980 resultados para Burst swimming


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Recently, swimming-style colour synaesthesia was introduced as a new form of synaesthesia. A synaesthetic Stroop test was used to establish its genuineness. Since Stroop interference can occur for any type of overlearned association, in the present study we used a modified Stroop test and psychophysiological synaesthetic conditioning to further establish the genuineness of this form of synaesthesia. We compared the performance of a swimming-style colour synaesthete and a control who was trained on swimming-style colour associations. Our results showed that behavioural aspects of swimming-style colour synaesthesia can be mimicked in a trained control. Importantly, however, our results showed a psychophysiological conditioning effect for the synaesthete only. We discuss the theoretical relevance of swimming-style colour synaesthesia according to different models of synaesthesia. We conclude that swimming-style colour synaesthesia is a genuine form of synaesthesia, can be mimicked behaviourally in non-synaesthetes, and is best explained by a re-entrant feedback model.


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Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) represents a promising approach in the treatment of neglect syndrom. However, it is not known whether cTBS in conjunction with another technique may enhance the therapeutic effects. In the present sham-controlled study, we aimed to combine cTBS with smooth pursuit training (SPT), another method known to effectively improve neglect symptoms, and to evaluate whether this combination would result in a stronger effect than SPT alone. Eighteen patients with left spatial neglect after right-hemispheric stroke were included in the study and performed a cancellation task on a large 54.6" touchscreen monitor. A sequential application of cTBS and SPT induced a significantly greater improvement of neglect than SPT alone. After the combined application of these two methods, patients detected significantly more targets and their cancellation behaviour presented a significantly greater shift towards the contralesional hemispace. We suggest that a combined, sequential application of cTBS and SPT is a promising new approach to treat neglect.


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Roots respond dynamically to belowground herbivore attack. Yet, little is known about the mechanisms and ecological consequences of these responses. Do roots behave the same way as leaves, or do the paradigms derived from aboveground research need to be rewritten? This is the central question that we tackle in this article. To this end, we review the current literature on induced root defenses and present a number of experiments on the interaction between the root herbivore Diabrotica virgifera and its natural host, maize. Currently, the literature provides no clear evidence that plants can recognize root herbivores specifically. In maize, mild mechanical damage is sufficient to trigger a root volatile response comparable to D. virgifera induction. Interestingly, the jasmonate (JA) burst, a highly conserved signaling event following leaf attack, is consistently attenuated in the roots across plant species, from wild tobacco to Arabidopsis. In accordance, we found only a weak JA response in D. virgifera attacked maize roots. Despite this reduction in JA-signaling, roots of many plants start producing a distinct suite of secondary metabolites upon attack and reconfigure their primary metabolism. We, therefore, postulate the existence of additional, unknown signals that govern induced root responses in the absence of a jasmonate burst. Surprisingly, despite the high phenotypic plasticity of plant roots, evidence for herbivore-induced resistance below ground is virtually absent from the literature. We propose that other defensive mechanisms, including resource reallocation and compensatory growth, may be more important to improve plant immunity below ground.


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Visual neglect is considerably exacerbated by increases in visual attentional load. These detrimental effects of attentional load are hypothesised to be dependent on an interplay between dysfunctional inter-hemispheric inhibitory dynamics and load-related modulation of activity in cortical areas such as the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation (cTBS) over the contralesional PPC reduces neglect severity. It is unknown, however, whether such positive effects also operate in the presence of the detrimental effects of heightened attentional load. Here, we examined the effects of cTBS on neglect severity in overt visual search (i.e., with eye movements), as a function of high and low visual attentional load conditions. Performance was assessed on the basis of target detection rates and eye movements, in a computerised visual search task and in two paper-pencil tasks. cTBS significantly ameliorated target detection performance, independently of attentional load. These ameliorative effects were significantly larger in the high than the low load condition, thereby equating target detection across both conditions. Eye movement analyses revealed that the improvements were mediated by a redeployment of visual fixations to the contralesional visual field. These findings represent a substantive advance, because cTBS led to an unprecedented amelioration of overt search efficiency that was independent of visual attentional load.


