to the broad inclusion criteria and the resulting sample more similar to the real world population. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) without drug and SLN loaded with chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (AlClPc) were prepared by solvent diffusion method in aqueous system and characterized by thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction (XRD) in this study. Determination of particle size, zeta potential (ZP), and encapsulation efficiency were also evaluated. SLN containing AlClPc of nanometer size with high encapsulation efficiency and ZP were obtained. The results indicated that the size of SLN loaded with AlClPc is larger than that of the inert particle, but ZP is not changed significantly with incorporation of the drug. In differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves, it was observed that the melting point of stearic acid (SA) isolated and in SLN occurred at 55 and 64 degrees C, respectively, suggesting the presence of different polymorphs. DSC also shows that the crystallinity state of SLN was much less than that of SA isolated. The incorporation of drug in SLN may have been favored by this lower crystallinity degree of the samples. XRD techniques corroborated with the thermal analytic techniques, suggesting the polymorphic modifications of stearic acid.


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The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L-int = 5.6 nb(-1). The fraction of J/psi from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/psi candidates with transverse momentum p(t) > 1,3 GeV/c and rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/psi mesons, i.e. directly produced J/psi and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the psi(2S) and chi(c) resonances, is sigma(prompt J/psi) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 8.3 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 1.1 (syst.)(-1.4)(+1.5) (syst. pol.) mu b. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/psi with p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 is a sigma(J/psi <- hB) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 1.46 +/- 0.38 (stat.)(-0.32)(+0.26) (syst.) mu b. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the p(t) and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the b (b) over bar pair total cross section and d sigma/dy at mid-rapidity.


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Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with high in-hospital mortality. Alveolar recruitment followed by ventilation at optimal titrated PEEP may reduce ventilator-induced lung injury and improve oxygenation in patients with ARDS, but the effects on mortality and other clinical outcomes remain unknown. This article reports the rationale, study design, and analysis plan of the Alveolar Recruitment for ARDS Trial (ART). Methods/Design: ART is a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized (concealed), controlled trial, which aims to determine if maximum stepwise alveolar recruitment associated with PEEP titration is able to increase 28-day survival in patients with ARDS compared to conventional treatment (ARDSNet strategy). We will enroll adult patients with ARDS of less than 72 h duration. The intervention group will receive an alveolar recruitment maneuver, with stepwise increases of PEEP achieving 45 cmH(2)O and peak pressure of 60 cmH2O, followed by ventilation with optimal PEEP titrated according to the static compliance of the respiratory system. In the control group, mechanical ventilation will follow a conventional protocol (ARDSNet). In both groups, we will use controlled volume mode with low tidal volumes (4 to 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight) and targeting plateau pressure <= 30 cmH2O. The primary outcome is 28-day survival, and the secondary outcomes are: length of ICU stay; length of hospital stay; pneumothorax requiring chest tube during first 7 days; barotrauma during first 7 days; mechanical ventilation-free days from days 1 to 28; ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month survival. ART is an event-guided trial planned to last until 520 events (deaths within 28 days) are observed. These events allow detection of a hazard ratio of 0.75, with 90% power and two-tailed type I error of 5%. All analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: If the ART strategy with maximum recruitment and PEEP titration improves 28-day survival, this will represent a notable advance to the care of ARDS patients. Conversely, if the ART strategy is similar or inferior to the current evidence-based strategy (ARDSNet), this should also change current practice as many institutions routinely employ recruitment maneuvers and set PEEP levels according to some titration method.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate demographic and clinical factors associated with the long-term outcome of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods: A hundred ninety-six previously untreated patients with DSM-IV criteria OCD completed a 12-week randomized open trial of group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT) or fluoxetine, followed by 21 months of individualized, uncontrolled treatment, according to international guidelines for OCD treatment. OCD severity was assessed using the Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) at different times over the follow-up period. Demographics and several clinical variables were assessed at baseline. Results: Fifty percent of subjects improved at least 35% from baseline, and 21.3% responded fully (final Y-BOCS score < or = 8). Worse prognosis was associated with earlier age at onset of OCD (P = 0.045), longer duration of illness (P = 0.001) presence of at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder (P = 0.001), comorbidity with a mood disorder (P = 0.002), higher baseline Beck-Depression scores (P = 0.011), positive family history of tics (P = 0.008), and positive family history of anxiety disorders (P = 0.008). Type of initial treatment was not associated with long-term outcome. After correction for multiple testing, the presence of at least one comorbid disorder, the presence of a depressive disorder, and duration of OCD remained significant. Conclusions: Patients under cognitive-behavioral or pharmacological treatment improved continuously in the long run, regardless of initial treatment modality or degree of early response, suggesting that OCD patients benefit from continuous treatment. Psychiatric comorbidity, especially depressive disorders, may impair the long-term outcome of OCD patients.


