946 resultados para Carbon sequestration - Pasture - Grazing management


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The Miocene Climatic Optimum (~17-14.7 Ma) represents one of several major interruptions in the long-term cooling trend of the past 50 million years. To date, the processes driving high-amplitude climate variability and sustaining global warmth during this remarkable interval remain highly enigmatic. We present high-resolution benthic foraminiferal and bulk carbonate stable isotope records in an exceptional, continuous, carbonate-rich sedimentary archive (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1337, eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean), which offer a new view of climate evolution over the onset of the Climatic Optimum. A sharp decline in d18O and d13C at ~16.9 Ma, contemporaneous with a massive increase in carbonate dissolution, demonstrates that abrupt warming was coupled to an intense perturbation of the carbon cycle. The rapid recovery in d13C at ~16.7 Ma, ~200 k.y. after the beginning of the MCO, marks the onset of the first carbon isotope maximum within the long-lasting "Monterey Excursion". These results lend support to the notion that atmospheric pCO2 variations drove profound changes in the global carbon reservoir through the Climatic Optimum, implying a delicate balance between changing CO2 fluxes, rates of silicate weathering and global carbon sequestration. Comparison with a high-resolution d13C record spanning the onset of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma ago) reveals common forcing factors and climatic responses, providing a long-term perspective to understand climate-carbon cycle feedbacks during warmer periods of Earth's climate with markedly different atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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During the past two centuries there have been three major paradigm shifts in the management of Australian rainforests and the use of their timbers: from felling native forests towards growing plantations; from viewing forests and plantations as mainly providers of timber to viewing them as sources of multiple benefits (e.g. timber, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, catchment protection, recreation, regional economic development); and from timber plantations being developed mainly by government on public land towards those established by private citizens, companies, or joint venture arrangements, on previously-cleared freehold land. Rainforest timber plantations are increasingly established for varied reasons, and with multiple objectives. Landholders are increasingly interested in the biodiversity values of their plantations. However, there are few guidelines on the changes to plantation design and management that would augment biodiversity outcomes, or on the extent to which this might require a sacrifice of production. [Abstract extract]


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Forests play a pivotal role in timber production, maintenance and development of biodiversity and in carbon sequestration and storage in the context of the Kyoto Protocol. Policy makers and forest experts therefore require reliable information on forest extent, type and change for management, planning and modeling purposes. It is becoming increasingly clear that such forest information is frequently inconsistent and unharmonised between countries and continents. This research paper presents a forest information portal that has been developed in line with the GEOSS and INSPIRE frameworks. The web portal provides access to forest resources data at a variety of spatial scales, from global through to regional and local, as well as providing analytical capabilities for monitoring and validating forest change. The system also allows for the utilisation of forest data and processing services within other thematic areas. The web portal has been developed using open standards to facilitate accessibility, interoperability and data transfer.


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Seagrass meadows are highly productive habitats found along many of the world's coastline, providing important services that support the overall functioning of the coastal zone. The organic carbon that accumulates in seagrass meadows is derived not only from seagrass production but from the trapping of other particles, as the seagrass canopies facilitate sedimentation and reduce resuspension. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis of the available data to obtain a better understanding of the relative contribution of seagrass and other possible sources of organic matter that accumulate in the sediments of seagrass meadows. The data set includes 219 paired analyses of the carbon isotopic composition of seagrass leaves and sediments from 207 seagrass sites at 88 locations worldwide. Using a three source mixing model and literature values for putative sources, we calculate that the average proportional contribution of seagrass to the surface sediment organic carbon pool is ∼50%. When using the best available estimates of carbon burial rates in seagrass meadows, our data indicate that between 41 and 66 gC m−2 yr−1 originates from seagrass production. Using our global average for allochthonous carbon trapped in seagrass sediments together with a recent estimate of global average net community production, we estimate that carbon burial in seagrass meadows is between 48 and 112 Tg yr−1, showing that seagrass meadows are natural hot spots for carbon sequestration.


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Peatland ecosystems store about 500-600 Pg of organic carbon, largely accumulated since the last glaciation. Whether they continue to sequester carbon or release it as greenhouse gases, perhaps in large amounts, is important in Earth's temperature dynamics. Given both ages and depths of numerous dated sample peatlands, their rate of carbon sequestration can be estimated throughout the Holocene. Here we use average values for carbon content per unit volume, the geographical extent of peatlands, and ecological models of peatland establishment and growth, to reconstruct the time-trajectory of peatland carbon sequestration in North America and project it into the future. Peatlands there contain ~163 Pg of carbon. Ignoring effects of climate change and other major anthropogenic disturbances, the rate of carbon accumulation is projected to decline slowly over millennia as reduced net carbon accumulation in existing peatlands is largely balanced by new peatland establishment. Peatlands are one of few long-term terrestrial carbon sinks, probably important for global carbon regulation in future generations. This study contributes to a better understanding of these ecosystems that will assist their inclusion in earth-system models, and therefore their management to maintain carbon storage during climate change.


