[ES]Este proyecto recoge el plan de internacionalización comercial a Brasil, Marruecos y Francia de la empresa de ámbito industrial; concretamente del sector de la siderurgia, en adelante, A.P.S., que se dedica a la elaboración de productos auxiliares para la desulfuración del acero. El plan se ha desarrollado de forma que impulse a la empresa a cumplir una serie de objetivos como son un mayor crecimiento, mejora de la rentabilidad o un aumento de cuota de mercado, entre otros. Las pautas seguidas en la elaboración del plan de acciones, han sido desarrolladas gracias a un adecuado análisis tanto para la empresa como para el entorno, que ha sido de especial ayuda para ajustarnos a las necesidades de esta.
[ES] El conjunto industrial achelense de Puyo (Lannemezan, Hautes-Pyrénées), descubierto por G. Laplace en 1954 en posición estratigráfica rissiense, está compuesto por 360 ejemplares líticos tallados en cuarcita local. Este efectivo industrial se reparte entre: 218 piezas retocadas (en las que se han definido 226 tipos primarios), 136 lascas y 6 núcleos. Tecnológicamente, la mayor parte de las industrias parecen estar en relación con un debitado sobre yunque; técnica de talla que ha procurado unas lascas con unos atributos muy específicos, en las que, en varios casos, son más que evidentes sus analogías morfológicas con los "hachereaux". En este sentido, la elevada presencia de "hachereaux" bien formateados y de otras piezas hacheroides más elementales, menos elaboradas, así como de varias formas particulares de utillaje macrolítico (ojivas, puntas), nos ha llevado a plantear una propuesta de definición y clasificación analítica particular para estos temas. La contribución global de estas piezas macrolíticas es superior a la de los útiles convencionales o más habituales. Por último, en lo que concierne a la valoración tipológica, este original complejo achelense está definido esencialmente, además de por los más numerosos tipos hacheroides, por una casi similar presencia de denticulados y una importante contribución de puntas carenoides. Más complementariamente, deben estimarse las aportaciones de ojivas y raederas, y son francamente minoritarios los restantes grupos tipológicos considerados (de cantos tallados, truncaduras, puntas planas, abruptos, raspadores, "becs", fragmentos de piezas bifaciales indeterminadas y "écaillés").
225 p.
[EN] The intense industrial activity that took place over the past century resulted in large contaminated áreas. This is an important risk to human health and environmental safety. Recent biotechnological techniques for bioremediation include phytoremediation, which uses plants to remove or stabilize contaminants in soils. In our study we choose birch (Betula alba) as the preferred species to remedy mining soils, due to it produces a large biomass and can accumulate high levels of toxic elements in its tissues. The aim of this study was (i) to determine the possibility of using this species in reforestation and/or remediation of mining soils (ii) to elucidate the potential of tocopherol levels as indicators of heavy metal pollution. Trees growing in mining soils with high concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb were sampled and the metal content in various organs and in tree rings was analyzed. α-tocoferol levels were also analyzed as an indicator of stress. The results showed a different distribution of metals in plant tissues. Zn and Cd had a higher accumulation in leaves, whereas Pb was stored in the timber. In addition, the metal content in tree rings was higher in older rings, leading to a conclusion that older tissues present a detoxification strategy. Furthermore, we saw how the presence of α- tocoferol on branches can be an indicator of metal stress in plants and it can be also used as a monitoring factor.
375 p.
In multisource industrial scenarios (MSIS) coexist NOAA generating activities with other productive sources of airborne particles, such as parallel processes of manufacturing or electrical and diesel machinery. A distinctive characteristic of MSIS is the spatially complex distribution of aerosol sources, as well as their potential differences in dynamics, due to the feasibility of multi-task configuration at a given time. Thus, the background signal is expected to challenge the aerosol analyzers at a probably wide range of concentrations and size distributions, depending of the multisource configuration at a given time. Monitoring and prediction by using statistical analysis of time series captured by on-line particle analyzers in industrial scenarios, have been proven to be feasible in predicting PNC evolution provided a given quality of net signals (difference between signal at source and background). However the analysis and modelling of non-consistent time series, influenced by low levels of SNR (Signal-Noise Ratio) could build a misleading basis for decision making. In this context, this work explores the use of stochastic models based on ARIMA methodology to monitor and predict exposure values (PNC). The study was carried out in a MSIS where an case study focused on the manufacture of perforated tablets of nano-TiO2 by cold pressing was performed
210 p.
Fishery statistics for the industrial trawl fishery of Cote d'Ivoire have been well documented since 1968. However, data processing has changed significantly with time and some of the data files have been lost. In 1997, the Centre de Recherches Oceanologiques d'Abidjan decided to retrieve and process all trawl data available from different sources. This paper gives an overview of the database covering the period 1968 to 1997 and describes its coverage, format, structure and use. The database was developed using MS ACCESS and is a powerful tool for storing information about this fishery, and for analysis of its dynamics over a period of 30 years.
Applying Turkey's jackknife method on MSY estimates from the surplus production models of Schaefer and Fox showed that the optimum yield for shrimps in industrial fishery in Sierra Leone is estimated at 2,686.8 t with 15,822 fishing days. Annual catch for 1996 was 2,788 t, indicating an escalation in exploitation which, if prolonged, could bring reduced productivity as experienced in the fishery some years ago.