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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in healthy participants has been shown to trigger a significant rightward shift in the spatial allocation of visual attention, temporarily mimicking spatial deficits observed in neglect. In contrast, rTMS applied over the left PPC triggers a weaker or null attentional shift. However, large interindividual differences in responses to rTMS have been reported. Studies measuring changes in brain activation suggest that the effects of rTMS may depend on both interhemispheric and intrahemispheric interactions between cortical loci controlling visual attention. Here, we investigated whether variability in the structural organization of human white matter pathways subserving visual attention, as assessed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography, could explain interindividual differences in the effects of rTMS. Most participants showed a rightward shift in the allocation of spatial attention after rTMS over the right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), but the size of this effect varied largely across participants. Conversely, rTMS over the left IPS resulted in strikingly opposed individual responses, with some participants responding with rightward and some with leftward attentional shifts. We demonstrate that microstructural and macrostructural variability within the corpus callosum, consistent with differential effects on cross-hemispheric interactions, predicts both the extent and the direction of the response to rTMS. Together, our findings suggest that the corpus callosum may have a dual inhibitory and excitatory function in maintaining the interhemispheric dynamics that underlie the allocation of spatial attention. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) controls allocation of attention across left versus right visual fields. Damage to this area results in neglect, characterized by a lack of spatial awareness of the side of space contralateral to the brain injury. Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the PPC is used to study cognitive mechanisms of spatial attention and to examine the potential of this technique to treat neglect. However, large individual differences in behavioral responses to stimulation have been reported. We demonstrate that the variability in the structural organization of the corpus callosum accounts for these differences. Our findings suggest novel dual mechanism of the corpus callosum function in spatial attention and have broader implications for the use of stimulation in neglect rehabilitation.


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Caenorhabditis elegans has recently been developed as a model system to study both pathogen virulence mechanisms and host defense responses. We have shown that C. elegans produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to exposure to the important Gram-positive, noscomial pathogen, Enterococcus faecalis. We have also shown evidence of oxidative stress and upregulation of stress response after exposure to the pathogen. As in mammalian systems, this work shows that production of ROS for innate immune functions occurs via an NADPH oxidase. Specifically, reducing expression of a dual oxidase, Ce-duox1/BLI-3 causes a decrease in ROS production in response to E. faecalis. We also present evidence that reduction of expression of Ce-duox1/BLI-3 increases susceptibility to this pathogen, specifically when expression is reduced in the intestine and the hypodermis. This dual oxidase has previously been localized to the hypodermis, but we show that it is additionally localized to the intestine of C. elegans. To further demonstrate the protective effects of the pathogen-induced ROS production, we demonstrate that antioxidants that scavenge ROS, increase the sensitivity of the nematode to the infection, in stark contrast to their longevity-promoting effects under non-pathogenic conditions. In conclusion, we postulate that the generation of ROS by NADPH oxidases in the barrier epithelium is an ancient, highly conserved innate immune defense mechanism.^