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Two-third of the terrestrial C is stored in soils, and more than 50% of soil organic C (SOC) is stored in subsoils from 30 – 100 cm. Hence, subsoil is important as a source or sink for CO2 in the global carbon cycle. Especially the stable organic carbon (OC) is stored in subsoil, as several studies have shown that subsoil OC is of a higher average age than topsoil OC. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanisms of C sequestration and C turnover in subsoil. Three main factors are discussed, which possibly reduce carbon turnover rates in subsoil: Resource limitation, changes in the microbial community, and changes in gas conditions. The experiments conducted in this study, which aimed to elucidate the importance of the mentioned factors, focused on two neighbouring arable sites, with depth profiles differing in SOC stocks: One Colluvic Cambisol (Cam) with high SOC contents (8-12 g kg-1) throughout the profile and one Haplic Luvisol (Luv) with low SOC contents (3-4 g kg-1) below 30 cm depth. The first experiment was designed to gain more knowledge regarding the microbial community and its influence on carbon sequestration in subsoil. Soil samples were taken at four different depths on the two sites. Microbial biomass C (MBC) was determined to identify depth gradients in relation to the natural C availability. Bacterial and fungal residues as well as ergosterol were determined to quantify changes in the in the microbial community composition. Multi-substrate-induced-respiration (MSIR) was used to identify shifts in functional diversity of the microbial community. The MSIR revealed that substrate use in subsoil differed significantly from that in topsoil and also differed highly between the two subsoils, indicating a strong influence of resource limitations on microbial substrate use. Amino sugar analysis and the ratio of ergosterol to microbial biomass C showed that fungal dominance decreased with depth. The results clearly demonstrated that microbial parameters changed with depth according to substrate availability. The second experiment was an incubation experiment using subsoil gas conditions with and without the addition of C4 plant residues. Soil samples were taken from topsoil and subsoil of the two sites. SOC losses during the incubation, were not influenced by the subsoil gas conditions. Plant-derived C losses were generally stronger in the Cam (7.5 mg g-1), especially at subsoil gas conditions, than in the Luv (7.0 mg g-1). Subsoil gas conditions had no general effects on microbial measures with and without plant residue addition. However, the contribution of plant-derived MBC to total MBC was significantly reduced at subsoil gas conditions. This lead to the conclusion that subsoil gas conditions alter the metabolism of microorganisms but not the degradation of added plant residues is general. The third experiment was a field experiment carried out for two years. Mesh bags containing original soil material and maize root residues (C4 plant) were buried at three different depths at the two sites. The recovery of the soilbags took place 12, 18, and 24 months after burial. We determined the effects of these treatments on SOC, density fractions, and MBC. The mean residence time for maize-derived C was similar at all depths and both sites (403 d). MBC increased to a similar extent (2.5 fold) from the initial value to maximum value. This increase relied largely on the added maize root residues. However, there were clear differences visible in terms of the substrate use efficiency, which decreased with depth and was lower in the Luv than in the Cam. Hence freshly added plant material is highly accessible to microorganisms in subsoil and therefore equally degraded at both sites and depths, but its metabolic use was determined by the legacy of soil properties. These findings provide strong evidence that resource availability from autochthonous SOM as well as from added plant residues have a strong influence on the microbial community and its use of different substrates. However, under all of the applied conditions there was no evidence that complex substrates, i.e. plant residues, were less degraded in subsoil than in topsoil.


