999 resultados para CRAB LARVAE


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This study was conducted in five river-estuaries of Satkhira from January to December '96. It was found that during the collection of each Peneaus monodon) post larva (PL), about 45 larvae of other shrimps, 12 individuals of fin-fishes and 530 macro-zooplankters were mercilessly destroyed. It was also recorded that about 11.6 million of P. monodon PLs were harvested annually from the study area. The sh1dy implies that colossal loss of shell and fin-fishes and other plankton resources is done by tiger shrimp fry collectors, and such massive destruction adversely affect the natural productivity and ecological balance of the coastal environment.


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For minimizing cannibalism of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae two trials for a period of 14 and 15 days respectively in four aquaria of size 120x49x32 cm³ were conducted. Seven days old African catfish larvae with an initial total length and weight of 7.84 (±0.40) mm and 4.40 (±1.18) mg respectively in the first trial and similarly 7.52(±0.61) mm and 3.98 (±0.56) mg in the second trial at the rate of same stocking densities of 2500 larvae in each aquarium were stocked in both trials. Cannibalistic larvae were separated by using grader frame from each treatment at 7 days and 5 days interval during first and second trial respectively. Two mesh sizes i.e., 5 mm and 7 mm were used in the grader frame in both trials. Survival rate was significantly higher in T1 than that of T2 in each trial. Grading of larvae with 5 days interval resulted higher survival rate than that of 7 days interval.


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Larval development of Perisesarma bidens (De Haan) was investigated in laboratory conditions. Morphology of all larval stages and 1st crab stage was described and illustrated in detail, and compared with other species of sesarmid crabs. The zoeae morphological features of P. bidens are almost similar to other species of Sesarma in lacking a pair of lateral spines on carapace.


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Two sets of experiments were conducted to determine the dietary cholesterol requirement of larvae and postlarvae 1-10 of Penaeus indicus. Seven approximately isocaloric and isonitrogenous purified experimental diets were tried with graded levels of cholesterol ranging from 0 to 4%. The control feed for larvae and postlarvae 1-10 were phytoplankton and compounded feed NPCL-17, developed by CMFRI, Cochin respectively. Result of these experiments indicates that cholesterol is an essential nutrient in the diet of larvae and postlarvae 1-10. Survival and growth of larvae and postlarvae 1-10 were greatly affected by cholesterol deficiency in the diet. The optimal cholesterol requirement for larvae appeared to be 0.5% of the diet, while it was higher for postlarvae where inclusion of cholesterol at a level of 2% in the diet gave higher growth.


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The larvae of bothids were found to be sparsely distributed in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea being only 11.9% in the Naga Expedition Collections. They were confined mostly to the coastal waters and were found in near shore stations situated between Bangkok and Saigon. Their density was high in the Gulf of Thailand. The larvae seem to prefer darkness with greater incidence during April 16 to October 15 period, with a peak in the collections taken during April. This report includes the occurrence of 17 species belonging to 6 genera collected from the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea, along with their regional, seasonal as well as diurnal variations


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Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae with an average weight of 6.26 ± 0.23 mg and an average length of 10.67 ± 0.13 mm were fed with one of the five experimental diets having graded levels of lipid (5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0%) to satiation two times a day to study their effect on growth, survival and feed utilisation. The highest weight gain was observed in post-larvae fed 7.5% lipid, although there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between groups fed 7.5 and 10.0% lipid. Similar effect was observed in the specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio of post-larvae fed the diet with 7.5 and 10.0% lipid. The lowest feed conversion ratio was obtained in postlarvae fed the diet with 7.5% lipid. The survival rates of post-larvae fed on various levels of dietary lipid differed significantly (p<0.05) after 15 days of rearing period. Significantly lower survival was observed in the diet with 15.0% lipid level. Dietary lipid did not significantly affect prawn carcass protein, lipid and ash contents. Based on the data analysis (ANOVA – one way analysis), the dietary lipid requirement for 15 days of nursery rearing of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae was estimated to be 7.5 to 10.0% under experimental conditions in this study.


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Water beetle larvae and pupae were collected from the lotic biotopes in localities of the southern part of Ceylon. The species are described and findings are related to previous investigations. The following families were represented: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Helodidae, Dascillidae (Eubrianacinae), Dryopidae and Lampyridae.


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The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission studied 38 biotopes; 28 of which contain Odonata. From the Zygoptera the Calopterydoidea seem to be the dominant form (22 habitats), while the Coenagrionoidea are scarcer (11 habitats). The most frequent species was Euphaea splendens (Epallagidae - 16 habitats) followed by Vestolis apicalis nigrescens (Calopterygidae, 8 habitats) and Neurobasis chinensis (Calopterygidae, 6 habitats). From the Anisoptera Zygonyx ceylanica (Libellulidae: Zygonictinae) was the dominant form (8 habitats), but some Libellulinae remain undescribed. The number of species varied greatly between different biotopes. The biotopes containing Odonata are small brooks, in which the pH was mostly on the limit between acid and alkaline reaction. They are fast running waters, situated in most cases on lower or middle elevations, only three species being found in higher elevations (1800-2000 m). Adaptations to fast currents and other factors are described.