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Programa de doctorado: Patología quirúrgica, Reproducción humana y Factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar.


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Oggetto della ricerca sono l’esame e la valutazione dei limiti posti all’autonomia privata dal divieto di abuso della posizione dominante, come sancito, in materia di tutela della concorrenza, dall’art. 3 della legge 10 ottobre 1990, n. 287, a sua volta modellato sull’art. 82 del Trattato CE. Preliminarmente, si è ritenuto opportuno svolgere la ricognizione degli interessi tutelati dal diritto della concorrenza, onde individuare la cerchia dei soggetti legittimati ad avvalersi dell’apparato di rimedi civilistici – invero scarno e necessitante di integrazione in via interpretativa – contemplato dall’art. 33 della legge n. 287/1990. È così emerso come l’odierno diritto della concorrenza, basato su un modello di workable competition, non possa ritenersi sorretto da ragioni corporative di tutela dei soli imprenditori concorrenti, investendo direttamente – e rivestendo di rilevanza giuridica – le situazioni soggettive di coloro che operano sul mercato, indipendentemente da qualificazioni formali. In tal senso, sono stati esaminati i caratteri fondamentali dell’istituto dell’abuso di posizione dominante, come delineatisi nella prassi applicativa non solo degli organi nazionali, ma anche di quelli comunitari. Ed invero, un aspetto importante che caratterizza la disciplina italiana dell’abuso di posizione dominante e della concorrenza in generale, distinguendola dalle normative di altri sistemi giuridici prossimi al nostro, è costituito dal vincolo di dipendenza dal diritto comunitario, sancito dall’art. 1, quarto comma, della legge n. 287/1990, idoneo a determinare peculiari riflessi anche sul piano dell’applicazione civilistica dell’istituto. La ricerca si è quindi spostata sulla figura generale del divieto di abuso del diritto, onde vagliarne i possibili rapporti con l’istituto in esame. A tal proposito, si è tentato di individuare, per quanto possibile, i tratti essenziali della figura dell’abuso del diritto relativamente all’esercizio dell’autonomia privata in ambito negoziale, con particolare riferimento all’evoluzione del pensiero della dottrina e ai più recenti orientamenti giurisprudenziali sul tema, che hanno valorizzato il ruolo della buona fede intesa in senso oggettivo. Particolarmente interessante è parsa la possibilità di estendere i confini della figura dell’abuso del diritto sì da ricomprendere anche l’esercizio di prerogative individuali diverse dai diritti soggettivi. Da tale estensione potrebbero infatti discendere interessanti ripercussioni per la tutela dei soggetti deboli nel contesto dei rapporti d’impresa, intendendosi per tali tanto i rapporti tra imprenditori in posizione paritaria o asimmetrica, quanto i rapporti tra imprenditori e consumatori. È stato inoltre preso in considerazione l’aspetto dei rimedi avverso le condotte abusive, alla luce dei moderni contributi sull’eccezione di dolo generale, sulla tutela risarcitoria e sull’invalidità negoziale, con i quali è opportuno confrontarsi qualora si intenda cercare di colmare – come sembra opportuno – i vuoti di disciplina della tutela civilistica avverso l’abuso di posizione dominante. Stante l’evidente contiguità con la figura in esame, si è poi provveduto ad esaminare, per quanto sinteticamente, il divieto di abuso di dipendenza economica, il quale si delinea come figura ibrida, a metà strada tra il diritto dei contratti e quello della concorrenza. Tale fattispecie, pur inserita in una legge volta a disciplinare il settore della subfornitura industriale (art. 9, legge 18 giugno 1998, n. 192), ha suscitato un vasto interessamento della dottrina. Si sono infatti levate diverse voci favorevoli a riconoscere la portata applicativa generale del divieto, quale principio di giustizia contrattuale valevole per tutti i rapporti tra imprenditori. Nel tentativo di verificare tale assunto, si è cercato di individuare la ratio sottesa all’art. 9 della legge n. 192/1998, anche in considerazione dei suoi rapporti con il divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. Su tale aspetto è d’altronde appositamente intervenuto il legislatore con la legge 5 marzo 2001, n. 57, riconoscendo la competenza dell’Autorità garante per la concorrenza ed il mercato a provvedere, anche d’ufficio, sugli abusi di dipendenza economica