1000 resultados para CTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 19 SEACAT
Zooplankton was studied on eight stations in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Barents Sea, in May 1999, along two transects across the ice edge. On each station, physical background measurements and zooplankton samples were taken every 6 h over a 24 h period at five discrete depth intervals. Cluster analysis revealed separation of open water stations from all ice stations as well as high similarity level among replicates belonging to particular station. Based on five replicates per station, analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed significant differences (P < 0.05) in abundances of the main mesozooplankton taxa among stations. Relations between the zooplankton community and environmental parameters were established using redundancy analysis (CANOCO). In total, 55% of mesozooplankton variability within studied area was explained by eight variables with significant conditional effects: depth stratum, fluorescence, temperature, salinity, bottom depth, latitude, bloom situation, and ice concentration. GLM models supported supposition about clear and negative relationship between concentration of Oithona similis, and overall mesozooplankton diversity The analyses showed a dynamic relationship between mesozooplankton distribution and hydrological conditions on short-term scale. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that variability in the physical environment of dynamic MIZ of the Barents Sea has measurable effect on the Arctic pelagic ecosystem.
We analyzed hydrographic data from the northwestern Weddell Sea continental shelf of the three austral winters 1989, 1997, and 2006 and two summers following the last winter cruise. During summer a thermal front exists at ~64° S separating cold southern waters from warm northern waters that have similar characteristics as the deep waters of the central basin of the Bransfield Strait. In winter, the whole continental shelf exhibits southern characteristics with high Neon (Ne) concentrations, indicating a significant input of glacial melt water. The comparison of the winter data from the shallow shelf off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, spanning a period of 17 yr, shows a salinity decrease of 0.09 for the whole water column, which has a residence time of <1 yr. We interpret this freshening as being caused by a combination of reduced salt input due to a southward sea ice retreat and higher precipitation during the late 20th century on the western Weddell Sea continental shelf. However, less salinification might also result from a delicate interplay between enhanced salt input due to sea ice formation in coastal areas formerly occupied by Larsen A and B ice shelves and increased Larsen C ice loss.