952 resultados para CLOSED TIMELIKE CURVES
In this paper we relate the numerical invariants attached to a projective curve, called the order sequence of the curve, to the geometry of the varieties of tangent linear spaces to the curve and to the Gauss maps of the curve. © 1992 Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática.
Four 0.02-ha earthen ponds at the UNESP Aquaculture Center, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, were stocked with newly metamorphosed Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae at 1.5 animals/m2. After 8 mo, prawn density at harvest ranged from 0.3/ m2 to 0.8/m2. Growth curves were determined for each population using von Bertalanffy growth functions. Asymptotic maximum length and asymptotic maximum weight increased as final population size decreased indicating that a strong density effect on prawn growth occurs in semi-intensive culture, even when populational density varies within a small range of less than 1 animal/m2.
A simple procedure to obtain complete, closed expressions for Lie algebra invariants is presented. The invariants are ultimately polynomials in the group parameters. The construction of finite group elements requires the use of projectors, whose coefficients are invariant polynomials. The detailed general forms of these projectors are given. Closed expressions for finite Lorentz transformations, both homogeneous and inhomogeneous, as well as for Galilei transformations, are found as examples.
We briefly summarize the idea of cosmological models with compact, flat spatial sections. It has been suggested that, because of the COBE satellite's maps of the microwave background, such models cannot be small in the sense of Ellis, and hence are no longer interesting. Here we use the method of cosmic crystallography by Lehoucq et al. to show that these models are physically meaningful even if the size of the spatial sections is of the same order of magnitude as the radius of the observational horizon. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
We perform a self-consistent relativistic RPA calculation for the isobaric analogue and Gamow-Teller resonances based on relativistic mean field theory results for the ground states of 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb. We use the parameter set NL1 for the σ, ω and ρ mesons, and experimental values for the pion and nucleon. An extra parameter, related to the intensity of the contact term in the pion-exchange interaction, is crucial to reproduce the latter resonances. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose a modified form of the spontaneous birth of the universe by quantum tunneling. It proceeds through topology change and inflation, to eventually become a universe with closed spatial sections of negative spatial curvature and nontrivial global topology.
In recent years, many researchers in the field of biomedical sciences have made successful use of mathematical models to study, in a quantitative way, a multitude of phenomena such as those found in disease dynamics, control of physiological systems, optimization of drug therapy, economics of the preventive medicine and many other applications. The availability of good dynamic models have been providing means for simulation and design of novel control strategies in the context of biological events. This work concerns a particular model related to HIV infection dynamics which is used to allow a comparative evaluation of schemes for treatment of AIDS patients. The mathematical model adopted in this work was proposed by Nowak & Bangham, 1996 and describes the dynamics of viral concentration in terms of interaction with CD4 cells and the cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which are responsible for the defense of the organism. Two conceptually distinct techniques for drug therapy are analyzed: Open Loop Treatment, where a priori fixed dosage is prescribed and Closed Loop Treatment, where the doses are adjusted according to results obtained by laboratory analysis. Simulation results show that the Closed Loop Scheme can achieve improved quality of the treatment in terms of reduction in the viral load and quantity of administered drugs, but with the inconvenience related to the necessity of frequent and periodic laboratory analysis.
We present angular basis functions for the Schrödinger equation of two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates. By using the hyperspherical adiabatic approach, the wave functions of two-electron systems are expanded in analytical functions, which generalizes the Jacobi polynomials. We show that these functions, obtained by selecting the diagonal terms of the angular equation, allow efficient diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for all values of the hyperspherical radius. The method is applied to the determination of the 1S e energy levels of the Li + and we show that the precision can be improved in a systematic and controllable way. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
We give a description of the dual varieties of all developables of osculating linear spaces to a projective curve in terms of the higher order dual varieties of the curve, in arbitrary characteristic. We also determine for these varieties the inseparable degrees of the projections from the conormal varieties onto their dual varieties.
Because the lack of specialized textbooks, the select of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes is based on empirical knowledge. This fact led the authors to propose the study on electromyographic activity of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with closed grip in three different modalities. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a long bar made of light wood was used. TS acted significantly in the three different modalities, that is, upright, sitting and bent over, while SI acted preferentially in upright and sitting rowing exercises, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises in physical conditioning programmes.
High strain shear zones of Brasiliano age, developed in Paleoproterozoic basement gneiss of the Caicó region, Borborema Province, NE Brazil, were associated with medium- to low-grade metamorphism and deformational processes that transformed porphyritic augen gneiss into muscovite quartzite, modifying their original mineralogy and chemical properties. During the last hydrothermal event mobility of major, minor and trace elements was great, whereas the pattern of Rare Earth Elements was not changed. We carried out a Sm-Nd isotopic study in these rocks in order to understand the behavior of Nd isotopes during mylonite generation. TDM model ages at around 2.6 Ga and εNd (t) values for both protolith and transformed rock suggest that the Nd isotopic system remained closed, recording the original source rock signature, despite undergoing two superposed metamorphic events. These new Sm-Nd results provide important information on the geologic evolution of basement rocks in the central Rio Grande do Norte Terrane of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil.
Because the lack of specialized textbooks on the select and indication of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes, an electromyographic study of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with middle and closed grip in three different modalities, upright, sitting and bent over was performed. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a supine bench, a straight board and a 1,20 m-long bar made of light wood were used. The results showed that TS acted preferentially with closed grip sitting and bent over modalities, and presented no difference among the grips for upright rowing. SI acted preferentially with closed grip in all modalities, however, with activity levels that do not justify its indication for physical conditioning programmes.
Successful experiments in nonlinear vibrations have been carried out with cantilever beams under harmonic base excitation. A flexible slender cantilever has been chosen as a convenient structure to exhibit modal interactions, subharmonic, superharmonic and chaotic motions, and others interesting nonlinear phenomena. The tools employed to analyze the dynamics of the beam generally include frequency- and force-response curves. To produce force-response curves, one keeps the excitation frequency constant and slowly varies the excitation amplitude, on the other hand, to produce frequency-response curves, one keeps the excitation amplitude fixed and slowly varies the excitation frequency. However, keeping the excitation amplitude constant while varying the excitation frequency is a difficult task with an open-loop measurement system. In this paper, it is proposed a closed-loop monitor vibration system available with the electromagnetic shaker in order to keep the harmonic base excitation amplitude constant. This experimental setup constitutes a significant improvement to produce frequency-response curves and the advantages of this setup are evaluated in a case study. The beam is excited with a periodic base motion transverse to the axis of the beam near the third natural frequency. Modal interactions and two-period quasi-periodic motion are observed involving the first and the third modes. Frequency-response curves, phase space and Poincaré map are used to characterize the dynamics of the beam.
Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (β0), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and β0 were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for β0 and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms. © 2012 Universidad de Antioquia.