con rilevanza concorrenziale. Si possono così prospettare due fattispecie normative di abusi di dipendenza economica, quella con effetti circoscritti al singolo rapporto interimprenditoriale, la cui disciplina è rimessa al diritto civile, e quella con effetti negativi per il mercato, soggetta anche – ma non solo – alle regole del diritto antitrust; tracciare una netta linea di demarcazione tra i reciproci ambiti non appare comunque agevole. Sono stati inoltre dedicati brevi cenni ai rimedi avverso le condotte di abuso di dipendenza economica, i quali involgono problematiche non dissimili a quelle che si delineano per il divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. Poste tali basi, la ricerca è proseguita con la ricognizione dei rimedi civilistici esperibili contro gli abusi di posizione dominante. Anzitutto, è stato preso in considerazione il rimedio del risarcimento dei danni, partendo dall’individuazione della fonte della responsabilità dell’abutente e vagliando criticamente le diverse ipotesi proposte in dottrina, anche con riferimento alle recenti elaborazioni in tema di obblighi di protezione. È stata altresì vagliata l’ammissibilità di una visione unitaria degli illeciti in questione, quali fattispecie plurioffensive e indipendenti dalla qualifica formale del soggetto leso, sia esso imprenditore concorrente, distributore o intermediario – o meglio, in generale, imprenditore complementare – oppure consumatore. L’individuazione della disciplina applicabile alle azioni risarcitorie sembra comunque dipendere in ampia misura dalla risposta al quesito preliminare sulla natura – extracontrattuale, precontrattuale ovvero contrattuale – della responsabilità conseguente alla violazione del divieto. Pur non sembrando prospettabili soluzioni di carattere universale, sono apparsi meritevoli di approfondimento i seguenti profili: quanto all’individuazione dei soggetti legittimati, il problema della traslazione del danno, o passing-on; quanto al nesso causale, il criterio da utilizzare per il relativo accertamento, l’ammissibilità di prove presuntive e l’efficacia dei provvedimenti amministrativi sanzionatori; quanto all’elemento soggettivo, la possibilità di applicare analogicamente l’art. 2600 c.c. e gli aspetti collegati alla colpa per inosservanza di norme di condotta; quanto ai danni risarcibili, i criteri di accertamento e di prova del pregiudizio; infine, quanto al termine di prescrizione, la possibilità di qualificare il danno da illecito antitrust quale danno “lungolatente”, con le relative conseguenze sull’individuazione del dies a quo di decorrenza del termine prescrizionale. In secondo luogo, è stata esaminata la questione della sorte dei contratti posti in essere in violazione del divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. In particolare, ci si è interrogati sulla possibilità di configurare – in assenza di indicazioni normative – la nullità “virtuale” di detti contratti, anche a fronte della recente conferma giunta dalla Suprema Corte circa la distinzione tra regole di comportamento e regole di validità del contratto. È stata inoltre esaminata – e valutata in senso negativo – la possibilità di qualificare la nullità in parola quale nullità “di protezione”, con una ricognizione, per quanto sintetica, dei principali aspetti attinenti alla legittimazione ad agire, alla rilevabilità d’ufficio e all’estensione dell’invalidità. Sono poi state dedicate alcune considerazioni alla nota questione della sorte dei contratti posti “a valle” di condotte abusive, per i quali non sembra agevole configurare declaratorie di nullità, mentre appare prospettabile – e, anzi, preferibile – il ricorso alla tutela risarcitoria. Da ultimo, non si è trascurata la valutazione dell’esperibilità, avverso le condotte di abuso di posizione dominante, di azioni diverse da quelle di nullità e risarcimento, le sole espressamente contemplate dall’art. 33, secondo comma, della legge n. 287/1990. Segnatamente, l’attenzione si è concentrata sulla possibilità di imporre a carico dell’impresa in posizione dominante un obbligo a contrarre a condizioni eque e non discriminatorie. L’importanza del tema è attestata non solo dalla discordanza delle pronunce giurisprudenziali, peraltro numericamente scarse, ma anche dal vasto dibattito dottrinale da tempo sviluppatosi, che investe tuttora taluni aspetti salienti del diritto delle obbligazioni e della tutela apprestata dall’ordinamento alla libertà di iniziativa economica.