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Oil palm has increasingly been established on peatlands throughout Indonesia. One of the concerns is that the drainage required for cultivating oil palm in peatlands leads to soil subsidence, potentially increasing future flood risks. This study analyzes the hydrological and economic effects of oil palm production in a peat landscape in Central Kalimantan. We examine two land use scenarios, one involving conversion of the complete landscape including a large peat area to oil palm plantations, and another involving mixed land use including oil palm plantations, jelutung (jungle rubber; (Dyera spp.) plantations, and natural forest. The hydrological effect was analyzed through flood risk modeling using a high-resolution digital elevation model. For the economic analysis, we analyzed four ecosystem services: oil palm production, jelutung production, carbon sequestration, and orangutan habitat. This study shows that after 100 years, in the oil palm scenario, about 67% of peat in the study area will be subject to regular flooding. The flood-prone area will be unsuitable for oil palm and other crops requiring drained soils. The oil palm scenario is the most profitable only in the short term and when the externalities of oil palm production, i.e., the costs of CO2 emissions, are not considered. In the examined scenarios, the social costs of carbon emissions exceed the private benefits from oil palm plantations in peat. Depending upon the local hydrology, income from jelutung, which can sustainably be grown in undrained conditions and does not lead to soil subsidence, outweighs that from oil palm after several decades. These findings illustrate the trade-offs faced at present in Indonesian peatland management and point to economic advantages of an approach that involves expansion of oil palm on mineral lands while conserving natural peat forests and using degraded peat for crops that do not require drainage.


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Mangroves play an important role in carbon sequestration, but soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks differ between marine and estuarine mangroves, suggesting differing processes and drivers of SOC accumulation. Here, we compared undegraded and degraded marine and estuarine mangroves in a regional approach across the Indonesian archipelago for their SOC stocks and evaluated possible drivers imposed by nutrient limitations along the land-to-sea gradients. SOC stocks in natural marine mangroves (271–572 Mg ha-1 m-1 were much higher than under estuarine mangroves (100–315 Mg ha-1 m-1 with a further decrease caused by degradation to 80–132 Mg ha-1 m-1. Soils differed in C/N ratio (marine: 29–64; estuarine: 9–28), δ15N (marine: 0.6 to 0.7‰; estuarine: 2.5 to 7.2‰), and plant-available P (marine: 2.3–6.3 mg kg-1; estuarine: 0.16–1.8 mg kg-1). We found N and P supply of sea-oriented mangroves primarily met by dominating symbiotic N2 fixation from air and P import from sea, while mangroves on the landward gradient increasingly covered their demand in N and P from allochthonous sources and SOM recycling. Pioneer plants favored by degradation further increased nutrient recycling from soil resulting in smaller SOC stocks in the topsoil. These processes explained the differences in SOC stocks along the land-to-sea gradient in each mangrove type as well as the SOC stock differences observed between estuarine and marine mangrove ecosystems. This first large-scale evaluation of drivers of SOC stocks under mangroves thus suggests a continuum in mangrove functioning across scales and ecotypes and additionally provides viable proxies for carbon stock estimations in PES or REDD schemes.


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The quantitative role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export is evaluated by combining DOC measurements with observed water mass transports. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, both upper and lower limbs of the AMOC transport high-DOC waters. Deep water formation that connects the two limbs of the AMOC results in a high downward export of non-refractory DOC (197 Tg-C center dot yr(-1)). Subsequent remineralization in the lower limb of the AMOC, between subpolar and subtropical latitudes, consumes 72% of the DOC exported by the whole Atlantic Ocean. The contribution of DOC to the carbon sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean (62 Tg-C center dot yr(-1)) is considerable and represents almost a third of the atmospheric CO2 uptake in the region.


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Forests have a prominent role in carbon storage and sequestration. Anthropogenic forcing has the potential to accelerate climate change and alter the distribution of forests. How forests redistribute spatially and temporally in response to climate change can alter their carbon sequestration potential. The driving question for this research was: How does plant migration from climate change impact vegetation distribution and carbon sequestration potential over continental scales? Large-scale simulation of the equilibrium response of vegetation and carbon from future climate change has shown relatively modest net gains in sequestration potential, but studies of the transient response has been limited to the sub-continent or landscape scale. The transient response depends on fine scale processes such as competition, disturbance, landscape characteristics, dispersal, and other factors, which makes it computational prohibitive at large domain sizes. To address this, this research used an advanced mechanistic model (Ecosystem Demography Model, ED) that is individually based, but pseudo-spatial, that reduces computational intensity while maintaining the fine scale processes that drive the transient response. First, the model was validated against remote sensing data for current plant functional type distribution in northern North America with a current climatology, and then a future climatology was used to predict the potential equilibrium redistribution of vegetation and carbon from future climate change. Next, to enable transient calculations, a method was developed to simulate the spatially explicit process of dispersal in pseudo-spatial modeling frameworks. Finally, the new dispersal sub-model was implemented in the mechanistic ecosystem model, and a model experimental design was designed and completed to estimate the transient response of vegetation and carbon to climate change. The potential equilibrium forest response to future climate change was found to be large, with large gross changes in distribution of plant functional types and comparatively smaller changes in net carbon sequestration potential for the region. However, the transient response was found to be on the order of centuries, and to depend strongly on disturbance rates and dispersal distances. Future work should explore the impact of species-specific disturbance and dispersal rates, landscape fragmentation, and other processes that influence migration rates and have been simulated at the sub-continent scale, but now at continental scales, and explore a range of alternative future climate scenarios as they continue to be developed.