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The deep crab Geryon quinquedens was the objective of an exploratory fishing operation with long lines of baited traps along the slope of southern Mozambique and was caught between 250 and 850 m. Data were analysed from the start of the operation in May, 1979 until March, 1980. The availability of the resource is discussed on the basis of catch rates. Size composition of the catches shows the bigger size of the males and suggests a stratification of the resource by area. Females dominate in shallower waters whereas the interval at which the sex-ratio equals one is identified at 400-450 m. Reproduction is discussed in connection with recruitment and an hypothesis is advanced for an exponential growth rate of about 10 mm per month.


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In order to record the effects of thyroxine and cortisol (individual/combined) on hatching, post-embryonic growth and survival of larvae of Heteropneustes fossilis, newly fertilized eggs were given bath immersion treatments of L-thyroxine (T sub(4); 0.05 mg/l), cortisol (0.50 mg/l) and T sub(4)+ cortisol (0.05 mg/l+0.50 mg/l) for 15 days. Hatching of eggs, growth and survival of the larvae improved significantly (P<0.001) in the hormone treated groups as compared to those of control. The frequency of deformities was reduced in the combined hormone treatment group. The present observations suggest that the advanced digestive function probably induced by T sub(4)+cortisol treatment might have resulted in improvement in food utilization during the critical phases of first feeding and promoted vital developmental processes resulting in uniform growth, decreased mortality, better survival and transformation of larvae to juveniles. This combined hormone therapy appears to have practical utility in fish hatchery practice for better success in larval rearing.


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Three different types of culture media: (i) 100% brine (B 100 ), (ii) 75% brine and 25% crude salt (B 75 CS 25 ), and 50% brine and 50% crude salt (B 50 CS 50) were tested to evaluate the possible use of brackish water reconstituted from the crude salt for the production of M. rosenbergii post-larvae. The production rate of 25.26±0.20 PI/l with a corresponding survival rate of 84.20±0.66% was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the larvae reared on B100 than that of 22.10±0.57 Pl/l with a corresponding survival rate of 73.68±1.89% on B50CS50. Larvae cultured on B75CS25 did not show any significant difference (P<0.05) in production as well as in survival of post-larvae than that on B100. The result shows that, for rearing of prawn larvae, use of brine can be replaced up to 25% without any undue reduction in production of post-larvae. However, the production as well as survival rate of post-larvae with 50% replacement (B50CS50) is also appreciable. It is assumed that the mineral constituents of natural seawater might have some triggering effects on prawn larvae in closing their larval cycle.


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A ten-month study on mixed culture of mud crab Scylla serrata with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed in brackish water earthen ponds using live tilapia fry as the only feed for crab. The monthly growth rate varied from 9.07-19.llg among four treatments. Treatment T 1, cw: 0.68cm (±0.72) and bw: 19.11 gm (±12.97) showed highest performance which was followed by T 3, cw: 0.62cm (±0.60) and bw: 13.42 gm (±10.51), T4, cw: 0.65cm (±0.64) and bw: 13.20 gm (±9.89) and T2, cw: 0.36cm (± 0.25) and bw: 9.07 gm (±8.05). Highest survivability of crabs was also recorded in T 1 (21.5%) which was followed by T 2 (15.65%), T4 (14.95%) and T 3 (14.15%). In terms of survivability, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed among the treatments whereas these were recorded as insignificant difference (p<0.05) in final weight, weight gain and production of crabs and tilapia. Mixed culture of mud crab with tilapia could make more rewarding than crab monoculture but the study suggests that only tilapia fry can not fulfill the feed requirement of crabs in respects of survivability, final body weight and weight gain. Besides, existed salinity level of 4-12 ppt during experimental period might be the another key factor for low survivability and weight gain.


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The Northern Arabian Sea Ecological and Environmental Research (NASEER) Programme cruise I, January, 1992 and other collections from Manora Channel (Karachi) were examined. Six stages i.e. IV, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI of stomatopod larvae are recognized. Day samples talen in 1994 (January to December) from Manora Channel revealed the presence of only three specimens of stage IV. They all belong to the family Squillidae. Each stage is measured, described and illustrated. None of the stages could be correlated to their adults.


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In Tachypleus gigas (Muller) the fecundity varied from 1242 to 6565 with a mean of 3758±1962. Maximum fecundity was recorded in T. gigas ranging in carapace length between 161 and 170 mm. The ova diameter was between the range of 1.54 and 2.09 mm with a mean modal value of 1.81 mm. The mean number of ova per mm carapace length, per g body mass and per g ovary mass were 22±12.8, 7±2.0 and 27±3.3 respectively. Linear relationships were obtained between fecundity, carapace length, body mass and ovary mass of T. gigas.


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The present paper investigates the occurrence and abundance of brachyuran larvae in the Manora Channel during August- December 1993. The fortnightly planktonic sampling was carried out in Manora Channel which is bordered by mangroves, during day time from surface and subsurface waters at shallow depth using Bongo net of 300 micron mesh size. Analysis of samples revealed presence of brachyuran larvae of 12 species belonging to 6 families. Of these 4 species are confirmed: Serenella indica, Dotilla blanfordi, Metopograpsus thukuhar and Clistocoeloma lanatum, 2 provisionally identified species are: Pilumnus ?karachiensis and Pinnotheres ?pisum, 2 species are identified upto generic level: Philyra sp. and Pinnotheres sp., and 1 Ocypodid species and 3 Xanthid species are identified upto family level. This study based on identification, occurrence and abundance of brachyuran larvae in the area, also gives percentage composition of brachyuran larvae collected during 1993, in the Manora Channel.