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The ocean quahog, Arctica islandica is the longest-lived non-colonial animal known to science. A maximum individual age of this bivalve of 405 years has been found in a population off the north western coast of Iceland. Conspicuously shorter maximum lifespan potentials (MLSPs) were recorded from other populations of A. islandica in European waters (e.g. Kiel Bay: 30 years, German Bight: 150 years) which experience wider temperature and salinity fluctuations than the clams from Iceland. The aim of my thesis was to identify possible life-prolonging physiological strategies in A. islandica and to examine the modulating effects of extrinsic factors (e.g. seawater temperature, food availability) and intrinsic factors (e.g. species-specific behavior) on these strategies. Burrowing behavior and metabolic rate depression (MRD), tissue-specific antioxidant and anaerobic capacities as well as cell-turnover (= apoptosis and proliferation) rates were investigated in A. islandica from Iceland and the German Bight. An inter-species comparison of the quahog with the epibenthic scallop Aequipecten opercularis (MLSP = 8-10 years) was carried out in order to determine whether bivalves with short lifespans and different lifestyles also feature a different pattern in cellular maintenance and repair. The combined effects of a low-metabolic lifestyle, low oxidative damage accumulation, and constant investment into cellular protection and tissue maintenance, appear to slow-down the process of physiological aging in A. islandica and to afford the extraordinarily long MLSP in this species. Standard metabolic rates were lower in A. islandica when compared to the shorter-lived A. opercularis. Furthermore, A. islandica regulate mantle cavity water PO2 to mean values < 5 kPa, a PO2 at which the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in isolated gill tissues of the clams was found to be 10 times lower than at normoxic conditions (21 kPa). Burrowing and metabolic rate depression (MRD) in Icelandic specimens were more pronounced in winter, possibly supported by low seawater temperature and food availability, and seem to be key energy-saving and life-prolonging parameters in A. islandica. The signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO) may play an important role during the onset of MRD in the ocean quahog by directly inhibiting cytochome-c-oxidase at low internal oxygenation upon shell closure. In laboratory experiments, respiration of isolated A. islandica gills was completely inhibited by chemically produced NO at low experimental PO2 <= 10 kPa. During shell closure, mantle cavity water PO2 decreased to 0 kPa for longer than 24 h, a state in which ROS production is supposed to subside. Compared to other mollusk species, onset of anaerobic metabolism is late in A. islandica in the metabolically reduced state. Increased accumulation of the anaerobic metabolite succinate was initially detected in the adductor muscle of the clams after 3.5 days under anoxic incubation or in burrowed specimens. A ROS-burst was absent in isolated gill tissue of the clams following hypoxia (5 kPa)-reoxygenation (21 kPa). Accordingly, neither the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), nor the specific content of the ROS-scavenger glutathione (GSH) was enhanced in different tissues of the ocean quahog after 3.5 days of self-induced or forced hypoxia/anoxia to prepare for an oxidative burst. While reduced ROS formation compared to routine levels lowers oxidative stress during MRD and also during surfacing, the general preservation of high cellular defense and the efficient removal and replacement of damaged cells over lifetime seem to be of crucial importance in decelerating the senescent decline in tissues of A. islandica. Along with stable antioxidant protection over 200 years of age, proliferation rates and apoptosis intensities in most investigated tissues of the ocean quahog were low, but constant over 140 years of age. Accordingly, age-dependent accumulations of protein and lipid oxidation products are lower in A. islandica tissues when compared to the shorter-lived bivalve A. opercularis. The short-lived swimming scallop is a model bivalve species representing the opposite life and aging strategy to A. islandica. In this species permanently high energy throughput, reduced investment into antioxidant defense with age, and higher accumulation of oxidation products are met by higher cell turnover rates than in the ocean quahog. The only symptoms of physiological change over age ever found in A. islandica were decreasing cell turnover rates in the heart muscle over a lifetime of 140 years. This may either indicate higher damage levels and possibly ongoing loss of functioning in the heart of aging clams, or, the opposite, lower rates of cell damage and a reduced need for cell renewal in the heart tissue of A. islandica over lifetime. Basic physiological capacities of different A. islandica populations, measured at controlled laboratory conditions, could not explain considerable discrepancies in population specific MLSPs. For example, levels of tissue-specific antioxidant capacities and cell turnover rates were similarly high in individuals from the German Bight and from Iceland. Rather than genetic differences, the local impacts of environmental conditions on behavioral and physiological traits in the ocean quahog seem to be responsible for differences in population-specific MLSPs.