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Reforestation will have important consequences for the global challenges of mitigating climate change, arresting habitat decline and ensuring food security. We examined field-scale trade-offs between carbon sequestration of tree plantings and biodiversity potential and loss of agricultural land. Extensive surveys of reforestation across temperate and tropical Australia (N=1491 plantings) were used to determine how planting width and species mix affect carbon sequestration during early development (< 15 year). Carbon accumulation per area increased significantly with decreasing planting width and with increasing proportion of eucalypts (the predominant over-storey genus). Highest biodiversity potential was achieved through block plantings (width>40m) with about 25% of planted individuals being eucalypts. Carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced in mixed-species plantings by establishing narrow belts (width<20m) with a high proportion (>75%) of eucalypts, and in monocultures of mallee eucalypt plantings by using the widest belts (ca. 6-20m). Impacts on agriculture were minimized by planting narrow belts (ca. 4m) of mallee eucalypt monocultures, which had the highest carbon sequestering efficiency. A plausible scenario where only 5% of highly-cleared areas (<30% native vegetation cover remaining) of temperate Australia are reforested showed substantial mitigation potential. Total carbon sequestration after 15 years was up to 25Mt CO2-e year-1 when carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced and 13Mt CO2-e year-1 if block plantings of highest biodiversity potential were established. Even when reforestation was restricted to marginal agricultural land (<$2000ha-1 land value, 28% of the land under agriculture in Australia), total mitigation potential after 15 years was 17-26Mt CO2-e year-1 using narrow belts of mallee plantings. This work provides guidance on land use to governments and planners. We show that the multiple benefits of young tree plantings can be balanced by manipulating planting width and species choice at establishment. In highly-cleared areas, such plantings can sequester substantial biomass carbon while improving biodiversity and causing negligible loss of agricultural land.


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Carbon payments can help mitigate both climate change and biodiversity decline through the reforestation of agricultural land. However, to achieve biodiversity co-benefits, carbon payments often require support from other policy mechanisms such as regulation, targeting, and complementary incentives. We evaluated 14 policy mechanisms for supplying carbon and biodiversity co-benefits through reforestation of carbon plantings (CP) and environmental plantings (EP) in Australia's 85.3 Mha agricultural land under global change. The reference policy - uniform payments (bidders are paid the same price) with land-use competition (both CP and EP eligible for payments), targeting carbon - achieved significant carbon sequestration but negligible biodiversity co-benefits. Land-use regulation (only EP eligible) and two additional incentives complementing the reference policy (biodiversity premium, carbon levy) increased biodiversity co-benefits, but mostly inefficiently. Discriminatory payments (bidders are paid their bid price) with land-use competition were efficient, and with multifunctional targeting of both carbon and biodiversity co-benefits increased the biodiversity co-benefits almost 100-fold. Our findings were robust to uncertainty in global outlook, and to key agricultural productivity and land-use adoption assumptions. The results suggest clear policy directions, but careful mechanism design will be key to realising these efficiencies in practice. Choices remain for society about the amount of carbon and biodiversity co-benefits desired, and the price it is prepared to pay for them.


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The Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving (SAFER) was used to estimate biophysical parameters and theenergy balance components in two different pasture experimental areas, in the São Paulo state, Brazil. The experimentalpastures consist in six rotational (RGS) and three continuous grazing systems (CGS) paddocks. Landsat-8 images from2013 and 2015 dry and rainy seasons were used, as these presented similar hydrological cycle, with 1,600 mm and 1,613mm of annual precipitation, resulting in 19 cloud-free images. Bands 1 to 7 and thermal bands 10 and 11 were used withweather data from a station located nearthe experimental area. NDVI, biomass, evapotranspiration and latent heat flux(λE) temporal values statistically differ CGS from RGS areas. Grazing systems influences the energy partition and theseresults indicate that RGS benefits biomass production, evapotranspiration and the microclimate, due higher LE values.SAFER is a feasible tool to estimate biophysical parameters and energy balance components in pasture and has potentialto discriminate continuous and rotation grazing systems in a temporal analysis.