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This work focuses on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection flow of electrically conducting fluids enclosed in simple 1D and 2D geometries in steady periodic regime. In particular, in Chapter one a short overview is given about the history of MHD, with reference to papers available in literature, and a listing of some of its most common technological applications, whereas Chapter two deals with the analytical formulation of the MHD problem, starting from the fluid dynamic and energy equations and adding the effects of an external imposed magnetic field using the Ohm's law and the definition of the Lorentz force. Moreover a description of the various kinds of boundary conditions is given, with particular emphasis given to their practical realization. Chapter three, four and five describe the solution procedure of mixed convective flows with MHD effects. In all cases a uniform parallel magnetic field is supposed to be present in the whole fluid domain transverse with respect to the velocity field. The steady-periodic regime will be analyzed, where the periodicity is induced by wall temperature boundary conditions, which vary in time with a sinusoidal law. Local balance equations of momentum, energy and charge will be solved analytically and numerically using as parameters either geometrical ratios or material properties. In particular, in Chapter three the solution method for the mixed convective flow in a 1D vertical parallel channel with MHD effects is illustrated. The influence of a transverse magnetic field will be studied in the steady periodic regime induced by an oscillating wall temperature. Analytical and numerical solutions will be provided in terms of velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes for several values of the governing parameters. In Chapter four the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical round pipe with MHD effects is analyzed. Again, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the wall. A numerical solution is presented, obtained using a finite element approach, and as a result velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes are derived for several values of the Hartmann and Prandtl numbers. In Chapter five the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical rectangular duct with MHD effects is discussed. As seen in the previous chapters, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the four walls. The numerical solution obtained using a finite element approach is presented, and a collection of results, including velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes, is provided for several values of, among other parameters, the duct aspect ratio. A comparison with analytical solutions is also provided, as a proof of the validity of the numerical method. Chapter six is the concluding chapter, where some reflections on the MHD effects on mixed convection flow will be made, in agreement with the experience and the results gathered in the analyses presented in the previous chapters. In the appendices special auxiliary functions and FORTRAN program listings are reported, to support the formulations used in the solution chapters.


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The main scope of this Ph.D. thesis has concerned the possible transformations of bridging ligands in diiron complexes, in order to explore unconventional routes to the synthesis of new functionalized multisite bound organic frames. The results achieved during the Ph.D. can be summarized in the following points: 1) We have extended the assembling between small unsaturated molecules and bridging carbyne ligands in diiron complexes to other species. In particular, we have investigated the coupling between olefins and thiocarbyne, leading to the synthesis of thioallylidene bridging diiron complexes. Then, we have extended the study to the coupling between olefins and aminocarbyne. This result shows that the coupling between activated olefins and heteroatom substituted bridging carbynes has a general character. 2) As we have shown, the coupling of bridging alkylidyne ligands with alkynes and alkenes provides excellent routes to the synthesis of bridging C3 hydrocarbyl ligands. As a possible extension of these results we have examined the synthesis of C4 bridging frames through the combination of bridging alkylidynes with allenes. Also in this case the reaction has a general character. 3) Diiron complexes bearing bridging functionalized C3 organic frames display the presence of donor atoms, such as N and S, potentially able to coordinate unsaturated metal fragments. Thus, we have studied the possibility for these systems to act as ‘organometallic ligands’, in particular towards Pd and Rh. 4) The possibility of releasing the organic frame from the bridging coordination appears particularly appealing in the direction of a metal-assisted organic synthesis. Within this field, we have investigated the possibility of involving the C3 bridging ligand in cycloaddition reactions with alkynes, with the aim of generating variously functionalized five-membered cycles. The [3+2] cyclization does not lead to the complete release of the organic fragment but rather it produces its transformation into a cyclopentadienyl ring, which remains coordinated to one Fe atom. This result introduces a new approach to the formation of polyfunctionalised ferrocenes. 5) Furthermore, I have spent a research period of about six months at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Barcelona University, under the supervision of Prof. Concepción López, with the aim of studying the chemistry of polydentate ferrocenyl ligands and their use in organometallic synthesis.