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Broadcast spawning marine invertebrates are susceptible to environmental stressors such as climate change, as their reproduction depends on the successful meeting and fertilization of gametes in the water column. Under near-future scenarios of ocean acidification, the swimming behaviour of marine invertebrate sperm is altered. We tested whether this was due to changes in sperm mitochondrial activity by investigating the effects of ocean acidification on sperm metabolism and swimming behaviour in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. We used a fluorescent molecular probe (JC-1) and flow cytometry to visualize mitochondrial activity (measured as change in mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP). Sperm MMP was significantly reduced in delta pH -0.3 (35% reduction) and delta pH -0.5 (48% reduction) treatments, whereas sperm swimming behaviour was less sensitive with only slight changes (up to 11% decrease) observed overall. There was significant inter-individual variability in responses of sperm swimming behaviour and MMP to acidified seawater. We suggest it is likely that sperm exposed to these changes in pH are close to their tipping point in terms of physiological tolerance to acidity. Importantly, substantial inter-individual variation in responses of sperm swimming to ocean acidification may increase the scope for selection of resilient phenotypes, which, if heritable, could provide a basis for adaptation to future ocean acidification.


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We investigated the effects of pH on movement behaviors of the harmful algal bloom causing raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo. Motility parameters from >8000 swimming tracks of individual cells were quantified using 3D digital video analysis over a 6-h period in 3 pH treatments reflecting marine carbonate chemistry during the pre-industrial era, currently, and the year 2100. Movement behaviors were investigated in two different acclimation-to-target-pH conditions: instantaneous exposure and acclimation of cells for at least 11 generations. There was no negative impairment of cell motility when exposed to elevated PCO2 (i.e., low pH) conditions but there were significant behavioral responses. Irrespective of acclimation condition, lower pH significantly increased downward velocity and frequency of downward swimming cells (p < 0.001). Rapid exposure to lower pH resulted in 9% faster downward vertical velocity and up to 19% more cells swimming downwards (p < 0.001). Compared to pH-shock experiments, pre-acclimation of cells to target pH resulted in ~30% faster swimming speed and up to 46% faster downward velocities (all p < 0.001). The effect of year 2100 PCO2 levels on population diffusivity in pre-acclimated cultures was >2-fold greater than in pH-shock treatments (2.2 × 105 µm**2/s vs. 8.4 × 104 µm**2/s). Predictions from an advection-diffusion model, suggest that as PCO2 increased the fraction of the population aggregated at the surface declined, and moved deeper in the water column. Enhanced downward swimming of H. akashiwo at low pH suggests that these behavioral responses to elevated PCO2 could reduce the likelihood of dense surface slick formation of H. akashiwo through reductions in light exposure or growth independent surface aggregations. We hypothesize that the HAB alga's response to higher PCO2 may exploit the signaling function of high PCO2 as indicative of net heterotrophy in the system, thus indicative of high predation rates or depletion of nutrients.


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Most studies on the impact of near-future levels of carbon dioxide on fish behaviour report behavioural alterations, wherefore abnormal behaviour has been suggested to be a potential consequence of future ocean acidification and therefore a threat to ocean ecosystems. However, an increasing number of studies show tolerance of fish to increased levels of carbon dioxide. This variation among studies in susceptibility highlights the importance of continued investigation of the possible effects of elevated pCO2. Here, we investigated the impacts of increased levels of carbon dioxide on behaviour using the goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris), which is a common species in European coastal waters and widely used as cleaner fish to control sea lice infestation in commercial fish farming in Europe. The wrasses were exposed to control water conditions (370 µatm) or elevated pCO2 (995 µatm) for 1 month, during which time behavioural trials were performed. We investigated the possible effects of CO2 on behavioural lateralization, swimming activity, and prey and predator olfactory preferences, all behaviours where disturbances have previously been reported in other fish species after exposure to elevated CO2. Interestingly, we failed to detect effects of carbon dioxide for most behaviours investigated, excluding predator olfactory cue avoidance, where control fish initially avoided predator cue while the high CO2 group was indifferent. The present study therefore shows behavioural tolerance to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the goldsinny wrasse. We also highlight that individual fish can show disturbance in specific behaviours while being apparently unaffected by elevated pCO2 in other behavioural tests. However, using experiments with exposure times measured in weeks to predict possible effects of long-term drivers, such as ocean acidification, has limitations, and the behavioural effects from elevated pCO2 in this experiment cannot be viewed as proof that these fish would show the same reaction after decades of evolution.