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Two analytical models are proposed to describe two different mechanisms of lava tubes formation. A first model is introduced to describe the development of a solid crust in the central region of the channel, and the formation of a tube when crust widens until it reaches the leve\'es. The Newtonian assumption is considered and the steady state Navier- Stokes equation in a rectangular conduit is solved. A constant heat flux density assigned at the upper flow surface resumes the combined effects of two thermal processes: radiation and convection into the atmosphere. Advective terms are also included, by the introduction of velocity into the expression of temperature. Velocity is calculated as an average value over the channel width, so that lateral variations of temperature are neglected. As long as the upper flow surface cools, a solid layer develops, described as a plastic body, having a resistance to shear deformation. If the applied shear stress exceeds this resistance, crust breaks, otherwise, solid fragments present at the flow surface can weld together forming a continuous roof, as it happens in the sidewall flow regions. Variations of channel width, ground slope and effusion rate are analyzed, as parameters that strongly affect the shear stress values. Crust growing is favored when the channel widens, and tube formation is possible when the ground slope or the effusion rate reduce. A comparison of results is successfully made with data obtained from the analysis of pictures of actual flows. The second model describes the formation of a stable, well defined crust along both channel sides, their growing towards the center and their welding to form the tube roof. The fluid motion is described as in the model above. Thermal budget takes into account conduction into the atmosphere, and advection is included considering the velocity depending both on depth and channel width. The solidified crust has a non uniform thickness along the channel width. Stresses acting on the crust are calculated using the equations of the elastic thin plate, pinned at its ends. The model allows to calculate the distance where crust thickness is able to resist the drag of the underlying fluid and to sustain its weight by itself, and the level of the fluid can lower below the tube roof. Viscosity and thermal conductivity have been experimentally investigated through the use of a rotational viscosimeter. Analyzing samples coming from Mount Etna (2002) the following results have been obtained: the fluid is Newtonian and the thermal conductivity is constant in a range of temperature above the liquidus. For lower temperature, the fluid becomes non homogeneous, and the used experimental techniques are not able to detect any properties, because measurements are not reproducible.


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The Calabrian-Peloritani arc represents key site to unravel evolution of surface processes on top of subducting lithosphere. During the Pleistocene, in fact the arc uplifted at rate of the order of about 1mm/yr, forming high-standing low-relief upland (figure 2). Our study is focused on the relationship between tectonic and land evolution in the Sila Massif, Messina strait and Peloritani Mts. Landforms reflect a competition between tectonic, climatic, and surficial processes. Many landscape evolution models that explore feedbacks between these competing processes, given steady forcing, predict a state of erosional equilibrium, where the rates of river incision and hillslope erosion balance rock uplift. It has been suggested that this may be the final constructive stage of orogenic systems. Assumptions of steady erosion and incision are used in the interpretation of exhumation and uplift rates from different geologic data, and in the formulation of fluvial incision and hillslope evolution models. In the Sila massif we carried out cosmogenic isotopes analysis on 24 samples of modern fluvial sediments to constrain long-term (~103 yr) erosion rate averaged on the catchment area. 35 longitudinal rivers profiles have been analyzed to study the tectonic signal on the landscape evolution. The rivers analyzed exhibit a wide variety of profile forms, diverging from equilibrium state form. Generally the river profiles show at least 2 and often 3 distinct concave-up knickpoint-bounded segments, characterized by different value of concavity and steepness indices. River profiles suggest three main stages of incision. The values of ks and θ in the lower segments evidence a decrease in river incision, due probably to increasing uplift rate. The cosmogenic erosion rates pointed out that old landscape upland is eroding slowly at ~0.1 mm/yr. In the contrary, the flanks of the massif is eroding faster with value from 0.4 to 0.5 mm/yr due to river incision and hillslope processes. Cosmogenic erosion rates mach linearly with steepness indices and with average hillslope gradient. In the Messina area the long term erosion rate from low-T thermochronometry are of the same order than millennium scale cosmogenic erosion rate (1-2 mm/yr). In this part of the chain the fast erosion is active since several million years, probably controlled by extensional tectonic regime. In the Peloritani Mts apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry are applied to constraint the thermal history of the basement rock. Apatite fission-track ages range between 29.0±5.5 and 5.5±0.9 Ma while apatite (U-Th)/He ages vary from 19.4 to 1.0 Ma. Most of the AFT ages are younger than the overlying terrigenous sequence that in turn postdates the main orogenic phase. Through the coupling of the thermal modelling with the stratigraphic record, a Middle Miocene thermal event due to tectonic burial is unravel. This event affected a inner-intermediate portion of the Peloritani belt confined by young AFT data (<15 Ma) distribution. We interpret this thermal event as due to an out-of–sequence thrusting occurring in the inner portion of the belt. Young (U-Th)/He ages (c. 5 Ma) record a final exhumation stage with increasing rates of denudation since the Pliocene times due to postorogenic extensional tectonics and regional uplift. In the final chapter we change the spatial scale to insert digital topography analysis and field data within a geodynamic model that can explain surface evidence produced by subduction process.